The 14th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2005)

The International World Wide Web Conference Committee and Keio University cordially invite you to participate in the Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference on May 10-14, 2005, in Chiba, Japan.

Thank you very much for attending WWW2005 in Chiba.
See you at the future WWW conferences.


Wireless network is available at the conference site. The ESSID is “WWW2005”.
Mail Server Setup:
There is an SMTP server for the participants: its IP address is “”.
Saturday Lunch:
You have a meal coupon (1,000 yen per day) for lunch. Coupons are in your registration package.


13 May, 2005
WWW2006 in Edinburgh Scotland will be held from May 22, 2006 to May 26, 2006.

[All the news]

General questions about WWW2005 may be sent to [email protected].