Welcome to Corstash!
The place where you can clear all your doubts about courses and professors
Softwares required:
- Node JS https://nodejs.org/en/download/
- MongoDB https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/installation/
- Redis https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/installation/
- Graphicsmagick https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/graphicsmagick
Start server cd server npm install npm run seed npm start
Start Client cd client npm install npm start
To create course or professor
Login using admin username: [email protected] password: Stevens123$
Call /courses [POST] Body: {name: "Computer Organization", "description": "It's very good"} Call /courses/:id/professors [POST] Body: {id: "existingProfessor"}
Similarly for professor
Call /professors [POST] Body: {name: "Edward Banduk", "description": "It's very good"} Call /professors/:id/courses [POST] Body: {id: "existingCourse"}
Regular user: username: [email protected] password: Stevens123$
( Deprecated! ) Public DNS: http://ec2-3-230-158-129.compute-1.amazonaws.com:3000