Python script to change the image lifetime in the Quay container registry. Allows you to set different lifetimes for different tags according to a regular expression. Will not change existing TTL labels.
Add this script to your scheduler (crontab, systemd timer, kubernetes cronJo or similar) and keep your container registry clean. No more junk tags, intermediate versions live for a limited time, only releases stay forever.
Quay has support for the
label which allows you to set the lifetime of an artifact at the build stage in your CI pipeline. But not all good fellows use it, that's why this script appeared, for total control over the lifetime of images.
- URL of Quay instance.
Takes precedence over YAML configuration keyquay.url
and it's the same.QUAY_TOKEN
- Token with owner or admin permissions for change expiration.
Takes precedence over YAML configuration keyquay.token
and it's the same.QUAY_DRY_RUN
- Test run script for review, will not change anything.
Takes precedence over YAML configuration keyquay.dry_run
and it's the same.QUAY_IMAGE_EXPIRE
- Default image expiration time.
Takes precedence over YAML configuration keyquay.default_expiration
and it's the same.
Default config stored in config.yml
url: # URL of Quay instance
token: # Token with owner or admin permissions for change expiration
dry_run: false # Test run script for review, will not change anything.
exclude_projects: # List of ignored projects
- group/project
default_expiration: 336h # Default image expiration time.
expiration: # Regex rules for tags and expiration time for matches
- name: release
regex: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){2}$
expire: 0s
- name: double release
regex: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){2}(-(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){2})$
expire: 0s
- name: latest
regex: ^latest((\+|-)[0-9A-Za-z\.-]+){0,2}$
expire: 0s
- name: meta release
regex: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.(0|[1-9][0-9]*)){2}((\+|-)[0-9A-Za-z\.-]+){1,3}$
expire: 336h
- name: development
regex: ^(dev(el(op(ment)?)?)?|[0-9a-zA-Z-]*-rc)$
expire: 192h
Whatever the lifetime of the project/tag is not changed:
- The tag must already have a lifetime, by setting 999 years you explicitly tell it to live long, long enough I guess.
- The tag must match the regular expression where the time is set to
expire: 0s
- this means the tag will not disappear. - Add projects to the
list of the configuration and they will be skipped in the analysis.
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker run --rm -ti \
-e "QUAY_URL=https://quay.tld.local" \
-e "QUAY_DRY_RUN=true" \
-v "$(pwd):/app/config.yml" \
python -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
cp .env.example .env
editor .env
editor config.yml