Package size below 13 kB
All your code and game assets should be smaller than or equal to 13 kilobytes (that's exactly 13,312 bytes, because of 13 x 1024) when zipped. Your package should contain index.html file and when unzipped should work in the browser.
Two sources - readable and compressed
The competition is focusing on the package size, but learning from others is also very important. Please provide two sources of your game - first one should be minified and zipped to fit in the 13 kB limit (sent via the form) and the second one should be in a readable form with descriptive variable names and comments (hosted on GitHub).
No external libraries or services
You can't use any libraries, images or data files hosted on server or services that provide any type of data (for example Google Fonts are not allowed). Your game should work offline (Desktop and Mobile categories, not applicable to Server) and all the game assets should fit in the package(s) size limit. If you manage to shrink your favorite library below 13 kilobytes including the code itself, then you can use whatever you want, just remember about the 13 kB limit.
Main theme - The Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire
The main theme of the competition in 2014 is The Elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. It is optional, so you can use it, use part of it (one Element), or drop it. Remember that there will be bonus points for implementing the theme in your game.
Deadline - 13th September 2014
The competition starts at 13:00 CEST, 13th August 2014 and ends at 13:00 CEST, 13th September 2014. No submissions will be accepted after the end of the competition.
You have to have the rights for every asset used in your game. Remember that the submitted games will be published and made available for everybody to see.
New content only
Do not submit any old games or demos - you have a whole month to work on something new and fresh, this should be more than enough.
Errors and browser support
Your game must work in at least one browser. The more supported browsers, the better - you can get more points for that. There should be no errors - you can lose some points if your game is showing any errors in the console. If we cannot play your game, it won't be accepted. You'll get extra points if your game supports any mobile devices.
It doesn't matter if you're working alone or with your friends, just remember that the number of prizes is fixed, so you'll have to share your trophies with your teammates.
Sending submissions
There will be a special form to submit your game. Please remember that you have to provide two sources (see the Rule #2 for details) - a link to a public repository on Github and a zipped package. Participants are allowed to submit more than one game in the competition.
Accepting submissions
Submissions will be checked manually and published after positive verification. This may take up to a couple of days, so be patient if your game is not yet online. I claim the right to reject any submission without giving a reason, although I hope I don't have to. I also have the right to update the rules of the competition at any time.
Server category specific rules
- Sandbox server
- You can find the official sandbox server at - it is maintained by Aurélio A. Heckert and Florent Cailhol.
- Package size still below 13 kB
- In this year one game package will contain all the game code and assets, for the client and the server.
- Sandboxed environment
- Your game will run in a node.js based sandbox environment. That means you will not really use node. You can require a limited collection of modules and your own modules shipped by your 13k pack.
- The allowed modules are:
- Assert, buffer, events, path, querystring, string_decoder, sandbox-io (a shimed version of already listening your game port) and sandbox-server (a shimed version of http.server already listening on your game port).
- Do not leak the sandbox
- This is not a hacking competition. This is a way to help the competition admins, the site persistence, and you. Trying to directly write files, to read files outside of your package, to use not allowed modules, to change the server port, or any other tries to leak the sandbox will cast you out of the competition.
- Yes, you can persist some data
- The sandbox has a global function "db(key[,value])". That can abstract the read/write json data from the disk for you.
- client lib
- You can use it. Simply add <script src="/"></script> to your HTML and that will be loaded. No server configuration will be needed. The sandbox already did it.
- Respect your neighbours
- Besides the fact that you can be cast out if you deliberately affect another game by accessing files or it's server, you also have to try to not plunder the host computing resources. That is also needed to preserve the server health.
- Can I test the sandbox before submitting?
- Yes, you can and you must! Installing and getting it running is simple. Visit the project page at
- Is there any example? How do I develop my game using the sandbox server?
- Read the how to and the example to learn more. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why exactly 13 kB?
- Well... why not? :)
- What's in it for you? Are you getting paid?
- Nope, it's just my own idea and it's made for pure fun. I'd love to get a sponsorship though as I spent my own private money on the first edition to cover shipping of the prizes worldwide, making t-shirts etc.
- What does the "zipped" term exactly mean?
- Sent package should be zipped with your usual system archiver, the only allowed extension is .zip. Let's keep it simple - it's a competition for coders and this should be your main focus, the code itself. Thanks to the zipped archive you will easily send your game and we will easily check the file size.
- Can I use Flash?
- No, you can code your game using only the open web technologies like JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
- Can I use WebGL?
- Yes, though it might be hard to fit it into 13 kilobytes if you plan on doing an FPS game.
- Can I use CoffeeScript or TypeScript?
- Yes, you can use it, but you can't submit it. Only pure JavaScript code will be accepted, so remember to have your compiled code within the 13 kB limit.
- Can I use compression through the self-extracting PNGs?
- No, this technique is strictly prohibited. Only pure JavaScript minifying is allowed.
- More questions?
- Send them in via email or social media or post them in the dedicated topic at the HTML5GameDevs forums.