The Depths of Conscious Being
by Bruce E. Camber (first draft)
Introduction. In light of our Qualitative Expansion Model (QEM)[1], a most radical departure from big bang cosmology, we’ve been challenged to find or define a structure for consciousness. Our friends are aware that the most basic structure in our model of the universe is the sphere.[2] So to begin our research of the structure of consciousness, we’ve been re-examining the many structures within and around the sphere and within those endless numbers of pi (π)[3]; it is all qualitative. With over 200 trillion numbers defined and verified, only about 40,000 are needed for calculations related to the physical universe. So what do we do with the trillions of remaining numbers? Obviously, there are possibilities to be analyzed.
Primitive consciousness. Historically, a primitive life force has been associated with both animate and inanimate objects. Within our studies we are researching Langlands programs and their automorphic forms and continuing our focus on Plato with his search of archetypal forms.[4]
We suspect these forms are manifestation of primitive consciousness.
Spheres. Spheres[5] are more complex than imagined. When we first hypothesized that spheres include the mechanisms of consciousness, our guess was that these mechanisms span many, if not all, of the 202 notations that encapsulate the universe. We start with this moment (sometimes called the Now) within Notation-202.[6] Then we go down to Notation-64 on the cusp of what can be measured. At Notation-0, we enter a finite-infinite bridge.[7] And then, within the infinite we follow those never-ending digits of pi (π).[8]
Irrational Numbers. Yes, we are stopping to study those irrational numbers. The endlessness of those numbers heretofore have simply been considered a factor of mathematics and could be safely ignored. As a thought experiment, we hypothesize that these numbers instantiate meaning and functionality. The other primary irrational numbers — non-repeating patterns, never-ending decimal expansions– also define part of a finite-infinite relation. Each could represent a strand of consciousness. We ask, “What facet of consciousness would be related to these other primary irrational numbers?” These are:
• φ or the golden ratio, Greek letter phi (1.618033988+)[9]
• e or Euler’s Number, the base of natural logarithms (2.71828+)[10]
• √2 or the square root of 2 (1.41421+) Length of diagonals of a 1×1 square irrational?! [11]
Further we posit that the geometry of symmetry groups could add dimensionality to consciousness; and, there is further complexification within the Fourier transform,[12] the many functions of harmony,[13] gap dynamics,[14] shape dynamics,[15] and dynamics of attractors and repellers.[16]
AI. It is all so overwhelming, we’ve engaged artificial intelligence (AI). Although the relations between consciousness and all these concepts related to infinitesimal spheres have not been directly discussed in mainstream scientific literature, this is the direction of our research and study. We have the tools of logic and mathematics. And, we now have the encyclopedic summaries and insights of artificial intelligence.
History and inferences. We can also make some progress with inferences within the theoretical frameworks and philosophical discussions throughout the ages:
- Pythagoras, according to Theano, said, “…all things come in accordance with number.” This discussion or a form of this discussion has been going on since the dawn of consciousness.
- David Chalmers is a leading thinker within panpsychism which includes all forms of animism. In his work he speculates about whether consciousness could exist in rudimentary forms across all living systems—and even beyond—but there’s no consensus or empirical evidence tying this concept directly to a structure.[17]
- David Rail and Andrew Selby are re-evaluating the structure of consciousness through their symintentry hypothesis. Symmetries are keys (and we concur), but it seems more complex than just symmetries.[18]
- Andrea Pintimalli (and others) have developed a Sphere Model of Consciousness (SMC). Yet, there analyses of spheres are yet to embrace continuity-symmetry-harmony within the infinite. They use a sphere-shaped matrix to describe subjective experiences geometrically. Ostensibly we are looking to define an ontology, epistemology, and even a cosmology that builds on an analysis of the sphere as the basic building block of the universe.”[19]
- Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff began working on quantum consciousness theories in 1990s. While not directly discussing infinitesimal spheres, their Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch OR) is a structure, quantum processes in microtubules within neurons. They address how quantum coherence and entanglement could play a role in the emergence of consciousness. We need to grasp those concepts.[20]
So our inferences will be drawn from today’s leading researchers and from a history that has been more philosophical than mathematical:
- Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC): Neuroscientists explore specific measurable signatures in brain activity that correspond to conscious experiences. Patterns or thresholds in brain function metrics — EEG waves, fMRI signals — are numbers but not a definition of the structure of consciousness.[21]
- Information Theory and Consciousness: Theories like the Integrated Information Theory (IIT) by Giulio Tononi (2004) quantify consciousness through “Φ” (phi). Numbers are used, but do not compute as a “structure” of consciousness.[22]
- Computational Models: In AI and computational models of cognition, numbers might describe processing speed, memory capacity, or the number of neural networks, but these are about the mechanisms that support consciousness, not nature of consciousness itself.[23]
- Philosophical and Conceptual Discussions: In more abstract discussions, philosophers might explore consciousness in relation to mathematical or geometric concepts where the idea of an infinitesimal might be used to discuss limits or boundaries of conscious experience.[24]
The general consensus is that while numbers can describe aspects related to consciousness like brain activity, information integration, or even theoretical quantum states, there are no sets of numbers that are universally or necessarily associated with consciousness. Their conclusion would be: “Consciousness remains a qualitative phenomenon where numbers can aid in its study but do not encapsulate its essence.” I say, “That’s the correct conclusion, but there is more.”
Our active return to these discussions (since graduate days in 1980), was at the end of the year, 2019: Our evocative question” was: “Are there numbers that can be necessarily associated with consciousness?” Within more recent work (January 2021,, it was said, “Our mathematical model, by definition, not only contained everything, everywhere for all time, it uniquely identified and labeled every thought-word-and-deed with the numbers from those Planck base units.” Of course, today we include all four primary irrational numbers.
So, this year is different. We’ve been living with these concepts for a little longer. The presence of big bang cosmology, always looming in the background, is less influential. The finite-infinite debate, still quite heated, feels more rational within the framework of continuity-symmetry-harmony. AI is finally contributing with very helpful feedback and even depth of knowledge. Finite-infinite, coterminously, is about the deep-seated nature of both. The Janus-face of the two — finite and infinite — is becoming increasingly obvious. And so, if eventually consciousness can be reduced to numbers that create the qualitative, these numbers will probably be the most profound description we can have of consciousness and identity. Yet even at that, what do we have? I think the answer is, “…a new framework for meaning.” Thank you. -BEC
As references are added, other resources will also be added within this website.
[1] QEM. Retrieved 27 February 2025:
• Also, see: Retrieved 3 March 2025:
• Also, see: Retrieved 3 March 2025:
• Also, see: Retrieved 3 March 2025:
[2] Endless numbers. Retrieved 27 February 2025:
• Also, see: Retrieved 3 March 2025:
[3] Spheres Retrieved. Retrieved 27 February 2025:
• Also, see: Retrieved 3 March 2025:
[4] Forms: First Column. Retrieved 27 February 2025:
[5] Spheres. Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[6] Chart of 202 Notations. Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[7] Finite-infinite bridge. Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[8] Continuity-symmetry-harmony Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[9] φ or the golden ratio: Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[10] Euler’s Number Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[11] √2 or the square root of 2. Retrieved 28 February 2025:√2/
[12] Fourier transform. Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[13] Functions of harmony. Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[14] Gap dynamics Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[15] Shape dynamics (Julian Barbour). Retrieved 28 February 2025:
[16] Dynamics of attractors and repellers.
[17] Chalmers, David “Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism” (PDF) . In Alter, Torin; Nagasawa, Yugin (eds.). Consciousness in the Physical World: Perspectives on Russellian Monism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-992735-7 (2015)[9]
• The Combination Problem for Panpsychism (PDF) In Godehard Brüntrup, and Ludwig Jaskolla, (eds.). Panpsychism: Contemporary Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 179–214 (2017)
[18] David Rail and Andrew Selby, Re-evaluating the structure of consciousness through the symintentry hypothesis, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 14 – 2023,, 20 November 2023
[19] Pintimalli, Andrea; Di Giuseppe, Tania; Serantoni, Grazia; Glicksohn, Joseph; Ben-Soussan, Tal, Dynamics of the Sphere Model of Consciousness: Silence, Space, and Self, Frontiers in Psychology 11573/1440515, 2020
[20] Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff. Retrieved on 1 March 2025: Orchestrated objective reduction –
[21] Temporal-spatial Retrieved 1 March 2025:
• Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCC ), Retrieved 1 March 2025: /wiki/Neural_correlates…
• Georg Northoff & Federico Zilio, Temporo-spatial Theory of Consciousness (TTC) – Bridging the gap of neuronal activity and phenomenal states, Behav Brain Res., 2022
• G. Northoff & Z. Huang, How do the brain’s time and space mediate consciousness and its different dimensions?, Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2017
[22] Information Theory & Consciousness: Retrieved 1 March 2025: /wiki/Integrated_information_theory
• Giulio Tononi, An information integration theory of consciousness. BMC Neuroscience. 5 (1): 42. doi:10.1186/1471-2202-5-42. ISSN 1471-2202 (2 November 2004)
[23] Computational Models. Retrieved 1 March 2025: …/wiki/Computational_cognition
[24] Philosophical and scientific articles. Retrieved 1 March 2025: …/wiki/Consciousness
— clean-up continues above and more intensively below, 6 March 2025 —
Reading and re-reading
What is opened on the desk, on the shelves and on the floor.
• Max Jammer, Concept of Mass, Harvard University Press, 1961. “The modern physicist may rightfully be proud of the spectacular achievements in science and technology. However, we should be aware that the foundations of this imposing edifice, the basic notions of the discipline, such as the concept of mass, are entangled with serious uncertainties and perplexing difficulties that have as yet not been resolved.” p.224
• Sergey B. Yurchenko, From the origins to the stream of consciousness and its neural correlates, Front. Integr. Neurosci., Volume 16 – 2022, 03 November 2022
Personal reflections.
I am not aware of anybody who has studied the convergence of all these numbers into the singular moment, the Now. Here is a complexification of the numerical. It is a different kind of numerology (thinking of Frank Wilczek’s use of the word when commenting about Max Planck’s calculations of his base units). I am anxious to begin querying AI about it. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to contemplate the emergence of various dynamic numbers at the same time. Each, of course, has it unique functionality, yet as a variety of convergences, each have a distinct flavor and color of consciousness and identity!?!
The go to document is:
There will be emails to many of our scholars about key points.
• 6 March 2025: Andrew Selby, Kings Langley, England, UK
• 5 March 2025, Vlatko Vedral, Oxford, England UK
• 3 March 2025, Roger Penrose, Oxford University, England, UK
• 3 March 2025, Jason Yust, Boston University, Massachusetts
• 25 February 2025: David Rail, Sydney, Australia
There will also be many instant messages to thought leaders about these key points.
More to come… 7 March 2025
Critique ____ You are always invited.
A comparison: and
Keys to this page, conscious-being
• It became the homepage on 28 February 2025.
• The last update was 6 March 2025.
• This page was initiated on 8 February 2025.
• The URL for this file:
• The headline for this article: The Depths of Conscious Being
• First teaser* is: “Where is the beginning of consciousness? …identity? …within spheres”
Editor’s Note: This post (article), is still being edited. -BEC