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An upcoming Israeli film that sympathetically portrays a group of Jewish terrorists who attempted to murder millions of German civilians by poisoning their water supply is enjoying uncritical publicity in Zionist media. The film, "Plan A," is based on a true story that director Yoav Paz extensively researched through recently unveiled testimony as well as... Read More
'I'm not sentencing you on the basis that you are anti-Semitic, I'm not sentencing you on the basis that you are a Holocaust denier," said Westminster District judge Michael Snow, after doing exactly that. This was Snow's confusing message to 56-year-old Alison Chabloz, a political commentator who was dragged to court for stating that the... Read More
Just weeks after finishing a two and a half year prison sentence for "Holocaust denial," 92-year-old Ursula Haverbeck has been convicted again by German courts, this time for an interview she gave in 2018 that affirmed her view that Jews were not systematically killed during World War II and that the gas chambers at Auschwitz... Read More
Israel's Yad Vashem is widely considered to be the authority on "Holocaust" history and remembrance. The organization claims to have millions of documents and testimonies proving that 6 million Jews were murdered during World War II. Millions of names of individual Jews purported to have been killed are commemorated at the museum's "hall of names,"... Read More
Boston University's director of the Elie Wiesel archive, Bar-Ilan University’s Institute of Holocaust Research historian Joel Rappel has discovered the origin of the infamous "6,000,000" number: a 1944 meeting of Zionist pioneering organizations in what is now known as the state of Israel. For years, supporters of the Holocaust narrative have held that the number... Read More
Jason Mostafa Ali, a New Jersey history teacher of Egyptian descent, had his appeal in a lawsuit alleging discrimination at the hands of the principal at his school tossed out of federal court. The dispute began in 2017, when Woodbridge High School's Jewish principal Glenn Lottman lobbied local Superintendant Robert Zega to have him fired.... Read More
Holocaust revisionism is perhaps the most institutionally reviled, criminally punished and socially persecuted field of research in modern Western history. Yet, on the much publicized 75th anniversary of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz, the gatekeepers of the Holocaust continue to give ground, kicking and screaming along the way. The latest example is a new book... Read More
Last week Dr. William Latson, the black principal of Spanish River Community High School in South Florida, was fired. The reasoning given by the school board for firing Latson was vague and probably illegal. Latson was given a Soviet-style show trial after a Jewish mob recruited the Anti-Defamation League, multiple politicians and the mass media... Read More
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