Time series decomposition plot trend and seasonality
Plot trend and seasonality together in one chart as described at Business Days Time Series Weekly Trend and Seasonality.
Example usage from ./Python/tests/keew_decomp_test.py
# create test
# test_decomposition.py
import unittest
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from time_decomp.decomposition import DecompositionSingleton
class TestKeewDecomposition(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.decomp = DecompositionSingleton()
n = 2000
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.randint(0,100, size=(n,)), 'B': np.random.randint(0,100, size=(n,))})
lsDays = [pd.Timestamp(2021, 1, 1)]*n
for i in range(n):
# construct time, where iYear-iMonth-i
lsDays[i] = pd.Timestamp( np.random.randint(2021,2025), np.random.randint(1,13) , (i+1) % 28 + 1)
df['Day'] = lsDays
df['Year'] = df['Day'].dt.year
df['Month'] = df['Day'].dt.month
df['KeewMonth'] = df['Day'].apply(self.decomp.get_month_keew)
self.decomp.df = df.groupby(['Year', 'Keew']).last().reset_index()
self.decomp.features = ['A', 'B']
self.decomp.decompose_params = {'model': 'additive', 'period':48, 'extrapolate_trend':'freq'}
def test_plot_decomposition(self):
# output df info
print("Starting test_plot_decomposition")
print("DataFrame Info:")
print("DataFrame Head:")
print("\n%s", self.decomp.df.head())
self.decomp.plot_decomposition('A', 'Year', range(2021,2025), 'Keew', 'A keew', chart_elements=[self.decomp.ChartElement.TREND, self.decomp.ChartElement.SEASONAL])
from plotly.offline import iplot
fig = decomp.plot_decomposition_plotly('A', 'Year', range(2021,2025), 'Keew', 'A keew', chart_elements=[ decomp.ChartElement.OBSERVED, decomp.ChartElement.SEASONAL])
Added trends analysis from EnvironmentalTrends
from time_decomp.environmentaltrends import EnvironmentalTrends
# Set pandas option to display all columns
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
class TestEnvironmentalTrends(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.decomp = EnvironmentalTrends()
self.decomp.features = ['A']
self.decomp.trend_data_params = {'year_col':'Year', 'month_col':'Month' }
self.decomp.trends_params = {'seasons_per_year': 12, 'trend_lengths': [1], 'end_years': [2025]}
def test_m_trends(self):
# output df info
print("Starting test_plot_decomposition")
print("DataFrame Info:")
print("DataFrame Head:")
print("\n%s", self.decomp.t['A'].head())
DataFrame Head:
%s Frequency SeasonsPeryear TrendLength TrendEnd TrendPeriod \
0 Monthly 12 1 2025 Jul 2024 to Jun 2025
ValueCount Minimum Median Average Maximum YearsInPeriod \
0 12.0 5.0 48.0 50.333333 96.0 1.0
SeasonsInPeriod PercentOfYears PercentOfSeasons KW-pValue Seasonality \
0 12.0 100.0 100.0 0.443263 Non-seasonal
AppliedSeasonality MK-S MK-Variance MK-pvalue IncreasingLikelihood \
0 Non-seasonal 8.0 212.666667 0.631222 68.438909
TrendDirection SenSlope LowerSlope UpperSlope
0 Likely increasing 16.5 -384.0 544.8