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If there is one phrase that sums up the American conservative movement, it is “our principles forbid us from pursuing our interests.” For many years, before joining American Renaissance, I worked in Conservatism Inc., a term I may have coined. In campus activism, in campaigns, and in conservative journalism, I always marveled at the complicated... Read More
[Notice Trump lost the Reform Party nomination in 2000 to Pat Buchanan and that at the party convention Trump called Buchanan a “Hitler lover” who “doesn’t like the blacks, doesn’t like the gays.”] What follows is an interview conducted by James Edwards with Warren Balogh. It was originally published by the American Free Press. James... Read More
VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes: We’re once again cross-posting Occidental Dissent’s Hunter Wallace, this time his powerful speech to the 20th Anniversary Celebration for James Edwards’ The Political Cesspool radio show. Wallace very kindly gives me, the great Pat Buchanan and several other VDARE.com writers credit for inspiring and informing him politically over the last... Read More
I try to not be finicky about political labels. I’m comfortable with many of them. Race realist, white advocate, white nationalist, identitarian, and racialist are all decent descriptions of what I am. But there are two I am sometimes saddled with that I reject entirely. The first is “paleoconservative.” While I have profited enormously from... Read More
An Address by Prof. Paul Gottfried, President of the H.L. Mencken Club, at the Seventh Annual Conference, October 31, 2014 As we begin the seventh annual meeting of the H.L. Mencken Club, it seems appropriate to address certain misconceptions about our organization. I would not be engaging this particular topic were it not for the... Read More
Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative? In the culture war for mankind's future, is he one of us? While such a question may be blasphemous in Western circles, consider the content of the Russian president's state of the nation address. With America clearly in mind, Putin declared, "In many countries today, moral and ethical norms are... Read More
In the latest issue of Quadrant, Peter Kocan complains about my “sourness” in depicting the paleoconservative persuasion in my autobiography, Encounters. Peter is shocked that someone who is described as “America’s leading paleoconservative intellectual” would be “sawing off the branch on which [he] sits,” by treating his movement as a collection of has-beens. Peter compares... Read More
In October 2004, my longtime friend Sam Francis responded to a recent commentary by Franklin Foer in the New York Times about the paleoconservatives as a rising antiwar opposition to the neoconservatives. Foer, a New Republic editor, believed that a defeat for Bush in the fall 2004 election might lead to a repudiation of his... Read More
After nearly two years of bitter controversy about the role of neo-conservatives in dragging the country into a useless and apparently endless war in the Middle East, it has finally begun to dawn on some of the neo-cons' liberal enemies that their critics on the right have been warning about them for years. In Sunday's... Read More
Having received a note from an inquiring graduate student, Mitch, who is "banging out a Master's thesis," and cannot comprehend why I have insisted that Straussians and paleos are irreconcilably divided, I wish to offer the following friendly clarification. At the very least my explanation may be help to relieve the "cognitive dissonance" that Mitch... Read More