This monorepo hosts frontend packages and applications of the GlobalFishingWatch ecosystem.
All of them availables with the @globalfishingwatch/
api-client | JS library to simplify GFW API login and resources fetch |
api-types | API typescript schema definitions |
data-transforms | Set ot shared tools for data transformations |
datasets-client | A set of utils for handling api datasets |
dataviews-client | A set of utils for merge, combine and consume api dataviews into the apps |
deck-layer-composer | Map integration of the deck-layers |
deck-layers | Deck classes for GFW layers |
deck-loaders | Deck loaders for GFW layers |
fourwings-aggregate | 🗑️ Legacy 🗑️ Logic to turn fourwings tiles or cells into meaningful values for the frontend |
i18n-labels | GFW shared translations |
layer-composer | 🗑️ Legacy 🗑️ Orchestrates various Layer Generators to generate a Mapbox GL Style document |
ocean-areas | Small library to get ocean area / eez names by viewport or by text search |
pbf-decoders | PBF custom responses parsers |
react-hooks | Set of hooks to use libraries easily in react |
timebar | Timebar component, not many more to say |
ui-components | Reusable atoms components kit |
api-portal | Api documentation portal |
data-download-portal | The place to download datasets |
fishing-map-e2e | Cypress e2e testing for the map |
fishing-map | Version 3.0 of the fishing map project |
image-labeler | Labeling tool for satellite images |
port-labeler | Labeling tool for ports |
user-groups-admin | Tool to manage user groups with ease |
vessel-history | 🗑️ Legacy 🗑️ Vessel history app |
To create a new application using a template with sidebar + map + timebar just run:
config | Shared generic build config |
linting | Define eslint prettier and stylelint configurations |
We maintain our own forks of Mapbox GL to handle gridded temporal data (see temporalgrid
branches on both repos)
See: From WebGL triangles to Dataviews - Organizing visualization of data at GFW
The repo is using yarn workspaces so npm is not suported yet, to install yarn follow this instructions
For all packages:
yarn add [package] -W
Only for a specific package
cd apps/[you-app]
yarn add [package]
To install all packages dependencies just run:
Nx handles every app or library by its own project.json file, see for example fishing-map:
nx start [app-name]
To ensure git flow process, master branch will be protected to force opening PR to every change desired. For now, the only one strong recommendation is to tag every PR to prepare the changelog automatically.
To test all packages builds process run, useful to test everything works well before publishing.
nx build [app-name] --parallel
To replicate the prod build and serve it locally:
nx build-serve [app-name]
To generate the release notes you can run
nx release changelog [version] -i all -p [project] --from @globalfishingwatchapp/[app]@[prev-tag] --tagVersionPrefix @globalfishingwatchapp/[app] --dry-run