Closed issues:
#2 Consumes enormous amount of RAM even after XMLTV aggregation finished fb27202 (reverted with 001d898)
#14 Remove unfiltered channel limit, show warning on exceeding plex channel limit instead 60a755a
#20 M3U parser ignores EXTGRP directive 4769c35...3704f9a
#21 M3U parser does not trim space prefix from channel name fb27202...4769c35
#22 Update mapping if it was changed in m3u playlist. Add checkbox for auto update 3ee7d8b
#24 Implement web client alerts. Add alert on database migration from <= 2.1.1. Defer close server websocket connection. 30dad33
#26 Display starting channel number in filter table. 60a755a...98a6468 (Thanks to joshjryan for the suggestion)
#27 Allow to sort filter table by any column 60a755a...ee54eb8
#28 Rework table sorting. Fixes: numeric entries are sorted as strings. Duplicated numeric entries are lost on sorting ee54eb8
Full Changelog: