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…Legacy media, Hollywood, and establishment RINOs? Seriously, name one.
With our privileged FCC broadcasters, legacy newspaper barons and other anointed members of “mainstream” culture spitting mad about their failure to defeat Donald Trump on Nov. 5, they are now coalescing around a new message. Without the slightest hint of irony or shame, our elite media and their pals in Hollywood and subsidized schools are... Read More
In September 2024, the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, addressed the United Nations General Assembly in New York. While many lauded the speech as a great libertarian event against the statist status quo, the truth is that Milei only continues to prove that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. True to his contradictory style,... Read More
Good advice helps you. Bad advice harms you. But badvice (bad advice) can be just as useful as good advice. When you know you’re hearing genuine badvice, you simply do the opposite of what it tells you. That’s the ironic premise of a wonderful little fantasy called The Screwtape Letters (1942), which was written by... Read More
A tepid defense of the Welfare Pill
source: @ScottMGreer on X Scott Greer has a recent YouTube podcast Don’t Take the Welfare Pill, denouncing the embrace of welfarism on the dissident right. Greer is a reactionary and an elitist who promotes White identity based on preppy WASPs and fraternities. While a degree of elitism is needed, the reality is that country club... Read More
Jewish Powerites understand a crucial truth. People tend to be Extensions than Individuals. As a complex domain of social organisms, the human world is more like an ant colony or a bee hive than a random assemblage of lone creatures like tigers or bears. People constantly pick up signals, all the more so in our... Read More
The newly elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist Austrian economist, and libertarian.” Since no person thus identified has ever been elected to the presidency of a major nation anywhere before, the ordinary reader may not be familiar with these terms. We shall outline the meaning of these terms, because knowing... Read More
I was a huge fan of Ayn Rand from my early 20s until a few years back when I began to wonder whether there was “more to it” than the ostensible admiration for the productive classes and a ruthless advocacy for freedom from needless government interference in one’s life. Rand’s work even may have an... Read More
One of the greatest influences on both my personal philosophy and the strategy of how to promote it was Leonard Read, the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Read founded FEE in 1946, just as WWII was ending and the US government was about to embark upon a cold war with the Soviet... Read More
Only Solution against Globo-Homo Gangster Fascism is the National-Humanist Neo-Fascism of the Patriots
Libertarians have long warned us of the dangers posed by statism and/or corporatism as a prelude to full-blown 'fascism'. 'Statism' means the tyranny of an overgrown and overweening bureaucracy, and 'corporatism' means the corruption of capitalism in collusion with the government, either doing the bidding of the state or abusing state power to expand monopolism.... Read More
What secures the survival and the well-being of a people? What keeps them healthy in body and spirit? What provides them with a sense of meaning and purpose, even destiny? What fills them with a sense of distinctness, a special quality that makes them rise above mere genericity, and what inspires them to rise above... Read More
German National Socialism went off the rails with imperialism and war, but, prior to war and destruction, its social policy on the family was sound. Feminists shriek that the NS policy put women in the home and placed men at work, but it made good sense(and the New Deal Era in America wasn't all that... Read More
Ayn Rand.  Credit: Wikimedia Commons
In his influential study The Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald analyses a number of 20th century intellectual and social movements that were led by Jews and often centred around some charismatic Jewish leader, including Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis and Critical Theory. Approaching them from an evolutionary psychology and social identity theory perspective, MacDonald argues that... Read More
When we survey the modern world, especially of people of European origin and the developed parts of East Asia, there is clearly a problem stemming from certain sexual imbalances. Consider the declining birth rates among white women and the problems of white males in finding worthy partners in marriage. Indeed, in a world where something... Read More
The Cato Institute, Washington D.C.’s libertarian think tank, has long had a fraught relationship with VDARE.com (see here, here, here, and here)—although, let the record show, it did host an event for Editor Peter Brimelow’s 2003 book The Worm in the Apple. [Watch it here or here.] Which, however, Cato honcho David Boaz (see below)... Read More
How “Race-Blind” Libertarianism Is an Ally of Race-Obsessed Wokism
“The left can be divided into three groups: the stupid, the deluded and the evil.” That’s the best summary of left-wing politics that I know. The only difficulty can be in deciding who on the left belongs where. For example, Hillary Clinton and Merrick Garland are clearly evil. But is the former Labour leader Jeremy... Read More
Paleolibertarian ilana Mercer: On First Principles, The Person Vs. The Polemicist And Life After Politics Conservatives MUST Recognize Aggregate Group Differences While Cherishing the Individual The Controlled Opposition: Candace On Tucker Is Wrong About The Riot & Rut Crowd (Or, “The Democrat Ate Their Homework Argument”) https://rumble.com/embed/vgnmc5/?pub=fyb9t
In his Culture of Critique trilogy Kevin MacDonald shows how many Jewish intellectual movements have developed a culture of critique that undermines those ideas and values that protect White group interests and cohesion. These Jewish intellectual movements include the Frankfurt School (philosophy, sociology), Boazian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, the New York Intellectuals (literature), Marxism and even... Read More
I was running up the mountain the other day. A couple was walking down it. I quickly crossed over, so as not to expirate all over them. To my surprise, they thanked me profusely. I’m healthy; they looked fit. Distancing may not have been necessary in this case. Yet, in this simple act of conscious... Read More
Last week, National Justice editor-in-chief Eric Striker was hosted on JF Gariepy's "The Public Space" for a discussion on this publication, as well as a short exchange of ideas on the merits of nationalism vs libertarianism. If you missed it, you can find it here.
The Hexenhammer Debate
At 4:30 pm on March 30, 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter. The Palestinians were outraged and bewildered. “Why in the world,” one woman wondered, “should one do... Read More
To judge by their writing, the youngsters who’ve been given the run of the conservative op-ed pages, pixelated and printed, know little about how socialism differs from capitalism. To their credit, they’ve chosen a side—the right side—but are incapable of arguing the morality of capitalism and its efficacy (which stems from its morality). Discredited are... Read More
Recently several prominent social and populist conservatives have attacked libertarianism. These conservatives, some of whom are allies in the fight against our hyper-interventionist foreign policy, blame libertarianism for a variety of social and economic ills. The conservative attack on libertarianism — like the attack on the freedom philosophy launched by leftists — is rooted in... Read More
Justin Raimondo, former editorial director and co-founder of Antiwar.com, is dead at 67. He died at his home in Sebastopol, California, with his husband, Yoshinori Abe, by his side. He had been diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer in October 2017. Justin co-founded Antiwar.com with Eric Garris in 1995. Under their leadership, Antiwar.com became a... Read More
I have attended the annual “Liberty Conference” (formerly the “International Students for Liberty Conference”) for years now, and the decline is palpable. At its peak, from 2012-2015, the conference was always covered by Establishment outlets such as National Review and Bloomberg (and VDARE.com!). But by 2017, the non-libertarian coverage of the event discussed one thing... Read More
A Libertarian Strategy For Social Change
Speech delivered at the 12th annual meeting of the Property and Freedom Society in Bodrum, Turkey, on September 17, 2017 We know the fate of the term “liberal” and “liberalism.” It has been affixed to so many different people and different positions that it has lost all its meaning and become an empty, non-descript label.... Read More
And there’s nothing they can do about it
Before I get going with my thesis, I have to discuss what it means to be racist. This is no easy matter, because most of the people who talk about racism (and in particular those who accuse others of being racists) do not bother to say what they mean. Let's start with a thought experiment.... Read More
Those who advocate ending, instead of reforming, the welfare-warfare state are often accused of being “impractical.” Some of the harshest criticisms come from libertarians who claim that advocates of “purism” forgo opportunities to make real progress toward restoring liberty. These critics fail to grasp the numerous reasons why it is crucial for libertarians to consistently... Read More
Many people think the Internal Revenue Service was violating civil liberties when it harassed tea party groups. After all, the groups were targeted because they wanted to exercise their civil liberty to challenge government policies. However, the specific issue in the IRS case was the groups’ application for tax-exempt status, which seems to be an... Read More
The Beltway Right specializes in launching well-publicized crusades on tangential issues, especially those that can be used in pointless pandering to minorities. BothJeb Bush and Rand Paul seem to have put nonwhites at the center of their presidential campaigns, and not surprisingly, a new poll shows the largely white Republican base doesn’t seem to care... Read More
To the extent the Constitution comports with the natural law—upholding the sanctity of life, liberty, privacy, property and due process—it is good; to the extent it doesn't, it is bad. The manner in which the courts have interpreted the U.S. Constitution makes theArticles of Confederation,which were usurped in favor of the Constitution at the Philadelphia... Read More
The Articles of Confederation, which were usurped in favor of the Constitution at the Philadelphia convention, are my kind of founding documents; the US Constitution, not so much. To the extent the Constitution comports with the natural law it is good; to the extent it doesn't, it is bad. That has always been my position.... Read More
Libertarians plan to build floating islands to house casinos, hospitals, hotels, offices—and even new societies. Will...
The year is 2020 and I have just turned 72. Not far off the California coast, I and several other wobbly-looking people are on a boat, chugging towards a bizarre floating structure. From a distance, it looks like a luxury hotel, or something from a James Bond movie—but it’s an orthopaedic hospital. Beside fond memories... Read More
Brink Lindsey's "Liberaltarian" piece in The New Republic is getting commented on all over. Here at NR/NRO, Ramesh has already taken a swing at it on The Corner, with a response from Lindsey posted here. Jonah is working up an article on it, I believe. I'm going to leave these heavyweights to take on Lindsey's... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?