Contents of the Day
Contents of the Day
Lightning Talk
Lightning Talk
Lightning Talk
On the first day of the conference, we will be holding five-minute Lightning Talks. The topic is entirely up to you, as long as it’s something that would interest Python enthusiasts.
If you’re unsure whether you can give a Lightning Talk, don’t hesitate to participate! PyCon JP attracts attendees from diverse backgrounds, so your knowledge and experience will likely be new and valuable to many.
If you’d like to participate, please submit your talk information by placing a slip of paper in the box next to the reception on the 4th floor on the first day. The results will be sent to you via email.
The Unconference is a participant-driven event where attendees propose discussion topics and set the agenda on the spot.
There are no predefined speakers or topics, allowing for flexible, open discussions based on shared interests. This casual and collaborative format encourages knowledge-sharing in small groups.
The Unconference will take place on both conference days on the 20th floor. Participants can easily join by suggesting a topic on a whiteboard. It’s a fantastic opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and explore new ideas.