Process Improvement Tool

Improve operational efficiency with process improvement/redesign tools.

Manage your BPR activities in a visual canvas

Design, plan and assess BPR in a single process map, ensuring project data can be easily accessed and evolved throughout the entire BPR process and that business process can be transformed seamlessly and error-free regardless of the scale of your operations. That means you can fully focus on process redesign, eliminate hours of unnecessary documentation and communication, and make more efficient use of your valuable time.

Act on the work items

The Business Process Reengineering Canvas presents the BPR activities in an organized manner. To start working on a work item, simply click on it to browse for its steps.

Perform activity

Follow the steps to complete BPR events. This can be a form-filling, table completion or diagram creation, etc.

Produce reports/docs

Communicate BPR ideas by generating a content-rich report. The content is gathered from the information entered under work items.

Business Process Diagram

Model business workflows with Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), a well-known graphical standard that is simple enough for all people to understand. Visual Paradigm features an intuitive BPMN 2.0 modeler that lets you create professional Business Process Diagram quickly and smoothly.

Resource Catalog

Construct your workflow entirely with drag-and-drop. It speeds things up and ensure the syntax correctness of your design.

Sweeper and Magnet

More a large group of shapes easily with a single mouse drag. No more tedious steps.


Create multiple BPDs for each process. Navigate through processes seamlessly through the drill-down support.

Animate your BPD

Communicate process re-design ideas with stakeholders by means of an animated process diagram. The animation makes it easy to demonstrate and understand workflow. Quick refinement can be made further.

As-is and To-be Process

Model the baseline and target process with BPDs. The as-is and to-be model transitor feature helps you create and maintain the traceability among models. You can navigate through the two models smoothly withly hassels.

Turn every software project into a successful one.

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