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All articles and content on this website are Copyright © by Nielsen Norman Group. All Rights Reserved.
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Rights to copy our articles onto your own site are available for a license fee of $250 per article.
Linking to
You are welcome to link to as many articles or videos as you want on this site.
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The 'fair use' clause applies to this website: if you are writing a review or commentary about, you are free to illustrate your review or commentary with one or more screenshots of the site without special permission.
Also, you can quote a few words or lines from any of our published articles without special permission.
Even though there is no rule that requires this, it would be nice if any quote was supplemented by a link to the full article on so that any interested readers can retrieve the original context from which the quote was pulled.
Translation Rights
Translations are only allowed after paying a license fee which currently is $250 per article, or an annual fee of $10,000.00 which allows you to translate Nielsen Norman Group articles published between January and December of one calendar year. The following languages have already been sold:
- German
- Japanese
Please send an email to [email protected] containing:
- The titles and dates of Nielsen Norman Group copyrighted articles you wish to translate
- How the translated material will be used and for what purpose
Physical Reprints (Paper Publishing)
If you are interested in publishing a physical reprint that is printed on paper (for example, a printed book or brochure or a set of handouts for a course), then you have permission to do so for free as follows:
- If it is a publication for a non-profit organization, then you have our permission to reprint up to 4 pages from this website
- If it is a publication for a for-profit organization, then you have our permission to reprint up to 2 pages from this website
In this list, the term "page" refers to Web pages (HTML files with embedded pictures) and not the number of printed sheets needed to reproduce an article.
These physical reprints are permitted under the condition that you include the URL for each original Web page.
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Physical reprints that involve a larger number of our web pages are only allowed with explicit permission which will involve a license fee of $250 per article.