Paper Link :
This repo is an unofficial implementation of FPN in a gluon-cv style, we will follow up with the official code and please refer to the official tutorials for more information.
1.Install the mxnet
- pip install mxnet-cu92 --pre --upgrade
2.Clone this code and run the script *
- e2e_fastercnn_fpn_resnet50_v1b_1x_voc0712 : mAP=0.8035 on VOC07 Test.
- e2e_fastercnn_fpn_resnet101_v1d_1x_voc0712 : mAP=0.8301 on VOC07 Test.
- e2e_fastercnn_fpn_resnet50_v1d_1x_voc07++12 : Stay tuned!
- e2e_fastercnn_fpn_resnet50_v1d_2x_coco17 : Stay tuned!
Below repos give me a lot of inspiration