QuadTree implementation with visiulization using SFML. QuadTree supports following operations:
- Insert point
- Erase point
- Find the provided point in the tree
- Query points from the selected rectangular area
- Apply visitor(can modify node) to each node in the tree
- Find point closest to the given point
# clone repo with submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:Roout/quad-tree.git quadtree
mkdir build && cd build
# configure
# you also may specify generator with -G "..." option
cmake ../quadtree
# build
cmake --build . --config Release
- SFML 2.5
- c++17
- CMake 3.17
The controls are described in the applications:
- Insert point into the tree: press right button of MOUSE
- Select one or more points from the workspace: use MOUSE (press left button and drag)
- Erase selected points: select points and press F