Solutions for course: "Applied Game Theory" taken at University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Technical Sciences
- BlackJack bot (Temporal-Difference Q-Learning) [code]
- Comparison of Q-Learning, SARSA an Monte-Carlo BlackJack agents
- Bonus problem: Player VS Computer Tic-Tac-Toe (Q-learning)
- Comparison of Q-Learning, SARSA an Monte-Carlo BlackJack agents
- Cournot competition [code] [pdf]
- Replicator equations and Analysis of stability for stationary states for the following evolutonary games: "Hawk and Dove" and "Rock, Papers, Scissors" [pdf]
- Evolutionary game simulation [hawk_and_dove_code] [rock_paper_scissors_code]
- Replicator equations and Analysis of stability for stationary states for the following evolutonary games: "Hawk and Dove" and "Rock, Papers, Scissors" [pdf]
- Differential game with N aircrafts simulation [code]
Mathematical solutions [pdf] are written in Serbian language.