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��Mobile1.0��Mobile2.0�i�\�[�X�FWhat is "Mobile 2.0"? �CDan's Blog�j
SMS �� IM (e.g. Yahoo! messenger for mobile)
MMS �� Media sharing (e.g. ShoZu)
Operator Portals �� Mobile Web and Search
Operator chooses �� User chooses
Premium SMS billing �� Mobile stored value Accounts (e.g. Luup)
Java Games �� Embedded Applications (e.g. Blogger application)
Presence & Push-To-Talk �� Embedded VOIP applications
WAP sites �� .Mobi sites
WAP push �� RSS readers
Wallpaper �� Idle screen applications
Location services �� Google maps application
Time or volume-based pricing �� "All you can eat" data charging
Content consumption �� Content creation (e.g. mobile blogging)
�@Internet 2 cell phone
Scan, store & share documents with your phone camera
With Crickee, users can send and receive loads of SMS totally �@�@free and without obligation
�@Hook in with your mobile & meet friends
�@Use Skype from your mobile
�@Your email on your current mobile phone
�@hundreds of free high resolution fractal wallpapers for pc
�@Upload your audio and start selling MP3s and ringtones in 60 �@�@�@�@seconds
�@Publish & share multimedia on web & cell
�EKaywa Reader
�@A QR Code and Datamatrix Reader. Comes with a mobile and web ID.
�ELyrics 2.0 New!
�@Website about sharing lyrics and music information.
�@Mobile social bookmarking
�@Store & share mobile content
�@Share information & people thru your mobile
�@MP3Travel.com allows you to share your knowledge about monuments �@�@or places you know with fellows travellers.
�@Monitor & modify eating habits with your camera phone
�@News & alerts on your mobile
�@Meet & sms people. Chat anytime anywhere.
�@Upload & share photos and videos on your mobile
�@Personal portal; also mobile
�@Create it & share it mobile
�@IM, social networking, and local mapping mash-up.
�@Scan, copy, and fax with your digital camera or camera phone
�@Manage your mobile photos online
�@Have music recognized thru your cell
�@Upload & share photos, videos & text on your mobile
�ESmartPhones & PDA's
�@Share pictures & notes with your cell phone
�@From voice to text to mobile or email
�@Publish & share mobile photos
�@Mobile tools for media, payments, shopping, passwords, etc.
�@Mobile blog
�@Mobile P2P micropayments
�@Price comparison for mobile
�EVicito | The Group Messenger
�@Vicito is a group messaging site
�@Mobile Search Based Portal
�@Upload & share mobile videos
�@Mobile Community, User-Generated Content, Mobile Social Software, �@Mobile Chat, Mobile Site Builder
�@��͂�C�Q���^�T�[�r�X���ڗ����đ����B�č��ł��u�Q������P�[�^�C�v���ٓ��Ƃ������Ƃ��B���Ȃ݂ɁC11��6����The mobile2.0 conference ���J�����B
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�EKDDI�ƃO���[�A�g�ь���SNS�uEZ GREE�v��2006�N11���ɊJ�n�iITpro)
�E�uPC�̐������f�����P�[�^�C�Łv�\�\au����SNS�uEZ GREE�v�̑_���iITmedia�j
�E�u���邾������܂�Ȃ��B�Q������P�[�^�C�ցv -KDDI��GREE��SNS�uEZ GREE�v���J�n�iRBB NAVi�j
�EWhat�fs Mobile 2.0?�iMashable!�j
�EWhat is "Mobile 2.0"? �iDan's Blog�j
�EThe Best of Web 2.0 MOBILE�iAll Things Web 2.0�j
I would like to let you know that EQO Mobile is now available in Japanese.
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