We are designing a dating App which provides users to socialize and connect to other people
USERS: Username: [email protected] Password: akansha123
Username: [email protected] Password:damon123
Username:[email protected] Password: carolina123
If you want to check other emails username is [email protected] and password is firstname123
ADMIN: Username: [email protected] Password: damon123
- Node js with npm
- mongoDB
Steps to run:
- In terminal install libraries with "npm install" command
- After installation run the application using "npm start"
How to use:
- Create an account and login with the credintials.
- The first page you see is the recommendations page where you can see all the recommended users where you can accept and reject.
- Then we have my profile page where we can see our own profile and edit profile.
- We have notifications page where we get a notification if someone accepts you and sends a message
- We have my matches page which shows matched users.