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With our privileged FCC broadcasters, legacy newspaper barons and other anointed members of “mainstream” culture spitting mad about their failure to defeat Donald Trump on Nov. 5, they are now coalescing around a new message. Without the slightest hint of irony or shame, our elite media and their pals in Hollywood and subsidized schools are... Read More
Source: @ChrisUnits on X Proponents of abolishing inheritance include many leftists, from French socialist economist, Thomas Piketty, to the Jacobin’s Ben Burgis, on standard wealth redistributionist or equity grounds. Basically, that privilege is bad so we must eliminate all privilege. There are also concerns about racial inequities in inheritance, such as arguments that repealing the... Read More
Robinson: Michael, I read in your book, Killing the Host, that you decided to become an economist after meeting one named Terrence McCarthy, who explained to you why financial crises tend to occur in the autumn after crops are harvested. And this was an interesting question. What’s the story and why was it so compelling... Read More
The newly elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, describes himself as an “anarcho-capitalist Austrian economist, and libertarian.” Since no person thus identified has ever been elected to the presidency of a major nation anywhere before, the ordinary reader may not be familiar with these terms. We shall outline the meaning of these terms, because knowing... Read More
Robinson: I’m from Chicago, and when I saw that you went to the University of Chicago Lab School, which I know quite well, and then the University of Chicago, which I also know quite well—and when the Chicago School of Economics was promoting the free market and probably in its heyday….I immediately found myself wondering:... Read More
Max Roser does great work at “Our World in Data”, virtually all of which I read and retweet approvingly. He has just written a paper calculating the amount of economic growth which will be required to lift people out of poverty. Lots and lots of growth, he argues. I think it likely that lots of... Read More
The managerial elites find themselves in a pickle. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious event. Members of a serious society treat it as such; they look out for one another—and they don’t flee into conspiracy and denial in order to cope with the incongruity of it all. Alas, courtesy of its globalist elites, America is... Read More
[Intro] Welcome to the Knowledge Problem Podcast, the objective of this podcast is to engage policy professionals over thought provoking and sometimes sensitive topics. We aim to bring these professionals together in a way that does not feed the tribalistic narratives plaguing society today. It is my hope and the hope of all involved in... Read More
Some clear thinking is required to counter incessant, statist propaganda against the use of N-95 filtering facepiece respirators, to protect against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The message has been seconded at every turn by the Center for Disease Control, a cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is... Read More
Google has deplatformed, or banned from its environs, numerous articulate and high profile conservative spokesmen such as Alan Dershowitz, Andrew Roberts, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Heather MacDonald, Steven Harper, Robert Florczak, Dennis Prager. This is the merest tip of the iceberg in this regard. But does not this private company have a right to say “Yea”... Read More
Recently several prominent social and populist conservatives have attacked libertarianism. These conservatives, some of whom are allies in the fight against our hyper-interventionist foreign policy, blame libertarianism for a variety of social and economic ills. The conservative attack on libertarianism — like the attack on the freedom philosophy launched by leftists — is rooted in... Read More