SPLASH 2016 Posters
The SPLASH Poster track provides an excellent forum for authors to present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting, and receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions covering any aspect of programming, systems, languages and applications. The goal of the poster session is to encourage and facilitate small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact. It is held early in the conference, to promote continued discussion among interested parties.
Mon 31 Oct
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Wed 2 Nov
Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change
Accepted Posters
Call for Submissions
Posters can be independent presentations or associated with one of the other parts of SPLASH.
We invite poster submissions that:
- present early work that is not yet ready for submission to a refereed conference or journal
- identify new research problems, preferably with empirical evidence
- showcase open-source tools and technologies developed by the author(s)
- describe student research projects, especially Masters/PhD dissertation proposals.
- We encourage students to participate in the ACM Student Research Competition and PhD students to participate in the Doctoral Symposium.
Posters Associated with other SPLASH Tracks, Workshops, and Conferences
In addition to independent poster submissions, we invite authors of all accepted papers to all other SPLASH Tracks, Workshops, and Conferences to sign up and present a poster summarizing their work. We hope that this will provide authors an opportunity to increase the visibility of their papers and engage in more one-on-one discussions.
Authors take note
The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)
Instructions for Authors
Posters shall be evaluated both on their contributions and on how effectively they communicate those contributions. All poster proposals should include the following two files in PDF format:
- A two-page extended abstract in the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Template with 10pt font (PDF Format).
- The poster itself in PDF format. Posters should be A0-sized or smaller (portrait or landscape).
The two page extended abstract will be published in the DL and should conform with the SIGPLAN (formatting) standards. Poster authors are required to attend the scheduled interactive poster session, staying with their poster so that they can discuss their work with conference attendees. We will have two opportunities for displaying the posters, during the GPCE/SLE/Workshop reception on Mon Oct 31, 2016 and during the SPLASH reception on Wed Nov 2, 2016.
Poster authors may post an informal schedule along with their poster, listing times when they plan to be available for discussion later on during the conference. Sign-up sheets allow interested viewers to obtain further information. All posters will have an associated message board, on which viewers can post comments, ideas, and questions and on which poster authors will be able to post responses.
Poster proposals submission web site: https://splash16posters.hotcrp.com/
On the submission form, please submit the 2-page extended abstract as the “Submission”, and the actual poster as the “Poster”. The maximum size of each PDF file can be 30MB.
Posters Associated with other SPLASH Tracks, Workshops, and Conferences
Given that the papers have already been thoroughly reviewed before acceptance, such posters will not be reviewed by the Posters Committee and there will be no separate extended abstract in the SPLASH Companion proceedings. We still require authors to sign up so that we can order enough poster boards and other supplies.
To participate, please sign up before October 14, 2016 at the following web site:
Enter author information, title and abstract of the accepted paper and enter the name of the conference to which the paper was accepted in the keywords field.
More Information
For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions please contact the Posters Co-Chairs at [email protected].