Check out my personal website -> https://katpurpy.github.io <-
2022 - now - https://katpurpy.github.io/ - Personal website, html and css, javascript for background. Custom Hugo template.
2022 - ASMLE - https://github.com/KatPurpy/ASMLE
- x86 assembly.
- Clone of WORDLE in 512 bytes. A computer without an OS can run it. Contains 64 words.
2022 - Deer God, Sun, no - https://katpurpy.itch.io/deer-god-sun-no
- Custom C++ engine using liquidfun library for physics.
- Created for OLCJAM 2022 game jam.
- A short chaotic 2D destruction experience where you play as an angry sun that burns down everything.
2022 - Super Monkey Post Celebration Diet - https://katpurpy.itch.io/smpcd
- Reused my custom game engine from Super Monkey Bathtub Racing.
- Made for MonoGameJam4.
- Doodle Jump but with actual progression. An experiment in increasing difficulty based on user's upgrades and not on "level".
2022 - Cats Love Heat - https://kat-purpy.itch.io/cats-love-heat
- TIC-80 (game framework) in JavaScript mode.
- A challenging 2D platformer made for New Year.
2021 - Super Monkey Bathtub Racing - https://katpurpy.itch.io/smbr
- Custom C# game engine based on MonoGame.
- Made for MonoGameJam3.
- A critically acclaimed so-bad-it’s-good top down racing game.
2020 - PyuTas - https://kat-purpy.itch.io/pyutas-techdemo
- Custom C# 3D game engine based on MonoGame.
- A short top down shooter with retro aesthetics.
2018 - Paint Master the game - https://kat-purpy.itch.io/paint-master-the-game
- Unity.
- A 2D platformer in 3D environment.
2017 - Once Upon A Time When The Universe Died - https://kat-purpy.itch.io/deaduniverse
- Unity/C# and custom build scripts to automate publishing.
- A top down puzzle game about pushing shapes and avoiding monsters.
2016 - JigCube - https://kat-purpy.itch.io/jigcube
- Unity/C#
- A colorful puzzle game involving tetrominos