A suite of solutions for grabing information from sensors (GPS, change controller, ...) and send them through HERMES.
The implementation consists of a daemon which captures the data from the sensors (sensors_daemon*.py) and two commands which compress and decompress the captured data (enc_sensors and dec_sensors). The transport of the file is carried over UUCP through the use of uux. The station which captures the sensor data can be "gps-only" or "gps+battery" types. The server station receives and routes the data over email.
The Python libraries used are:
- GPS3: https://github.com/Rhizomatica/gps3
- epevermodbus: https://github.com/Rhizomatica/epevermodbus
The setup for capture sensors data station can be "gps+battery" or "gps-only".
To compile for "gps-only" use:
To compile for "gps+battery" use:
To compile for server station:
$ make
For "gps-only" stations use:
$ make install_gps_only
For "battery+gps" stations use:
$ make install_gps_only
For server station:
$ make install
Rafael Diniz at Rhizomatica