notebook to process an NMR strayfield image from a CPMG sequence
The ipyhon notebooks in this directory are just short scripts to process NMR data acquired in the stray magnetic field of a supeconducting magnet.
The first example, "strayfield_imaging_phantom.ipynb", shows the processing of data collected using a CPMG pulse sequence of a phantom containing three thin (~1mm) circular disks of a polymer (bath corking material) seperated by two disks of cardboard. The diameter of the disks are 3mm. The sample was spun at 8 kHz at the magic angle.
Since GitHub can now display ipython notebooks, I thought I would give it a go to see if I can use it to store some of the scripts I use on a daily basis.
I doubt whether the scripts will be of any general use, but feel free to use them if you like.