Welcome to my github page! I'm Lebyy a code-enthusiast.
I love to play video game's when I have free time or when I am not coding / creating something especially game's from the GTA Series and Minecraft
I inspire most of my open source package's code from fellow programmer's (they are ofc wayyy better than me) like Androz2091, DevSnowflake, Nico105...
Almost 90% of my projects yet are open-sourced and are available on my github profile. It's not alot atm 😅
I'm the maintainer of more than 5 open source projects, such as:
- SmartestChatBot, A package for using the Affiliate+ API ChatBot Easily!
- Artist SMP Powers Plugin, A Minecraft plugin made for Artist SMP to facilitate player powers.
- Discord Messages, A lightweight and easy to use message tracking framework for discord bots, uses MongoDB.
- Voice Time Tracker Bot, 🔊 | Voice Time Tracker Bot using the discord-voice package.
- Quick.Replit, A quick and easy wraper to interact with the replit database!
- Discord Voice, ⏲️ A complete framework to facilitate the tracking of user voice time using discord.js.
- and more coming soon... !
When I need to build things, I usually use Node.js with
TypeScript for my bots, open-source projects and APIs and for the database I prefer using
Mongo DB.
I also love discovering and getting more information about new languages or frameworks for my upcoming projects, so feel free to send me a message with your recommendations on Discord or Twitter!
I'm available on Discord and Twitter.
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.