Category Archives: Benelux

Offices Live Face-to-Face Meeting

The W3C Offices got together for the annual Face-to-Face meeting after the recent Advisory Committee Meeting in Sophia Antipolis, France.  Represented at that event were Australia, Benelux, Brazil, China, Finland, France, Germany/Austria, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Russia, Spain, Sweden and UK … Continue reading

New Benelux Office Manager

Welcome to Annette KIK, the new Benelux office manager and thanks to Fons Kuijk for his support to the W3C activities in the last years. Annette Kik, communications adviser at CWI in Amsterdam, joined the W3C Benelux Office in January … Continue reading

Second Semantic Meetup with the W3C Benelux Office

On november 24 the second semantic meetup with the W3C Benelux Office took place in Amsterdam. This time it was located at Mediamatic. Among the speakers was Ivan Herman who presented “Some of the newest SW technologies at W3C: RDFa1.1 … Continue reading

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