Latest release - 1.6.7 (22 oct 2023)
Русская версия здесь

Download 16Bit version:
PixiTracker for Windows, Linux and macOS
PixiTracker for iOS
PixiTracker for Android (RuStore)
PixiTracker for Android (Google Play)

Since December 27, 2024, Google does not allow you to buy the apps from developers registered in Russia.
There are several workarounds - please email me at [email protected] or contact me via Telegram, and I will send you the details.
If you have previously purchased PixiTracker for Android, you can download the APK file(s) directly: APK file (the app will contact Google and verify the purchase when you first launch it).


Download 1Bit version:
PixiTracker 1Bit for Windows, Linux and macOS
PixiTracker 1Bit for iOS
PixiTracker 1Bit for Android (RuStore)
PixiTracker 1Bit for Android (Google Play)

Since December 27, 2024, Google does not allow you to buy the apps from developers registered in Russia.
There are several workarounds - please email me at [email protected] or contact me via Telegram, and I will send you the details.
If you have previously purchased PixiTracker for Android, you can download the APK file(s) directly: APK file (the app will contact Google and verify the purchase when you first launch it).


PixiTracker library for developers

Please support further PixiTracker development

System requirements and installation guide
Screenshots and video

What is PixiTracker

No time to delve into the big and serious music apps?
PixiTracker is what you need! It is a simple and fun tool to quickly create musical sketches, chiptunes and sound experiments. Without requiring a lot of musical knowledge! And it is free for most of the systems, except the Android and iOS.

Key features:
  • intuitive interface;
  • pattern-based sequencer (tracker) with high quality sampler;
  • several packs with unique sounds;
  • sound recorder (from microphone or line-in);
  • MIDI keyboard support;
  • WAV export/import;
  • export to XM (eXtended Module of the FastTracker2) - this file can be loaded by any modern music tracker/player (for example, SunVox);
  • supported systems:
    • Windows (2000+);
    • macOS (10.13+);
    • Linux (x86, x86_64, ARM (Raspberry Pi, PocketCHIP, etc.), ARM64 (PINE64, etc.));
    • iOS (12.0+);
    • Android (4.1+);
  • supported sound systems: ASIO, DirectSound, MME, ALSA, OSS, JACK, Audiobus, IAA;
  • PixiTracker player is open source, so you can freely use it in your own Pixilang applications.
There are two versions of PixiTracker: 16Bit (high quality) and retro-style 1Bit (like on old computers).

Screenshots and Video

More videos on my YouTube channel...