Museum Guide: Second Floor (Admission Required)

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Second Floor

The Collection Floor houses all of Numaji Transportation Museum’s finest models. Take an up close and personal look at vehicles and transportation methods from around the world. Be sure not to miss our limited time exhibitions held a few times during the year!

Second Floor Map

Second Floor Map

Vehicles from Around the World

Hyperbook Information Terminal

Our museum is home to roughly 2,800 past and present land, sky, and sea vehicle models from around the world. Detailed information about these models can be found on the Hyperbook Information Terminal located on the second floor, or visitors can browse the Hyperbook Web Edition on their smartphones and tablets as they look at the models on display.

Möbius Loop City Runner

City Runner
This corner lets visitors be the driver with a simulated train driving experience for the Möbius Loop Train that runs around Vehicle City, the panoramic model on the third floor, and a simulated bicycle riding experience around the lake in Vehicle City. You can also bike around six other places around the globe such as Paris and Hawaii!

Planes, Trains, Automobiles, and Boats


This corner focuses on four categories: planes, trains, automobiles, and boats. Here we introduce all the things that help vehicles and transportation run smoothly, such as displays of actual parts and pieces, blueprints, ads, and more!

Hands-On Display

Engine Fan
Engine Fan
High-Speed Railway Train Wheel高速鉄道の車輪
High-Speed Railway Train Wheel
Race Car Wheels
Race Car Wheels

These four objects are actual parts from actual vehicles! Get a feel for how these parts work in this hands-on exhibit.

Vehicle History

Vehicle History
Vehicle History

These dioramas display the humble beginnings of trains, planes, automobiles, and boats. These vehicles all had a huge impact on our everyday lives and on society; just imagine how surprised they must have been when they first appeared!


This corner contains an actual cut model of a gasoline engine (reciprocating engine), a diesel engine, and a rotary engine, as well as a replica of the engine from the Wright Brothers’ plane, the Wright Flyer I. If you turn the handle on the engines, you can see how all the different parts work!

Special Exhibition Room

Special Exhibition Room
This room houses special exhibitions held by our museum. These exhibits introduce various facets of the world of vehicles and transportation, which support and bring color to our everyday lives.