build with modern compiler suite (ARMv3 and AIF binary format)
open source firmware / BIOS
tool to query 3DO hardware (in progress)
port of the 240p test suite
benchmarking tool to compare different models and emulators and attempt to determine accuracy
tool to transfer ROM & NVRAM without special hardware (via video or audio (Bell 202 AFSK?))
a video player to replace PlayMovie from Doom (based on NuPlayer?) to enable simpler video playback
port games
Open Tyrian 2000
Rise of the Triad
Jaguar games?
recreate / port 3DO operating system API to modern system
Add support to FFMPEG for 3DO compatible Cinepak encoding, SDX2 encoding, and “DataStream” mux and demuxer so that ffmpeg alone could be used to create 3DO video and audio streams.
start.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/12 12:07 by trapexit