🍌 This repository contains contents about Vanilla JS and project developed with Vanilla JS
I have written the contents of Vanilla JS
in the issues section and related simple projects link to each repository via a README.
The goal of this repository is to understand Vanilla JS
and to become familiar with its development.
📚 Category of contents (Go to MD-BOOK | Go to Issues)
- Primitive(값) vs Object(참조)
- 명시적 변환 vs 암묵적 변환
- Functional Scope vs Block Scope
- this 바인딩
- Prototype
- 실행 컨텍스트(Execution Context)
- 클로저(Closure)
- 템플릿 리터럴(Template Literal)
- 화살표 함수(Arrow Function)
- Spread연산자 & rest파라미터
- Destructuring(비구조화 할당)
- 클래스(class)
- 모듈(Module)
- Promise와 async-await
- Iteration Protocol
- Generator
- Event Loop
- repaint와 reflow
- 네임스페이스 패턴(Namespace Pattern)과 IIFE
- 모듈 패턴(Module Pattern)
- 렉시컬 스코프(Lexical Scope)
- Deep Copy
- Event Delegation(이벤트 위임)
- document.createDocumentFragment()
- repaint와 reflow 최적화
- 쓰로틀링(Throttling)과 디바운싱(Debouncing)
- 스크롤 이벤트 최적화(rAF)
- 값 비교하기 (Array, String, Object ...)
- Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.entries() 그리고 for...in
- 배열 내장함수의 활용(sort, reduce, filter...)