A slim and simple nodejs framework.
The idea of Slimple is to make it easy for you to write service oriented nodejs web applications.
$ npm install slimple
As it doesn't come with convenient building tools, following step has to be done manually to get your first Slimple app running:
copy the content of
to your project root folder
Change the path in the file config/app.js
If you want to add mongoose support to your project, perform following steps:
$ npm install mongoose
- add mongoose dependency to the package.json of your project
- open /config/db.js
- set property "active" to true
- set the connectionString to your db
Caution: at the moment, only mongoose 3.5.8 is supported
You don't have to worry about the apps.js at the moment.
If you're familiar with JS you know what you can do with it.
$ node app
- REST services
- MongoDB support
- Server side events
- Simple HTTP server
By installing the skeleton app, you already get some examples of how to write services, mongoose schemas and events.
Just have a look at the corresponding folders, you will see that it is really easy.
By default, the services are located in the /services folder.
By adding subfolders, you create the path to your REST service:
$ mkdir /services/test
Now create a file (the name doesn't matter) and add the basic service structure:
module.exports = {
resource: '/echo(/:what)',
GET: function(ctx, http){
This service will be available through this URL:
You can nest folders as much as you like, but keep in mind that each folder will be added to the resource path.
You also create other methods like POST, DELETE or PUT.
As you can see, the service method(s) need following parameters:
- ctx - the application context where events and schemas are available
- http - request, response and data wrapper
http.reply is a convenient method to send back data to the client. It will be stringified automatically if it is a JSON object.
The resource defined here is a URL pattern which will be resolved by WayJS.
For further informations about what URL patterns are possible, have a look at the WayJS documentation.
If you like to return some http errors, just throw an error object in your service:
throw { status: 500, message : new Error("that sucks").stack};
Accessing session attributes within a service is quite simple:
var sessionId = http.session.uid();
var attribute = http.session.get('attribute');
http.session.set('attribute', attribute);
Because Slimple uses the mongoose module, you can take a look at the mongoose documentation about what is possible.
To use mongoose schemas in Slimple, you can simply place your schema below the /schemas folder.
module.exports = {
name: 'BlogPost',
schema: {
author : { type: "String", required: true},
title : { type: "String", required: true},
body : { type: "String", required: true},
date : { type: "Date", default: new Date() }
It's quite easy to use this schema in a service now:
var model = ctx.db.model('BlogPost);
You don't have to worry about creating the schema and connecting to the database, Slimple will do that for you.
Similar thing for server side events.
Just put your event code below the /events folder.
module.exports = {
name: 'echoEvent',
invoke: function(ctx, data){
And fire the event (for example) in your service:
ctx.event.emit("echoEvent", "hello event");
Convenient logging stuff is possible with
Documentation on this topic will follow soon.