This repository delivers ESVO2, an event-based stereo visual-inertial odometry system built on top of our previous work ESVO [3]. It is a direct method that solves the tracking and mapping problems in parallel by leveraging the spatio-temporal coherence in the stereo event data. It alleviates ESVO's high computational complexity in mapping and address its degeneracy in camera pose tracking. To the best of our knowledge, the system is the first published work that achieves real-time performance using a standard CPU on event cameras of VGA pixel resolution.
[1] ESVO2: Direct Visual-Inertial Odometry with Stereo Event Cameras, Junkai Niu, Sheng Zhong, Xiuyuan Lu, Shaojie Shen, Guillermo Gallego, Yi Zhou, arxiv. PDF, Video.
[2] IMU-Aided Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry, Junkai Niu, Sheng Zhong, Yi Zhou, ICRA 2024. PDF, Video.
[3] Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry, Yi Zhou, Guillermo Gallego, Shaojie Shen, IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 37(5):1433-1450, 2021. Project page, PDF, Video.
[4] Semi-dense 3D Reconstruction with a Stereo Event Camera, Yi Zhou, Guillermo Gallego, Henri Rebecq, Laurent Kneip, Hongdong Li, Davide Scaramuzza, ECCV 2018. PDF, Poster, Video.
We have tested ESVO2 on machines with the following configurations
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + ROS Noetic + OpenCV 4.2 + Eigen 3.3.9 + Ceres 1.14.0
To work with event cameras, especially for the Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVS/DAVIS), you need to install some drivers. Please follow the instructions (steps 1-3) at rpg_dvs_ros before moving on to the next step. Note that you need to replace the name of the ROS distribution with the one installed on your computer.
We use catkin tools to build the code. You should have it installed during the driver installation.
If you have problems installing libcare, you can try the following command
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inivation-ppa/inivation
sudo apt-get install libcaer-dev
You should have created a catkin workspace in Section 1.1. If not, please go back and create one.
Clone this repository into the src
folder of your catkin workspace.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Then clone the required dependency packages
sudo apt install libgflags
sudo apt install libgoogle-glog-dev
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
If you don't have a yaml library, please install one. But if you already have a yaml library, please do not install it repeatedly, as it will cause version conflicts.
# if you don't have a yaml
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd yaml-cpp
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DYAML_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ..
make -j
Finally compile it.
cd ~/catkin_ws
This package implements a node that constantly updates the stereo event maps (i.e., time surfaces). To launch it independently, open a terminal and run the command:
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch image_representation image_representation.launch
Then play the input (already downloaded) bag file by running
rosbag play xxx.bag --clock
If lag occurs during the run, try to reduce the rate of rosbag
rosbag play xxx.bag --clock -r 0.5
Since the rosbag with event and IMU data is not provided in the datasets, we repackage the required data as the input for the system.
You can access most of the rosbag files we repacked through the download link. The repacked data for each dataset is stored in folders named after the dataset. Our own recorded datasets are stored in the "Ours" folder, where "hnu_campus" corresponds to the data shown in Fig. 1 of the ESVO2 paper, and "hnu_peachlake" corresponds to the data shown in Fig. 12 of the paper. In addition, if you need to repack packages from h5 file, please use the code from
After you get the repackaged data, you can try running it using the following command.
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch esvo2_core system_xxx.launch
This will launch two image_representation nodes (for left and right event cameras, respectively), the mapping node and the tracking node simultaneously. Then play the input (already downloaded) bag file by running
rosbag play xxx.bag --clock
The trajectories will be saved in the path in /cfg/tracking_xxx.yaml
The original ESVO2 trajectories and GT poses for various sequences on the 5 datasets mentioned in the paper are available here.
: SetTrue
for all offline experiments, which use simulation time. -
: SetTrue
for distortion correction. -
: Set2
to generate AA and TS in paralle. -
: The constant exponential decay parameter (unit: ms). -
: Determines the size of the kernel for denoising the time surface. -
: Determines the size of the kernel for smoothing the time surface. -
: Left camera or not. -
: The patch nums used in AA generation (x dimension). -
: The patch nums used in AA generation (y dimension). -
: The generation rate of TS and AA.
Event Matching
: Determines the thickness of the temporal slice (unit: sec).EM_Time_THRESHOLD
: Temporal simultaneity threshold.EM_EPIPOLAR_THRESHOLD
: Epipolar constraint threshold.EM_TS_NCC_THRESHOLD
: Motion consistency threshold.EM_NUM_EVENT_MATCHING
: Maximum number of events for event matching.
Block Matching
: Determines the thickness of the temporal slice (unit: sec).BM_min_disparity
: Minimum searching distance for epipolar matching.BM_max_disparity
: Maximum searching distance for epipolar matching.BM_step
: Epipolar searching interval.BM_ZNCC_Threshold
: ZNCC-based matching threshold.BM_bUpDownConfiguration
: A flag that indicates the direction of the stereo baseline (True: up-down; False: left-right).bSmoothTimeSurface
: To smooth the time surfaces or not.
Fusion parameters
: Lower bound for the resulting inverse depth.invDepth_max_range
: Upper bound for the resulting inverse depth.residual_vis_threshold
: Threshold on the temporal residual of the inverse depth estimates.stdVar_vis_threshold
: Threshold on the uncertainty of the inverse depth estimates.age_vis_threshold
: Threshold on the number of fusion operations (inverse depth estimates).age_max_range
: Upper bound for the age (used for visualization only).fusion_radius
: Determines the number of pixels that are involved in the depth fusion.FUSION_STRATEGY
: Fusion strategy. (use CONST_FRAMES or CONST_POINTS)maxNumFusionFrames
: Determines how many frames (observations) are fused to the current time. (used in CONST_FRAMES mode)maxNumFusionPoints
: Determines how many points are fused to the current time. (used in CONST_POINTS mode)Regularization
: Perform regularization on the resulting inverse depth map.PROCESS_EVENT_NUM
: Maximum number of depth estimates performed at every observation.TS_HISTORY_LENGTH
: The number of time surfaces maintained.INIT_SGM_DP_NUM_THRESHOLD
: Minimum number of depth points needed from SGM-based initialization.mapping_rate_hz
: Updating rate of the mapping node.patch_size_X
: Size of patches on the time surface for static BM (x dimension).patch_size_Y
: Size of patches on the time surface for static BM (y dimension).patch_size_X_2
: Size of patches on the time surface for temporal BM (x dimension).patch_size_Y_2
: Size of patches on the time surface for temporal BM (y dimension).LSnorm
: Least squares method choice (use l2 or Tdist).Tdist_nu
: Parameter of the applied Student's t distribution.Tdist_scale
: Parameter of the applied Student's t distribution.Tdist_stdvar
: Parameter of the applied Student's t distribution.bVisualizeGlobalPC
: SetTrue
to visualize global pointcloud.visualizeGPC_interval
: Time interval to push new points to global pointcloud.NumGPC_added_oper_refresh
: Number of points pushed to global pointcloud.
Point Sampling parameters
: This operation helps to denoise events that are induced by reflection of VICON. SetTrue
: The number of points sampled from the newest events for BM .PROCESS_EVENT_NUM_AA
: The number of points sampled from AA for BM.x_patches
: The patch nums used for points sampling on AA (x dimension).y_patches
: The patch nums used for points sampling on AA (y dimension).select_points_from_AA
: SetTrue
to use AA for points sampling.eta_for_select_points
: The gradient threshold (dx / dy) of sampled points used for static BM.
: Lower bound for the depth of input pointcoud. (Used for visualization only).invDepth_max_range
: Upper bound for the depth of input pointcoud. (Used for visualization only).TS_HISTORY_LENGTH
: The number of time surfaces maintained.REF_HISTORY_LENGTH
: The number of reference local maps maintained.tracking_rate_hz
: Updating rate of the tracking node.patch_size_X
: Size of patches on the time surface (x dimension).patch_size_Y
: Size of patches on the time surface (y dimension).kernelSize
: Kernel size for smoothing the negative time surface.MAX_REGISTRATION_POINTS
: Maximum number of 3D points that are involved in the 3D-2D registration.BATCH_SIZE
: Number of 3D points used in each iteration.MAX_ITERATION
: Maximum number of iterations.LSnorm
: Choice of Least-squares method. (use Huber or l2)huber_threshold
: Huber norm parameter.MIN_NUM_EVENTS
: Threshold on the number of events occurred since the last observation. This one is used to check if enough stimuli are perceived by the event camera.RegProblemType
: Jacobian computation manner (0
: SetTrue
to save trajectory.SEQUENCE_NAME
: Assign it when saving the trajectory.VISUALIZE_TRAJECTORY
: SetTrue
to visualize path.USE_IMU
: SetTrue
to use imu data.
- Real-time performance is witnessed on a desktop with an Intel Core i7-14700k CPU.
To get real-time performance, you need a powerful PC with modern CPUs which supports at least 6 threads. Remember to keep you computer cool!
The mapping and tracking are loosely coupled, which indicates that the failure of anyone will lead to bad results of the other, and hence of the whole system.
If you use a PC with limited computational resources, you could slow down the playback of the rosbag by a factor, e.g.
$ rosbag play xxx.bag -r 0.5 --clock
In this example, the bag file is played at a factor of 0.5, and thus, the synchronization signal is set to 50 Hz accordingly. These modifications must be made accordingly such that the time surface is updated (refreshed) at 100 Hz in simulation time. You can check this by running,
$ rostopic hz /TS_left
$ rostopic hz /TS_right
They are both supposed to be approximately 100 Hz.
- The
is implemented using hyper-thread techniques. Please modify the number of threads used for mapping and tracking according to your PC's capability. The parameters can be found ininclude/esvo2_core/tools/utils.h
. - Note that ESVO2 is non-deterministic, namely results may be different each time you run it on the same rosbag file. This is due to stochastic operations involved in the tracking, and also, the parallelism of the system. The performance differs according to the condition of your PC, e.g. you will get better efficiency if you turn off all other running programmes.