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The joint bibliographies of the KWARC group. Automatically built by travis.


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The KWARC.bib repository


The repository contains the bib resources of the KWARC group, most notably the citation database kwarc.bib. It is generated automatically by concatenating several source files via a GitHub Action workflow. We additionally use the Workflow to generate
publication websites with the help of LaTeXML - see (far below).

Using the KWARC bibs

In the simplest case, just clone the repository, and extend your BIBINPUTS environment variable so that it can find it. On a UNIX system something like the following should work.

cd /path/to/your/setup
mkdir -p KWARC
git clone
echo 'export BIBINPUTS="${BIBINPUTS}:/path/to/your/setup/KWARC/bibs:"' >> ~/.bashrc

Your BIBINPUTS should look something like this: ".//:/path/to/your/setup/KWARC/bibs:".

Of course you will have to replace /path/to/your/setup with a path appropriate to your system.

If you want to use the KWARC in a revision control system for a larger group, read (far) below.

File structure

This repository contains two main folders: src/ and dist/. The first folder contains the sources used to generate the content of the latter. All bib files are toplevel.

Bib files

The top-level bib files concatenated to create the unified kwarc.bib file. The sources are:

  • preamble.bib – LaTeX preamble that defines shared macros and strings
  • kwarcpubs.bib – individual publications of KWARC members (e.g. @article, @inproceedings)
  • kwarccrossrefs.bib – crossref targets (e.g. @proceedings) edited by KWARC members (e.g. when one of us chaired a workshop)
  • extpubs.bib – publications by external researchers (which may cross-reference targets in kwarccrossrefs.bib!)
  • extcrossrefs.bib – crossref targets edited by external researchers, regardless of whether KWARC or external publications refer to them.
  • deprecated.bib deprecated citations that are still kept in kwarc.bib to format old papers. NOTE that they may contain double crossrefs that need to be fixed manually (the bib is mostly for documentation purposes), best by moving to the non-deprecated versions.

For making citations in your documents, you can simply continue to use the all-in-one kwarc.bib (but keep in mind that it is not editable!), or alternatively you can use the individual files. In the latter case, use the following order:

  1. preamble.bib
  2. pubs.bib
  3. crossrefs.bib


The source files do not have any particular order.

Do not use any graphical frontend for editing, but use a text editor, as the latter makes sure that changes are easy to spot when using Git/Subversion's diff.

Do not touch anything that you don't understand.

It is easiest to create new entries by copying and modifying existing ones.

Online Publications

For online publications, it is strongly recommended to use BibLaTeX's @online{foo:on} entries; see

Most online publications come in multiple variants for compatibility with legacy publication workflows (such as LNCS). The naming scheme is:

  • @online{entry:on} -- BibLaTeX online entry
  • @webpage{entry:webpage} -- alpha[h]url, an older solution for online citations
  • @misc{entry:web} -- plain BibTeX entry
  • @misc{entry:base} -- crossref'd by the others above, contains common fields, not suitable for citation

Publication Pages

We use the GitHub workflow to generate
publication websites with the help of LaTeXML. Additionally, we generate specific publication pages for KWARC members, KWARC projects, and theses. This behavior is triggered by the pubs key in the bibTeX entries: an entry with pubs = {foo,bar} will be listed in the publication pages and

The Build Process

In a nutshell, the build process transforms kwarcpubs.bib and kwarccrossrefs.bib to LTXML format via LaTeXML. Then we run the script src/pubs/publist.xsl over it for all the values from the pubs= field in the bibTeX entries that are registered in the variable in the Makefile. publist.xsl selects the respective items and makes a html file from that. The results are committed to the gh-pages branch and are then hosted by GitHub.

For details see the top-level Makefile.

Adding a Person or Project Page to the Publication Pages (Generation)

To add a person to the publication pages

  1. update the bib.people or bib.projects variable in the top-level Makefile and add the username of the person or project to add
  2. update the <xsl:choose> statement in src/pubs/publist.xsl to set the real name of the person or project to be added. GitHub actions will re-build the web page (takes about 20 min), but you should probably test by building locally first.

Building locally

The website and concatenated files are generated and pushed automatically via GitHub Actions. For building locally we use a Makefile. It has the following targets:

  • all = dist
  • dist = bib pubs
  • bib Takes the individual .bib files and concatenates them into kwarc.bib
  • xml Takes the individual .bib files and generates xml versions of them in dist/ltxml/*.bib.xml using latexml. The generated files are .gitignored as users should not need them.
  • html Takes the generated xml files from above and uses latexml and xslt to first generate .tex files in dist/tex/name-type.tex and then html files dist/html/name-type.html. Both types are gitignored. Uses an adapted version of the generate-pubwww script, now found in src/html/generate.html.
  • pubs Takes the generated html files and builds a nice-looking bibliography in dist/pubs. The output is .gitignored and intended to be committed to a gh-pages branch later on. Although that would still need an index.html, but that should not be a problem.
  • clean-bib, clean-xml, clean-html, clean-pubsRemoves files generated by an individual target.
  • clean Removes all generated files

The xml and html targets depend on a working latexml installation. The html and pubs targets also need xsltproc.

Using this repo in a paper repository

We write most of our papers in git repositories, there it is usually a good idea to make this repository into an external sub-repository that can be updated as necessary. In the instructions below we assume that you - as the paper repos maintainer - want to add the KWARC bibs as a sub-repository at path lib/kbibs from the top of the paper repository.

The best way for GIT

is via the git-subrepo extension of git. Unfortunately this is not part of git (yet). So you as the paper repos maintainer have to install it first if you want to install the KWARC bibs as a subrepos. Your users do not, they will get the subrepos automatically on git clone or git pull.

  1. go to the top of your paper prehistory: cd path/to/top (you can only make a "subrepo" from there)
  2. add the KWARC bibs repos as a "subrepo": git subrepo clone [email protected]:KWARC/bibs.git lib/kbibs

Note that under git-subrepo the "external" is not updated automatically, a maintainer has to "pull" it. This can be seen as a feature and not a bug (there is less of a chance to break things).

  1. go to the top of your paper repository: cd path/to/top (you can only pull from there)
  2. pull the KWARC bibs repos as a "subrepo": git subrepo pull lib/kbibs

To contribute changes back to the the KWARC bibs repository, you analogously do

  1. go to the top of your paper prehistory: cd path/to/top (you can only push from there)
  2. pull the KWARC bibs repos as a "subrepo": git subrepo push lib/kbibs


The second best way for GIT

is via git subtree.

  1. go to the top of your paper repository: cd path/to/top
  2. add the KWARC bibs repos as a remote: git remote add kbibs [email protected]:KWARC/bibs.git under the name kbibs.
  3. add the remote kbibs as a subtree: git subtree add --prefix=lib/kbibs kbibs master --squash (here under the path lib/kbibs). The --squash reduces history noise.

When you want to update the subrepository to the newest version, you have to "subtree pull" as above:

  1. go to the top of your paper repository: cd path/to/top
  2. subtree-pull: git subtree pull --prefix=lib/kbibs kbibs master --squash this is a bit inconvenient, but works well.

Contributing back to the KWARC bibs repository is somewhat more complex; RTFM!

Externals in SVN

In a subversion repository you can must make an external by

  1. go to the top of your paper prehistory: cd path/to/top
  2. make the lib subdir if necessary: mkdir lib
  3. add the external: svn propedit svn:externals lib
  4. an editor will appear, add the line kbibs bibs
  5. commit your work: svn commit -m'adding external for the KWARC bibs'

Note that in SVN any svn update will update the KWARC bibs in the external as well.


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The joint bibliographies of the KWARC group. Automatically built by travis.







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