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PENDING OPPORTUNITIES AND DEADLINES! Please visit the Program webpage to see the most current information about specific presentations and other conference activities. People interested in proposing to present at Developers Day should review the DevDay tracks and contact the appropriate track leader listed there or send email to [email protected]. WWW2002 will be bringing back BoF (Birds of a Feather) sessions. The World Organization of Webmasters (WOW), one of our WWW2002 Conference Partners, has already scheduled a BoF. Submit your idea TECHNICAL PROGRAM Questions about the WWW2002 Technical Program can be submitted via email to [email protected] Program Committee Co-Chairs Dave De Roure,
University of Southampton, UK KEY DATES
Final Alternate Track Papers due: 11 March 2002
** ^� Only applies to Education, Global Community, Web Engineering Tracks. PAPER SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE FOR THE REFEREED PAPER TRACK
ACM REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCEPTED REFEREED PAPERS Authors of accepted refereed papers must submit final papers in XHTML format, as well as a copy in either Microsoft Word or LaTeX for ACM publication. Final WWW2002 templates are now made available at this site:
The total page limit for each refereed paper is 12. No additional pages are available for purchase. Any questions regarding the ACM paper formats can be sent to Lisa at Sheridan Printing. REFEREED PAPERS TRACK The 2002 International World Wide Web conference seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Submitted papers should be previously unpublished and not currently under review by another conference or journal. Topics include but are not limited to the following list. Please click on the topics for more detail about the specific subject area.
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and will also be accessible to the general public via the WWW2002 Web site. Authors of special merit papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Authors may designate that a paper rejected by the refereed paper track be considered by an alternate track or for poster presentation. A record number of submissions made the review process very competitive this year. Only 72 papers out of 454 submissions, were accepted. Here are the Accepted Refereed Papers that were selected for WWW2002. ALTERNATE TRACKS Other program tracks at WWW2002 will address topics of interest through presentations of current work, panel discussions and demonstrations. Submissions will be reviewed by a Program Committee specific to the track. All accepted papers will be published in a separate proceeding from the Refereed Papers Track's ACM publication. Please note that the paper submissions process and submission deadlines are different from that of the refereed paper track. Please click on the topics for specific instructions for each Alternate Track. General questions about these alternate tracks can be sent to Dave De Roure. Papers and presentations are invited in the following areas:
PANEL SUBMISSIONS The WWW2002 Program Committee solicitation for proposals for panel presentations were closed on 13 Nov 2001. The poster area provides an opportunity for researchers and practitioners to present and demonstrate their recent web-related research and obtain feedback from their peers in an informal setting. It gives conference attendees a way to learn about innovative works in progress in a timely and informal manner. Accepted posters will be displayed in a dedicated poster area and the presenters featured during an evening poster reception. Abstracts will appear in proceedings distributed to all attendees. Poster submissions are now being accepted at: http://posters.www2002.org. For more details about the poster submission process and guidelines, please see the WWW2002 Posters Call For Participation. Additional questions about the WWW2002 poster submission process can be submitted via email to the Posters Chair, Irwin King, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK TUTORIALS A program of tutorials will cover topics of current interest to Web design, development, services, operation, use and evaluation. These half-day and full-day sessions will be led by internationally recognized experts and experienced instructors using prepared content. Submissions for Tutorial proposals were closed on 15 Oct 2001. Tutorial Session Descriptions for the Half-day and Full-Day Tutorials are now available. Inquiries about the WWW2002 Tutorials can be submitted via email to [email protected] Tutorials & Workshops Co-Chairs Michael Bieber,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA WORKSHOPS Workshops provide an opportunity for researchers, designers, leaders and practitioners to explore current web R&D issues through a more focused and in-depth manner than is possible in a traditional conference session. These full-day sessions allow participants to present position statements and hold in-depth discussions with their peers within the workshop setting. Submissions for Workshop proposals were closed on 15 Oct 2001 Workshop Session Descriptions are now available. Inquiries about the WWW2002 Workshops can be submitted via email to [email protected] Tutorials & Workshops Co-Chairs Michael Bieber,
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA DEVELOPERS DAY Developers Day (D-Day) will be devoted to the interests of Web developers, and will offer in-depth discussions of technologies and tools at the forefront of the Web. This day-long program will consist of several parallel streams focused on specific content areas. D-Day sessions are designed to be timely and state-of-the-art. Developers Day Track Descriptions are now available. Inquiries about the WWW2002 Developers Day can be submitted via email to [email protected] Developers Day Co-Chairs Rohit Khare,
KnowNow, Inc., USA |
Last Reviewed: 4/19/02
[email protected]