"port": 8080, // port where backend and website is working
"mongodb_url": "url to link database", // get this from mongodb
"image_api_key": "api key to upload your images to imgbb", // get this from imgbb
"cookie_string": "some random secure string", // random key can be anything
"admin_pass": "pass you will use to login as admin", // password
"admin_username": "username you will use to login as admin" // username
- login & signup
- add to cart
- info about past order
- payment gateway [ shows qr code ( cant trace back payment success or not) ]
- new product add
- product info
- add comments
- diffrent login page for admin
- 404 error page [ page not found ]
- saves all images in imagebb server
- saves all data in mongodb
- runs express server in backend which fetches and sends all data to front end
- admin routes :
[ api ]
- /login - match the username and pass and log them in
- /api/productadd - the details entered by user we send a post request to this endpoint
[ routes ]
- /admin - basicaly login page for admin which send data with post request to /login and saves pass and username in cookie
- /dashboard - after login admin is redirected to this page
- /admin_logout - it removes the saved cookies of admin username and pass
- /productadd - basically its page for admin to add new products to database
- public routes :
[ routes ]
- / - home page
- /404 - error page of saying url is not found
- /login - login page for users
- /signup - signup page for users
- /profile - shows user profile and past orders
- /cart - shows users cart
- /gateway - payment gateway
- /product-info/:productname - shows info about products
- /shop - shows all products
- /shop/Electronics - shows all Electronics products
- /shop/Toys - shows all Toys products
- /shop/Clothing - shows all Clothing products
- /shop/Jewellery - shows all Jewellery products
[ api ]
- /api/user/signup - handles signup requests
- /api/user/login - handles login requests
- /api/cart/update - handles cart add and remove requests
- /api/comment/add - adds comments
- stores userid in session for 1 day then delete that userid is fetched by database
- stores encrypted passwords in database
- check session userid to check if user is logged in or not