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TBot - OGame bot


OGame Bot

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TBot is a .NET 6 OGame bot based on ogamed deamon by alaingilbert

Feel free to publish issues or pull requests

TBot supports Ogame v11.15!

How to Update from 0.3.1

Be sure to remove .ogame folder from /home/username/ (linux) or C:/Users/username (win) before logging in

Stories in Ready


Scripting and botting are forbidden by the OGame rules. I adopt a series of measures to prevent detection and thus ban, but I cannot, and never will, guarantee anything. Use this bot at your own risk!!

Testing and PR are very much appreciated!

Support TBot

Do you like the project? Buy me a beer!

Donate with PayPal


TBot configuration consists in two files:

  • settings.json handles the configuration of Telegram Bot, WebUI and of the bot instances. settings.json can be passed as a command line argument as follows:

    TBot --settings=<settings.json path>

  • instance_settings.json handles the configuration of a bot instance

The settings.json should be compiled as follows:

        "TelegramMessenger": {
                "Active": true,
                "API": "<API TOKEN ID>",
                "ChatId": "<your chat id>",
                "TelegramAutoPing": {
                        "Active": true,
                        "EveryHours": 0
        "Instances": [
                        "Alias": "Account alias",
                        "Settings": "<instance_settings>.json"
                        "Alias": "Another account",
                        "Settings": "<another_instance_settings>.json"
	"WebUI": {
		"Enable": true,
		"Urls": "http://localhost:9090",
		"MaxLogsToShow": 2000

NB: The settings should be pointing to a path relative to settings.json directory.

Important Notices

You must use different ports for each instance and for webUI. They all must be open and free.

Instances from the same lobby account can share the same cookies file;

If you run instances from different lobby accounts you must use different cookies files.

Be warned that Ogame's servers have a limit on the number of requests per second. If you run too many instances, you may get IP banned, or end up with banned accounts. Use proxies to avoid this.


TBot has a wide variety of useful features. They all can be configured and customized editing the instance's settings file. Here follows a short explanation of each of them, read the Wiki for a more indepth explanation.

  • Defender: TBot checks periodically for incoming attacks
    • Autofleet: TBot dispatches your endangered fleet and resources on the safest mission possible. A favourite type of mission can be set in the settings
    • MessageAttacker: TBot sends a message to the attacker(s). The message is picked randomly from the array given in the settings
    • SpyAttacker: TBot automatically spies attacker with set number of probes
    • Alarm: TBot plays a nasty sound if under attack
    • TelegramMessenger: TBot sends you a notice if under attack (requires additional configuration, see below)
  • Expeditions: TBot will handle them for you
    • TBot can automatically optimize expeditions for your account, sending them from one or multiple origins. Military expos are supported too, by adding a ship type to the automatically calculated optimal fleet or by manually setting the desired fleet.
  • Brain: TBot has a series of extra functionalities
    • AutoCargo: TBot checks wether your celestials have enough capacity to displace the resources. If not, TBot builds ships for you (preferred type taken from settings)
    • AutoRepatriate: TBot periodically repatriates all your resources to a single drop celestial. You can also specify to leave a set amount of deuterium (only on moons or both moons and planets)
    • AutoMine: Tbot will develop your planets and moons up to the levels given in settings. A cool ROI based algorithm is present: TBot will develop your planets calculating to the most profitable building for each planet! A maximum amount of days of investment return can be set. An origin can be set in settings.json to send the necessary resources from.
    • AutoResearch: Tbot will develop your researches from the planet set in settings up to the given levels. An origin can be set in settings to send the necessary resources from.
    • AutoMineLF: TBot will develop you LifeForms buildings up to the given levels. TBot will detect the active lifeform based on lifeform buildings present, so you must build at least a lv 1 building in order to TBot to account for that planet.
    • AutoResearchLF: TBot will research the LifeForms techs you selected up to the given level. Only researches with lv 1 or more will be researched. You must manually select the desired researches and upgrade them to lv 1 or more in order to TBot to account for them.
    • BuyOfferOfTheDay: TBot can buy the daily item from the Trader (check intervals are implemented so you can configure shorter check times when there is the specific event)
  • AutoFarm: TBot will scan one or more ranges of systems spying inactive players and attacking them with the specified type of ship if they are profitable above a given amount.
  • AutoHarvest: TBot will harvest expedition debris in your celestials' systems as well as your own DFs
  • AutoColonize: TBot will make new colonies. Input the list of coordinates of your desired colonies and TBot will do the rest.
  • SleepMode: TBot will not interact with your account between the hours specified in settings
    • AutoFleetSave: TBot will keep your fleets safe by dispatching them on the safest mission possible until wake up time (deploy with recall is supported!)
  • Local Proxy: Tbot allows you to play in your browser
    • Insert the hostname of the machine you'll run TBot onto in the settings (i.e.: localhost, or the local ip of a computer on your local network such as 192.168.X.X)
    • Navigate with your browser to http://hostname:port/game/index.php (remember to change hostname and port with the ones you specified in settings)
    • Pay attention: TBot is not aware of what you do in the browser, it will do his job regardless of you playing manually, so keep an eye on the console
  • Proxy: TBot supports routing your traffic through a HTTP o SOCKS5 proxy
    • Fill the settings in settings. The settings are quite self-explainatory. WARNING: Ogame is positively blocking IPs from datacenters. You will probably need a residential proxy in ordet to be able to login.
  • WebUI: TBot has a webUI for changing settings, reading logs and interacting manually with the game. You can configure the host and port in the general settings file.


Since 0.3.0 TBot includes a webUI where you can check and change the settings, read the logs in a filterable table and play manually with your account(s), all in the same place, even remotely.


You can control and get info for TBot through a Telegram Bot. In order to enable it, you need to follow theese steps:

  • Create a new Telegram bot
    • Write "/new_bot" to @botfather
    • Follow the instructions given by BotFather, assigning a name and an username for the bot (theese are not important, set them to whatever you like)
    • BotFather will send you a message containing the API Key you need and a link to your new bot
    • Insert the newly obtained API Key in settings.json under TelegramMessenger.API
    • Click on the bot link and start the conversation
  • Get your ChatID
    • Write "/start" to @getmyid_bot
    • It will answer you a message containing your user ID and chat ID
    • Insert the newly obtained ID in settings.json under TelegramMessenger.ChatId
  • Send "/help" to the bot to get a list of the available commands. Here is a list:
    • Core Commands
      • /setmain - Set the TBot main instance to pilot. Format /setmain 0
      • /getmain - Get the current TBot instance that Telegram is managing
      • /getmainstats - Get current TBot instance statistics
      • /listinstances - List TBot main instances
      • /loglevel - Get current log level on telegram logging
      • /setloglevel - Set log level on telegram logging and enables it. Format /setloglevel Debug|Information|Warning|Error
      • /ping - Ping bot
      • /stopautoping - stop telegram autoping
      • /startautoping - start telegram autoping [Receive message every X hours]
      • /help - Display this help
    • TBot Main instance commands
      • /getfleets - Get OnGoing fleets ids (which are not already coming back)
      • /getcurrentauction - Get current Auction
      • /bidauction - Bid to current auction if there is one in progress. Format /bidauction 213131 M:1000 C:1000 D:1000
      • /subscribeauction - Get a notification when next auction will start
      • /ghostsleep - Wait fleets return, ghost harvest for current celestial only, and sleep for 5hours /ghostsleep 4h3m or 3m50s Harvest
      • /ghostsleepall - Wait fleets return, ghost harvest for all celestial and sleep for 5hours /ghostsleepall 4h3m or 3m50s Harvest
      • /ghost - Ghost for the specified amount of hours on the specified mission. Format: /ghost 4h3m or 3m50s Harvest
      • /ghostmoons - Ghost moons fleet for the specified amount of hours on the specified mission. Format: /ghostto 4h30m Harvest
      • /switch - Switch current celestial resources and fleets to its planet or moon at the specified speed. Format: /switch 5
      • /deploy - Deploy to celestial with full ships and resources. Format: /deploy 3:41:9 moon/planet 10
      • /jumpgate - jumpgate to moon with full ships [full], or keeps needed cargo amount for resources [auto]. Format: /jumpgate 2:41:9 auto/full
      • /phalanx - use phalanx from moon to destination. Format /phalanx 2:241:9 4:100:1
      • /cancelghostsleep - Cancel planned /ghostsleep(expe) if not already sent
      • /spycrash - Create a debris field by crashing a probe on target or automatically selected planet. Format: /spycrash 2:41:9/auto
      • /recall - Enable/disable fleet auto recall. Format: /recall true/false
      • /collect - Collect planets resources to JSON setting celestial
      • /build - Try to build buildable on each planet. Build max possible if no number value sent /build LightFighter [100]
      • /collectdeut - Collect planets only deut resources -> to JSON repatriate setting celestial
      • /msg - Send a message to current attacker. Format: /msg hello dude
      • /sleep - Stop bot for the specified amount of hours. Format: /sleep 4h3m or 3m50s
      • /wakeup - Wakeup bot\n" +
      • /cancel - Cancel fleet with specified ID. Format: /cancel 65656
      • /getcelestials - Return the list of your celestials
      • /attacked - check if you're (still) under attack
      • /celestial - Update program current celestial target. Format: /celestial 2:45:8 Moon/Planet
      • /getinfo - Get current celestial resources and ships. Additional arg format has to be /getinfo 2:45:8 Moon/Planet
      • /editsettings - Edit JSON file to change Expeditions, Colonize, Autominer's and Autoresearch Transport Origin, Repatriate and AutoReseach Target celestial. Format: /editsettings 2:425:9 Moon
      • /minexpecargo - Modify MinPrimaryToSend value inside JSON settings
      • /stopexpe - Stop sending expedition
      • /startexpe - Start sending expedition
      • /startdefender - start defender
      • /stopdefender - stop defender
      • /stopautoresearch - stop brain autoresearch
      • /startautoresearch - start brain autoresearch
      • /stopautomine - stop brain automine
      • /startautomine - start brain automine
      • /stoplifeformautomine - stop brain Lifeform automine
      • /startlifeformautomine - start brain Lifeform automine
      • /stoplifeformautoresearch - stop brain Lifeform autoresearch
      • /startlifeformautoresearch - start brain Lifeform autoresearch
      • /stopautofarm - stop autofarm
      • /startautofarm - start autofarm

Settings Hot Reload

TBot supports the editing of instance settings even while it is running. It will take care of turning on and off features as well as the specific feature config settings. You can change settings from WebUI or editing the files directly.

Hot reloading of instances is only partially supported at the moment. You can add and remove instances while the bot is running, but the feature is still in beta so there may be bugs.

Running on Windows

  • Download and unzip latest release.
  • Insert you credentials in instance settings file
    • Under "Universe" type your universe name with leading capital letter, i.e.: Andromeda, Bellatrix etc...
    • Under "Language" type your universe community code. You can find it by logging to your account and analyzing the url, such as => us
  • Configure the bot by editing all settings fields
  • Make sure you have installed the .NET 6 runtime for your platform
  • Run TBot.exe

Running on Linux/MacOS

  • Open a terminal (if you are in a desktop environment)
  • Download latest release for your platform.
    • wget (change the filename to your real one!)
  • Unzip the downloaded file
    • unzip -d TBot (change the filename to your real one!)
  • Make ogamed executable (this is only required on first run or update)
    • chmod +x ogamed
  • Make TBot executable (this is only required on first run or update)
    • chmod +x TBot
  • Configure the general settings, listing all instance settings files
  • Insert you credentials in instance settings file
    • Under "Universe" type your universe name with leading capital letter, i.e.: Andromeda, Bellatrix etc...
    • Under "Language" type your universe community code. You can find it by logging to your account and analyzing the url, such as => us
  • Configure the bot by editing all instance settings.json fields
    • All config options are sorted by feature, check which features you want and configure them before activating
  • Make sure you have installed the .NET 6 runtime for your platform
  • Run TBot
    • ./TBot

Running on Amazon Web Services

WARNING: Ogame is positively blocking IPs from datacenters. You probably need a residential proxy to run on AWS, or any other VPS.

Some successful tests have been done to run TBot on the smallest instance of LightSail (1 vCPU, 20 GB SSD, 500 MB RAM and 1 TB outbound traffic) on Amazon Linux 2, which is free for a three month trial. In order to run it, steps should be as follow:

  • Create your account on Amazon Web Services (Credit Card required), and create a LightSail Instance running Amazon Linux 2. The smallest one fits into the "Free Tier" Program, which allows a 3 month free trial.
  • Select the ports where you want to connect, and open them in the Networking Settings on the instance's AWS Console (ex. ports 8000 - 8020 open for TCP and from any ip address if you don't know where you will be connecting from). This should make it accessible to the public internet.
  • Connecto to AWS instance using SSH and the .pem key you get during the instance setup:
$ ssh -i ~/pem/<my>.pem ec2-user@<instance's public ip-address>
  • Update the system with
sudo yum update
$ sudo rpm -Uvh
$ sudo yum install aspnetcore-runtime-6.0
$ sudo yum install dotnet-sdk-6.0
  • Upload your TBot files, which were previously downloaded and setup correctly. You can do this by using something like FileZilla using sftp and the same credentials as the ssh connection and then copy your TBot folder into the user's home directory in the server. Make sure your settings file has the public ip of the aws instance and the port where you want to connect.
  • Follow the instructions as written above for Linux by changing permissions.

Very important: if you run TBot by using the command ./TBot and then disconnect from the ssh connection, it'll kill TBot. In order to prevent this, you have to use a service called screen, and run the TBot instance like this:

$ screen ./TBot

then press <Ctrl + a + d> in order to detach the console.

Once it is detached you may close the ssh instance and TBot will run fine. You can repeat the process in order to run another instance of TBot on the server, as long as you detach it every time after you run the command.

The testing was done on the smallest LightSail instance has been running up to 4 instances of TBot (different accounts each), with no problems so far, however if you run a 5th instance, it can cause the server to run out of RAM and it'll crash.

Captcha solving

TBot implements an automatic captcha solving mechanism.

However, being based on ogamed, it supports manual captcha solving as well as Ninja Captcha Autoresolve service.

To manually solve captcha navigate to host:port/bot/captcha

To configure Ninja Capthca Service follow this guide and insert the obtained APIKey in settings.json


Feel free to fork and make pull requests or give suggestions posting an Issue or joining the Discord chat.

Also, a proper documentation about how to deal with settings would no doubt be helpful, especially for new users.


We write and build TBot with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, thus .NET 6 SDK is enough for command line compilation.

Releases are automated by GitHub Actions, take a look at the workflows if you are interested in the build process.


TBot is currently developed and mantained for Windows 64bit, Windows 32bit, Linux x86_64, MacOS 64bit, MacOS ARM, Linux ARMv7 and Linux ARM64.


No packages published


  • C# 96.5%
  • JavaScript 1.7%
  • Other 1.8%