1. Magazine readership remains steady in an increasingly crowded and noisy media landscape.
Source: MRI Fall Study 2008, Page 7 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
2. 92% of U.S. adults read magazines.
Source: Experian Simmons, 2009
3. Magazine readers pay attention to magazine ads. They don�ft pay to avoid the advertising as they do with other media.
Source: BIGResearch Simmultaneous Media Usage Study, 2008 Page 30 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
4. Consumers spend more than $86 million each week on single-copy magazines.
Source: Nielsen 2006
5. Subscriptions to magazines are on the rise. 2007: 322 million paid subscriptions. 2008: 325 million paid subscriptions.
Source: MPA; A.B.C.. Page 14 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
6 Magazine subscriptions increased in the first half of 2009.
Source: MPA Info Center analysis of ABC First Half 2009 Fas Fax
7. New magazines continue to be launched. The latest figures show that magazine launches surged 10% in the first part of 2009 from the prior year.
Source: Professor Samir Husni, author of The Guide to New Magazines; MrMagazine.com
8. Magazines covers chronicle key events. President Obama�fs election resulted in dozens of covers with him, his family....and even his dog.
Source: American Society of Magazine Editors
9. Who says that iPod-dependent teenagers have abandoned magazines? 75% of teens read magazines.
Source: MRI Teenmark 2008, Page 78 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
10. Magazines appeal to younger adults. Adults 34 and younger read more magazines than adults +34.
Source: MRI Fall 2008, Page 77 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
11. Over the past 5 years, the median age of magazine readers has remained consistently younger than the media age of total U.S. adults.
Source: MPA SalesEdge June 8, 2009; MRI Spring Reports 2009, 2008, 2004
12. 54 magazines closed in 2008. A decrease of 17% from 2007.
Source: Ulrich's Publications Database www.ulrichspub.com
13. Magazines love the Internet. Almost a quarter of all new subscriptions come from the Internet.
Source: MPA Internet Subscription Surveys 2009 edition
14. Magazines build buzz. They excel in reaching people who shape attitudes and behavior.
Source: MRI Omnibus Recontact Study, 2008; Page 73 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
15. The top 25 magazines reach more adults and teens than the top 25 prime-time TV programs.
Source: Carat Insight, Nielsen September 2007-May 2008 (Primetime Schedule) MRI Fall 2008; MRI Twelveplus 2008, Page 75 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
16. Circulation generates more than 40% of all magazine revenue.
Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers Financial Survey for MPA, 2008, 2007, Page 20 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
17. The number of consumer magazine websites grew 78% between 2005 and 2009.
Source: Mediafinder.com, 2009, Page 9 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
18. Magazines excel at long-form journalism, superb photography, eye-catching design.
19. Consumers buy more magazines when there�fs big news. Michael Jackson-themed magazines in July drove an extra $55 million in sales.
Source: Advertising Age "Somber Bright Spot for Magazines" by Nat Ives; August 27, 2009
20. Magazines drive web search more than any other medium. More than double Internet advertising and social media.
Source: BIGResearch Simmultaneous Media Usage Study (SIMM13), December 2008, Page 70 of MPA 2009 Magazine Handbook
�EThe Twenty Tweetable Truths About Magazines�iMagazine Publishers of America�j