Full-day live virtual courses about UX best practices, proven methods, and hands-on exercises led by NN/g experts and world-class invited speakers. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of your own office or home as you learn.

  • Choose from 30 different UX topics. All courses are 100% live interaction - no pre-recorded content.
  • 2-way video conferencing for class discussions and Q&A with instructors
  • Hands-on activities with collaboration tools with industry peers 
  • Membership in the NN/g UX Slack Community, where you can connect with other digital professionals. (Permanent membership included with your registration.)
  • Earn a UX Certificate online, at your own pace
  • More about why you should attend


NN/g UX Certification is an exam-based credential which reinforces learning and increases your credibility. Earn a UX Certificate by attending any 5 courses, and passing the related exams.

Take 5 Courses, Pass 5 Exams, Become UX Certified

  • One exam for each course you attend
  • Online exams can be completed the same day or up to 35 days later
  • $80 USD administrative fee for each exam can be paid when your register or after attending
  • Specialties are optional enhancements to the UX Certificate. If you pass a minimum of 5 courses in a Specialty, your UX Certificate will recognize your special expertise in that area.
  • Take all 5 courses at a single training event, or gradually as your schedule permits, at different events. Course credit never expires. 

Learn more about UX Certification

UX Certification Badge from Nielsen Norman Group
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