�u���K�[: Michael Arrington, 36
�J�n��: June, 2005
���e�@: Profiling, reviewing new companies and products from the Web
2.Paul Kedrosky's Infectious Greed
�u���K�[:Paul Kedrosky, 40
�J�n���F April, 2003
���e�@�FKedrosky�fs take on technology, finance, and venture capital
3. Gothamist
�u���K�[: Jen Chung and Jake Dobkin, both 29
�J�n���FFebruary, 2003
���e�@�FUp-to-date information on everything New York City.
4. Seth's Blog
�u���K�[: Seth Godin, 46
�J�n���FJanuary, 2002
���e�@�F Marketing ideas, advice,and reflections on various companies
5. Chris Baggott�fs E-mail Marketing Best Practices (write-in)
�u���K�[: Chris Baggott, 46
�J�n���FMay, 2004
���e�@�FTips on creating effective e-mail marketing strategies
6. Scobleizer
�u���K�[: Robert Scoble, 41
�J�n���FDecember, 2000
���e�@�F Thoughts about the tech industry, blogs, and new Web products
7. Blog Maverick
�u���K�[: Mark Cuban, 48
�J�n���FMarch, 2004
���e�@�FOpinionated posts on everything from the media to technology
8. Internet Outsider
�u���K�[: Henry Blodget, 39
�J�n���FOctober, 2005
���e�@�FAnalyzing the Internet Business: companies, trends, research, and more...
9. Scripting News
�u���K�[: Dave Winer, 51
�J�n���F April, 1997
���e�@�F A mix of links, quotes, and news on everything from tech to current events
10. BoingBoing (write-in)
�u���K�[: Mark Frauenfelder, 45
�J�n���FJanuary, 2000
���e�@�FPosts about everything from media to new tech products. T
11. Engadget (write-in)
�u���K�[: Peter Rojas, 31
�J�n���F March, 2004
���e�@�FThe latest technology news
12. Feld Thoughts
�u���K�[: Brad Feld, 40
�J�n���FMay, 2004
���e�@�Fpersonal information about Feld�fs vacations and favorite books to thoughts about entrepreneurship and venture capital
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