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Releases: GlideAngle/CIVL-GAP

Rule Changes for 2018

05 Jul 15:08
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Rule Changes for 2018 Pre-release

This release brings this project up to date with the 2018 edition. The changes are;

  • Using the Earth model of WGS84 for paragliding.
  • Decreasing tolerance for reaching a turnpoint cylinder.
  • Time points when ESS is reached but not goal.

As well I've updated the links to source documents.

Flare Timing

31 Jan 16:42
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Flare Timing Pre-release

This release steps through the process of scoring with flare-timing in an appendix, #4.

Also in the appendix, major variants of GAP (#25) are shown in a table as are default values (#22) that are used by FS if not present in an *.fsdb file.

  • The available arrival points graph has more examples of pilot numbers at ESS, #3 .
  • A footnote was added that a CESS be treated as a cylinder for the optimized route and a hatched line was added to better indicate ground level, #24.
  • The changes table has been replaced with a change log, #9.
  • Transcription errors of equations for leading factor and time points have been corrected, #5 & #6.
  • The source documents are listed as links, #10.
  • The document source has been broken up allowing faster compile times, #27, #30 & #31.
  • Compilation warnings have been fixed, #28 & #29.

Shortest Route on a Projected Plane

19 Jan 00:22
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This release adds a description of the shortest route algorithm used in FS, using line-circle intersections on a projected plane.

  • The leading factor and speed fraction equations squared value has changed.
  • Added a draft watermark.

Diagrams and Plots

21 Nov 11:29
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Diagrams and Plots Pre-release

This release replaces external images for diagrams and plots with those constructed from LaTeX.

  • Some plots are showing functions used such as this one for time validity

    \addplot[blue] {max(0, min(1, -0.271 + 2.912*x - 2.098*x^2 + 0.457*x^3))};
  • Fractions not percentages are shown on the y axis.

  • The distance point plot is missing the difficulty trace.

  • On point allocation plots, traces are not stacked.

Track 2017 1.0

19 Nov 20:21
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Track 2017 1.0 Pre-release

This second release attempts to match the 2017, revision 1.0 published edition of the CIVL GAP docs.

Mostly these changes are either deferring to 7A or unification of separate sections for hang-gliding and paragliding.

Track 2016 1.1

19 Nov 18:38
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Track 2016 1.1 Pre-release

This is the first release and attempts to match the 2016, revision 1.1 published edition of the CIVL GAP docs.

Compared to the CIVL published docs, this release;

  • Makes no attempt to show changes from the previous version with a vertical bar in the right margin.
  • Has hyperlinks to sections, tables and figures.
  • Where possible, aligns equations vertically, usually on the equals symbol.
  • Splits long equations using substitutions where a, b, c ... are used for substituted parts that are then shown separately on their own line like a = ....