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Inside Out – by Mr. Fish
For over two decades, I and a handful of others — Sheldon Wolin, Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Barbara Ehrenreich and Ralph Nader — warned that the expanding social inequality and steady erosion of our democratic institutions, including the media, the Congress, organized labor, academia and the courts, would inevitably lead to an authoritarian or Christian... Read More
…Legacy media, Hollywood, and establishment RINOs? Seriously, name one.
With our privileged FCC broadcasters, legacy newspaper barons and other anointed members of “mainstream” culture spitting mad about their failure to defeat Donald Trump on Nov. 5, they are now coalescing around a new message. Without the slightest hint of irony or shame, our elite media and their pals in Hollywood and subsidized schools are... Read More
Most people are stupid, and this is especially true for people on the internet. Sometimes, you have to talk to them like they are babies. I recently wrote an article about Tucker Carlson and other right-wingers claiming that America is a “fascist country,” while denying the reality that by every definition, it is in fact... Read More
Tucker Carlson finally did a long-form interview with Glenn Greenwald. It’s good and worth watching, but in the interview, he falsely claims that the US is a “fascist country.” This is a stupid lie he’s told several times. The US is what it says it is: it is a democracy. That’s what this system is... Read More
For over a hundred years — since Benito Mussolini came to power in October 1922 — the holy alliance of socialists, communists, liberals, masons and progressives of all stripes has been endlessly repeating that nationalism, fascism and national-socialism were backward-looking, regressive regimes that severely oppressed the European population and particularly the fairer sex. If we... Read More
Before the 2022 midterms, President Joe Biden gave a menacing speech with cartoonish black-and-red colors, accusing “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans” of extremism that threatens the “very foundations of our Republic.” Some conservatives thought the aesthetics were close to fascism, complete with dire warnings about an internal enemy. The tactic worked. Abortion overwhelmed economic worries... Read More
A few years before he died in 1994, Léon Degrelle wrote Tintin mon copain (Tintin, my buddy) an extraordinary autobiography. Actually, it is a double, or rather threefold biography, namely of himself and of the comic strip hero Tintin and his creator Hergé. In a sense therefore, it can be regarded as a modern version... Read More
One thing for sure, one needn't be of the military to be militarist as, often is the case in the West, the civilian leadership(or puppetry of the oligarchy) tend to be more militarist, whereas a considerable number of military men often warn against excess adventurism. It goes against the grain of the popular narrative(via academia... Read More
Some loser tried to kill Donald Trump. Republicans are in a frenzy of recrimination and finger-pointing while some liberals now say they will vote for the former president. They are being just as irrational as anyone who thought we needed a “racial reckoning” because of George Floyd. The death of one small-time black criminal should... Read More
The first round of the 2024 legislative elections on June 30 saw the Rassemblement National (RN, the former National Front founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen) come in first with 31 percent of the vote, followed by President Emmanuel Macron’s “Ensemble” coalition with 24 percent, and the leftist-unity Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) at 22 percent. The... Read More
Was fascism and its German variant, National Socialism, as pernicious, criminal, and reprehensible as democrats claim? Were the victorious democrats of the Second World War right to wipe out the slightest trace of these authoritarian governments through massive purges of documents and the systematic murder of several million people, especially in France and Germany? “Let’s... Read More
For nearly three weeks I've been suggesting with increasing forcefulness that the official figure of 1,400 Israeli deaths from the Hamas attack may have been considerably exaggerated. Here's what I'd said last Monday: As far as I know, I was almost alone among Internet writers offering these bold speculations and I naturally received some sharp... Read More
Bad Moon Rising – by Mr. Fish
I covered the birth of Jewish fascism in Israel. I reported on the extremist Meir Kahane, who was barred from running for office and whose Kach Party was outlawed in 1994 and declared a terrorist organization by Israel and the United States. I attended political rallies held by Benjamin Netanyahu, who received lavish funding from... Read More
Only Solution against Globo-Homo Gangster Fascism is the National-Humanist Neo-Fascism of the Patriots
Libertarians have long warned us of the dangers posed by statism and/or corporatism as a prelude to full-blown 'fascism'. 'Statism' means the tyranny of an overgrown and overweening bureaucracy, and 'corporatism' means the corruption of capitalism in collusion with the government, either doing the bidding of the state or abusing state power to expand monopolism.... Read More
It was a surprising admission when The New York Times reported in October that U.S. intelligence agencies finally acknowledged the assassination of Darya Dugina was authorized by the Ukrainian government. The unexpected confession came more than a month after a car bomb killed the 29-year old journalist and daughter of Russian political theorist Aleksandr Dugin... Read More
Michael Lind: "Another answer is that members of the establishment are almost all nominalists. That is to say, if they give something a name, it takes on real existence in their minds. The Afghan National Army offers a perfect example. Because we called it an army, gave it lots of American money, equipment and training,... Read More
This article in Counter-Currents makes for interesting reading: Cass Sunstein, the Unprincipled Man It is by Margot Metroland, one of the most intellectual and erudite sophisticates in White Nationalist circles. She reviews the books of Cass Sunstein and finds him to be ‘obvious’ and hypocritical. Yes, Cass Sunstein is yet another one of those Jews... Read More
Paul Gottfried, Antifascism: The Course of a Crusade, Northern Illinois University Press, 2021, 209 pp., $31.26 hardcover, $12.99 Kindle Every day, American Renaissance posts stories about racial double standards, hypocrisy, and progressives’ absurd positions. Many of our opponents are not just sincere but fanatical. Evidence can’t compete with moral fervor. Those who rule the West,... Read More
Concluding one of America’s more infamous obscenity trials in 1964, Justice Potter Stewart absolved a controversial French motion picture with an opinion that has since passed into common parlance: “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never... Read More
Spanish police using drones to surveil citizens and instruct them to keep home.
Coronavirus Brings Back the Spirit of the Polis
The coronavirus epidemic has been highly instructive. In the face of a looming early death for millions of citizens, Western States have entered a genuine crisis in which the Schmittian sovereign – who was always there lying in waiting – has reemerged into the open and taken all the measures deemed necessary, liberty and law... Read More
Last week marked the 45th anniversary of the shooting of Mikis Mantakas, a 23-year-old Greek who studied medicine in Rome and engaged in activism with the Italian Social Movement (MSI). The MSI, which campaigned as the successor of the socialist and nationalist ideals of the Italian Social Republic (RSI), was a force to reckon with... Read More
Fascism is a political ideology fundamentally authoritarian in character, with a strong nationalism and an essentially belligerent militaristic outlook. Fascism carries primarily a corporate perspective as opposed to a socialist view, directed to satisfying the needs, values and objectives of finance and corporations, organising both the economy and the political system according to this agenda.... Read More
OK, we need to talk about fascism. Not just any kind of fascism. A particularly insidious kind of fascism. No, not the fascism of the early 20th Century. Not Mussolini’s National Fascist Party. Not Hitler’s NSDAP. Not Francoist fascism or any other kind of organized fascist movement or party. Not even the dreaded Tiki-torch Nazis.... Read More
Fascism in its inception was a distinctly localised phenomenon, growing out of the specific concerns and obsessions of Italians in the immediate post-WWI period. For example, one of the main drivers in the formation of the movement that is little commented on today was the Dalmatian question. During WWI, Italy had been promised Dalmatia --... Read More
It is always gratifying when one’s intuition is confirmed. I had the impression, picking up Madeleine Albright’s book Fascism: A Warning, that I would be treated to an exercise of “Fascism is bad. And everything I don’t like is Fascism!” The former secretary of State, a Jewish liberal originally hailing from Czechoslovakia, did not disappoint.... Read More
Dystopian, yes. Unimaginable, no. In fact, a version of our present moment was imagined more than eight decades ago by novelist Sinclair Lewis who wrote a still readable (if now fictionally clunky) novel, It Can’t Happen Here. Its focus: the election as president of a man we might today call a right-wing “populist,” but who,... Read More
Can We Stop Feeling Quite So Helpless and Hopeless in a World on the Skids?
In the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration, George Orwell’s 1984 soared onto bestseller lists, as did Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which also hit TV screens in a storm of publicity. Zombies, fascists, and predators of every sort are now stalking the American imagination in ever-greater numbers and... Read More
If by fascist, you mean “adherent of a movement determined to seize state power with the help of violence committed by a disciplined and armed auxiliary, if necessary, to reorder society to achieve extra-constitutional, self-defined racial or ethnic objectives embodied by a charismatic leader”, that is. Narendra Modi and his BJP party, in my reading,... Read More
If neoconservatives and progressives truly understood fascism, they would stop using the word as a smear term. That is because both groups, along with most political figures and commentators, embrace fascist ideas and policies.Fascism’s distinguishing characteristic is a “mixed economy.” Unlike socialists and communists who seek to abolish private business, fascists are content to let... Read More
Let me begin with this disclaimer. This essay is not intended as an endorsement of Donald Trump for president. There are many valid reasons to criticize Trump. In his presidential campaign, he has been vulgar, childish, and extremely general in most of his political positions; and when he does express something specific, he tends to... Read More
What's the Difference Between an "Unabashed Nationalist" and a "Fascist"?
“Fascist”, it appears, is the go-to epithet for characterizing nationalists and racists we don’t like. “Nationalist” is apparently the go-to epithet for characterizing fascists we do like. The Western media is coping with the conspicuous and undeniable presence of fascists in the Ukrainian paramilitaries by rebranding them. A recent case in point was in a... Read More
The Guardian published an adulatory feature on “The Women Fighting on the Frontline in Ukraine”. One of the women profiled was “Anaconda”, fighting in the Aidar Battalion bankrolled by Igor Kolomoisky: Anaconda was photographed in combat dress resolutely holding an assault rifle in front of a rather decrepit van. The caption read: As reported by... Read More
The fascist critique of liberalism influenced America\
This week, I will turn to the third charge in the indictment against the First World War: the rise of fascism. What was fascism? The word itself is problematic. For many, especially those of a Marxist bent, it was an attempt to divert working people from the real cause of their problems. For other, it... Read More
The wildly exaggerated threat of so-called Islamic terrorism is being shamelessly used by some western governments to boost their flagging fortunes at a time of economic malaise. Marketing fear is a sure-fire political ploy, as the Bush administration showed. But if you think promotion of “terrorism” hysteria in order to curtail democratic freedoms is something... Read More
The Devil Went Down to Georgia
Sinclair Lewis once opined that if fascism ever comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. I was reminded of that comment when a good friend of mine recently wrote a letter to her local newspaper in Augusta Georgia decrying the killing of nearly two thousand Palestinian civilians in... Read More
CounterPunch is very kindly featuring an article I wrote for them titled "The Durability of Ukrainian Fascism". First, a correction. In the piece, I give credence to allegations that the Nachtigall Battalion (Ukrainian nationalists, largely Banderites, organized into a military unit under the direction of German military intelligence) participated in the first Lviv pogrom. These... Read More
A broad-minded reactionary takes libertarians to task for abusing the term.
Having been at work on a book dealing with changing definitions of the “F word,” meaning in this case not the one-time obscenity but the ultimate evil in the world of political correctness, I find my comments on the subject have caused considerable irritation. Although I once assumed that only the conventional left was fixated... Read More
Although the adjective “fascist,” as George Orwell pointed out during and right after World War II, was a slur applied to “those we don’t like,” the indiscriminate use of the “F” word seems more common now than it was in 1945. Political correctness drives this revival, although the association of fascism with absolute evil was... Read More
Jack Ross has raised an interesting point regarding my attempt to exonerate Leo Strauss from the charge of being a Nazi sympathizer. According to Jack, Strauss’s demonstrated affinity for right-wing Zionism, and his stated admiration for that movement’s godfather, Zeev Jabotinsky, would suggest an attraction to the interwar European Right. Therefore the charge that Strauss... Read More
William Altman’s voluminous study of German Jewish political theorist Leo Strauss (1899-1973) does not break any new ground in trying to link its subject to the far Right. The author’s theme has been amply treated in multiple monographs and in feature articles in the New Yorker, New York Times, The New Republic, Le Monde, and... Read More
Neocons misuse the f-word.
Behind Glenn Beck loomed the faces of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, and the American progressive John Dewey. The host gestured to the photos as he revealed the common link to Fox viewers: all favored state intervention in the economy and apparently did not believe in the concept of natural rights... Read More
New Zealander K.R. Bolton has sent for my benefit a self-published work, Thinkers of the Right: Challenging Materialism, which is one of the most enlightening studies of the interwar Right I’ve encountered in years. Its author, who explained to me that no New Zealand academic or commercial press would touch his “extremist” material, lives in... Read More
Having participated this weekend in an Internet discussion courtesy of Paul Craig Roberts, it seems to me that "fascist" is bandied about on the right in the same careless way as one finds on the left. Note that the anti—New Deal American Right in the thirties fell over themselves denouncing FDR and his minions as... Read More
At last The Chronicle of Higher Education has published my response to Alan Wolfe's charges against me (in its May 5 issue), together with what seems a repetition of this eminent sociologist's earlier complaints. I am soft on fascism because I place quotation marks around that term. I also have the habit of "defending" Holocaust-deniers,... Read More
While Jonah Goldberg, braving Redneck America, was steering a rented car all the way from Fairbanks, Alaska to Washington, D.C., the resourceful Rich Lowry set out to keep the ideology of Goldbergismalive in the popular imagination. As his recent syndicated column ["War on Iraq actually fills liberal goals," LA Daily News, September 3, 2002] amply... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?