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The Ultimate Guide to Spider Removal: Say Goodbye to Eight-Legged Intruders

Introduction: As a seasoned pest control expert, I understand the unsettling feeling that comes with the presence of spiders in your home. These eight-legged intruders can be creepy, intimidating, and even pose potential health risks. However, fear not! In this comprehensive guide, I'll share my expertise and provide you with tips, tricks, and preventive

By |2024-06-24T18:23:35-04:00September 2nd, 2023|Spider Removal, Spiders|Comments Off on The Ultimate Guide to Spider Removal: Say Goodbye to Eight-Legged Intruders

Should You Leave Spiders Alone for Natural Pest Control?

Should You Leave Spiders Alone for Natural Pest Control? Spiders are one of nature’s best pest control species. Spiders eat over 400 million tons of insects every year, so having a spider in your home is a great defense against pest problems. Because most of the spiders in NYC are harmless and many other

By |2024-06-23T18:54:55-04:00January 6th, 2023|Spiders|Comments Off on Should You Leave Spiders Alone for Natural Pest Control?

Spider Control for Web Weaving vs Crawling Spiders

Spider Control for Web Weaving vs Crawling Spiders Although many spiders in NYC do build complex webs and use them to trap prey, others are more active in their hunting. Crawling spiders like the wolf spider and the jumping spider chase down insects for their meals. These different methods of movement and hunting impact

By |2024-06-23T18:52:49-04:00January 6th, 2023|Spiders|Comments Off on Spider Control for Web Weaving vs Crawling Spiders

Why You are Seeing More Spiders This Fall

Why You are Seeing More Spiders This Fall Spiders are one of those pests that you can find in your home year around. But many residents of NYC notice that there are seemingly more spiders in their homes in the fall months. In many cases, this is not a mirage. It also may not

By |2024-06-23T18:45:05-04:00November 30th, 2022|Spiders|Comments Off on Why You are Seeing More Spiders This Fall

Spider Prevention Tips in NYC

Spider Prevention Tips in NYC Whether you are someone who cannot bear sharing your space with a spider or only get a little startled when one crawls across your floor, it is still important to keep spiders out of your home. They are a pest, and some can be venomous, like the yellow sac

By |2024-06-23T18:34:19-04:00October 7th, 2022|Spiders|Comments Off on Spider Prevention Tips in NYC

Why Pesticides Cannot Eliminate 100% of Spiders

Why Pesticides Cannot Eliminate 100% of Spiders With most pests in your home, the most effective way to get rid of them is with targeted pesticides applied either by you or an exterminator. This offers a safe way to get rid of bugs quickly, often working over a few days to eliminate pests on

By |2024-06-24T12:42:56-04:00September 14th, 2022|Spiders|Comments Off on Why Pesticides Cannot Eliminate 100% of Spiders

How to Kill a Spider When You Have Arachnophobia

How to Kill a Spider When You Have Arachnophobia Many of us have a fear of spiders. For some, the fear is minor and manageable, where you may jump a little when you see one but you can walk over and squish it or take it outside with ease. But for others, that fear

By |2024-06-23T18:28:45-04:00September 14th, 2022|Spiders|Comments Off on How to Kill a Spider When You Have Arachnophobia

Pros and Cons to Using Spiders as Natural Pest Control

Pros and Cons to Using Spiders as Natural Pest Control One single spider in NYC can eat more than 2,000 insects in a year. And while almost no spiders in New York are poisonous to humans (the sac spider is the only exception), many of the insects they feed on are harmful. Local spiders eat

By |2024-06-23T16:52:30-04:00December 27th, 2021|Spiders|Comments Off on Pros and Cons to Using Spiders as Natural Pest Control

Web Building Spiders vs Crawling Spiders: How We Treat Each Kind

Web Building Spiders vs Crawling Spiders: How We Treat Each Kind An intricate spider web stretched across your window can be a thing of beauty or terror depending on your feelings about spiders. But did you know that the majority of spider species in NYC do not build webs? They still produce spider silk and

By |2024-06-23T16:50:48-04:00December 27th, 2021|Spiders|Comments Off on Web Building Spiders vs Crawling Spiders: How We Treat Each Kind
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