List of resources to learn deep learning
- Tiny Datasets for experimenting with Deeplearning Algorithms.
- List of the biggest machine learning datasets from across the web.
Learn about basics of Machine Learning:
- Machine learning - Video series
- What is Machine Learning - Comparison with X
- DanB machine learning tutorials
- High level view of ML
- One hot encoding
- Feature Engineering
- Lexical Analysis Terminologies
- Xgboost example 1
- Xgboost example 2
- Google Machine Learning Crash Course
- ML Cheatsheet with various Python examples
- History of deep learning - very high level overview
- How to Make Data Amazing
- Super awesome psudo code of all important Deep Learning algorithms
- Terminologies
- What is intuition in Deep Learning?
- Deep Learning tutorials by DanB
- Deep Learning Course by Kaggle
- Backpropogation in Python from scratch
- Saving Keras model and weights
- Getting started with the Keras Sequential model
- Gradient Descent Optimization Algorithms
- Model Loss Functions in Keras
- Linear Algebra for Deep Learning cheat sheet
- Linear Algebra for Deep Learning cheat sheet 2
- In-depth
- Friendly guide to CNN
- CNN Cat vs Dog in Keras
- Really good CNN notebook demo + Flask
- Easy to follow CNN digit recogniser tutorial
- Capsule Network
- CNN for beginners
- CNN in detail by Stanford
- CNN cifar10 implementation in TF
- CNN cifar10 implementation in TF 2
- Andrew Ng Youtube series
- CNN Striding
- Dropout
- Keras classification example
- Cat vs Dog classification tutorial
- Cat vs Dog classification Keras
- VGG paper
- Deep learning for image denoising and superresolution
- Fast and Accurate Image Super Resolution by Deep CNN with Skip Connection and Network in Network
- Predict Sentiment From Movie Reviews Using Deep Learning
- LSTM + Word Embedding IMDB
- A Word2Vec Keras tutorial
- Kears Embedding Visualisation
- Nice ML and DL training
- DanB Kaggle Kernels
- My First Month as a Junior Data-Scientist
- How to read Maths notations
Curbing the roofline: a scalable and flexible architecture for CNNs on FPGA
CirCNN: accelerating and compressing deep neural networks using block-circulant weight matrices
Energy-Efficient CNN Implementation on a Deeply Pipelined FPGA Cluster
Going Deeper with Embedded FPGA Platform for Convolutional Neural Network
Automated Systolic Array Architecture Synthesis for High Throughput CNN Inference on FPGAs
Maximizing CNN Accelerator Efficiency Through Resource Partitioning
A Holistic Approach for Optimizing DSP Block Utilization of a CNN implementation on FPGA
Throughput-Optimized OpenCL-based FPGA Accelerator for Large-Scale Convolutional Neural Networks
Optimizing Loop Operation and Dataflow in FPGA Acceleration of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Accelerating Binarized Convolutional Neural Networks with Software-Programmable FPGAs
Why TanH is a Hardware Friendly Activation Function for CNNs
F-CNN: An FPGA-based framework for training Convolutional Neural Networks
A New Implementation of Fully Programmable Complete CNN Processor Core on FPGA
Implementing a CNN Universal Machine on FPGA: state-of-the-art and key challenges
Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA framework For Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantized CNN: A Unified Approach to Accelerate and Compress Convolutional Networks
fpgaConvNet: A Toolflow for Mapping Diverse Convolutional Neural Networks on Embedded FPGAs
The implementation of a Deep Recurrent Neural Network Language Model on a Xilinx FPGA
A GPU-Outperforming FPGA Accelerator Architecture for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
An efficient FPGA implementation of a DT-CNN for small image gray-scale pre-processing
Optimizing FPGA-based Accelerator Design for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
PipeCNN- An OpenCL-Based Open-Source FPGA Accelerator for Convolution Neural Networks