Install node16 and npm 8
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/DenseOriginal/AG-Lan.git
Open terminal/cmd and cd into cloned directory
cd AG-lan
Install dependincies use
npm install
Copy the file
and rename the copied file to.env
cp .envbase .env
Fill out configuration in the newly created
file You have to create an application onhttps://discord.com/developers/applications
and get OAuth secret The callback url should be< protocol >://< domain >/api/callback
This also need to match a callback url set on the disord developer dashboard SESSION_SECRET is just a random string And MONGO_URI can be from a self hosted mongodDB or an atlas cluster -
Verify that
uses the correct channel and role ids
Building the app To build the application run
npm run build
, this will create a dist/ folder with the transpiled js -
To serve the app Use
npm run serve
to serve the app on port3000
or whatever port is set in the process.ENV -
To build and serve Use
npm run build:serve
to build then serve, this command simply issues the other to commands
├───.adminbro # Folder for adminbro stuff
├───dist # Compiled output, ignored in git
├───public # Static resources
│ ├───favicon
│ ├───images
│ │ └───logo
│ ├───scripts
│ └───styles
│ └───themes
├───src # Folder container the actual code
│ ├───config # Different files to configure libraries
│ ├───discord # Folder for the discord bot
│ │ ├───functions # Discord helper functions
│ │ └───listeners # Listeners for discord
│ ├───models # Mongoose models
│ └───routes # Folder container routing handlers
│ ├───api # /api
│ ├───lan # /lan
│ ├───profile # /profile
│ ├───staff # Config for adminbro
│ └───tournaments # /tournaments
└───views # Handlebar templates
├───admin-bro # Folder containing jsx for adminbro
├───lan # Lan templates
├───layouts # Page layouts
├───partials # Partials that can be reused
├───profile # Profile templates
└───tournament # Tournament templates
- Your firewall doesn't allow acces to mongoDB Then configure you firewall to allow you to use mongoDB