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NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 31 December, 2015
Published time: 28 December, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 22 December, 2015
Published time: 18 December, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 14 December, 2015
Published time: 8 December, 2015
Published time: 5 December, 2015
Published time: 5 December, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 30 November, 2015
Published time: 28 November, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 25 November, 2015
Published time: 22 November, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 19 November, 2015
Published time: 16 November, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 12 November, 2015
Published time: 8 November, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 6 November, 2015
Published time: 3 November, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 31 October, 2015
Published time: 26 October, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 20 October, 2015
Published time: 18 October, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 15 October, 2015
Published time: 14 October, 2015
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 9 October, 2015
Published time: 6 October, 2015
Published time: 29 September, 2015
The deployment of new nuclear weaponry in Germany by Washington "is no minor affair as it brings the likelihood of nuclear war by miscalculation between the United States and Russia one giant step closer and it makes the German Republic a direct high-priority target in any such escalation. Ashton "Ash" Carter and the war-hawks running the US Defense Department appear to be losing all contact with reality," Engdahl noted in his article for New Eastern Outlook... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 1 October, 2015
Published time: 28 September, 2015
Published time: 22 September, 2015
What scares Washington warhawks is the possibility that Russia's strategy could succeed in ending the ISIS [ISIL] reign of terror... To read further, click here
Published time: 22 September, 2015
It’s not at all surprising except in how fast it’s going. Within the space of little more than a decade, since the ill-fated Bush Administration decision to invade and occupy Afghanistan then Iraq in March 2003, the United States of America has managed to lose strategic influence and allies across the entire Middle East. Not only the Shi’ite Iranians, whom President Obama believes are now beholden to Washington, but also for the first time Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab states and Egypt are in the process of finding new allies or cooperation partners, and they are in the east, no longer the west... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 16 September, 2015
Citing CEO of Russia's state-owned oil company Rosneft Igor Sechin, the economic researcher called attention to the fact that Saudi Arabia is now seeking a "formal market-share agreement with Russia."... To read further, click here
Published time: 16 September, 2015
By the day it’s becoming clearer that what I have recently been saying in my writings is coming to be. The OPEC oil-producing states of the Middle East, including Iran, through the skillful mediation of Russia, are carefully laying the foundations for a truly new world order. The first step in testing this will be if they collectively succeed in eliminating the threat to Syria of the Islamic State, and prepare the basis for serious, non-manipulated elections there... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 9 September, 2015
Secretary John Kerry and friends have managed what can only be called a brilliant double suicide. The September 2014 deal with Saudi Arabia to crash oil prices, then at $103 a barrel for US WTI grade crude oil, not only has managed to bring the US shale oil industry—Washington’s new strategic card allowing the US to essentially abandon her Saudi and Gulf Arab allies–to the brink of bankruptcy and collapse. The oil price collapse, ironically, also gave Russian oil beautiful profits and forced the companies to turn east for far larger and more lucrative new markets. Team Russia-Saudi Arabia: 2 to 0 for Team USA-Canada... To read further, click here
Published time: 5 September, 2015
The formally still-communist Peoples’ Republic of China has just experienced what we can call their “October 1929 Moment.” The most colossal stock market crash the world has ever seen is still underway a full two months after the spectacular rocket ascent of the Shanghai and Schenzhen stock prices began an equally spectacular reverse. Like many things China has made over the past three decades of opening to western ways, the Chinese stock market trading model was “made in USA,” in Wall Street to be precise. But the resulting stock bubble that exploded over the past six months was entirely “Made in China” by the Chinese leadership who clearly had no idea how leveraged stock markets really work... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 1 September, 2015
Some speculation is weaving through the airwaves that once its US-imposed sanctions are lifted in several months, Iran will shift its existing allegiance with Russia and instead double-cross the Great Russian Bear by doing gas and oil export deals that directly undercut Russia, especially Gazprom’s Turkish Stream gas pipeline aimed at the southern EU states. Were that to occur, perhaps at the same time a Pentagon and CIA backed rearming of the Ukrainian army and supply of massive heavy artillery to launch a far more effective military assault on the eastern Ukraine self-proclaimed republics, the Washington calculation would be a devastating blow to Putin and Russia’s economic stability. No matter what dreams may be floating around the Pentagon however, for many reasons an Iranian double-cross is highly unlikely... To read further, click here
Published time: 28 August, 2015
China has become the world’s leading makers of modern railroads and equipment. It has done so as part of a long-term strategy to weld a new economic space, build entirely new markets where none before existed. They studied the European rail-makers, studied the German ICE high-speed railways, engaged Siemens and a German consortium to build the world’s first magnetically levitated (maglev) train to link Shanghai’s international convention center to its new international airport at speeds between 300-400 km per hour. Now they are working on an entire new concept of fast rail as well as negotiating with some 28 countries to build high-speed conventional rail lines. China has become the address when it comes to rails and it is changing the world as we know it... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 24 August, 2015
Turkey is a beautiful land, rich in resources, with many highly intelligent and warm people. It also happens to have a President who seems intent on destroying his once-proud nation. More and more details are coming to light revealing that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, variously known as ISIS, IS or Daesh, is being fed and kept alive by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish President and by his Turkish intelligence service, including MIT, the Turkish CIA. Turkey, as a result of Erdoğan’s pursuit of what some call a Neo-Ottoman Empire fantasies that stretch all the way to China, Syria and Iraq, threatens not only to destroy Turkey but much of the Middle East if he continues on his present path... To read further, click here
Published time: 16 August, 2015
While key Western banks are artificially restraining gold prices to breathe life into the diluted and devalued dollar system, Russia, China and other emerging economies are involved in "the genial move" to establish an entirely different gold market, F. William Engdahl underscores... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 12 August, 2015
The worth of gold in the world is growing by the day. That might seem like a paradox but it isn’t. The worth of gold is not fixed on the Comex futures exchange, or the trade in London or Zurich. True, most of the gold-trading public takes its cue today from the CME’s COMEX gold futures price where it does not at all look like the worth of a bar of gold is growing. Why can we then speak of gold’s worth rising?.. To read further, click here
Published time: 8 August, 2015
Who would’ve thought it would come to this? Certainly not the Obama Administration, and their brilliant geo-political think-tank neo-conservative strategists. John Kerry’s brilliant “win-win” proposal of last September during his September 11 Jeddah meeting with ailing Saudi King Abdullah was simple: Do a rerun of the highly successful State Department-Saudi deal in 1986 when Washington persuaded the Saudis to flood the world market at a time of over-supply in order to collapse oil prices worldwide, a kind of “oil shock in reverse.” In 1986 was successful in helping to break the back of a faltering Soviet Union highly dependent on dollar oil export revenues for maintaining its grip on power.. To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 3 August, 2015
Vladimir Putin! Now you’ve really done it. You have had the temerity to declare our National Endowment for Democracy (NED), America’s most important Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to be “undesirable.” Where will this end? Don’t you respect our right, as a US Government-financed NGO, to meddle in internal Russian affairs? After all, we are the most important NGO of the world’s Sole Superpower. We can go wherever we want and do whatever we like. We are truly upset!.. To read further, click here
Published time: 31 July, 2015
By now it is clear that far from a sensible resolution of the relatively solvable Greek crisis, the agreement pushed on Greece above all by the Merkel coalition in Berlin, with the willing complicity of Greek Prime Minister Tsipras, is preprogrammed to not merely fail but also to detonate a tsunami of consequences which likely will begin the chaotic breakup of the European Monetary System and its Euro. What’s also becoming clear is the clash of geopolitical interests between Washington, France and the IMF on the one side and Germany, with support from tiny Finland on the other side. For those conscious of the barest facts of history, the cruel irony is that Germany is imposing on “defeated” Greece conditions more severe than the post World War I Versailles Reparations conditions under the so-called Dawes Plan in 1924... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 27 July, 2015
Of course only very pathologically damaged mothers would ever knowingly feed their family formaldehyde. But that’s precisely what hundreds of millions of families are unknowingly doing around the world every day. A brilliant new scientific experiment has proven in a peer-reviewed study published in the journal, Agricultural Sciences, that human consumption of GMO soy creates a cumulative toxic effect: the accumulation of formaldehyde in the body, along with a dramatic reduction of a specific anti-oxidant essential to detoxify cells. For humans or animals, eating GMO soy is tantamount to drinking a toxic cocktail... To read further, click here
Published time: 22 July, 2015
The dual summits that took place in Russia’s Ufa beginning 9 July were anything but routine. In fact it may be seen by future historians as a signal event that marked the definitive decline of the global hegemony of European civilization including North America. This is no small event in human history. It’s the most significant shift in relative global economic relations since the Fourth Crusade in 1204 when the Republic of Venice emerged as a world power following their brutal, disgraceful capture and sacking of Constantinople, marking the demise of the Byzantine Empire... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 16 July, 2015
At this sad and very dangerous juncture of the unfolding events surrounding Greece and the crushing demands of the Troika, it becomes clear that all this would never have come to pass had the Greek people not felt guilty over their country’s debt situation. As a consequence of their feeling guilty since the crisis began in October 2009, the situation is rapidly turning into a human tragedy where an entire people are now faced with likely destruction... To read further, click here
Published time: 13 July, 2015
What few people inside or outside the United States grasp is the fundamental transformation of US politics, especially since the 1970’s, from political parties with stable mass-based constituencies to two parties bought lock, stock and barrel by a handful of American oligarchs with one agenda—the advancement of the interests of those same oligarchs regardless of the social consequences. Next year, 2016 is a Presidential election year. Already so-called front-runners are being proclaimed by mainstream media. It has nothing to do with genuine voter support but rather with the money behind Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Jeb Bush... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 9 July, 2015
The magnetic force field pulling more EU countries to link up with the emerging Eurasian economic colossus is growing by the day as the economies of the EU sink deeper into debt, depression and economic stagnation. The latest intriguing development is the formal agreement of the Hungarian government to become a part of the routes of the China New Silk Road Economic Belt, a network of high-speed railway lines along the historical medieval silk road across Eurasia to Europe... To read further, click here
Published time: 3 July, 2015
Something stinks very bad about Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis and the entire Greek mess that has been playing out since the election victory of the nominally pro-Greek Syriza Party in January. I am coming to the reluctant conclusion that far from being the champion of the hapless Greek people, Varoufakis is part of a far larger and very dirty game... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 29 June, 2015
It’s scarcely a day passes that there isn’t some fascinating new development bringing Russia and China closer in peaceful economic cooperation. The most recent such development involves what must be described as a win-win development in which Russia has agreed to lease prime Siberian agriculture lands to a Chinese company for the coming fifty years. It fits beautifully to plans for the development of the world’s largest infrastructure project, the planned New Silk Road Economic Belt, a network of new high-speed railway lines criss-crossing Eurasia from China to Mongolia to Russia and beyond ultimately to the EU... To read further, click here
Published time: 25 June, 2015
I want to share my impressions from a recent visit to St. Petersburg where I was invited to speak on a panel titled “Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste.” The title is another version of the old Chinese proverb, “A crisis also presents new opportunities.” This is what is emerging today in the Russian Federation and radiating outwards across the broad expanse of Eurasia and into all Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin AmericaA shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of the Lancet recently published a statement declaring that a shocking amount of published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false, as in, fraudulent... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 22 June, 2015
Given a series of recent speeches by leading US officials and actions, the question must be frankly posed: Has Washington gone collectively looney tunes? Even as the governments of the EU are moving to buck US pressures and ease the sanctions, the Obama Administration seems intent on marching in the direction of a nuclear confrontation with Russia. As the ancient Greek expression puts it, “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad…” The following recent developments fit that pattern quite nicely, thank you... To read further, click here
Published time: 18 June, 2015
A shocking admission by the editor of the world’s most respected medical journal, The Lancet, has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media. Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of the Lancet recently published a statement declaring that a shocking amount of published research is unreliable at best, if not completely false, as in, fraudulent... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 16 June, 2015
Using the argument of the top secret Trans-Atlanic Trade and Investment Partnership talks, as well as enormous reported lobbying pressure from such chemical giants as Bayer AG and BASF as their excuse, the EU Commission has quietly abandoned plans for tighter safety regulations on pesticides. This is no minor bureaucratic issue. The health and safety of hundreds of millions of people in the EU are at risk to say nothing of animals, birds and insects, and nature at all... To read further, click here
Published time: 11 June, 2015
Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime. They also reveal his machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets. All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 6 June, 2015
Russia is about to take another major step towards liberating the Ruble from the Dollar System. Its Finance Ministry just revealed it is considering issuing Russian state debt in Chinese Yuan. That would be an elegant way to decouple from the dependence and blackmail pressures from the US Treasury financial terrorism operations while at the same time strengthening the bonds between China and Russia–Washington’s worst geopolitical nightmare... To read further, click here
Published time: 3 June, 2015
In my daily research I came across a report so alarming I put aside planned writing in order to bring this to the attention of those who care about life. It has to do with one of the main treatments for cancer used in modern medicine—chemotherapy. New research has documented that chemotherapy, far from ridding anyone of cancer actually feeds the growth and spread of cancer... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 31 May, 2015
On May 23, 2015 Russian President Vlaldimir Putin signed into law a new bill from the Duma that now gives prosecutors power to declare foreign and international organizations “undesirable” in Russia and shut them down. Predictably US State Department spokesperson, Marie Harf, said the United States is “deeply troubled” by the new law, calling it “a further example of the Russian government’s growing crackdown on independent voices and intentional steps to isolate the Russian people from the world... To read further, click here
Published time: 28 May, 2015
I know of no comparable global Great Project to equal what is now unfolding, bit-by-bit, as China reveals more about her Silk Road Economic Belt high-speed railway infrastructure network. And it’s now clear that the road will be filled with entire new cities, industrial zones, construction, improving standards of living for hundreds of millions of people previously abandoned. The implications for founding a new global alternative to the bankrupt dollar system are immense... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 24 May, 2015
These are sad days in Washington and Wall Street. The once unchallenged sole Superpower at the collapse of the Soviet Union some quarter century ago is losing its global influence so rapidly that most would not have predicted anything comparable six months ago. The key actor who has catalyzed a global defiance of Washington as Sole Superpower is Vladimir Putin, Russia’s President. This is the real background to the surprise visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Sochi to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and then a four hour talk with “Satan” himself, Putin... To read further, click here
Published time: 20 May, 2015
The European Union has an uncanny knack for shooting itself in the foot these days. Under strong pressure from a Russo-phobic Washington administration and various Russo-phobic EU governments, Brussels last year decided to take steps to block the bilateral agreements between Russia’s state Gazprom and EU countries such as Greece and Bulgaria to buy gas from a new Russian pipeline that was to have been called South Stream, the southern counterpart to the Gazprom-Germany North Stream line... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 15 May, 2015
On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the annexation of Crimea, the US coup d’etat in Ukraine, and the general state of relations with the United States and the EU. His words were frank. And in the middle of his remarks the Russian former KGB chief dropped a political bombshell that was known by Russian intelligence two decades ago... To read further, click here
Published time: 13 May, 2015
Something extraordinary just took place in Russia and it may have moved our disturbed world one major step nearer to peace and away from a looming new world war. Of all unlikely things, what took place was a nationwide remembrance by Russians of the estimated 27 to perhaps 30 million Soviet citizens who never returned alive from World War II. Yet in what can only be described in a spiritual manner, the events of May 9, Victory Day over Nazism, that took place across all Russia, transcended the specific day of memory on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in 1945. It was possible to see a spirit emerge from the moving events unlike anything this author has ever witnessed in his life... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 5 May, 2015
Since the time the CIA financed and trained more than one hundred thousand Mujahideen Islamic Jihadists, including a fanatical Saudi named Osama bin Laden, to wage a decade-long proxy war against forces of the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, Washington has been obsessed with the idea of penetrating deep into Central Asia in order to drive a wedge between China and Russia... To read further, click here
Published time: 30 April, 2015
I recently received a sharp complaint from a reader about an assumed anti-American pro-Russian bias in my writings. The complaint gives a very good opportunity to address questions on the minds of many in the West confused by an extremely biased pro-Washington, anti-Russian bias in mainstream media coverage of Ukraine and Russia as the new demon to be fought... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook:
Published time: 27 April, 2015
We occasionally hear stories of the Great Dustbowl in America’s grain-rich Midwest during the Great Depression of the 1930’s when prolonged drought became so extreme as strong winds, drought and clouds of dust plagued nearly 75 percent of the United States. The Dust Bowl lasted for eight years from 1931 to 1939. Yet we hear little, especially in US national media of a new dust bowl which threatens to literally dry up the nation’s most populous state, California... To read further, click here
Published time: 23 April, 2015
Once more Vladimir Putin and his team have managed to undercut Washington’s geopolitical strategy, this time regarding the secret bilateral US negotiations with Iran outside the G5+1 talks that included Russia. What Russia has done, with dazzling speed, is to defuse what could have been a devastating US move to turn Iran from an ally of Russia into a bitter adversary. Were that to happen it would deal a devastating blow to Russia’s resistance to the Washington dictates... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 21 April, 2015
Icelanders are a proud stubborn people with more than 1200 years of history, rugged Scandinavian stock, living in one of the most beautiful natural areas of our Earth. In 2001 her government made a colossal series of disastrous decisions that resulted in the worst banking crisis in history... To read further, click here
Published time: 17 April, 2015
The last financial Tsunami was a doozer that almost destroyed the global financial system. It was the collapse of the Wall Street Mortgage Backed Securities bubble in March 2007. The results of that collapse are still very much with the world today. Never in the one hundred some years of the Federal Reserve Bank has the Fed held interest rates at an artificial near-zero level for what is soon to mark eight years duration. Not even during the 1930’s Great Depression were rates kept so low so long. It is not a sign of a healthy banking system, friends... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 16 April, 2015
At the very least the new Greek government realizes it must play in a deadly power game over the future of the nation in an asymmetrical manner. The so-called Troika—EU Commission, European Central Bank and IMF—is demanding blood from a turnip when it comes to Greece. So after hitting a granite wall in appealing for easing of the austerity to permit Greek economic growth to begin climbing back to solvency, the government of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is looking at every option. The latest move is their looking east to Moscow and then Beijing. The Greek crisis, which began in October 2009 is at a critical crossroads... To read further, click here
Published time: 12 April, 2015
The recent tentative agreement between Iran and the USA regarding Iran’s nuclear program open the prospect of a lifting of almost 36 years of American economic sanctions against Iran. It is being greeted by threats of unilateral military strikes by Israel against Iran to “pre-empt” Iran developing a nuclear bomb. An alliance improbable as it may seem between the ultra-conservative Saudi monarchy and the government of Israel is emerging against Iran and the US deal. The real question is what the deeper motive of the Obama Administration is regarding Iran. Here energy geopolitics plays the lead role, as so often in the energy-rich Middle East. And Russia is the target... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 10 April, 2015
Germany is a founding member as France. So is Luxemburg, even Great Britain. Putin’s Russia and India are also among the founders. To the surprise of many, so is the International Monetary Fund (IMF), an institution that until now has been a pillar of the dollar system. We are talking about China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB. The question is whether the AIIB is on its way to become the seed crystal of a new monetary order that could replace the destructive influence of the dollar? Or will it be infected by Trojans like the UK and the IMF? The answer could well shape the architecture of a new world in which the dollar and its bloated debt structures no longer dictate to the entire world what their economic policies shall be... To read further, click here
Published time: 6 April, 2015
Polio is something I have more than a passing acquaintance with. Two days before my fifth birthday a medical doctor in Minneapolis diagnosed me with polio. I only learned decades later that it was not polio, poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis as it was also called. It was shortly after World War II. Then a few years later we were presented Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine, and the world believed that because of that vaccine and the Sabin variant, polio had been stamped out. The reality was that polio was not and is not a “virus,” nor did the vaccines of Salk or Sabin eradicate... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 2 April, 2015
What the insane Washington-orchestrated civil war in Ukraine has not yet destroyed in Ukraine over the past year, now the conditions demanded by the US Treasury-controlled International Monetary Fund will. Kiev on March 13 received the first $5 billion tranche of a $17.5 billion three year IMF loan. It desperately needs the cash to avoid insolvency. However, in typical IMF policy, the aim of the money is to act as a poisoned “carrot” to force the victim country to undertake draconian “reforms” whose only effect will be to open the doors to foreign banks and multinationals to further rape and plunder what’s left of their economy. Now Kiev is about to commit energy Hari-Kiri to please the IMF and the US-imposed American-born Finance Minister, Natalie Ann Jaresko... To read further, click here
Published time: 29 March, 2015
While attention has been focused in recent weeks on the role of Russia and President Vladimir Putin in brokering a new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, the Russian president has made time for two crucial state missions—one to Cyprus and one to Egypt. What they both share in common is a border on the shore of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, a strategic body of water whose importance in the escalating NATO confrontation with Russia cannot be underestimated... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 26 March, 2015
The growing fusion of economic self-interest between Russia and China has just taken another major step forward with the final decision by Beijing and Moscow governments to build a critical link in a high-speed rail infrastructure that will connect Beijing and Moscow. It follows only weeks after signing major energy deals between the two Eurasian nations as Putin’s Russia continues her dramatic shift away from a contemptuous EU towards the world’s fastest-growing region... To read further, click here
Published time: 24 March, 2015
In 2014 there was the western Africa Ebola hoax where US President Barack Obama, the first black man to be President, announced his “War on Ebola” in September last year, ordering 3,000 US military troops to the region, though reportedly none had experience in public health and no one had produced rigorous laboratory proof of a single person dying from something called Ebola virus. Liberia was among the poorest and most war-torn regions in the world... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 20 March, 2015
If she wasn’t such an ice-cold-hearted person, one might almost feel sorry for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now, before she even officially declares her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 to become successor to Barack Obama as President, she lands in the middle of another very ugly scandal. This new scandal might well spell the end of her presidential obsession, and that of her obsessive husband Bill Clinton to get back into the power loop... To read further, click here
Published time: 16 March, 2015
A bitter war is raging inside Turkey that pits Fetullah Gülen, the nominal head of a multi-billion dollar movement known as Cemaat, (The Movement in Turkish), against the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his political party, AKP. Gülen’s followers claim he is a great Islamist scholar though he never went beyond the fifth grade. His detractors call him leader of a cult similar to Scientology or an Islamic version of Opus Dei, which is intent on capturing vital state institutions in Turkey—the National Police, Judiciary and State Education Ministry, purge the traditional secular or Kemalist military, in short make a coup d’etat in the name of Islam. Since the summer of 2013 an open war has broken out between Islamist President Erdogan and his former electoral supporter, Gülen and Gülen-controlled movement including the widely-read Islamic conservative Zaman newspaper, the private Bank Asya bank, the Samanyolu TV television station... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 11 March, 2015
Poland’s farmers are in a very important and very good fight with their government and with their parliament. They are literally fighting for the future health and safety of their families, their grandchildren’s generation, their countrymen and even for the health and safety of the rest of the European Union that believes they have a right to enjoy eating healthy, nutritious food. That’s good and in my view should get more attention for the good it is... To read further, click here
Published time: 9 March, 2015
Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying everything including war on her doorstep in Ukraine, to collapse the Russian economy, humiliate Putin and paint Russians generally as bad. In the process, Russia is discovering positive attributes about her culture, her people, her land that had long been forgotten or suppressed... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 5 March, 2015
No sooner did US President Barack Obama leave New Delhi with many warm hugs from India’s newly elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but with essentially empty hands, than China opened the door in an uncharacteristic manner. It signals China’s desire to strengthen cooperation with her traditional foe during the Cold War, India. The geopolitical implications, following only weeks after Putin’s high-level talks with Modi in India further strengthen the idea that a new geopolitical center of gravity binding Russia with China and now India, is solidifying across the vast Eurasian expanse. That is the one event Washington and their neo-conservative hawks like Susan Rice and Ashton Carter are apoplectic about... To read further, click here
Published time: 26 February, 2015
The division of Ukraine since Kiev and Washington launched a civil war in the spring of 2014 against the Russian-speaking eastern provinces, has now created a predictable new economic crisis for that devastated country. The rogues in Kiev, by refusing any serious diplomatic resolution of the conflict for the past nine months, but rather opting to speak with bombs and terror, have now created for its citizens a desperate situation. The country now has dramatic power outages and heating crises as severe winter sets in... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 24 February, 2015
Monsanto just succeeded in getting a mammoth Trojan Horse inside the European Union. A rotten compromise has just been approved, amid great fanfare from both pro-GMO and anti-GMO sides, which will allow national governments to individually decide whether or... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 22 February, 2015
The dynamics of Russian foreign policy since the USA has forced a de facto declaration of war via financial and economic sanctions against Russia is impressive to put it mildly. Whether it will suffice to break the economic siege of Washington and open the way for a genuine... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 19 February, 2015
Sometimes I come across a comment from someone in the public eye that is so ridiculous it must not be let slip from view. Such was the case with remarks made by a man whose legal shenanigans I once personally faced in a Hamburg court (and survived quite well, thank you)... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 11 February, 2015
Washington created something called NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949 to weld Western Europe firmly to the future foreign policies of Washington, however destructive that might prove to the genuine interests of Germany, France, Italy and the other nations of Europe. In 1986 the twelve nations of the then-European Economic Community modified the 1957 Treaty of Rome and signed the Single European Act. That mandated the creation of a single EEC market by end of 1992, and set forth rules for European Political Cooperation, the forerunner of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy... To read further, click here
Boiling Frogs Post
Published time: 10 February, 2015
The following is the translation of an interview with William Engdahl conducted by journalist Deniz Ülkütekin of Turkey’s Cumhuriyet... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 6 February, 2015
After years of neglect Obama’s Washington has decided to try aggressively to woo the world’s second most populous nation, India. Why now? We need not look further than Moscow and Beijing and the recent dynamics surrounding the developing cooperation of the BRICS nations in developing a BRICS Infrastructure Bank to rival the US-controlled IMF-World Bank. India is a major chess piece in the Eurasian Grand Chessgame, and Prime Minister Modi has let the world know it is in play... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 31 January, 2015
While the Obama Administration is preoccupied with keeping an increasingly unhappy EU firm on further economic sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Putin is busy outflanking an increasingly desperate Washington. Rather than fixate on the deliberate US and NATO provocations in Ukraine, Russia is deepening its strategic ties with the other Great Eurasian land-power, the Peoples’ Republic of China. Far from Putin going begging to Beijing for money, the two powers are weaving a closer strategic counterweight to an Anglo-American elite gone bonkers as its empire slips from its hands... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 27 January, 2015
The “weasel” known as the USA fracking revolution, America’s recent shale gas and shale oil boom, which has been touted by the Obama Administration as grounds for risking their radical regime change policies across the OPEC Islamic world, is going “pop!,” as the money goes... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 26 January, 2015
In 2008 Washington created a special Pentagon command, AFRICOM, to counter the major Chinese economic initiatives in Africa to make loans and give soft credits in return for long-term trade agreements for oil and other African raw materials. Results have been poor in terms of stopping China’s search for raw materials for its growing economy. Now China has taken a new bold step to challenge the de facto imperialist American “Monroe Doctrine” by making major initiatives into Latin America. Washington’s “own backyard... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 22 January, 2015
Over the past approximate quarter century of so-called economic globalization, Wall Street’s ability to be the home of the only dominant “global” rating agencies to bestow ratings on the credit-worthiness of the world has been one of the most effective weapons of financial warfare in the Wall Street arsenal. They rate nations as well as private corporations. Now an answer to the Moody’s-Standard & Poors-Fitch US rating monopoly is coming. Not from the EU, where it is long overdue. It is coming from Russia and China, as so many bold and challenging initiatives of late... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 14 January, 2015
Today many countries are in a deep battle to decide whether to allow or prohibit Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). In Russia the government has been in a heated debate for months over a possible ban. China has rejected US shipments of corn for containing illegal GMO corn from Syngenta. Brazil is moving away from GMO soybean cultivation to certified Non-GMO soya. India is also in a heated governmental battle over GMOs... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 10 January, 2015
I have been to China over the years more than a dozen times. I have spoken with people at all levels of policy-making, and one thing I have come to realize is that when Beijing makes a major policy change, they make it carefully and with great deliberation. And when they arrive at a new consensus, they execute it with remarkable effect on all levels. That is the secret to their thirty-year economic miracle. Now China’s top leadership has made such a policy decision. It will transform our world over the next decade... To read further, click here
Published time: 2 April, 2015
What the insane Washington-orchestrated civil war in Ukraine has not yet destroyed in Ukraine over the past year, now the conditions demanded by the US Treasury-controlled International Monetary Fund will. Kiev on March 13 received the first $5 billion tranche of a $17.5 billion three year IMF loan. It desperately needs the cash to avoid insolvency. However, in typical IMF policy, the aim of the money is to act as a poisoned “carrot” to force the victim country to undertake draconian “reforms” whose only effect will be to open the doors to foreign banks and multinationals to further rape and plunder what’s left of their economy. Now Kiev is about to commit energy Hari-Kiri to please the IMF and the US-imposed American-born Finance Minister, Natalie Ann Jaresko... To read further, click here
Published time: 29 March, 2015
While attention has been focused in recent weeks on the role of Russia and President Vladimir Putin in brokering a new ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, the Russian president has made time for two crucial state missions—one to Cyprus and one to Egypt. What they both share in common is a border on the shore of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, a strategic body of water whose importance in the escalating NATO confrontation with Russia cannot be underestimated... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 26 March, 2015
The growing fusion of economic self-interest between Russia and China has just taken another major step forward with the final decision by Beijing and Moscow governments to build a critical link in a high-speed rail infrastructure that will connect Beijing and Moscow. It follows only weeks after signing major energy deals between the two Eurasian nations as Putin’s Russia continues her dramatic shift away from a contemptuous EU towards the world’s fastest-growing region... To read further, click here
Published time: 24 March, 2015
In 2014 there was the western Africa Ebola hoax where US President Barack Obama, the first black man to be President, announced his “War on Ebola” in September last year, ordering 3,000 US military troops to the region, though reportedly none had experience in public health and no one had produced rigorous laboratory proof of a single person dying from something called Ebola virus. Liberia was among the poorest and most war-torn regions in the world... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 20 March, 2015
If she wasn’t such an ice-cold-hearted person, one might almost feel sorry for Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now, before she even officially declares her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination in 2016 to become successor to Barack Obama as President, she lands in the middle of another very ugly scandal. This new scandal might well spell the end of her presidential obsession, and that of her obsessive husband Bill Clinton to get back into the power loop... To read further, click here
Published time: 16 March, 2015
A bitter war is raging inside Turkey that pits Fetullah Gülen, the nominal head of a multi-billion dollar movement known as Cemaat, (The Movement in Turkish), against the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his political party, AKP. Gülen’s followers claim he is a great Islamist scholar though he never went beyond the fifth grade. His detractors call him leader of a cult similar to Scientology or an Islamic version of Opus Dei, which is intent on capturing vital state institutions in Turkey—the National Police, Judiciary and State Education Ministry, purge the traditional secular or Kemalist military, in short make a coup d’etat in the name of Islam. Since the summer of 2013 an open war has broken out between Islamist President Erdogan and his former electoral supporter, Gülen and Gülen-controlled movement including the widely-read Islamic conservative Zaman newspaper, the private Bank Asya bank, the Samanyolu TV television station... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 11 March, 2015
Poland’s farmers are in a very important and very good fight with their government and with their parliament. They are literally fighting for the future health and safety of their families, their grandchildren’s generation, their countrymen and even for the health and safety of the rest of the European Union that believes they have a right to enjoy eating healthy, nutritious food. That’s good and in my view should get more attention for the good it is... To read further, click here
Published time: 9 March, 2015
Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying everything including war on her doorstep in Ukraine, to collapse the Russian economy, humiliate Putin and paint Russians generally as bad. In the process, Russia is discovering positive attributes about her culture, her people, her land that had long been forgotten or suppressed... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 5 March, 2015
No sooner did US President Barack Obama leave New Delhi with many warm hugs from India’s newly elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi, but with essentially empty hands, than China opened the door in an uncharacteristic manner. It signals China’s desire to strengthen cooperation with her traditional foe during the Cold War, India. The geopolitical implications, following only weeks after Putin’s high-level talks with Modi in India further strengthen the idea that a new geopolitical center of gravity binding Russia with China and now India, is solidifying across the vast Eurasian expanse. That is the one event Washington and their neo-conservative hawks like Susan Rice and Ashton Carter are apoplectic about... To read further, click here
Published time: 26 February, 2015
The division of Ukraine since Kiev and Washington launched a civil war in the spring of 2014 against the Russian-speaking eastern provinces, has now created a predictable new economic crisis for that devastated country. The rogues in Kiev, by refusing any serious diplomatic resolution of the conflict for the past nine months, but rather opting to speak with bombs and terror, have now created for its citizens a desperate situation. The country now has dramatic power outages and heating crises as severe winter sets in... To read further, click here
NEO - New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 24 February, 2015
Monsanto just succeeded in getting a mammoth Trojan Horse inside the European Union. A rotten compromise has just been approved, amid great fanfare from both pro-GMO and anti-GMO sides, which will allow national governments to individually decide whether or... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 22 February, 2015
The dynamics of Russian foreign policy since the USA has forced a de facto declaration of war via financial and economic sanctions against Russia is impressive to put it mildly. Whether it will suffice to break the economic siege of Washington and open the way for a genuine... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 19 February, 2015
Sometimes I come across a comment from someone in the public eye that is so ridiculous it must not be let slip from view. Such was the case with remarks made by a man whose legal shenanigans I once personally faced in a Hamburg court (and survived quite well, thank you)... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 18 February, 2015
Russian President Vladimir Putin raised many eyebrows in the west recently by confirming that he had invited the pariah North Korean Supreme Leader, Kim Jong-un, to come to Russia in May. Some saw this as a measure of the degree of desperation of Russia... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 16 February, 2015
I try to start from the premise that people do certain things for a reason, although often not for the reason they claim. This is certainly the case with US Presidents, especially since the CIA and Pentagon ganged up to assassinate John F. Kennedy a US President who was deviating from their program. Since that time if a US President, whether his name was Lyndon Johnson or Dick Nixon, Gerry Ford or Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan or George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton or George W. “Baby” Bush, stated a reason for a major US action in the world, I took that as a starting point to find out what the true reason behind such an action might be... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 11 February, 2015
Washington created something called NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949 to weld Western Europe firmly to the future foreign policies of Washington, however destructive that might prove to the genuine interests of Germany, France, Italy and the other nations of Europe. In 1986 the twelve nations of the then-European Economic Community modified the 1957 Treaty of Rome and signed the Single European Act. That mandated the creation of a single EEC market by end of 1992, and set forth rules for European Political Cooperation, the forerunner of the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy... To read further, click here
Boiling Frogs Post
Published time: 10 February, 2015
The following is the translation of an interview with William Engdahl conducted by journalist Deniz Ülkütekin of Turkey’s Cumhuriyet... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 6 February, 2015
After years of neglect Obama’s Washington has decided to try aggressively to woo the world’s second most populous nation, India. Why now? We need not look further than Moscow and Beijing and the recent dynamics surrounding the developing cooperation of the BRICS nations in developing a BRICS Infrastructure Bank to rival the US-controlled IMF-World Bank. India is a major chess piece in the Eurasian Grand Chessgame, and Prime Minister Modi has let the world know it is in play... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 31 January, 2015
While the Obama Administration is preoccupied with keeping an increasingly unhappy EU firm on further economic sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Putin is busy outflanking an increasingly desperate Washington. Rather than fixate on the deliberate US and NATO provocations in Ukraine, Russia is deepening its strategic ties with the other Great Eurasian land-power, the Peoples’ Republic of China. Far from Putin going begging to Beijing for money, the two powers are weaving a closer strategic counterweight to an Anglo-American elite gone bonkers as its empire slips from its hands... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 27 January, 2015
The “weasel” known as the USA fracking revolution, America’s recent shale gas and shale oil boom, which has been touted by the Obama Administration as grounds for risking their radical regime change policies across the OPEC Islamic world, is going “pop!,” as the money goes... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 26 January, 2015
In 2008 Washington created a special Pentagon command, AFRICOM, to counter the major Chinese economic initiatives in Africa to make loans and give soft credits in return for long-term trade agreements for oil and other African raw materials. Results have been poor in terms of stopping China’s search for raw materials for its growing economy. Now China has taken a new bold step to challenge the de facto imperialist American “Monroe Doctrine” by making major initiatives into Latin America. Washington’s “own backyard... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 22 January, 2015
Over the past approximate quarter century of so-called economic globalization, Wall Street’s ability to be the home of the only dominant “global” rating agencies to bestow ratings on the credit-worthiness of the world has been one of the most effective weapons of financial warfare in the Wall Street arsenal. They rate nations as well as private corporations. Now an answer to the Moody’s-Standard & Poors-Fitch US rating monopoly is coming. Not from the EU, where it is long overdue. It is coming from Russia and China, as so many bold and challenging initiatives of late... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 14 January, 2015
Today many countries are in a deep battle to decide whether to allow or prohibit Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). In Russia the government has been in a heated debate for months over a possible ban. China has rejected US shipments of corn for containing illegal GMO corn from Syngenta. Brazil is moving away from GMO soybean cultivation to certified Non-GMO soya. India is also in a heated governmental battle over GMOs... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 10 January, 2015
I have been to China over the years more than a dozen times. I have spoken with people at all levels of policy-making, and one thing I have come to realize is that when Beijing makes a major policy change, they make it carefully and with great deliberation. And when they arrive at a new consensus, they execute it with remarkable effect on all levels. That is the secret to their thirty-year economic miracle. Now China’s top leadership has made such a policy decision. It will transform our world over the next decade... To read further, click here
New Eastern Outlook
Published time: 1 January, 2015
I first began to seriously look into the arguments that the world faces a terrifying over-population problem about a decade back, when I was researching for my book on the history of gene manipulation or GMO. I was curious and in a strange way impressed with the intensity of the interest of the Rockefeller family’s foundation and other organizations affiliated with that foundation to sponsor the study or the application of eugenics. The real story about our global population is radically different as from the picture the mainstream media would lead us to believe... To read further, click here
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