Bringing EnOcean protocol based devices in AllJoyn ecosystem using Microsoft DSB.
⦁ Abstract
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of connecting physical devices through the internet, but it does not define the standard process to connect them together. Therefore, different companies have defined own protocols/systems to create IoT products. These standards allow to connect devices which have the same standard, but it is also important to connect these standards together, especially with the legacy IoT protocols. For this purpose, every modern IoT standard provides a middleware connector to connect with other standards. In this Master thesis, the EnOcean protocol is integrated with the modern IoT system called AllJoyn.
The thesis goal is the design and implementation of a plugin prototype which connects the AllJoyn system with the EnOcean protocol. This goal is achievable with the help of the AllJoyn Device System Bridge (DSB) and the Smart EnOcean Gateway. First of all, an introduction of the related technologies and the purpose behind the thesis topic is presented. Then, concepts and architecture of AllJoyn, the AllJoyn DSB, and the EnOcean Gateway are explained separately in details. Finally, the communication architecture is defined between the AllJoyn DSB and the EnOcean gateway, and the implementation of chosen architecture is shown.
Concluding part evaluates the AllJoyn DSB implementation for the EnOcean protocol and identifies limitations and future work.