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Introduction 🚀

 A_A       _    MOS Real-Time Operating System
o'' )_____//    Simple RTOS on Cortex-M
 `_/  MOS  )    Developed with C/C++, Tested on Renode
 (_(_/--(_/     [Apache License Version 2.0]

Installation 📦

  • Run git submodule init && git submodule update to pull the submodules.
  • Install arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain.
  • Install EIDE plugin, open *.code-workspace with VSCode, and run Build script to compile.
  • Install Renode emulation platform, and add renode to /usr/bin path.
  • Run ./ emulation/*.resc to start the emulation, type s to start, and q to quit.
  • Open a TCP connection to localhost:3333/3334 and observe the serial output.

Manual 📚

Repository 🌏

Architecture 🔍

├── 📁 emulation          // Renode emulation script
├── 📁 vendor              // Vendor HAL (SPL/HAL/LL/...)
├── 📁 core
│   ├── 📁 arch              // Architecture-Specific Code
│   │   └── cpu.hpp          // Initialization/Context Switching
│   │
│   ├── 📁 kernel            // Kernel Layer (Architecture-Independent)
│   │   ├── macro.hpp        // Kernel Constants Macro
│   │   ├── type.hpp         // Basic Types
│   │   ├── concepts.hpp     // Type Constraints (Optional)
│   │   ├── data_type.hpp    // Basic Data Structures
│   │   ├── alloc.hpp        // Memory Management
│   │   ├── global.hpp       // Kernel Layer Global Variables
│   │   ├── printf.h/.c      // Thread-Safe printf (Reference Open Source Implementation)
│   │   ├── task.hpp         // Task Control
│   │   ├── sync.hpp         // Synchronization Primitives
│   │   ├── scheduler.hpp    // Scheduler
│   │   ├── ipc.hpp          // Inter-Process Communication
│   │   └── utils.hpp        // Other Utilities
│   │
│   ├── config.h             // System Configuration
│   ├── kernel.hpp           // Kernel Modules
│   └── shell.hpp            // Shell Command Line
└── 📁 app                   // User Code
    ├── main.cpp             // Entry Function
    └── test.hpp             // Test Code

Example 🍎

Shell Test shell_demo

Mutex Test(Priority Ceiling Protocol) mutex_test

LCD Driver & GUI Demo

Concurrent Task Period & Time Sequence

// MOS Kernel & Shell
#include "mos/kernel.hpp"
#include "mos/shell.hpp"

// HAL and Device 
#include "drivers/stm32f4xx/hal.hpp"
#include "drivers/device/led.hpp"
namespace MOS::User::Global
    using namespace HAL::STM32F4xx;
    using namespace Driver::Device;
    using namespace DataType;

    // Shell I/O UART and Buffer
    auto& stdio = STM32F4xx::convert(USARTx);
    DataType::SyncRxBuf_t<16> io_buf;

    // LED red, green, blue
    Device::LED_t leds[] = {...};
namespace MOS::User::BSP
    using namespace Driver;
    using namespace Global;

    void LED_Config()
        for (auto& led: leds) {

    void USART_Config()
             .rx_config(PXa)  // RX -> PXa
             .tx_config(PYb)  // TX -> PYb
             .it_enable(RXNE) // Enable RXNE interrupt
             .enable();       // Enable UART
namespace MOS::User::App
    Sync::Barrier_t bar {2}; // Set Barrier to sync tasks

    void led1(Device::LED_t leds[])
        for (auto _: Range(0, 20)) {
           leds[1].toggle(); // green
            "%s exits...\n",

    void led0(Device::LED_t leds[])
        while (true) {
            leds[0].toggle(); // red
int main()
    using namespace MOS;
    using namespace Kernel;
    using namespace User;
    using namespace User::Global;

    BSP::config(); // Init hardware and clocks

    Task::create( // Create Calendar with RTC
        App::time_init, nullptr, 0, "time/init"

    Task::create( // Create Shell with buffer
        Shell::launch, &stdio.buf, 1, "shell"

    /* User Tasks */
    Task::create(App::led_init, &leds, 2, "led/init");

    /* Test examples */
    // Start scheduling, never return

Boot Up ⚡

 A_A       _   Version @ x.x.x(...)
o'' )_____//   Build   @ TIME, DATE
 `_/  MOS  )   Chip    @ MCU, ARCH
 (_(_/--(_/    2023-2024 Copyright by Eplankton

 Tid   Name   Priority   Status    Mem%
 #0    idle      15      READY      10%
 #1    shell      1      BLOCKED    21%
 #2    led0       2      RUNNING     9%

Version 🧾

📦 v0.1

✅ Done:

  • Basic data structures, scheduler, and task control, memory management

📌 Planned:

  • Timers, round-robin scheduling
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC), pipes, message queues
  • Process synchronization (Sync), semaphores, mutexes
  • Porting a simple Shell
  • Variable page sizes, memory allocator
  • SPI driver, porting GuiLite/LVGL graphics libraries
  • Porting to other boards/arch, e.g., ESP32-C3 (RISC-V)

📦 v0.2

✅ Done:

  • Synchronization primitives Sync::{Sema_t, Lock_t, Mutex_t<T>, CondVar_t, Barrier_t}
  • Scheduler::Policy::PreemptPri with round-robin RoundRobin scheduling for same priority levels
  • Task::terminate implicitly called upon task exit to reclaim resources
  • Simple command-line interaction Shell::{Command, CmdCall, launch}
  • HAL::STM32F4xx::SPI_t and Driver::Device::ST7735S_t, porting the GuiLite graphics library
  • Blocking delay with Kernel::Global::os_ticks and Task::delay
  • Refactored project organization into {kernel, arch, drivers}
  • Support for GCC compilation, compatible with STM32Cube HAL
  • Real-time calendar HAL::STM32F4xx::RTC_t, CmdCall::date_cmd, App::Calendar
  • idle uses Kernel::Global::zombie_list to reclaim inactive pages
  • Three basic page allocation policies Page_t::Policy::{POOL, DYNAMIC, STATIC}

📦 v0.3

✅ Done:

  • Mapping Tids to BitMap_t
  • Message queue IPC::MsgQueue_t
  • Task::create allows generic function signatures as void fn(auto argv) with type checker
  • Added ESP32-C3 as a WiFi component
  • Added Driver::Device::SD_t, SD card driver, porting FatFs file system
  • Added Shell::usr_cmds for user-registered commands
  • [Experimental] Atomic types <stdatomic.h>
  • [Experimental] Utils::IrqGuard_t, nested interrupt critical sections
  • [Experimental] Simple formal verification of Scheduler + Mutex

📌 Planned:

  • Inter-Process Communication: pipes/channels
  • FPU hardware float support
  • Performance benchmarking
  • Error handling with Result<T, E>, Option<T>
  • DMA_t DMA Driver
  • Software/hardware timers Timer
  • [Experimental] Adding POSIX support
  • [Experimental] Asynchronous stackless coroutines Async::{Future_t, async/await}
  • [Experimental] More real-time scheduling algorithms

📦 v0.4

✅ Done:

  • Shift to run Renode emulation platform, stable support for Cortex-M series
  • [Experimental] Add scheduler lock Scheduler::suspend()

References 🛸

There's a movie on TV.
Four boys are walking on railroad tracks...
I better go, too.