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"White Debt"
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From the New York Times Magazine:

White Debt
Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.

By EULA BISS DEC. 2, 2015

… Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children, which should serve as a reminder that white people are not a family. What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States. ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.

This mantra — “White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people” — is one of the most common urban legends of the 21st Century even though it’s obviously stupid. (It seems like I used to know where this myth originated, but I’ve forgotten.)

If you have any sense of how genetics are related to genealogy, then it’s clearly not true on average.

But even though everybody these days claims to be interested in genetics, and our pop culture is obsessed with heredity (e.g., Creed is about the biological son of Rocky Balboa’s opponent Apollo Creed, and I imagine the upcoming Star Wars movie will have some kind of “Luke, I am your father” thing going), very few people seem to be able to reason about genetics from what is obvious about genealogy. Or even notice they are connected.

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  1. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,

    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don’t just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    •�Replies: @Mr. Blank

    Ha. Yeah, what I remember most about that skit was the white bank official saying, "here -- take all the money you want! You can pay it back anytime! Or don't -- we don't care!"

    If only.

    Replies: @Truth
    , @NJ Transit Commuter


    Another example of the racial Catch 22 in action.

    White person gets a loan easily: big banks discriminate against minorities.
    Black person gets a loan easily: big banks exploit minorities by tying them down with loans.
    , @WhatEvvs

    I don't remember every detail of that skit, but I do remember coming away with a contrary interpretation: Murray couldn't get over how damn nice white people were to each other, how polite, how considerate, on an everyday mundane level.

    At his best Murray was a fierce critic of black people. He got hip to that and began changing his tune. Sort of like Chris Rock disavowing his n-word routine.
    , @Bob

    It's also enlightening that they admit they don't know there is difference between giving and loaning.
    , @Dennis Dale

    Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called "white privilege". Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop's offer to load his bag as a confrontation made "What-a black man can't have a bag in Texas?!" practically a catch-phrase for a time I recall in my multi-racial unit in the military, as likely to be cited by a black as a white dude (self-deprecation was another thing Murphy and Richard Pryor were capable of that seems lost now to black comics). Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially "aware"--in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

    But I just don't see how the bit works the other way--that is, which is more absurd: the idea of this sort of parallel universe in our midst, where whites will, among other things, actually impoverish themselves to loan money to any white stranger who walks in the door and turn away the black guy with sterling credit (however rare he may be), or believing in it?
    It would be interesting to see if there's a great white/black disparity in how such a routine as this is interpreted. I've come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don't do, or at least don't do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is.

    Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @bomag, @carol
    , @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    but only if you pay them back more than you borrowed.
    , @interesting

    i wonder if that author realizes that the loan must be paid back? Or is that only something white people do?

  2. Back when GNXP was a group blog we’d often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable – what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to “fair treatment and reward” when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we’re going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I’m beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people’s private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it’s not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    •�Agree: International Jew
    •�Replies: @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst
    , @AndrewR

    I really hate to even give the appearance of sounding like a cultmarxist but you are strawmanning here. White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It's getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I'm not saying I buy into this theory (insofar as it's peddled by the left), but that's the argument you have to critique, not the caricature you made up. Honesty and accuracy are critical to winning dispassionate persons to our side.

    Replies: @SFG, @TangoMan
    , @Anonymous

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?)

    We can call it the Honkey. As in, "D'Kwaun be owed the sum of 1,000,000 Honkeys."

    The symbol would be Hillary's H with an arrow thingie. It could even be used in a sentence as an equation. The Caucasian in question is written on the left, or donor side. The Negro in question is placed on the right, or recipient side. Very simple to understand since the arrow illustrates the flow of reparations.

    Replies: @Former Darfur
    , @JackOH

    " . . . [I]nvisible privilege rays beaming . . .". LOL:)

    One of my sadder life lessons is that an idea needn't have any predictive capacity, explanatory power, or withstand polite reasoned scrutiny in the so-called marketplace of ideas to gain political credibility. "White privilege", the alleged phenomenon, probably couldn't stand up to ten minutes of questioning in a public forum. I'm pretty confident the phrase will enjoy popularity in some circles, though.

    I suspect it's a sucker's game to actually argue with someone who believes in "white privilege", because the mere questioning of its existence may be construed as evidence that it does.
    , @Harry Baldwin

    Someone at iSteve posted a link to an interesting essay on "white privilege" awhile back. It is titled, "White Privilege as Normative Commons." Here's the meat of it:

    Many know the tragedy of the commons dilemma often quoted in Austrian economic theory. In this situation, the commons is destroyed. How is it destroyed and how is it maintained? For a commons to exist, the group must pay a cost: opportunity cost. In the grazing sheep example of the tragedy of the commons, the herders allow the field to be overgrazed and destroyed for all. Each herder who does not overgraze the field pays an opportunity cost. He has the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself, and deprive them to the next guy. When he only grazes responsibly, he forgoes the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself. Forgoing this opportunity is the opportunity cost. If everyone forgoes the opportunity cost, the commons is maintained, if they do not pay the opportunity cost, the commons is destroyed.

    In a normative commons, each person who forgoes the opportunity of breaking the norm, then pays the cost of maintaining the norms. So, when one lives in a White area, common areas such as shops (markets) will likely be open for browsing, because the norm of behavior is to not steal. Each time a White goes into a store and does not steal, he pays the opportunity cost, equal to the value of the items not stolen. By paying this cost, the norm of keeping shopping areas open to browsing is maintained. Areas with large numbers of Blacks experience increased incidence of crime. In these areas, the risk to shop owners or other providers to allow Blacks free access exceeds the benefits of open browsing (with a main benefit being increased economic velocity). Thus you see convenience stores with no common area, that only sell what can be passed through a bullet-proof teller window. The commons has been destroyed.

    Or perhaps someone will follow Blacks through a store to make sure they do not steal, while allowing Whites to browse freely, in this case the normative commons is extended to White co-ethnics, but not to Black co-ethnics. The Whites are the beneficiaries of this normative commons, because they (as a group) pay the opportunity cost of maintaining it.

    It is common knowledge that Black cab drivers will often drive past Blacks and pick up White passengers instead. This White privilege is accrued to the White ethnic group because the members of the group tend to forgo the opportunity to rob the Black cabbie. Black cabbies understand this and accord the privilege to the White ethnics who will maintain the normative commons. Blacks could earn this privilege by paying for it through maintaining the normative commons. Unfortunately for them, enough of them create the tragedy of the commons for their own co-ethnics by abusing their privilege and not forgoing the opportunity cost.

    Privilege is said to be unearned (though I doubt any form of privilege is really unearned). White privilege is not unearned. It is bought and paid for through the cost of maintaining the normative commons. To insist that the privileges accorded to Whites (who maintain the normative commons), be accorded to ethnic groups who do not pay the cost of maintaining the commons is futile: market forces will ensure that the privilege is only accorded to those who pay for it. Call it racist if you want. It is simply the market at work.

    Whites as a group defend this normative commons vigorously, using education, shaming and other tactics. Most middle-class Whites will have definite memories of how they were taught not to steal, and why stealing is wrong. Though certainly none of the lessons included the concept of a normative commons or informal institutional property.

    , @gruff

    the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US
    Central PDX is still heavily saltine. It's one reason the rents here are skyrocketting.
    , @Olorin

    I think you are missing a very important point:

    > Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.

    What they're really mad at is nature--that racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist b***h with the unbending rules of life on earth over the past 4,000,000,000 years.

    Including that at any point in time, subpopulations of species will differ markedly according to their history of reproductive isolation and their selection by a wide variety of natural and social features within that isolation.

    The only real interesting thing in my mind is how come it's whites who get scapegoated for nature's rules. Was it because Darwin was a white guy? I'm thinking no, since I haven't yet seen an anti-Darwin placard at BLM flash mobs.

    Is it because whites create societies everyone else is envious of, and wants, but cannot create for themselves, so want to move to? (See MG Miles's take on this at Those Who Can See blog--"There's something about Teutonics.")

    Is it self-hatred on the part of those who realize this, but can produce nothing but covetousness, resentment, and rage?

    Are there maybe men behind curtains, pulling levers to blame whites while all too happy to occupy white cultures and tribally claim way more than their share of power and wealth? All the white claiming it's "WASPs" who do this...and now "whites" in general...and Sabrina Rubin comes to mind....

    Tango, white privilege is a straw man. We can try to understand that grassy bulk, but it's a misapplication of reason. What the race-card-players are calling "white privilege" is evolutionary outcomes they cannot create but want...and furthermore want someone to hand them.

    Someone coached and taught and enabled and rewarded them in demanding an ever-increasing share of what they cannot create, using guilt and violence as levers.

    Whites used to respond to this with a sense of unified resistance and refusal to kowtow. The rules were changed in 1965, based on a bunch of claptrap about the blanky slaty nature of humans, and egalitarianism, and bolshie poses about caring about the common man, and such. Remember what Bernie Sanders did in college before moving to a farm in Vermont?

    Subtropical genomes cannot comprehend: nature is NOT an economic entity. The concept of "debt" has no meaning in nature. Nature owes nobody anything.
  3. “What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States.”

    Yes, that and the fact that white people built and invented virtually everything we call Western Civilization. And if you go back to Europe, you can break that down by country to get more specific.

    Why the obsession with slavery all these decades later? It’s as if to these people that’s the only thing America was about, and yet it’s estimated only 1.4 percent of white Americans were slave owners.

    ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are.

    Of course it’s not! Because they made having a “white community” all but illegal. Try getting together a white student union at a college or a whites-only group in your town and see what happens.

    Somehow, white people were sold this, even though it’s in violation (IMO) of the First Amendment which allows “‘the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.’” The questionable concept of “hate groups” (as designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center) is an end-run around the First Amendment.

    I really hope they’re not teaching the ideas this articles puts forth in schools.

    •�Replies: @eah
    @Days of Broken Arrows

    I really hope they’re not teaching the ideas this articles puts forth in schools.

    The so-called 'White privilege' workshops etc are aimed mainly at academics:

    The conference is unique in its ability to bring together high school and college students, teachers, university faculty and higher education professionals,...
    , @SFG
    @Days of Broken Arrows

    They probably are.

    The slavery thing is their only way to excuse a lack of black performance--must be the legacy of slavery, etc.

    Hate groups are legal, you just get spied on by the FBI.

    Welcome over from CH, BTW.
  4. Salon says “Eula Biss’ “Notes From No Man’s Land” is the most accomplished book of essays anyone has written or published so far in the 21st century.”

    It’s a shame I have to be stuck over here in the AltRight when obviously the left has all the legends of the 21st century.

    And shame, I missed her earth shaking book “Immunities” on vaccines. Eula certainly knows how to find the buzz, places where hard science rules; emotions and stuff do not, and then go there and make money.

  5. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine’s expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor’s degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa’s Nonfiction Writing Program.

    I wasn’t aware “non-fiction writing” was something you could major in.

    •�Replies: @Doorway

    Looks like she's branched out into fiction writing here...
    , @SFG

    They had Nicholas Wade, but he had to retire after writing that book.

    I'm convinced he was going to retire *anyway*, had gotten sick of having to lie, and decided to see if he could use his liberal credentials to sweeten the truth at the end of his career when he had nothing left to lose. (Freedom's just another word...)

    Didn't work, but I give him credit for trying.
    , @AndrewR

    She should have her degree revoked for making such an incredibly absurd claim as she did.
    , @Kevin O'Keeffe

    "I wasn’t aware 'non-fiction writing' was something you could major in."

    By asking this question, are you implying that the world of literature does not require any more "memoirs" written by people-under-30? If so, then color me triggered.
    , @Mr. Anon

    "She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City,..........."

    Apparently her experiences teaching in NYC public schools were profound enough that she felt the need to move to Iowa City. According to the 2010 census, Iowa City is 83% white and 6% black.

    Replies: @Ttjy
  6. Just part of an ongoing series in the NYT designed to stoke hatred of ‘Whitey’ I take it. On the same page there’s a link to this:

    ‘The Condition of Black Life Is One of Mourning’

    A friend recently told me that when she gave birth to her son, before naming him, before even nursing him, her first thought was, I have to get him out of this country. We both laughed…Added to the natural fears of every parent facing the randomness of life is this other knowledge of the ways in which institutional racism works in our country…Though the white liberal imagination likes to feel temporarily bad about black suffering, there really is no mode of empathy that can replicate the daily strain of knowing that as a black person you can be killed for simply being black:…

    •�Replies: @Jack D

    I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

    Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. '60s black radicals also used to talk about going "back to Africa" (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don't seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @WhatEvvs, @David In TN
    , @Big Bill

    Thank goodness! A woman that is finally talking sense. Please "get [your] son out of this country"! There are plenty of Africans desperately trying to leave Africa and move to the USA, lets see what we can do to reverse the flow of black victims. Now is the time to take some personal responsibility for yourself and your son and move back home to Africa.

    You know white people are never going to change, so what's the point in sticking around, living in Exile in America? In fact, any black parent who stays in America with their children should be deemed negligent and their parental rights removed. What with all the police just laying in wait for the opportunity to kill their children, every black parent in America should be deemed negligent, irresponsible and unfit.
  7. @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    Ha. Yeah, what I remember most about that skit was the white bank official saying, “here — take all the money you want! You can pay it back anytime! Or don’t — we don’t care!”

    If only.

    •�Replies: @Truth
    @Mr. Blank

    If only.
    Well sometimes; only.

  8. I read about the school-board member who challenged the selection practices that had produced, in a district where only 22 percent of the students were white, a gifted program in which 81 percent of the students were white.

    Hampshire and Iowa’s “non-fiction writing” programs made her a psychometician too!

    Once you’ve been living in a house for a while, you tend to begin to believe that it’s yours, even though you don’t own it yet.

    Iowa and Hampshire do not teach the difference between being the owner of a house versus the owner of a loan secured by a house. But they give you the confidence it takes to use your ignorant misunderstanding of this difference as the central metaphor in an 8,000 word essay!

  9. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I’m not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That’s how far the left is pushing things — I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    •�Replies: @tyrone
    @Mr. Blank

    so' theres hope?
    , @yes
    @Mr. Blank

    Exactly right.
    , @Grumpy
    @Mr. Blank

    We're learning that "right-wing" and "left-wing" have much less meaning than a hundred years of yammering would have us believe.

    Lenin's (and Sailer's) "Who, whom?" is a better explanation for everything.

    What seem like all-important ideas are embraced or rejected by power-brokers as they see fit. Politics and status jockeying conveniently distract and exhaust the masses while the powerful do as they please.
    , @SFG
    @Mr. Blank

    The USA no longer has the white majority necessary to support a fascist party, I think. (Half of the country is always left of center anyway.)

    What I do think you are going to see is the rise of explicitly or implicitly pro-white parties and/or wings of whatever the right-wing party winds up being. There'll be a black caucus, a Hispanic caucus, and a white caucus. Possibly an Asian caucus if they can get enough people together. I think you'd also see a sort of SWPL-ish 'masochistic white' group that might attract some Asians and Hindus over time.

    Since the country is so mixed geographically (you don't really have a place where a new black nation could arise, though I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest), you might see some version of Dutch 'pillarization'. Steve, have you checked this out? It might be an interesting view of the future, though I find it incredibly depressing to contemplate.


    I think it's a depressing decline, as we'll be forced to spend much of our energy making sure each post has an equal number of each group (and gender, including the weird new ones) before worrying about competence. They've realized STEM is an island of resistance to the iron rule of diversity and are chipping away at it now, which will further accelerate the decline of this country (look at South Africa).

    But then, I'm white (outside of the alt-right, anyway).

    Replies: @Anonymous
    , @The most deplorable one
    @Mr. Blank

    These things have a habit of accelerating.

    We may already be over the knee and into the steepening collapse part of the curve.

    You can choose Trump too!
    , @athEIst
    @Mr. Blank

    Came across a copy of Pravda recently. The articles were mostly religious---pro-religious.
  10. @Lot

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine's expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor's degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program.
    I wasn't aware "non-fiction writing" was something you could major in.

    Replies: @Doorway, @SFG, @AndrewR, @Kevin O'Keeffe, @Mr. Anon

    Looks like she’s branched out into fiction writing here…

  11. The comments are similar to what you will find right here. I should sign up at the NYT and have some fun.

    dan cambridge, ma 1 day ago
    As soon as I started reading about the police interactions I thought, “Oh yeah, this piece is written by a woman.” It’s endlessly amusing to me how unaware white women are of their own special privilege that eclipses even that of straight white men.

    Chris Kansas City, Missouri 2 days ago
    This obsession with “white privilege” seems to be confined to elite universities and tiny wealthy portions of major cities. In the real world, none of us are privileged enough to feel guilty about it.

    D Jones Baton Rouge 1 day ago
    If whiteness is an illusion, is blackness an illusion too? A flimsy and meaningless by-product of a by-gone more racist age?

    As I read this I kept thinking, what does she feel guilty for? That racism existed and continues to exist? As a black guy, this ain’t doing anything for me. Her existential hand-wringing is her own, it doesn’t uplift anyone else really. Does she imagine racism as a ghost spirit inherited by people like her, and it one day might take her son? I think the ultimate irony is that, from what I can gather, Dolezal (with all her flaws) has done more for the black community than the author and her article.

    Not an isteve commenter

    Dean Bethea Manhattan 1 day ago
    If not for the ongoing massacre of black men by police, the predictable, defensive “she’s wallowing in her guilt” comments (reactions the author’s argument anticipates) generated by, wotta surprise, WHITE readers here would be risible. Instead they’re tragicomic.

  12. @Days of Broken Arrows
    "What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States."

    Yes, that and the fact that white people built and invented virtually everything we call Western Civilization. And if you go back to Europe, you can break that down by country to get more specific.

    Why the obsession with slavery all these decades later? It's as if to these people that's the only thing America was about, and yet it's estimated only 1.4 percent of white Americans were slave owners.

    ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are.

    Of course it's not! Because they made having a "white community" all but illegal. Try getting together a white student union at a college or a whites-only group in your town and see what happens.

    Somehow, white people were sold this, even though it's in violation (IMO) of the First Amendment which allows "'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'" The questionable concept of "hate groups" (as designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center) is an end-run around the First Amendment.

    I really hope they're not teaching the ideas this articles puts forth in schools.

    Replies: @eah, @SFG

    I really hope they’re not teaching the ideas this articles puts forth in schools.

    The so-called ‘White privilege’ workshops etc are aimed mainly at academics:

    The conference is unique in its ability to bring together high school and college students, teachers, university faculty and higher education professionals,…

  13. thank you, sir….may I have another helping of white race guilt?

  14. “But even though everybody these days claims to be interested in genetics, and our pop culture is obsessed with heredity (e.g., Creed is about the biological son of Rocky Balboa’s opponent Apollo Creed, and I imagine the upcoming Star Wars movie will have some kind of “Luke, I am your father” thing going), very few people seem to be able to reason about genetics from what is obvious about genealogy. Or even notice they are connected.”

    It feels like white people are collectively buying into this ‘race is only an illusion’ nonsense and that whites owe some kind of reparations, but actually, digging deeper, its clear that this too is not true. If you look at polls of people supporting anti-immigration measures, at how many people are feeling like ‘this is not their America’, at how many tend to disagree with liberal ideas, etc. – these are white people overwhelmingly. I’d say most whites disagree with the liberal agenda, but have no voice as the media and schools spout off the liberal agenda, hate crime laws are distorted against whites, and whites who do publicly speak out are usually severely punished by job loss or worse. This creates a feeling of isolation and fear, and the false feeling that most people agree with the liberal agenda.

    Another untruth that people feel is that white people didn’t try to fight back when the sh*t was going down. But looking at the amount of resistance to forced integration in the South, to busing laws across the country, etc, its clear that they tried when initially pressured, but lost to the liberal juggernaut.

  15. @Mr. Blank

    Ha. Yeah, what I remember most about that skit was the white bank official saying, "here -- take all the money you want! You can pay it back anytime! Or don't -- we don't care!"

    If only.

    Replies: @Truth

    If only.

    Well sometimes; only.

  16. Per 23andMe.com:


    Ancestry Composition tells you what percent of your DNA comes from each of 31 populations worldwide. This analysis includes DNA you received from all of your recent ancestors, on both sides of your family. The results reflect where your ancestors lived before the widespread migrations of the past few hundred years.


    Northwestern European
    Broadly Northwestern European
    Eastern European

    Southern European
    Broadly Southern European
    Broadly European


    •�Replies: @advancedatheist
    @D. K.

    I keep wondering when the Southern Poverty Law Center will list 23andMe as a hate group.

    In my case:

    99.7% European

    Northwestern European

    74.6% British & Irish
    5.3% French & German
    1.3% Finnish
    17.8% Broadly Northwestern European

    Southern European

    0.4% Broadly Southern European
    0.1% Ashkenazi
    0.3% Broadly European

    0.2% Sub-Saharan African

    0.2% Central & South African
    0.1% Unassigned

    That makes me pretty much a typical white British-American Southerner, with possibly a black slave ancestor somewhere way back. But I come from the country's founding white stock, and that puts me in the population targeted for demographic displacement by our nation's stupid and corrupt elites.
  17. If you have any sense of how genetics are related to genealogy, then it’s clearly not true on average.

    It can only be true for highly admixed individuals. If it were true generally, evolution would not be possible.

  18. Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    This worldview is totally faith-based, and even then very few people, mostly young, believe it. Ancestry.com, Family Tree DNA and 23andMe have built business models on the concept of race as a partly inbred extended family grouping. Eula Biss is just another silly girl in print.

  19. Brooks trying to create fear around Trump:

    But I’m literally more worried about 4 more years Clinton or an AA Republican. How many voters will feel the same? That’s the question.

  20. @Lot

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine's expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor's degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program.
    I wasn't aware "non-fiction writing" was something you could major in.

    Replies: @Doorway, @SFG, @AndrewR, @Kevin O'Keeffe, @Mr. Anon

    They had Nicholas Wade, but he had to retire after writing that book.

    I’m convinced he was going to retire *anyway*, had gotten sick of having to lie, and decided to see if he could use his liberal credentials to sweeten the truth at the end of his career when he had nothing left to lose. (Freedom’s just another word…)

    Didn’t work, but I give him credit for trying.

  21. “White people are no more closely related to each other than we are to black people.” What sort of deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, pc, idiot could say / believe this rubbish. Cavalli-Sforza and every respectable geneticist would tell you black people are about 200x more distantly related than we are to each other.

    Why else would that stupid, ugly, imbecile clockboy be invited to the Shite House – RACIAL SOLIDARITY.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    @Mr Curious

    I don't think clockboy is Somalid: https://twitter.com/libertybookmeet/status/667943199596544004
  22. Whiteness is not who you are

    Some of the dumb parts about genetics aside, this is basically true. I never identified as “white” when I was growing up. Likewise, I doubt whether Rhodes would have been happy with Czech or Catholic dominance over Africa. Basically, her article says that if you’re not black, you’re just part of society and can go about your business without worry. That’s more or less true and how life is supposed to be. Too bad blacks can’t participate the same way. It’s an ongoing problem for us, but not one that can be dealt with by pretending that some untrue things are true or vice versa. If you had a creditor that was stealing from you and demanding you pay your debts too, you wouldn’t feel so compelled to pay those debts.

    •�Replies: @TangoMan

    I never identified as “white” when I was growing up.

    This only works when you're part of a group which dominates the demography of your society. I suspect that whites in South Africa had an elevated sense of their whiteness compared to whites in America.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @gruff
    , @bomag

    I doubt whether Rhodes would have been happy with Czech or Catholic dominance over Africa

    He'd probably vote for that over Chinese or Indian dominance.
  23. I believe the myth originate with the PBS documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion. A teacher made her students compare a very small number of genes with one another. The more genes you use the more accurate the picture. By using so few genes Hans from Germany can say “Gee, I’m genetically closer to Wang from Changi than I am to Gunter of Frankfurt.”

  24. @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    so’ theres hope?

  25. This seems like a typical EULA – thick, dense, incomprehensible – something no one ever reads.

    •�Replies: @The most deplorable one

    Heh, someone else saw that.

    Yes we can!
  26. “White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people” — is one of the most common urban legends of the 21st Century even though it’s obviously stupid. (It seems like I used to know where this myth originated, but I’ve forgotten.)

    It’s called Lewontin’s fallacy.

    •�Replies: @ben tillman

    It’s called Lewontin’s fallacy.
    It might be loosely based on Lewontin's fallacy, but it's not the same thing.
  27. SJWs I used to run into at the dog park would enthusiastically discuss the different qualities of the dogs there based on the breed (usually extolling the virtues of of their particular dog, who was selected explicitly for its known qualities) but whenever conversation turned to the behavior of the inhabitants that mostly surrounded the park I would hear about poverty and systematic racism, and perhaps something about school funding even though per capita spending in my city was one of the highest in the country. Shortly thereafter, the conversation would usually shift to how exciting it was to see more and more homes obviously occupied by people like themselves.

  28. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    “What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States.”

    If we’re gonna play this ‘whitey is evil’ game, why is there no mention of the land grab from the

    How can slavery be the ‘original sin’ when the land had to be ‘stolen’ from the Indians first?

    I guess white favoritism of Negroes has rendered the Indians invisible.

    Shouldn’t it read: “What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of conquest and ‘genocide’ in the colonies that became the United States.”

    “Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.”

    So, if a person rejects the category of whiteness, he or she is free of ‘white guilt’. The problem is not that he or she is white but that he or she thinks he or she is white.
    What a weasly move.
    “We Libs are okay since we don’t consider ourselves as white.”

    With that in mind, let’s create gentrified communities since we don’t see them as white but progressive… even though such happen to be mostly white.

    Btw, did white social advantages begin with slavery or with the achievement in science, technology, and values that advantaged with with greater power?

  29. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    So it’s possible to “despise whiteness without disliking yourself”. Gee thanks, I just got permission to hate whiteness, whatever ‘whiteness’ means. It’s not clear to me why I’m supposed to want to do that though since I prefer being identified with the most evolved and best looking group of people on earth. There is one thing that may be true and that is I have trouble seeing any connection between myself and all these white SJW types. There is no relation whatsoever, we’re from different planets. People have commented that we’re at Peak Negro now. We’ve been there too long now, like for about the past fifty years. Can we move on now?

  30. Anon •�Disclaimer says:

    Since white achievements did so much for the world, isn’t the rest of humanity indebted to whites?

    And if white debt goes back to slavery, why are Swedes and Hungarians also responsible? Why must Poland also accept ‘refugees’ when it didn’t practice imperialism outside Europe?

    In a way, ‘whiteness’ is a problem since it blames ALL whites for the acts of certain whites.

    We see this with Jews too. When Jews do bad, it is blamed on ‘white privilege’, even as Jews insist they are not really ‘white’.

    Btw, since Jewishness is just a ‘social construct’, it too should be denigrated.

    PS. While we can denounce whiteness as the right to exploit and rule over others, we can surely defend whiteness as an identity and culture that have a right to survive.
    While this woman seems to be only anti-white, the implications of her view are an affront on all races and cultures.
    What she says of whiteness can be said of any people.
    Unwittingly, she is a new kind of imperialist whose message is that no people have a right to defend their race and culture since such are just a system of exclusion and privilege.
    Her views can be applied to Persians, Turks, Russians, Chinese, Hungarians, Japanese, etc.

  31. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.

    This explains how the likes of Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King operate. They probably are convinced that they actually are black.

    •�Replies: @attilathehen

    Eula Bliss has black cousins. One of her aunts (not sure if mother or father's side) married a Jamaican and had black kids. Bliss grew up with black relatives. Also, this Jamaican converted Bliss's mother to the African Yoruba religion (voodoo). This is why she thinks the way she does. Rachel Dolezal is racially white, but she is culturally black and assimilated into the black race. She married a black man and has black children. She cannot come back to the white race. Also, she grew up in a house where her white biological parents adopted black kids. I blame her parents for some of her problems. Shaun King is black. He has a white mother, black father. He is racially black. Eula Bliss is white, but again, because of the intermarriage in her family she is acting out of family loyalty. Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. She grew up in a liberal family that accepted miscegenation. Since most people don't accept this, she is just engaging in "shaming" normal whites. With Bliss and Dolezal we are witnessing white racial degeneracy. This is the case with Nicholas Kristof (New York Times writer). He is white but married an Asian (Chinese). He writes many anti-white articles because he has Asian children. Again, because of their degeneracy, they blame racially conscious whites for the problems blacks and Asians have.

    Replies: @WhatEvvs, @Hibernian
    , @Hibernian

    "Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. "

    You're living in a pre-1962 world.

    Replies: @Hibernian
  32. The NYT is basically Pravda now.

    If anything the latter probably had more editorial integrity.

  33. ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.

    An essentially Gnostic view. Whites are to have no people, and not even a place, just incorporeal ideas. Thus, men can become women and computer models substitute for the scientific method.

    People like Eula Biss appear to subsist on a few book sales and foundation grants–nice work if you can get it. I keep asking myself how we still have enough wealth sloshing around to subsidize this nonsense.

    •�Replies: @Desiderius
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    An essentially Gnostic view. Whites are to have no people, and not even a place, just incorporeal ideas.
    Well, that or a good, steady, source of free cash flow for whoever pwns them - if well managed; take your pick.

    As for incorporeal ideas, see:

    , @SFG
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    I'm curious--how do you tie the 'race and sex do not exist' ideas to the Gnostic heresy, which was stamped out in the early days of Christianity? At most they're traceable to the 'tabula rasa' idea, which seems to have been primarily used by John Locke. Wikipedia cites Aristotle and various Arabic thinkers (and Aquinas), but they don't bring up the Gnostics at all. I'm genuinely curious here.

    Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
  34. I used to have a fondness for reading scientific “proofs” of the supernatural. Anyone who has spent time reading the intelligent design people knows the pattern. They start with some obscure “fact” then assemble their argument upon it like an upside down pyramid. The point is to keep you focused on the conclusions and not the original “fact” supporting the argument. The ID people used to love mangling the concept of entropy, for example.

    I find it ironic and a bit humorous that Progressives are borrowing the arguments of creationists and ID’ers to explain their religion. I suppose it is inevitable, but hearing liberal friends dismiss genetics as quackery and biology as a social construct is pretty funny, especially after I compare them to creationists.

  35. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    I really hate to even give the appearance of sounding like a cultmarxist but you are strawmanning here. White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It’s getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I’m not saying I buy into this theory (insofar as it’s peddled by the left), but that’s the argument you have to critique, not the caricature you made up. Honesty and accuracy are critical to winning dispassionate persons to our side.

    •�Replies: @SFG

    Actually, being psychologically appealing is much more important. As whites get persecuted by non-whites on one hand and cut out of jobs by affirmative action on the other, white identity politics (with or without Nordic runes and brown shirts) will rise. Already has started with Trump.
    , @TangoMan

    White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It’s getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I understand that and I realize that my point wasn't clear. Those who look like me have a very high probability of thinking like me, holding my values, etc in a low information environment where the only information available for a decision is a person's appearance.

    Those people who don't look like me but whose ancestors also contributed to building this country can appeal to the people who look like them and benefit from that privilege. This allows privilege to be apportioned in rough measures such that it aligns with contributions made to the social welfare and infrastructure from each group. In 1940 whites constituted 90% of the population to the blacks' 10% and there was much more skill and community involvement from whites than blacks, so most of the value created by people of that era came from whites, therefore it's morally just for parents to pass onto their children, writ large, the social good that they created in society.
  36. Some people want to go smoothly through life with as little resistance as possible. Avoiding all unnecessary interference and complications they go out of their way to avoid confrontation and wasteful conflict. In their concentrated effort to attain the Goal they create little wake. Call these the Laminar Flow People.

    Others want to proceed with as much fuss and bother as they can possibly stir up. They want their passage marked by turmoil and strive to leave a huge churned wake in their passage. “Hey everybody!”, their lifestyle seems to say, “Look at me! Ain’t I Grand!”. For them, the goal is not the destination out there, the Telos, but the gettin’ there in dramatic Style. Call them the Big Wake People. They don’t give a hoot about efficiency and churn up a frothy white foam in their passage. Their wake rocks all the other boats and erodes the shoreline. When this is brought to their attention, their response is “Good!”.

    The first group accomplishes much, which in turn brings tangible improvement to all and sundry. The second group is wasteful and extravagant, spends much time and energy on non-essential display and measures its success by the notoriety gained as in giving at a Potlatch; the greater the waste, the greater the magnanimity that adheres to the Leading Actor.

    To the Big Wake People, the Laminar Flow People come across as boring, single minded, cold and calculating. To the LFP, The BWP come across as shallow idiots who indulge their passion for living in the moment through irresponsible displays of childish non-concern for future consequences.

    The BWP can’t or won’t acknowledge that their capacity to indulge in wastefulness is contingent upon the cultural wealth accumulated by the LFP. To do so would be to undermine their very claim to Primacy. The behavior of each makes them irreconcilable. Their are no many shades of gray between these two groups, only black and white.

    •�Replies: @Lugash

    Interesting take on things.

    Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children, which should serve as a reminder that white people are not a family.
    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can't begin to understand their though process, but I can for a Trayvon, Lacquan or Gentle Giant.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Desiderius
    , @Blobby5

    , @Olorin

    Hearts with one purpose alone
    through summer and winter seem
    enchanted to a stone
    to trouble the living stream.
  37. @Lot

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine's expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor's degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program.
    I wasn't aware "non-fiction writing" was something you could major in.

    Replies: @Doorway, @SFG, @AndrewR, @Kevin O'Keeffe, @Mr. Anon

    She should have her degree revoked for making such an incredibly absurd claim as she did.

  38. OT?!?

    The following comment of mine (via Disqus), in response to an Associated Press news story, was promptly removed from the ABC News Web site:


    How queer!?! When a 19-year-old (and presumably drunk) White guy is arrested in Saint Louis, for trespassing at the Budweiser brewery, he is referred to, by both the Associated Press reporter and the ABC News headline-writer, as a “man”– and the race(s) of the arresting officers go(es) wholly unnoted. When an 18-year-old (and confirmedly high) Black guy, who also was of legal age, was infamously killed in self-defense, as confirmed by all levels of the government, after attacking a White police officer and trying to kill him with his own service weapon, in a nearby Saint Louis suburb, last year, he was referred to as– and continues, to this day, to be referred to as– “an unarmed black teen,” by these same paragons of American journalism, with the race of the targeted police officer (now unemployed, and presumably forever unemployable, as such) invariably stated, and implied to be the key to the entire tragedy (as in, his own presumed “racism” against the violent Black felon who was trying to kill him, rather than the other way around). How very queer, indeed!?!?!


    So, do you suppose that it was removed because I am an obvious racist, or instead because I am obviously homophobic? Or, do you suppose, instead, that there was some (avoidable) interaction effect involved?

    •�Replies: @candid_observer
    @D. K.

    It was probably a mistake to use the word "queer" in that context.

    Such moderators are very niggardly in their tolerance of potentially offensive words.
  39. What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages

    A lot of Liberal effort goes into finding and justifying a way of delivering collective punishment to a group of people they say does not exist.

    Imagine passing a law saying ‘the children of Dallas Cowboy fans are only allowed limited access to jobs and higher education’. But then you have to make sure that Dallas Cowboy fans don’t start pretending to support other teams.

    Unless Dallas Cowboy fans are related, of course. Then you’d be able to tell just by looking at them.

  40. @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    Exactly right.

  41. Any similarities between White Privilege and a Bill of Attainder?

  42. WGG [AKA "World\'s Greatest Grandson"] says:

    I read about 4/5 of the article before it got too repetitive. The author is the worst mother this side of physical abuse. I have no doubt that before her poor kid is eighteen, she will have followed in the footsteps of the Jewish woman found guilty of raping the black, mentally challenged invalid. I can absolutely picture this author abandoning her horribly white family to shtoop some melanin-enriched pity case. She sounds absolutely nuts, in a sexually frustrated sort of way.

  43. “White Debt”

    So, this latest tranche…

    What’s the projected yield, do you imagine? Who are the prospective buyers? What’s the play?

    •�Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic

    Eula Biss is broadcasting that it shouldn't be HER that goes into the cannibal pot.

    Do these people realize they will force otherwise friendly, bourgeois whites to adopt identity politics?

    Replies: @Jack D, @SFG
    , @Olorin

    Projected yield: all the accumulated wealth of every white person over age 50. You know, the ones who used to be called 'savers' but now are called 'cash hoarders.'

    The buyers?

    Nu, like you need to ask!

    The play?

    Total cashectomies. Mostly through the ills that flesh is heir to.

    Consider it an inheritance tax, courtesy of the "health" "insurance" companies!
  44. @The Anti-Gnostic

    ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.
    An essentially Gnostic view. Whites are to have no people, and not even a place, just incorporeal ideas. Thus, men can become women and computer models substitute for the scientific method.

    People like Eula Biss appear to subsist on a few book sales and foundation grants--nice work if you can get it. I keep asking myself how we still have enough wealth sloshing around to subsidize this nonsense.

    Replies: @Desiderius, @SFG

    An essentially Gnostic view. Whites are to have no people, and not even a place, just incorporeal ideas.

    Well, that or a good, steady, source of free cash flow for whoever pwns them – if well managed; take your pick.

    As for incorporeal ideas, see:


  45. @Desiderius
    "White Debt"

    So, this latest tranche...

    What's the projected yield, do you imagine? Who are the prospective buyers? What's the play?

    Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic, @Olorin

    Eula Biss is broadcasting that it shouldn’t be HER that goes into the cannibal pot.

    Do these people realize they will force otherwise friendly, bourgeois whites to adopt identity politics?

    •�Replies: @Jack D
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    But we know from Screaming Girl (and countless other historic examples) that being goodthinking White liberal will avail you not when the revolution comes. At best, they will serve you for dessert instead of as the main course.

    Replies: @Jimbo
    , @SFG
    @The Anti-Gnostic


    They're trying to *prevent* that, ironically enough.
  46. Yeah. Science messes everything up for progressives. The recessive gene for blue eyes exists at only one place in mitochondrial DNA which means that it is a new gene, within 6000 to 10000 years old. So all people with the gene, they don’t have to have blue eyes, have a common ancestor 6000 to 10000 years ago.

  47. Oh, they do all right.

    If the claims made by the author of the piece, (which are an obvious absurdity), were actually true and intuited by most people, then there wouldn’t be the need to publicly announce the claims in the first place.

  48. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    “One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool.” – George Orwell

  49. @The Anti-Gnostic

    Eula Biss is broadcasting that it shouldn't be HER that goes into the cannibal pot.

    Do these people realize they will force otherwise friendly, bourgeois whites to adopt identity politics?

    Replies: @Jack D, @SFG

    But we know from Screaming Girl (and countless other historic examples) that being goodthinking White liberal will avail you not when the revolution comes. At best, they will serve you for dessert instead of as the main course.

    •�Replies: @Jimbo
    @Jack D

    Not at all. Nongoodthinking white people scare them; they will come for them last, if at all...
  50. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children

    That’s the one drop rule and a color line society, not “American definitions of race.”

    •�Replies: @Jack D

    Kvetching about this makes absolutely no sense. If we were to deny that Obama was black because he had a white mother, this woman would be first in line to denounce it (right behind Obama himself).

    I'm OK with that though. From now on, anyone with one white parent should be officially "white" and ineligible for affirmative action. As matters stand now, a lot of the AA slots are taken up by "blacks" who are actually quadroons and octoroons. When my daughter got to college (a top tier engineering school), she told me about her brilliant "black" friend, who was doing as well as any white student - a striking rebuke to my racist views. Finally I met the guy - his father was a white Frenchman who had raised him and his mother (who was not around - the black parent in these matchups never seems to stick around) was Haitian and must have been from the light skinned Haitian upper classes because the guy looked to be about 7/8 white - he could easily have "passed" back in the day.

    Replies: @WhatEvvs
  51. @D. K.
    Per 23andMe.com:


    Ancestry Composition tells you what percent of your DNA comes from each of 31 populations worldwide. This analysis includes DNA you received from all of your recent ancestors, on both sides of your family. The results reflect where your ancestors lived before the widespread migrations of the past few hundred years.


    Northwestern European
    Broadly Northwestern European
    Eastern European

    Southern European
    Broadly Southern European
    Broadly European


    Replies: @advancedatheist

    I keep wondering when the Southern Poverty Law Center will list 23andMe as a hate group.

    In my case:

    99.7% European

    Northwestern European

    74.6% British & Irish
    5.3% French & German
    1.3% Finnish
    17.8% Broadly Northwestern European

    Southern European

    0.4% Broadly Southern European
    0.1% Ashkenazi
    0.3% Broadly European

    0.2% Sub-Saharan African

    0.2% Central & South African
    0.1% Unassigned

    That makes me pretty much a typical white British-American Southerner, with possibly a black slave ancestor somewhere way back. But I come from the country’s founding white stock, and that puts me in the population targeted for demographic displacement by our nation’s stupid and corrupt elites.

  52. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?)

    We can call it the Honkey. As in, “D’Kwaun be owed the sum of 1,000,000 Honkeys.”

    The symbol would be Hillary’s H with an arrow thingie. It could even be used in a sentence as an equation. The Caucasian in question is written on the left, or donor side. The Negro in question is placed on the right, or recipient side. Very simple to understand since the arrow illustrates the flow of reparations.

    •�Replies: @Former Darfur

    Sounds like the old Hammarlund logo:

  53. Cryptogenic [AKA "Gentile Ben"] says:

    “What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States.”

    So, if you test the DNA collected from a white person via buccal swab you’ll be able to determine what percentage of social advantage gained from slavery he maintains and that’s it?

    She has, like, two degrees in Non-Fiction too.

  54. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    ” . . . [I]nvisible privilege rays beaming . . .”. LOL:)

    One of my sadder life lessons is that an idea needn’t have any predictive capacity, explanatory power, or withstand polite reasoned scrutiny in the so-called marketplace of ideas to gain political credibility. “White privilege”, the alleged phenomenon, probably couldn’t stand up to ten minutes of questioning in a public forum. I’m pretty confident the phrase will enjoy popularity in some circles, though.

    I suspect it’s a sucker’s game to actually argue with someone who believes in “white privilege”, because the mere questioning of its existence may be construed as evidence that it does.

  55. hey, steve. You’ll be pleased to know that I owned that anthro professor who was saying racial differences don’t matter.

    Also, we didn’t make buzzfeed, but we did make the drudge report, daily mail and news.com.au. Sadly the daily mail article didn’t mention you.


  56. @eah
    Just part of an ongoing series in the NYT designed to stoke hatred of 'Whitey' I take it. On the same page there's a link to this:

    'The Condition of Black Life Is One of Mourning'

    A friend recently told me that when she gave birth to her son, before naming him, before even nursing him, her first thought was, I have to get him out of this country. We both laughed...Added to the natural fears of every parent facing the randomness of life is this other knowledge of the ways in which institutional racism works in our country...Though the white liberal imagination likes to feel temporarily bad about black suffering, there really is no mode of empathy that can replicate the daily strain of knowing that as a black person you can be killed for simply being black:...

    Replies: @Jack D, @Big Bill

    I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

    Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. ’60s black radicals also used to talk about going “back to Africa” (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don’t seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

    •�Agree: Romanian
    •�Replies: @Cryptogenic
    @Jack D

    I pointed this out to a black woman in a comments section and her excuse for holding a revealed preference for white supremacy was that "whites are everywhere." No chart, graph or map could dissuade her. She was capable of using cishet white patriarchal logic and quantification -- loaded and problematic notions like counting how many people live in a country, or go to a college -- and she didn't conjure up a jazzy and vibrant cloud of poetry slam Deconstruction language tricks. She just wasn't going to apply it. Full thoughtstop.

    Why settle for a tiny safe space on a racist slave-built when the majority of the earth's surface is quite "safe"?
    , @WhatEvvs
    @Jack D

    I've been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.

    If someone were to offer me $10 million cash, and a one way ticket to Poland (land of my ancestors) I would take it. Poland is poor, I can't speak Polish, but I would take it.

    Re: Liberia, "Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way."

    Liberia is interesting. The "founding fathers" were virtually all quadroons and octoroons. I met a Liberian girl once. She was half native (her word) and half Americo-Liberian. We spoke quite openly about race. You can do that with non-American blacks. I asked her why Americo-Liberians were so dark-skinned, and she told me that over the generations natives interbred with the founders and became dark-skinned, but no one wants to admit that. Americo-Liberians jealously guard their heritage.

    Replies: @ben tillman, @WhatEvvs
    , @David In TN
    @Jack D

    There was a pro basketball player of the late 60's (he died a few years ago) who claimed he was going to live in Liberia. He was a personally vicious racist. As it turned out, he didn't move to Liberia.
  57. The assertive ignorance of NYT writers seems to be infinite…

  58. Cryptogenic [AKA "Gentile Ben"] says:
    @Jack D

    I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

    Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. '60s black radicals also used to talk about going "back to Africa" (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don't seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @WhatEvvs, @David In TN

    I pointed this out to a black woman in a comments section and her excuse for holding a revealed preference for white supremacy was that “whites are everywhere.” No chart, graph or map could dissuade her. She was capable of using cishet white patriarchal logic and quantification — loaded and problematic notions like counting how many people live in a country, or go to a college — and she didn’t conjure up a jazzy and vibrant cloud of poetry slam Deconstruction language tricks. She just wasn’t going to apply it. Full thoughtstop.

    Why settle for a tiny safe space on a racist slave-built when the majority of the earth’s surface is quite “safe”?

  59. OT: An article on the plight of African-American actors

    Will Michael B. Jordan Be Allowed To Become A Movie Star? http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2015/11/30/will-michael-b-jordan-be-allowed-to-become-a-movie-star/

  60. @countenance

    American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children
    That's the one drop rule and a color line society, not "American definitions of race."

    Replies: @Jack D

    Kvetching about this makes absolutely no sense. If we were to deny that Obama was black because he had a white mother, this woman would be first in line to denounce it (right behind Obama himself).

    I’m OK with that though. From now on, anyone with one white parent should be officially “white” and ineligible for affirmative action. As matters stand now, a lot of the AA slots are taken up by “blacks” who are actually quadroons and octoroons. When my daughter got to college (a top tier engineering school), she told me about her brilliant “black” friend, who was doing as well as any white student – a striking rebuke to my racist views. Finally I met the guy – his father was a white Frenchman who had raised him and his mother (who was not around – the black parent in these matchups never seems to stick around) was Haitian and must have been from the light skinned Haitian upper classes because the guy looked to be about 7/8 white – he could easily have “passed” back in the day.

    •�Replies: @WhatEvvs
    @Jack D

    Mulatto Haitians coming to the US and claiming to be black is the biggest crock of bullshit ever. But of course, we allow them to get away with it so why shouldn't they?

    I've known several of these. One had a Haitian mulatto father, white German mother. Brilliant, multilingual (French, German, English), and a "person of color" who pushed those buttons as far as they could get her. If I were her, I would do the same.

    It's our fault. A well-meaning program to benefit the descendants of plantation slaves has become a sinkhole of corruption, and a stick to beat whites with. Unfortunately we have so many other problems to deal with that destroying this tar baby has to wait.
  61. @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    Another example of the racial Catch 22 in action.

    White person gets a loan easily: big banks discriminate against minorities.
    Black person gets a loan easily: big banks exploit minorities by tying them down with loans.

  62. I don’t blame these people. I am awestruck by the accomplishment of whites. If I grew up believing I was a super special snowflake, My ego would never be able to handle my nothingness by comparison.

    She wants to be a writer, but there are too many dead white guys that she will have to overcome to be special, and so that brews resentment. And instead of striving to the impossible task of rising to the occasion, she becomes bitter and attempts to destroy greatness, so that it is indistinguishable from her sorry sad life.

    Pity them. Pray for them.

  63. Is it not Lewontin’s fallacy?

    •�Replies: @Big Bill

    Lewontin's Fallacy (using height to make the fallacy obvious):

    1. Men range in height from 54cm to 250cm (= 196cm range) and have an average height of 175cm.

    2. Women range in height from 58cm to 248 cm (= 190cm range) and have an average height of 162cm.

    3. The difference in male/female average height (13cm) is way, way less than the male height range (196cm) and the female height range (190cm).

    4. It is therefore scientifically incorrect to say "men are taller than women".
  64. @Lot

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine's expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor's degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program.
    I wasn't aware "non-fiction writing" was something you could major in.

    Replies: @Doorway, @SFG, @AndrewR, @Kevin O'Keeffe, @Mr. Anon

    “I wasn’t aware ‘non-fiction writing’ was something you could major in.”

    By asking this question, are you implying that the world of literature does not require any more “memoirs” written by people-under-30? If so, then color me triggered.

  65. Actually, banks did try giving free money to blacks several years ago, but it caused a housing bubble that popped and then the banks were accused of having preyed on minorities. No good deed goes unpunished.

  66. @The Anti-Gnostic

    ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.
    An essentially Gnostic view. Whites are to have no people, and not even a place, just incorporeal ideas. Thus, men can become women and computer models substitute for the scientific method.

    People like Eula Biss appear to subsist on a few book sales and foundation grants--nice work if you can get it. I keep asking myself how we still have enough wealth sloshing around to subsidize this nonsense.

    Replies: @Desiderius, @SFG

    I’m curious–how do you tie the ‘race and sex do not exist’ ideas to the Gnostic heresy, which was stamped out in the early days of Christianity? At most they’re traceable to the ‘tabula rasa’ idea, which seems to have been primarily used by John Locke. Wikipedia cites Aristotle and various Arabic thinkers (and Aquinas), but they don’t bring up the Gnostics at all. I’m genuinely curious here.

    •�Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic

    "Gnostic" in the sense Eric Voegelin uses it. It's never really gone away.
  67. I am close to canceling my NY Times subscription. It really is like Pravda these days.

    •�Replies: @Maj. Kong

    Does the name Walter Duranty ring a bell?
    , @Anonymous

    I am close to canceling my NY Times subscription. It really is like Pravda these days.

    Hahaha sublime trolling by you sir
  68. @eah
    Just part of an ongoing series in the NYT designed to stoke hatred of 'Whitey' I take it. On the same page there's a link to this:

    'The Condition of Black Life Is One of Mourning'

    A friend recently told me that when she gave birth to her son, before naming him, before even nursing him, her first thought was, I have to get him out of this country. We both laughed...Added to the natural fears of every parent facing the randomness of life is this other knowledge of the ways in which institutional racism works in our country...Though the white liberal imagination likes to feel temporarily bad about black suffering, there really is no mode of empathy that can replicate the daily strain of knowing that as a black person you can be killed for simply being black:...

    Replies: @Jack D, @Big Bill

    Thank goodness! A woman that is finally talking sense. Please “get [your] son out of this country”! There are plenty of Africans desperately trying to leave Africa and move to the USA, lets see what we can do to reverse the flow of black victims. Now is the time to take some personal responsibility for yourself and your son and move back home to Africa.

    You know white people are never going to change, so what’s the point in sticking around, living in Exile in America? In fact, any black parent who stays in America with their children should be deemed negligent and their parental rights removed. What with all the police just laying in wait for the opportunity to kill their children, every black parent in America should be deemed negligent, irresponsible and unfit.

  69. The most deplorable one [AKA "Fourth doorman of the apocalypse"] says:

    Don’t worry about the Main Stream Media folks.

    Something fresh is happening in publishing.

    First: SJWs Always Lie

    Next up: Cuckservative

  70. (Sorry Steve, looks like I forgot to sign in before publishing?)

    I’ll consider the “the white race does not exist” thing after I’m convinced that blacks have collectively bought into the “the black race does not exist” thing, after Jews have started having babies with blacks and removed all particularist Jewish Privilege from Israeli policy, after the yellows have opened up their countries to mass immigration of all races, etc., etc., etc. Until then, all this focus on whites looks too much like racist bullying by the powerful.

    Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.

    LOL, “what can never be repaid”; rent-seeking, much?

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    “We.” That “we” is always my favorite part of these missives.

    There is no “we.” These authors always seem to think that their white skin privilege – their mystical ability to speak to and for me through the leftist megaphone, owing to the color of their skin, their ancestry, an accident of birth – earns them some credibility with me. But it doesn’t. The author can take her white skin and go jump in the lake.

    Why should an appeal to whiteness from an anti-white racist with white skin be any more compelling than a pro-white racist one?

    I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe

    Yes, it’s true that the author is an idiot who completely missed the joke.

    I recall a white Texas trooper’s encounter with the black woman he pulled over for failure to signal a lane change.

    I can recall when a black policeman out west somewhere recently shot and killed an unarmed white yoof.

    ‘‘Don’t it make you feel good, Officer Encinia?’’ After asking the same question Nietzsche asked, the question of why justice would take this form, she came to the same conclusion.

    My experience with blacks suggests that they don’t do much asking like this when they’re in Encinia’s (Hispanic privilege?) position. Not in the way the author means, anyway. Just yesterday I was listening to NPR regaling audiences with a tale of (black) Kenyan rough treatment of (black) Somali illegal immigrants. Seemed much worse than anything blacks here are subjected to.

    Twenty years later, I tried to watch a video of a black man being shot in the head by a University of Cincinnati campus police officer.

    Black privilege; videos of whites being shot and killed by cops are not shown to college students. They’re swept under the rug because no one cares.

    I didn’t want to see it, but then I thought of Emmett Till

    More black privilege; only the fringes mourn the victims of the Wichita Massacre, for example.

    the possibility that the shooting death of Samuel DuBose in his old Honda was serving as an opportunity to sell Acuras made me close the window.

    Suddenly it hit me – I was participating in perpetuating white privilege; here was a white woman unjustly granted the privilege of speaking for blacks. Then I closed the window.

  71. But we know from Screaming Girl (and countless other historic examples) that being goodthinking White liberal will avail you not when the revolution comes. At best, they will serve you for dessert instead of as the main course.

    When the time comes for whites to band together qua whites, I suspect many of them will be policing the boundaries for “whites” like Eula Biss, and sending them packing. After all, whites are not a family.

  72. @Jack D
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    But we know from Screaming Girl (and countless other historic examples) that being goodthinking White liberal will avail you not when the revolution comes. At best, they will serve you for dessert instead of as the main course.

    Replies: @Jimbo

    Not at all. Nongoodthinking white people scare them; they will come for them last, if at all…

  73. What is the condition of white life? We are moral debtors who act as material creditors.

    — Eula Biss

    It’s as if she’s using Kevin MacDonald’s work as an instruction manual:


    This suggests the fascinating possibility that the key for a group intending to turn Europeans against themselves is to trigger their strong tendency toward altruistic punishment by convincing them of the moral blameworthiness of their own people. Because Europeans are individualists at heart, they readily rise up in moral anger against their own people once they are seen as free riders and therefore morally blameworthy—a manifestation of their stronger tendency toward altruistic punishment deriving from their evolutionary past as hunter gatherers. In making judgments of altruistic punishment, relative genetic distance is irrelevant. Free-riders are seen as strangers in a market situation; i.e., they have no familial or tribal connection with the altruistic punisher.


    The best strategy to destroy Europeans, therefore, is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy.

    — Kevin MacDonald

    •�Replies: @Discard
    @ben tillman

    Christian cultures recognize the sin within themselves, and have a way to deal with it: confession and repentance. Perhaps this is why Germans could acknowledge their war crimes, and the Japanese cannot. The Japanese have no way to lay down the burden once they acknowledge their wrongdoing, except committing suicide.

    The self-destruction of the West depends on our Christian acculturalization. Sin-guilt-confession-repentance-redemption. The pattern has been hijacked by internal enemies.

    Replies: @Romanian
    , @Harold
    @ben tillman

    I posted this here some years ago:

    “The Reds had found that the easiest way to subdue any group of people was to give its members a guilt complex and then to lead them on from self-denunciation to self-betrayal. All that was required to put this across was a sufficiently heartless exploitation of the essential goodness in people, so that they would seek self-sacrifice to compensate for their feelings of guilt. The self-sacrifice obviously made available to them in this inside-out environment is some form of treason.”— Brainwashing, From Pavlov to Powers, Edward Hunter, page 169.

    Replies: @Ozymandias
  74. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    I’m assuming there is some kind of basis beyond outright lying to this claim, no? This does come up a lot.

    Can anyone provide some handy resources that can be used to rebut this when it comes up in conversation?

    •�Replies: @Mr. Anon

    ""White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.""

    "Can anyone provide some handy resources that can be used to rebut this when it comes up in conversation?"

    The rebuttal is that it is self-evidently false. That statement that Biss made is directly analogous to saying: most people are no more closely related to their own sibling then they are to someone chosen at random out of the people who happen to be at a given shopping mall.

    For what she said to be true, babies would have to be brought by Storks, rather than being conceived by men and women copulating.
    , @Maxwell

    I'm pretty sure this lie originates with the documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion. They compare 1 or 2 genes of one student with 1 or 2 genes of another and say you more closely related to some Amerindian in the rainforest than you are to your cousin. This is because genetic analysis based on 1 or 2 genes is so vague as to be meaningless. It's like me asking 2 Americans who they support in the Republican primaries. One guy answers "Jeb Bush"; the other answers "Chris Christie", so I conclude it will either be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie who take the Republicans to the next elections. If I'd asked 100 people I would have got a more accurate picture.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic
  75. One thing I have discovered is how absolutely related are we white people who had ancestors who came to America and Canada from England, Holland and France. I am related to Amelia Earhart, George Bush, Al Gore and Louisa May Alcott on the British side. Henry and Jane Fonda and Humphrey Bogart on the Dutch side and Celine Dion, Justin Bieber and Justin Trudeau on the French Canadian side. In fact, I am related to nearly every French-Canadian who is not a recent immigrant from France. On my father’s side, I am related to far fewer Americans, as his family were recent immigrants from the Baltics, Eastern Europe and Scandinavia.

    As for having a “white” culture. We certainly did up until a few years ago. I have a neighbor who is in her mid 30’s. She gives Christmas treats to her neighbors every year. The treats consist of the items I used to receive in my Xmas stocking when I was a little girl. Tangerines, Lifesavers, unshelled nuts. It makes me nostalgic. We used to really celebrate Christmas. A few days before Xmas, my sister and I would go to bake many kinds of cookies with our paternal grandma. We’d spend hours shelling nuts while listening to Xmas tunes. After baking all day, we’d eat (American style) tacos for dinner. We’d go to her house on Xmas eve, where we would decorate her tree, and eat S’mores cooked in her fireplace, then to her brother’s house. Then to our uncle’s house, getting presents all the way. My grandma would give my sister and I, each a different heart shaped box and a charm for our charm bracelets and a nightgown with a naughty double entendre printed on it. Next day I spent with my mom, who adored holidays.

    Same for Easter. A new Easter dress. Easter baskets. Spending summers at my other Grandma’s house in Redding, California. She had MS and was in a wheelchair. She lived on welfare, but she lived on Fairgrounds Drive, across the street from a fairgrounds. Going to the fair every day. Playing with my cousins. Catching frogs and lizards and tadpoles. Eating popcorn and watermelon and watching fireworks while sitting in my uncle’s motorboat, which he would park in my grandma’s driveway for us. My uncle making us banana splits or taking us into town in his jeep to get silver dollar burgers and rootbeer floats. Lying in bed at night next to a fan, reading gothic romance novels and eating sunflower seeds with one of my aunts who was 14 (I was 7). My uncle taking us fishing and watersking on the lake in his boat. Playing board games with my cousins and aunts. Sleeping outside in the backyard. Running through the sprinkler. Going to the public pool. Going to the schoolyard to play tetherball. Going to stay at my stepmom’s family cabin and picking blackberries, then going to town to get vanilla ice cream to eat them with. Going for rides through rural California in my dad’s motorcycle and sidecar and stopping at Basque and Italian and French family restaurants in hidden places. Going stream fishing for trout with my dad. My dad taking us for drives in the hills in his convertible Datsun Fairlady to cool us down when it was hot. Going to my stepmom’s mother’s house in the gold country and going into old gold mines we were strictly forbidden to enter.

    My family had huge problems with substance abuse and mental health issues but we still had a lot of fun growing up.

    Unfortunately, it seems as if few people are practicing these traditions any more. Many Americans act as if every day is a holiday, so holidays lose their meaning. In fact, most Americans are so spoiled that they don’t even realize that our standards of living do make every day like a holiday. They have too much to eat and too many possessions already and little connection to other people. Doesn’t make for a bright future.

  76. The white race doesn’t exist… but we should feel guilty about it, and step to the back of the line when it comes to college admissions, hiring, and public services. Of course, none of that applies to white females so they’re free to play both sides of the fence, in whatever way benefits them the most.

  77. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    “I’m curious–how do you tie the ‘race and sex do not exist’ ideas to the Gnostic heresy, which was stamped out in the early days of Christianity?”

    I am not who you are asking the questions of and I’m no expert in the area. But I think I understand where he is coming from. He’s not tying it to the specific Cathars who were exterminated during the Albigensian crusade (“Kill them all, God will know his own”). Rather there seems to be a sort of fundamental Gnostic ideology that is constantly popping up in human affairs. Gnosticism goes way back and does not have an organized sponsoring group—it seems to be an idea that teenagers and others are constantly reinventing.

    It’s hard to pin down, but the Gnostic ideal seems to be, more-or-less, that we are all fallen gods; reality is all in our minds; if reality is bad it is because the ideas in our minds are bad, if we could just change our ideas and “goodthink” we could bring about heaven; that maybe we can find a way for our minds to unleash our inherent “godness” and change reality to heaven; our minds have the ability to overcome reality. Early drug use back before drugs were understood might have contributed to the constant re-invention of the Gnostic ideal. (Early secret knowledge by various priesthoods of visible table-top chemical reactions that could “change the world” may have also contributed.) It’s a good fit to “drugs, sex, rock-and-roll”… it’s all in our minds, so party on, maybe the epiphany will push our minds over the edge to total power. It’s a good line to try on some girls, don’t let all that old squaresville stuff keep you from freeing yourself from your mental shackles!

    In its more organized/articulated/older forms it seems tied to ideas such as the devil created the world/universe, which is why evil exists. A true good god would never allow evil on earth. So the devil is ascendant and god is far away or has shattered into us (all the unique individuals). So we somehow have to figure out how to mentally unite and recreate the good god that will drive out the devil and thus eliminate evil.

    Or something like this. It’s all rather hazy and undefined, which seems to be part of the point. There is a theory that it’s a train of thought that never completely dies out and that certain periods (the 60s, for instance) are periods of Gnostic resurgence, although it is probably “self-invented” and the Gnostics of the day might not know about earlier Gnostics. It’s not like there is some secret conspiracy or group. Rather, it’s just a bad idea, maybe a somewhat juvenile idea, that is easy to invent and attractive to those looking for an excuse to “do what thou wilt”.

    There have been more-or-less organized Gnostic religions in the distant past. Ancient Egyptian religion may have been significantly Gnostic (or might not). One of the ancient Greek threads of thought during the formation of Christianity was Gnostic. (It’s possible that Greek were saving Egyptian ideas/books that were being stamped out by the Romans.) There were early Christian Gnostic sects. At one time organized Christian Gnosticism apparently vied realistically for control of what became Catholicism.



    The impact though history has probably not been entirely negative, though not in the manner intended:


    “…Much of the importance of Hermeticism arises from its connection with the development of science during the time from 1300 to 1600 AD. The prominence that it gave to the idea of influencing or controlling nature led many scientists to look to magic and its allied arts (e.g., alchemy, astrology) which, it was thought, could put Nature to the test by means of experiments. Consequently, it was the practical aspects of Hermetic writings that attracted the attention of scientists.

    Isaac Newton placed great faith in the concept of an unadulterated, pure, ancient doctrine, which he studied vigorously to aid his understanding of the physical world. Many of Newton’s manuscripts—most of which are still unpublished—detail his thorough study of the Corpus Hermeticum, writings said to have been transmitted from ancient times, in which the secrets and techniques of influencing the stars and the forces of nature were revealed.”

    That relatively secret religion of the Yazidis in Iraq might be tied into an old Gnostic-oriented religion. Or maybe not… There have been modern organizations with explicitly gnostic agendas (some basically secret societies):


    One of the founders of JPL was famously into all this (and Ron Hubbard and Scientology might not be that far away):



    •�Replies: @The Last Real Calvinist

    Thanks for this comment.

    I had similar thoughts earlier this year when Jennerpalooza was at its height: https://www.unz.com/isteve/yes-sirmaam/#comment-979841

    Have a look if you're interested.
  78. Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I’m of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, “white” Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, “white” Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy “white” race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big “white” race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous

    Growing up I remember that some of the Italian and Jewish kids in my town definitely seemed darker than the rest of us of more Northern European descent. While they certainly didn't seem black, they also didn't seem as white as the rest of us.

    I wonder if perhaps there is something biological, such as higher cortisone or serotonin levels, that might make lower status individuals and/or individuals living under fairly stressful conditions darker than they otherwise would be were they not experiencing the stress of being recent immigrants or members of a minority with lower status than the majority?
    , @Discard

    What happened is that my foreign ancestors learned to speak English and found that a particular girl on the next farm over, despite her French heritage, was really cute and raised a lot of chickens. If this happens often enough, you get Dutch-French-Polish-Irish Americans, ergo, Whites.
    , @fnn

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.
    I think it's still true today.
    , @AnAnon

    "Three hundred years ago, “white” Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil." - that would be when the Poles began to regard them as evil, the Germans really wouldn't follow suit until the turn of the 20th century. in any event, in each of those cases(excepting perhaps northern and southern Italy), no one was saying that so and so wasn't white. And America, for its part barred those not considered white from immigrating from the start.

    White identity wasn't invented here, it was a requirement for coming here.
    , @Tracy

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy “white” race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big “white” race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.
    What changed was European and European-derived people were put into the same group ("Whites") by people who hate Christendom (and what's left of it) and want to tear it down. We're hated as a group, we should fight as a group.
  79. “It’s a good line to try on some girls, don’t let all that old squaresville stuff keep you from freeing yourself from your mental shackles!”

    The Power of Love!

  80. WhatEvvs [AKA "Internet Addict"] says:

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    I don’t remember every detail of that skit, but I do remember coming away with a contrary interpretation: Murray couldn’t get over how damn nice white people were to each other, how polite, how considerate, on an everyday mundane level.

    At his best Murray was a fierce critic of black people. He got hip to that and began changing his tune. Sort of like Chris Rock disavowing his n-word routine.

  81. We’re in a White Debt bubble. It’s likely that whites will increasingly default on their White Debt obligations and White Debt creditors will be left holding worthless paper.

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!

    •�Replies: @Alain
    @a Newsreader

    "Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts."

    Maybe we could offset it with carbon credits.
    , @Desiderius
    @a Newsreader

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!
    Returns still look strong:

  82. WhatEvvs [AKA "Internet Addict"] says:
    @Jack D

    I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

    Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. '60s black radicals also used to talk about going "back to Africa" (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don't seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @WhatEvvs, @David In TN

    I’ve been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.

    If someone were to offer me $10 million cash, and a one way ticket to Poland (land of my ancestors) I would take it. Poland is poor, I can’t speak Polish, but I would take it.

    Re: Liberia, “Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way.”

    Liberia is interesting. The “founding fathers” were virtually all quadroons and octoroons. I met a Liberian girl once. She was half native (her word) and half Americo-Liberian. We spoke quite openly about race. You can do that with non-American blacks. I asked her why Americo-Liberians were so dark-skinned, and she told me that over the generations natives interbred with the founders and became dark-skinned, but no one wants to admit that. Americo-Liberians jealously guard their heritage.

    •�Replies: @ben tillman

    I’ve been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.
    That would cost $400 trillion, or about $1.5 million from every non-Black US citizen.

    Replies: @Former Darfur
    , @WhatEvvs

    I put the commas in the wrong place, my bad! OK, how about $2 BN in a trust supervised by Bernard Madoff? A prison work program.
  83. The most deplorable one [AKA "Fourth doorman of the apocalypse"] says:

    Cuckservative is already available on Amazon.

    From the reviews it very clearly addresses the folly of massive immigration.

  84. @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    It’s also enlightening that they admit they don’t know there is difference between giving and loaning.

  85. WhatEvvs [AKA "Internet Addict"] says:
    @Jack D

    Kvetching about this makes absolutely no sense. If we were to deny that Obama was black because he had a white mother, this woman would be first in line to denounce it (right behind Obama himself).

    I'm OK with that though. From now on, anyone with one white parent should be officially "white" and ineligible for affirmative action. As matters stand now, a lot of the AA slots are taken up by "blacks" who are actually quadroons and octoroons. When my daughter got to college (a top tier engineering school), she told me about her brilliant "black" friend, who was doing as well as any white student - a striking rebuke to my racist views. Finally I met the guy - his father was a white Frenchman who had raised him and his mother (who was not around - the black parent in these matchups never seems to stick around) was Haitian and must have been from the light skinned Haitian upper classes because the guy looked to be about 7/8 white - he could easily have "passed" back in the day.

    Replies: @WhatEvvs

    Mulatto Haitians coming to the US and claiming to be black is the biggest crock of bullshit ever. But of course, we allow them to get away with it so why shouldn’t they?

    I’ve known several of these. One had a Haitian mulatto father, white German mother. Brilliant, multilingual (French, German, English), and a “person of color” who pushed those buttons as far as they could get her. If I were her, I would do the same.

    It’s our fault. A well-meaning program to benefit the descendants of plantation slaves has become a sinkhole of corruption, and a stick to beat whites with. Unfortunately we have so many other problems to deal with that destroying this tar baby has to wait.

  86. From an old manuscript by Eula Biss Mather:

    Sin is not a kinship or a culture. Sinful people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to the Saved. American definitions of salvation allow for a sinful woman to give birth to saved children, which should serve as a reminder that sinful people are not a family. What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of sin in the colonies that became the United States. ‘‘There is, in fact, no community of sinners,’’ as Baldwin writes. Sin is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise Sin without disliking yourself.

  87. iSteveFan says:

    Whatever America did to blacks you can’t argue that it has done more than any other nation to uplift blacks. Whether it was the creation of the wealthiest black population on Earth, the selection of a black to lead the current first nation of the world, the endless government handouts and social promotions, the idealized portrayal of them in the media, etc., etc., no where else are blacks treated better. You won’t find this sort of treatment in Brazil, the largest slave nation in history. You won’t find this treatment in Saudi Arabia or the rest of the Arab world where descendants of slavery are third class citizens. No, you only seem to find this in America.

    Yet as blacks have risen to heights unheard of for blacks anywhere else, the rhetoric directed against whites seems to increase. Where are the attaboys for all that has been done? This lady’s article basically states the so-called debt can never be repaid. That is really a dumb position. If you want to get someone to keep doing something, you need to throw in a little encouragement now and then.

    Speaking of debts what happens when someone goes into debt and there is no end in sight, or chance that they will ever be able to pay it off? That’s right they declare bankruptcy. Maybe we should create a new code in the law for the forgiveness of the white guilt debt. Along the lines of Chapters 11, 12, etc, we could have a new Chapter 16 that covers white guilt debt.

    Unless the bankers of the First Bank of Race agree to modify their terms and call it a day, whites should start to declare Chapter 16.

    •�Replies: @ben tillman

    Speaking of debts what happens when someone goes into debt and there is no end in sight, or chance that they will ever be able to pay it off? That’s right they declare bankruptcy.
    White debt is not dischargeable.
  88. It was my family’s White Privilege to free the slaves. Here’s proof that no good deed goes unpunished.

  89. Unless the bankers of the First Bank of Race agree to modify their terms and call it a day, whites should start to declare Chapter 16.

    A worthy idea, but we all know that there’s really only one way to save black Americans from white Americans; racial separatism. Whites have proven far too immoral, to exploitative, to racist to be allowed to live in the same country with blacks.

    Regrettably, we must be separated away from blacks. It’s the only way to be sure.

  90. White Debt? EVERY Black person in America, from Obama on down, owes me money. I am the direct, male descendant, of one Robert C. Who enlisted in the Union Army at age 14, and was not discharged until age 19. Missing the most important part of his schooling. Not only did he see fun places like Gettysburg and Cold Harbor, wounded twice, but his descendants were poor for generations after.

    By MY reckoning, and I am sure I am not the only descendant of Union soldiers, Coates, Obama, Oprah, Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Quentin Tarantino (I’ll say he’s honorary Black like he oh so obviously wants to be), and every other Black person owes me money.

    That is the White Debt, or Debt to certain White persons, as far as I am concerned.

  91. More Schuld-Biss:

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.

    I bet she sings Gilbert & Sullivan patter songs when she puts him to bed at night, too.

    Near the end of the book, when the Ingalls family is reckoning with the fact that they built their little house illegally on Indian Territory, and just after an alliance between tribes has been broken by a disagreement over whether or not to attack the settlers, Laura watches the Osage abandoning their annual buffalo hunt and leaving Kansas. […] At this point, my son asked me to stop reading. ‘‘Is it too sad?’’ I asked. ‘‘No,’’ he said, ‘‘I just don’t need to know any more.’’ After a few moments of silence, he added, ‘‘I wish I was French.’’

    Next week, she can read him “Camp of the Saints.”

    •�Replies: @Anonymous

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.
    This line is also a pathetic humble brag - "My 5-year-old has a ridiculously long attention span, and I'm a great mother for spending so much time reading to him."

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @anon
  92. White Privilage, now also White Debt?

    Is anybody else suffering from racial consciousness fatigue? I am so, so tired of white privilege this, black lives matter that and all the other crap that gets rubbed in my nose like a naughty dog by the entertainment and news media. Everything is about race and discrimination. It’s as if we can’t consider any other story of the human drama because race is the most important thing of all.

    Frankly our obsession with race and prejudice is getting boring. We get it. Black people, other racial and sexual minorities and so on are people too and can very well make fine achievements and contributions as colleagues, neighbors and family members. Dear Media, by now you’ve beaten that one to death. So now that this notion is getting old and hackneyed it’s not enough to lift up these folks to equality the media establishment finds it necessary for retribution and reparations for any past “white-privilege.” This “civil rights leadership” has got the media establishment at its command and wants to put us under the yoke of s0me eternal moral guilt for slavery and racism which they call “America’s Original Sins.” These race-baiting “civil rights leaders” keep our attention to racial consciousness by scratching at the scabs of the old wounds; they have no interest in healing because the pain is the source of their power and status. It’s really too bad. In my few decades on this earth and in this country, I’ve encountered plenty of fine black people who make fine neighbors, friends and colleagues. It’s unfortunate that their self-appointed elites are so atrocious. Who elected that terrible hateful Ta-Nehisi Coates?

    Whatever the prospects for racial harmony are, there are too many profiting from the discord to let us live in peace. I propose that Ta-Nehisi Coates may have one good idea after all. It seems he fled the whole affair of American racism and oppression not by going to a black community in his old hometown of Baltimore, another American city like Detroit or Oakland, or even to place that might have been the origin of his ancestors in Africa. He chose to go to where the white devils came from – Europe, namely Paris, France. Whatever we say about Coates, even though he was raised on a diet of Black power and hate, at least he hasn’t swallowed the Afrocentrism nonsense whole and he still appears see some value in the Europe’s contributions to culture and civilization.

    So in order to get away from the whole affair and all this nonsense, I propose we do like what Brother Coates has done, leave it all behind by returning to our European homelands, from where our ancestors once came. Sure it ain’t perfect there, but if Brother Coates finds it a relief from the oppressive American climate of racial tension, we’ll probably find it quite agreeable too. Having lived over there myself for a number of years, it was quite refreshing not to always be hearing about Diversity, The Gap, Racial Profiling, etc. Not having to make all personnel decisions based on having optics that corresponded with superficial racial balance that “represented” the “community” was also a positive. I recall sitting with our advertising guys as they reviewed the stock photos for some image campaign. The differences between the images for the American market and the European market were quite striking. As you can imagine the images targeted to American tastes were like the old Benetton ads, hyper conscious of always having the token Black, Hispanic, Asian and female faces… Perhaps it seems trivial, but this seems to have become the highest value and greatest mission of our American society… not excellence… nor virtue… but rather having the right balance of optics at the peak of our society… whether in management board-rooms, in government assemblies, in our faculty lounges, at news-anchor desks or in front of the camera on the Hollywood sets. I don’t know if it’s sustainable, but like I said before, I’m suffering fatigue from this racial consciousness. I’ve had enough.

    So I propose a kind of Zionism for European-Americans. Let’s go back to our roots. Return to our ancestral homelands. If the Europeans are suffering a demographic crisis, perhaps we could persuade them that we probably will be even more enthusiastic about integrating than the newcomers they’ve been recruiting from the “Morgenland” from Africa and the Middle East. The history, the values, the traditions and culture are already our heritage. There is only the matter of the local languages, that I’m sure even we stubborn Yanks could overcome.

    Join me brothers and sisters, perhaps if we put all this behind us we’ll even find the fresh start makes it so we can even get along with folks like Brother Coates who’ve made the same journey.

    •�Agree: SPMoore8
    •�Replies: @SPMoore8
    @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I think a novel/film about the reverse migration of Americans to Europe would be a lot of fun. I would predict that, after rubbing shoulders on this continent for 200 years, the back-migrated Europe would be well integrated. I also would predict that the abandoned Americas would not be so successful. We would just have to make sure we took all the fissile material with us.

    Replies: @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta
    , @Romanian
    @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    No, of course it's not ok. Your ancestors carved the nation of the wilderness and you would give it up? What did that do for the Boers? With whom are you going to sign the treaty guaranteeing that you will be secure in your new former homeland? Such abandonment of vital space can only hasten your downfall, and attract the curses of your descendants. Nobody ever immigrated to reduce their population. Whites would be the first to try it.
  93. How do you put a value on straight hair?

    •�Replies: @SFG
    @Prof. Woland

    You could calculate prices on hair straighteners. But I know you're joking.
  94. @The Anti-Gnostic

    Eula Biss is broadcasting that it shouldn't be HER that goes into the cannibal pot.

    Do these people realize they will force otherwise friendly, bourgeois whites to adopt identity politics?

    Replies: @Jack D, @SFG


    They’re trying to *prevent* that, ironically enough.

  95. NYT readers just love this stuff.

    Her son, christened with the unpretentious and heterosexual name Juneau, is going to pull a Dolezal.

  96. What an article. She just keeps repeating her sins over and over, drawing tighter and tighter the supposedly intellectual and emotional net that traps her thinking, ending as she began, with “what can never be repaid”.

    So, did Catholic priests tell us we’re guilty of original sin so we would keep paying them tithes forever in exchange for feeling better? I thought that “white guilt” racket looked familiar. There is nothing new under the sun.

  97. Republicans brace for long battle against Donald Trump

    “He’s the typical sort of person that historically folks thought of as a typical Republican — wealthy, country club guy who has a strong will and doesn’t listen a lot to hard working folks,” List said. “I don’t think that’s the kind of a symbol that we want to put forth.”

    Haha. By “hard working folks,” I think List might just be referring to GOP campaign strategy hacks. Which is just a marvelously tone-deaf construction (never mind the irony of a GOP hack calling somebody else a white country club guy).

    With such a lightening rod presidential nominee, down-ballot candidates would face tremendous pressure to turn their backs on Trump in order to win their respective elections, Davis said.

    Anyone else perceive a real fall-off in journalistic literacy? “Lightening rod”? FFS.

    Other gems include the evidence-free accusations of racism, ANTISEMITISM!!! (he complimented Joos, oh noes!), and bigotry.

  98. I was going to quote more from the Biss article but I gave up because there were just too many inane and self-righteous parts to do it justice.

    The cynical part of me thinks that this is just a white woman who wants to get on the TNC gravy train. Next stop, 2016 Pulitzer …..

    I am sure that “White Privilege” exists in the sense that tall, good looking, well dressed, articulate and clean shaven White Men are less likely to be hassled by police officers, and more likely to be treated deferentially in most contexts. However, only a fraction of white men meet that standard.

    However, what this is really about is that Biss is invoking “White Privilege” to define “White Guilt”, in the sense that White People have an obligation to help their less successful Person of Color fellow citizens because of their guilt. And, just to sweeten it a bit, the guilt is not moral, but tangible, which is why any giveback is not charity but rather an installment on a debt that can never be repaid. Which is why concepts of Original Sin and good works are fully applicable.

    I suppose from moral/public policy POV what she writes is not objectionable because after all we do have to do something about social/racial/economic inequality. But to my tastes he way of writing about it is insufferable. (Like explaining that Rachel Dolezal was not born in the Caucasus — Good Lord — however she might have mentioned that the Tsarnaev brothers were.)

    I realize that iSteve posted this article because he mainly took exception to her idea that “whites” do not exist. And I agree it’s a silly idea. But let’s also keep in mind that the AA population of the US is about 1/8, and privileged whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them. They will, however, spend a lot of time self-pleasuring themselves with how bad they are.

    •�Replies: @Thomas Fuller

    whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them

    The following video is relevant in the circumstances, especially considering her fluffy-headed nonsense (in the original article) about native Americans:


    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @Desiderius
  99. We’re in a White Debt bubble. It’s likely that whites will increasingly default on their White Debt obligations and White Debt creditors will be left holding worthless paper.

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!

    Two thumbs up. 🙂

  100. If I say Jews are “the other” and their pale skin does not make them my family, then I’m an ANTISEMITE!!! and should be punished.

  101. It is not white or black that is at the core of the matter, but red.

  102. @D. K.

    The following comment of mine (via Disqus), in response to an Associated Press news story, was promptly removed from the ABC News Web site:


    How queer!?! When a 19-year-old (and presumably drunk) White guy is arrested in Saint Louis, for trespassing at the Budweiser brewery, he is referred to, by both the Associated Press reporter and the ABC News headline-writer, as a "man"-- and the race(s) of the arresting officers go(es) wholly unnoted. When an 18-year-old (and confirmedly high) Black guy, who also was of legal age, was infamously killed in self-defense, as confirmed by all levels of the government, after attacking a White police officer and trying to kill him with his own service weapon, in a nearby Saint Louis suburb, last year, he was referred to as-- and continues, to this day, to be referred to as-- "an unarmed black teen," by these same paragons of American journalism, with the race of the targeted police officer (now unemployed, and presumably forever unemployable, as such) invariably stated, and implied to be the key to the entire tragedy (as in, his own presumed "racism" against the violent Black felon who was trying to kill him, rather than the other way around). How very queer, indeed!?!?!


    So, do you suppose that it was removed because I am an obvious racist, or instead because I am obviously homophobic? Or, do you suppose, instead, that there was some (avoidable) interaction effect involved?

    Replies: @candid_observer

    It was probably a mistake to use the word “queer” in that context.

    Such moderators are very niggardly in their tolerance of potentially offensive words.

  103. @a Newsreader
    We're in a White Debt bubble. It's likely that whites will increasingly default on their White Debt obligations and White Debt creditors will be left holding worthless paper.

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!

    Replies: @Alain, @Desiderius

    “Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.”

    Maybe we could offset it with carbon credits.

  104. @Lot

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I present for you the education of the New York Times Magazine's expert on comparative human genetics:

    After earning a bachelor's degree in non-fiction writing from Hampshire College, Biss moved to New York City. She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City, where she went on to complete her MFA in the University of Iowa's Nonfiction Writing Program.
    I wasn't aware "non-fiction writing" was something you could major in.

    Replies: @Doorway, @SFG, @AndrewR, @Kevin O'Keeffe, @Mr. Anon

    “She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City,………..”

    Apparently her experiences teaching in NYC public schools were profound enough that she felt the need to move to Iowa City. According to the 2010 census, Iowa City is 83% white and 6% black.

    •�Replies: @Ttjy
    @Mr. Anon

    According to the 2010 census, Iowa City is 83% white and 6% black.
    Iowa City is only 83% white? That really shows how the demographics are changing. In 1940 NYC, which was supposedly the great melting pot, what about 95% white.
  105. @ben tillman

    What is the condition of white life? We are moral debtors who act as material creditors.
    -- Eula Biss

    It's as if she's using Kevin MacDonald's work as an instruction manual:


    This suggests the fascinating possibility that the key for a group intending to turn Europeans against themselves is to trigger their strong tendency toward altruistic punishment by convincing them of the moral blameworthiness of their own people. Because Europeans are individualists at heart, they readily rise up in moral anger against their own people once they are seen as free riders and therefore morally blameworthy—a manifestation of their stronger tendency toward altruistic punishment deriving from their evolutionary past as hunter gatherers. In making judgments of altruistic punishment, relative genetic distance is irrelevant. Free-riders are seen as strangers in a market situation; i.e., they have no familial or tribal connection with the altruistic punisher.


    The best strategy to destroy Europeans, therefore, is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy.
    -- Kevin MacDonald

    Replies: @Discard, @Harold

    Christian cultures recognize the sin within themselves, and have a way to deal with it: confession and repentance. Perhaps this is why Germans could acknowledge their war crimes, and the Japanese cannot. The Japanese have no way to lay down the burden once they acknowledge their wrongdoing, except committing suicide.

    The self-destruction of the West depends on our Christian acculturalization. Sin-guilt-confession-repentance-redemption. The pattern has been hijacked by internal enemies.

    •�Replies: @Romanian

    And who dealt with it better?

    The Germans are continuing to punish themselves for it. Self-flagellation it's called, turning into ethno-massochism. They are willing to lose their country over it, in addition to being the butt boys of Israel and whoever else cashes in that transferable moral claim on German largesse. As if the German lives lost, the rapes, the expulsions and the Communism were not punishment enough.

    I'm all for recognizing wrongs but, If I were Japanese, and I saw what was happening to Germany, I'd double down and deny everything. That way lies madness.

    Replies: @Discard
  106. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, "white" Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, "white" Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy "white" race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big "white" race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Discard, @fnn, @AnAnon, @Tracy

    Growing up I remember that some of the Italian and Jewish kids in my town definitely seemed darker than the rest of us of more Northern European descent. While they certainly didn’t seem black, they also didn’t seem as white as the rest of us.

    I wonder if perhaps there is something biological, such as higher cortisone or serotonin levels, that might make lower status individuals and/or individuals living under fairly stressful conditions darker than they otherwise would be were they not experiencing the stress of being recent immigrants or members of a minority with lower status than the majority?

  107. @astorian
    Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, "white" Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, "white" Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy "white" race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big "white" race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Discard, @fnn, @AnAnon, @Tracy

    What happened is that my foreign ancestors learned to speak English and found that a particular girl on the next farm over, despite her French heritage, was really cute and raised a lot of chickens. If this happens often enough, you get Dutch-French-Polish-Irish Americans, ergo, Whites.

  108. @jacobsson

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I'm assuming there is some kind of basis beyond outright lying to this claim, no? This does come up a lot.

    Can anyone provide some handy resources that can be used to rebut this when it comes up in conversation?

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Maxwell

    “”White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.””

    “Can anyone provide some handy resources that can be used to rebut this when it comes up in conversation?”

    The rebuttal is that it is self-evidently false. That statement that Biss made is directly analogous to saying: most people are no more closely related to their own sibling then they are to someone chosen at random out of the people who happen to be at a given shopping mall.

    For what she said to be true, babies would have to be brought by Storks, rather than being conceived by men and women copulating.

  109. @Prof. Woland
    How do you put a value on straight hair?

    Replies: @SFG

    You could calculate prices on hair straighteners. But I know you’re joking.

  110. Anon •�Disclaimer says:

    Is Graham just trolling?

    This is jumping the shark.. or the wailing wall.


    “Not to be outdone, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested, ‘I may have the first all-Jewish cabinet in America.’”

    I mean… LOL.

    It’s gotten to the point where I don’t know if one, some, or all of the GOP candidates are trolling. It’s so over-the-top.

    One would think they are, wink-wink, trying to suggest that Jews do control everything and we have to get down on our knees and grovel.

    I mean even Stalin didn’t have it this good.

    Btw, the fact that there is no controversy about such groveling goes to show how sucking-up-to-Jews has become such a norm in American politics.

    Imagine if Graham said he’s gonna fill up the Cabinet posts with Christians or Baptists or Mormons.

    Btw, I used to cringe at stuff like this, but I think they should even go further.
    When something is turned into a mad cult, shakier it will become as mindlessness can survive for only so long.

    US is now a nation of Cult of Ethnicity. Jews rule.

  111. “Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.”

    What do you do with a debt that can never be repaid?

    Never repay it.

    So, to black America and their self-appointed white guardians like Eula Biss: You’re getting nothing. We’re done here.

  112. “Some of the dumb parts about genetics aside, this is basically true. I never identified as “white” when I was growing up.”

    I didn’t either. Things change. Twenty or thirty years of being relentlessly harangued that white men are to blame for all the worlds evils will make you start self-identifying as white.

  113. @Jack D

    I will personally buy this woman and her child and and her baby daddy one way tickets to Liberia if they agree to renounce their US citizenship. In Liberia they will all be 100% safe from institutional white racism and will never be killed simply for being black. They may be killed for the $5 they have in their pocket, but never simply for being black.

    Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way. '60s black radicals also used to talk about going "back to Africa" (and a few even did) but modern American blacks never bring this up, no matter how bitterly they complain about American racism. When Czarist oppression made life unbearable for E. European Jews, millions of them took off for America, Israel, Argentina, etc. but for some reason American blacks don't seem interested in getting away from their oppressors.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @WhatEvvs, @David In TN

    There was a pro basketball player of the late 60’s (he died a few years ago) who claimed he was going to live in Liberia. He was a personally vicious racist. As it turned out, he didn’t move to Liberia.

  114. @iSteveFan
    Whatever America did to blacks you can't argue that it has done more than any other nation to uplift blacks. Whether it was the creation of the wealthiest black population on Earth, the selection of a black to lead the current first nation of the world, the endless government handouts and social promotions, the idealized portrayal of them in the media, etc., etc., no where else are blacks treated better. You won't find this sort of treatment in Brazil, the largest slave nation in history. You won't find this treatment in Saudi Arabia or the rest of the Arab world where descendants of slavery are third class citizens. No, you only seem to find this in America.

    Yet as blacks have risen to heights unheard of for blacks anywhere else, the rhetoric directed against whites seems to increase. Where are the attaboys for all that has been done? This lady's article basically states the so-called debt can never be repaid. That is really a dumb position. If you want to get someone to keep doing something, you need to throw in a little encouragement now and then.

    Speaking of debts what happens when someone goes into debt and there is no end in sight, or chance that they will ever be able to pay it off? That's right they declare bankruptcy. Maybe we should create a new code in the law for the forgiveness of the white guilt debt. Along the lines of Chapters 11, 12, etc, we could have a new Chapter 16 that covers white guilt debt.

    Unless the bankers of the First Bank of Race agree to modify their terms and call it a day, whites should start to declare Chapter 16.

    Replies: @ben tillman

    Speaking of debts what happens when someone goes into debt and there is no end in sight, or chance that they will ever be able to pay it off? That’s right they declare bankruptcy.

    White debt is not dischargeable.

  115. The lady is onto something when she says there is no such thing as whiteness. Blacks are incidental to racism today. Racism is a weapon whites use against each other. If there were really such a thing as whiteness, this wouldn’t be happening.

    I enjoyed the story about her son being saddened about the Ingalls stealing land from Indians. I’m sure his little pillow was bedewed with bitter tears that night.

  116. Slightly off topic, sometimes I get the impression that feminists/SJW/racial leftists think that all white men are like Mitt Romney, i.e. rich, handsome, having an “easy” path in life full of holding top positions in companies/the government, in short men who are just living a fantastic life, a life without a care in the world. They have little to no idea that white men are people too! White men have their problems, humiliations, setbacks just like anyone else. They think that all white men go through life like this (parody of walking in NYC as a woman):

    It’s funny, because some of these people must be related to white men who are not at all like Mitt Romney, in fact many SJW are white men!!

  117. @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta
    White Privilage, now also White Debt?

    Is anybody else suffering from racial consciousness fatigue? I am so, so tired of white privilege this, black lives matter that and all the other crap that gets rubbed in my nose like a naughty dog by the entertainment and news media. Everything is about race and discrimination. It's as if we can't consider any other story of the human drama because race is the most important thing of all.

    Frankly our obsession with race and prejudice is getting boring. We get it. Black people, other racial and sexual minorities and so on are people too and can very well make fine achievements and contributions as colleagues, neighbors and family members. Dear Media, by now you've beaten that one to death. So now that this notion is getting old and hackneyed it's not enough to lift up these folks to equality the media establishment finds it necessary for retribution and reparations for any past "white-privilege." This "civil rights leadership" has got the media establishment at its command and wants to put us under the yoke of s0me eternal moral guilt for slavery and racism which they call "America's Original Sins." These race-baiting "civil rights leaders" keep our attention to racial consciousness by scratching at the scabs of the old wounds; they have no interest in healing because the pain is the source of their power and status. It's really too bad. In my few decades on this earth and in this country, I've encountered plenty of fine black people who make fine neighbors, friends and colleagues. It's unfortunate that their self-appointed elites are so atrocious. Who elected that terrible hateful Ta-Nehisi Coates?

    Whatever the prospects for racial harmony are, there are too many profiting from the discord to let us live in peace. I propose that Ta-Nehisi Coates may have one good idea after all. It seems he fled the whole affair of American racism and oppression not by going to a black community in his old hometown of Baltimore, another American city like Detroit or Oakland, or even to place that might have been the origin of his ancestors in Africa. He chose to go to where the white devils came from - Europe, namely Paris, France. Whatever we say about Coates, even though he was raised on a diet of Black power and hate, at least he hasn't swallowed the Afrocentrism nonsense whole and he still appears see some value in the Europe's contributions to culture and civilization.

    So in order to get away from the whole affair and all this nonsense, I propose we do like what Brother Coates has done, leave it all behind by returning to our European homelands, from where our ancestors once came. Sure it ain't perfect there, but if Brother Coates finds it a relief from the oppressive American climate of racial tension, we'll probably find it quite agreeable too. Having lived over there myself for a number of years, it was quite refreshing not to always be hearing about Diversity, The Gap, Racial Profiling, etc. Not having to make all personnel decisions based on having optics that corresponded with superficial racial balance that "represented" the "community" was also a positive. I recall sitting with our advertising guys as they reviewed the stock photos for some image campaign. The differences between the images for the American market and the European market were quite striking. As you can imagine the images targeted to American tastes were like the old Benetton ads, hyper conscious of always having the token Black, Hispanic, Asian and female faces... Perhaps it seems trivial, but this seems to have become the highest value and greatest mission of our American society... not excellence... nor virtue... but rather having the right balance of optics at the peak of our society... whether in management board-rooms, in government assemblies, in our faculty lounges, at news-anchor desks or in front of the camera on the Hollywood sets. I don't know if it's sustainable, but like I said before, I'm suffering fatigue from this racial consciousness. I've had enough.

    So I propose a kind of Zionism for European-Americans. Let's go back to our roots. Return to our ancestral homelands. If the Europeans are suffering a demographic crisis, perhaps we could persuade them that we probably will be even more enthusiastic about integrating than the newcomers they've been recruiting from the "Morgenland" from Africa and the Middle East. The history, the values, the traditions and culture are already our heritage. There is only the matter of the local languages, that I'm sure even we stubborn Yanks could overcome.

    Join me brothers and sisters, perhaps if we put all this behind us we'll even find the fresh start makes it so we can even get along with folks like Brother Coates who've made the same journey.

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Romanian

    I think a novel/film about the reverse migration of Americans to Europe would be a lot of fun. I would predict that, after rubbing shoulders on this continent for 200 years, the back-migrated Europe would be well integrated. I also would predict that the abandoned Americas would not be so successful. We would just have to make sure we took all the fissile material with us.

    •�Replies: @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I like the novel / film idea.

    Some of those left wing pundits were right when they claimed that some well placed positive roles for gay characters in Hollywood sitcoms did more to advance gay rights than all the pontificating and bloviating by any pundits.

    Not to diminish that achievement, but somebody like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch needs to develop a distribution channel to do some quality entertainment and dramas with RealTalk themes. If HBO, Netflix, Amazon, and the rest of the networks are firmly in the territory of progressive multiculti narrative, it would seem there's an enormous yawning gap in the market for stories that portray minorities more realistically... yes sometimes heroically but also sometimes monstrously. I'm probably not the only one who's getting bored of all the villains always being blond scions of privilege. Because of political correctness, the quality of our stories suffers and ethnic minority performers are stuck playing cartoon hero roles that often lack the depth and range of moral complexity of being an interesting villain for example.

    Also all the narrative that always makes the corporations the root of all evil. Is it any wonder that people vote the way they do with that kind of propaganda poisoning their minds?

    I'd love to see an anti-Erin Brockovich. Make the lawyer a venal destroyer of technology, progress and joba that antagonizes the noble entrepreneurs.

    I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right.

    Replies: @advancedatheist
  118. @SPMoore8
    I was going to quote more from the Biss article but I gave up because there were just too many inane and self-righteous parts to do it justice.

    The cynical part of me thinks that this is just a white woman who wants to get on the TNC gravy train. Next stop, 2016 Pulitzer .....

    I am sure that "White Privilege" exists in the sense that tall, good looking, well dressed, articulate and clean shaven White Men are less likely to be hassled by police officers, and more likely to be treated deferentially in most contexts. However, only a fraction of white men meet that standard.

    However, what this is really about is that Biss is invoking "White Privilege" to define "White Guilt", in the sense that White People have an obligation to help their less successful Person of Color fellow citizens because of their guilt. And, just to sweeten it a bit, the guilt is not moral, but tangible, which is why any giveback is not charity but rather an installment on a debt that can never be repaid. Which is why concepts of Original Sin and good works are fully applicable.

    I suppose from moral/public policy POV what she writes is not objectionable because after all we do have to do something about social/racial/economic inequality. But to my tastes he way of writing about it is insufferable. (Like explaining that Rachel Dolezal was not born in the Caucasus -- Good Lord -- however she might have mentioned that the Tsarnaev brothers were.)

    I realize that iSteve posted this article because he mainly took exception to her idea that "whites" do not exist. And I agree it's a silly idea. But let's also keep in mind that the AA population of the US is about 1/8, and privileged whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them. They will, however, spend a lot of time self-pleasuring themselves with how bad they are.

    Replies: @Thomas Fuller

    whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them


    The following video is relevant in the circumstances, especially considering her fluffy-headed nonsense (in the original article) about native Americans:

    •�Replies: @Cryptogenic
    @Thomas Fuller

    I don't bother with D'Souza but that was one of the more entertaining leftist student humiliation videos I've seen. D'Souza is quite funny and draws blood several times.

    This simple argument attacks one of the major flaws in leftist theory that liberals tacitly agree to never bring up among themselves. What can they say? Steve et al. give it the form [social just program] for thee, not for me.
    , @Desiderius
    @Thomas Fuller

    Interesting how he tries to bully the kid out of a position that he was obviously bullied into (the bully is even right there herself on the video egging him on).

    Reason alone is not enough, though he provides that as well. Nor would have offering the kid a defense from the bullies, I suspect. He's looking for the strongest horse.
  119. I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    Yes, it’s based on Lewontin’s 1972 paper. He found that human genes are more likely to vary within populations than between populations. For any one gene, a white American might have more in common with a black American than with another white American.

    If we look at other animals, we see this kind of genetic overlap not only between races but also between many sibling species, which are nonetheless distinct anatomically and behaviorally. The problem here is the assumption that genetic variation within a population is comparable to genetic variation between populations. In fact, the two are qualitatively different. When a gene varies between two populations the cause is probably a difference in natural selection, since the population boundary also separates different selection pressures. Conversely, when a gene varies within a population this variation is less likely to have adaptive significance. It hasn’t been flattened out by the steamroller of similar selection pressures.

    White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It’s getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors)

    It’s even simpler than that. Economists have shown that immigrants become more productive when they move from their home countries to the United States. It’s not because they’re working harder. It’s because they’re working in an environment where they get to keep more of their earnings, where government officials are less corrupt, and where strangers can be trusted to a much greater extent.

    These are privileges in a very real sense — they accrue to people in the U.S. even if they have done nothing at all to earn them and even if they make no effort to reciprocate, i.e., by being honest and by not showing favoritism.

    •�Replies: @ben tillman
    @Peter Frost

    Yes, it’s based on Lewontin’s 1972 paper. He found that human genes are more likely to vary within populations than between populations.
    No, that's not what he found. That can't be what he found since it doesn't really mean anything. It has no meaning until you explain what varying "within" and varying "between" mean and how the variance is measured so that the variance can be compared.

    It would seem that all variance within a population also constitutes variance between populations unless there's some kind of non-intuitive special definition that no one ever bothers to mention when they talk about Lewontin's fallacy. So let's hear the definitions for a change.
  120. @AndrewR

    I really hate to even give the appearance of sounding like a cultmarxist but you are strawmanning here. White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It's getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I'm not saying I buy into this theory (insofar as it's peddled by the left), but that's the argument you have to critique, not the caricature you made up. Honesty and accuracy are critical to winning dispassionate persons to our side.

    Replies: @SFG, @TangoMan

    Actually, being psychologically appealing is much more important. As whites get persecuted by non-whites on one hand and cut out of jobs by affirmative action on the other, white identity politics (with or without Nordic runes and brown shirts) will rise. Already has started with Trump.

  121. @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    We’re learning that “right-wing” and “left-wing” have much less meaning than a hundred years of yammering would have us believe.

    Lenin’s (and Sailer’s) “Who, whom?” is a better explanation for everything.

    What seem like all-important ideas are embraced or rejected by power-brokers as they see fit. Politics and status jockeying conveniently distract and exhaust the masses while the powerful do as they please.

  122. @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    The USA no longer has the white majority necessary to support a fascist party, I think. (Half of the country is always left of center anyway.)

    What I do think you are going to see is the rise of explicitly or implicitly pro-white parties and/or wings of whatever the right-wing party winds up being. There’ll be a black caucus, a Hispanic caucus, and a white caucus. Possibly an Asian caucus if they can get enough people together. I think you’d also see a sort of SWPL-ish ‘masochistic white’ group that might attract some Asians and Hindus over time.

    Since the country is so mixed geographically (you don’t really have a place where a new black nation could arise, though I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest), you might see some version of Dutch ‘pillarization’. Steve, have you checked this out? It might be an interesting view of the future, though I find it incredibly depressing to contemplate.


    I think it’s a depressing decline, as we’ll be forced to spend much of our energy making sure each post has an equal number of each group (and gender, including the weird new ones) before worrying about competence. They’ve realized STEM is an island of resistance to the iron rule of diversity and are chipping away at it now, which will further accelerate the decline of this country (look at South Africa).

    But then, I’m white (outside of the alt-right, anyway).

    •�Replies: @Anonymous

    I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest

    Not gonna work. Mexicans of yore never gave a damn about the region because it is a vast desert. White cooperative civilization made the desert bloom.

    The idea that Mexicans can inherit the American Southwest is self-cancelling nonsense. Mexicans will evacuate and chase after whites!

    Mexican street level culture is brutally honest about the gringos: Gringos are necessary for Mexicans to live a modern life.

    Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.

    Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @SFG
  123. The most deplorable one [AKA "Trump is the only choice"] says:
    @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    These things have a habit of accelerating.

    We may already be over the knee and into the steepening collapse part of the curve.

    You can choose Trump too!

  124. @AnonymousCoward

    “White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people” — is one of the most common urban legends of the 21st Century even though it’s obviously stupid. (It seems like I used to know where this myth originated, but I’ve forgotten.)
    It's called Lewontin's fallacy.

    Replies: @ben tillman

    It’s called Lewontin’s fallacy.

    It might be loosely based on Lewontin’s fallacy, but it’s not the same thing.

  125. Ignorance is Biss . . .

  126. @Threecranes
    Some people want to go smoothly through life with as little resistance as possible. Avoiding all unnecessary interference and complications they go out of their way to avoid confrontation and wasteful conflict. In their concentrated effort to attain the Goal they create little wake. Call these the Laminar Flow People.

    Others want to proceed with as much fuss and bother as they can possibly stir up. They want their passage marked by turmoil and strive to leave a huge churned wake in their passage. "Hey everybody!", their lifestyle seems to say, "Look at me! Ain't I Grand!". For them, the goal is not the destination out there, the Telos, but the gettin' there in dramatic Style. Call them the Big Wake People. They don't give a hoot about efficiency and churn up a frothy white foam in their passage. Their wake rocks all the other boats and erodes the shoreline. When this is brought to their attention, their response is "Good!".

    The first group accomplishes much, which in turn brings tangible improvement to all and sundry. The second group is wasteful and extravagant, spends much time and energy on non-essential display and measures its success by the notoriety gained as in giving at a Potlatch; the greater the waste, the greater the magnanimity that adheres to the Leading Actor.

    To the Big Wake People, the Laminar Flow People come across as boring, single minded, cold and calculating. To the LFP, The BWP come across as shallow idiots who indulge their passion for living in the moment through irresponsible displays of childish non-concern for future consequences.

    The BWP can't or won't acknowledge that their capacity to indulge in wastefulness is contingent upon the cultural wealth accumulated by the LFP. To do so would be to undermine their very claim to Primacy. The behavior of each makes them irreconcilable. Their are no many shades of gray between these two groups, only black and white.

    Replies: @Lugash, @Blobby5, @Olorin

    Interesting take on things.

    Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children, which should serve as a reminder that white people are not a family.

    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can’t begin to understand their though process, but I can for a Trayvon, Lacquan or Gentle Giant.

    •�Replies: @The most deplorable one

    Not to worry, we can get back at them by electing Trump.
    , @Desiderius

    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can’t begin to understand their though process
    Best hope the rest of us figure it out soon. Brown just raised $100 mil in capital banking on that lack of understanding. Figure they get a 5% vig and 20% return and they're estimating they can generate $2.4bil worth of extortion/reparations from the propaganda efforts of Brown alone.
  127. “American definitions of race” – self identification does not indicate genetic relatedness.

  128. @Flip
    I am close to canceling my NY Times subscription. It really is like Pravda these days.

    Replies: @Maj. Kong, @Anonymous

    Does the name Walter Duranty ring a bell?

  129. The most deplorable one [AKA "Yes we can elect Trump"] says:

    Interesting take on things.

    Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children, which should serve as a reminder that white people are not a family.
    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can't begin to understand their though process, but I can for a Trayvon, Lacquan or Gentle Giant.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Desiderius

    Not to worry, we can get back at them by electing Trump.

  130. @jacobsson

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.
    I'm assuming there is some kind of basis beyond outright lying to this claim, no? This does come up a lot.

    Can anyone provide some handy resources that can be used to rebut this when it comes up in conversation?

    Replies: @Mr. Anon, @Maxwell

    I’m pretty sure this lie originates with the documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion. They compare 1 or 2 genes of one student with 1 or 2 genes of another and say you more closely related to some Amerindian in the rainforest than you are to your cousin. This is because genetic analysis based on 1 or 2 genes is so vague as to be meaningless. It’s like me asking 2 Americans who they support in the Republican primaries. One guy answers “Jeb Bush”; the other answers “Chris Christie”, so I conclude it will either be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie who take the Republicans to the next elections. If I’d asked 100 people I would have got a more accurate picture.

    •�Replies: @Cryptogenic

    I'm a novice in statistics but even before studying it seriously I knew that larger sample size = more well-formed normal distribution.

    One of the most annoying aspects of arguing with SJW's about genes and race is their insistence on barring "racist" sources from the discussion, which happens to be all of your sources. Who decides which are inadmissible? The person you are arguing with of course. So he gets Lewontin, Gould and any "theory" paper on hand plus moral privilege but you can't trot out Jensen, Herrnstein, Murray, Flynn, Sailer et al. because discredited. You'll hear that word a lot. For people ostensibly interested in first principles they are amazingly unable to critique anything. But I guess they don't really have to.
  131. “Black” has no meaning except the traditional one of dishonorable and inferior. Most people of partial black descent identify as white or other identities and not black. Hispanics and Arabs are the most numerous examples of this. Only blacks, as a group, promote the “one drop” myth and forced hypodescent because they want to improve their racial stock by forcibly (and unofficially) incorporating the DNA of their hated but adored white “enemy” into their race.

    •�Replies: @dcite

    Actually the one-drop rule was made law after the Civil War, and it was not really a black decision. It was a legal one. The "mulatto" or mixed-class (about 10% of total black/black mix) had a status entirely separate from either black or white, and generally speaking, their aspirations were more along white lines, to the extent possible. There was a black fire department in the 1850s, in Mobile, that sent to Philadelphia for a special Marid Gras float to be made. One of the rules of this fire department was that no "blacks" could be hired. This was a department for mulattos only.
    The "rule" in pre-Civil War southern states (at least the Gulf area) was that if one was less than 1/8 black, you were legally white. How that played in daily life I don't know, but that was the law.

    Replies: @Lloyd1927
  132. @AndrewR

    I really hate to even give the appearance of sounding like a cultmarxist but you are strawmanning here. White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It's getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I'm not saying I buy into this theory (insofar as it's peddled by the left), but that's the argument you have to critique, not the caricature you made up. Honesty and accuracy are critical to winning dispassionate persons to our side.

    Replies: @SFG, @TangoMan

    White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It’s getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors) while people directly descended from another group of people who helped build this country do not get this privilege due to their appearance.

    I understand that and I realize that my point wasn’t clear. Those who look like me have a very high probability of thinking like me, holding my values, etc in a low information environment where the only information available for a decision is a person’s appearance.

    Those people who don’t look like me but whose ancestors also contributed to building this country can appeal to the people who look like them and benefit from that privilege. This allows privilege to be apportioned in rough measures such that it aligns with contributions made to the social welfare and infrastructure from each group. In 1940 whites constituted 90% of the population to the blacks’ 10% and there was much more skill and community involvement from whites than blacks, so most of the value created by people of that era came from whites, therefore it’s morally just for parents to pass onto their children, writ large, the social good that they created in society.

  133. @Days of Broken Arrows
    "What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States."

    Yes, that and the fact that white people built and invented virtually everything we call Western Civilization. And if you go back to Europe, you can break that down by country to get more specific.

    Why the obsession with slavery all these decades later? It's as if to these people that's the only thing America was about, and yet it's estimated only 1.4 percent of white Americans were slave owners.

    ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are.

    Of course it's not! Because they made having a "white community" all but illegal. Try getting together a white student union at a college or a whites-only group in your town and see what happens.

    Somehow, white people were sold this, even though it's in violation (IMO) of the First Amendment which allows "'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'" The questionable concept of "hate groups" (as designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center) is an end-run around the First Amendment.

    I really hope they're not teaching the ideas this articles puts forth in schools.

    Replies: @eah, @SFG

    They probably are.

    The slavery thing is their only way to excuse a lack of black performance–must be the legacy of slavery, etc.

    Hate groups are legal, you just get spied on by the FBI.

    Welcome over from CH, BTW.

  134. @Chrisnonymous

    Whiteness is not who you are
    Some of the dumb parts about genetics aside, this is basically true. I never identified as "white" when I was growing up. Likewise, I doubt whether Rhodes would have been happy with Czech or Catholic dominance over Africa. Basically, her article says that if you're not black, you're just part of society and can go about your business without worry. That's more or less true and how life is supposed to be. Too bad blacks can't participate the same way. It's an ongoing problem for us, but not one that can be dealt with by pretending that some untrue things are true or vice versa. If you had a creditor that was stealing from you and demanding you pay your debts too, you wouldn't feel so compelled to pay those debts.

    Replies: @TangoMan, @bomag

    I never identified as “white” when I was growing up.

    This only works when you’re part of a group which dominates the demography of your society. I suspect that whites in South Africa had an elevated sense of their whiteness compared to whites in America.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous

    Most whites in the US are a mix of various European ethnicities and are increasingly so as the social barriers among different European ethnic groups that used to exist (Protestant/Catholic marriages i.e. WASP/ethnic Catholic marriages used to be called "mixed marriages") no longer do. Most whites in the US thus no longer have ethnic identities and increasingly have a general white identity. American blacks were in this position from the get go, since they were grouped together and mixed as soon as they were brought over as slaves and lost connections to their various tribal and ethnic groupings back in Africa. That's part of the reason blacks in the US have had more solidarity and a more general black identity relative to whites.
    , @gruff

    White South Africans are acutely conscious of themselves as either Afrikaner or British, or one of the other groups (Jews etc.) It's more complex that just white, though that's an aspect of it too.
  135. ” ‘‘There is, in fact, no white community,’’ as Baldwin writes. Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.”

    Question: If the key word of the sentence, “whiteness” were removed and substituted with another word, say, “blackness”, how would that fly in the NYT Magazine or other organs of the intelligentsia?

    Also, suppose another word were substituted for “whiteness”, say a subset of whiteness, like, oh…lets call them Shermans. “There is no Sherman community. Being Sherman is not who you are.” In fact, because they just so happen to be a subset of Caucasians, in effect that’s exactly what Miz Biss has done: Reduce a community and subset of whites to nothingness.

    But if she were to explicitly state what she has implied, how would that fly with the SPLC and other keepers of the Narrative orthodoxy?

    Can’t imagine Miz. Biss writing a sentence such as “In Japan, there is no Japanese community.” Or, “In India/China there aren’t any Indian/Chinese communities, ’cause that’s not who they are.”


  136. @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called “white privilege”. Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop’s offer to load his bag as a confrontation made “What-a black man can’t have a bag in Texas?!” practically a catch-phrase for a time I recall in my multi-racial unit in the military, as likely to be cited by a black as a white dude (self-deprecation was another thing Murphy and Richard Pryor were capable of that seems lost now to black comics). Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially “aware”–in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

    But I just don’t see how the bit works the other way–that is, which is more absurd: the idea of this sort of parallel universe in our midst, where whites will, among other things, actually impoverish themselves to loan money to any white stranger who walks in the door and turn away the black guy with sterling credit (however rare he may be), or believing in it?
    It would be interesting to see if there’s a great white/black disparity in how such a routine as this is interpreted. I’ve come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don’t do, or at least don’t do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is.

    •�Replies: @Jim Don Bob
    @Dennis Dale

    Comedians are accustomed to dealing with hecklers, so why don't they just tell the SJWs, who are nothing more than online hecklers, to f**k off and change the channel if you don't like the act? Many people would applaud their courage.
    , @bomag
    @Dennis Dale

    Good analysis. It just goes to show the power of "The Narrative", the subtle shaming by your peers to keep you in line with the "proper" thoughts of the day.
    , @carol
    @Dennis Dale

    I’ve come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don’t do

    I don't follow the absolute latest, but a couple years ago there was a lot of hilarious self-deprecation going at Twitter, under various hashtags using *igga. They seemed quite aware of their shortcomings, although the "true *igga" was always the other guy.

    But they turn a different face to us, as usual.
  137. The most deplorable one [AKA "Yes, we can elect Trump!"] says:
    This seems like a typical EULA - thick, dense, incomprehensible - something no one ever reads.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one

    Heh, someone else saw that.

    Yes we can!

  138. @astorian
    Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, "white" Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, "white" Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy "white" race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big "white" race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Discard, @fnn, @AnAnon, @Tracy

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    I think it’s still true today.

  139. @Mr Curious
    "White people are no more closely related to each other than we are to black people." What sort of deaf, dumb, blind, stupid, pc, idiot could say / believe this rubbish. Cavalli-Sforza and every respectable geneticist would tell you black people are about 200x more distantly related than we are to each other.

    Why else would that stupid, ugly, imbecile clockboy be invited to the Shite House - RACIAL SOLIDARITY.

    Replies: @Anonymous
  140. After a few moments of silence, he added, ‘‘I wish I was French.’’

    Guess he doesn’t know about Algeria.

  141. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    More Schuld-Biss:

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.
    I bet she sings Gilbert & Sullivan patter songs when she puts him to bed at night, too.

    Near the end of the book, when the Ingalls family is reckoning with the fact that they built their little house illegally on Indian Territory, and just after an alliance between tribes has been broken by a disagreement over whether or not to attack the settlers, Laura watches the Osage abandoning their annual buffalo hunt and leaving Kansas. [...] At this point, my son asked me to stop reading. ‘‘Is it too sad?’’ I asked. ‘‘No,’’ he said, ‘‘I just don’t need to know any more.’’ After a few moments of silence, he added, ‘‘I wish I was French.’’
    Next week, she can read him "Camp of the Saints."

    Replies: @Anonymous

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.

    This line is also a pathetic humble brag – “My 5-year-old has a ridiculously long attention span, and I’m a great mother for spending so much time reading to him.

    •�Agree: SPMoore8
    •�Replies: @SPMoore8

    Right, moreover some of the things that kid is supposed to have said are just laugh out loud funny. The article should have been titled, "Mommy, I Don't Want to be White Anymore!"

    It's a typical way for women to introduce topics into their writings; men just generally drop the bomb and go forward. Women on the other hand have this annoying tendency to couch everything in something that came up with their children: "One day my son came home from kindergarten with a book about Emmett Till ....." "One day my 3 year old daughter asked me why men wear condoms when they have sex ....." "One day my two year old announced that she was bored with Chinese and wanted to solve the Riemann Hypothesis ......"
    , @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    Huh? At five he would be in kindergarten, and many are half days to begin with. What was he possibly missing out on? Finger painting? Nap time after the milk and cookies?

    The whole thing sounds made up or else he's been literally brainwashed to hate being white since he was about three or just out of diapers and the crib.

    Juneau, we hardly knew ye.
    , @anon

    Wouldn't "several hundred pages of Little House on the Prairie" be the entire book anyway? I read that when I was in third or fourth grade. It couldn't have been that long.

    My favorite fake story about the wisdom of children was in the Huffington Post, when some first-grade kid heard his parents discussing gay marriage. He allegedly shrugged and said "Love is love.".

    Thanks, kid. I guess a kid who hasn't even come close to hitting puberty would be the person to ask about that, huh?
  142. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    I never identified as “white” when I was growing up.

    This only works when you're part of a group which dominates the demography of your society. I suspect that whites in South Africa had an elevated sense of their whiteness compared to whites in America.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @gruff

    Most whites in the US are a mix of various European ethnicities and are increasingly so as the social barriers among different European ethnic groups that used to exist (Protestant/Catholic marriages i.e. WASP/ethnic Catholic marriages used to be called “mixed marriages”) no longer do. Most whites in the US thus no longer have ethnic identities and increasingly have a general white identity. American blacks were in this position from the get go, since they were grouped together and mixed as soon as they were brought over as slaves and lost connections to their various tribal and ethnic groupings back in Africa. That’s part of the reason blacks in the US have had more solidarity and a more general black identity relative to whites.

  143. @a Newsreader
    We're in a White Debt bubble. It's likely that whites will increasingly default on their White Debt obligations and White Debt creditors will be left holding worthless paper.

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!

    Replies: @Alain, @Desiderius

    Is it possible to securitize White Debt to reduce default risk? Maybe it can be packaged with Male Debt, Straight Debt, and Western Debt in case the balance of power in the Coalition of the Fringes shifts.

    The opportunity presents itself to short White Debt before its value crashes. Ride the wave!

    Returns still look strong:


  144. @Dennis Dale

    Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called "white privilege". Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop's offer to load his bag as a confrontation made "What-a black man can't have a bag in Texas?!" practically a catch-phrase for a time I recall in my multi-racial unit in the military, as likely to be cited by a black as a white dude (self-deprecation was another thing Murphy and Richard Pryor were capable of that seems lost now to black comics). Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially "aware"--in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

    But I just don't see how the bit works the other way--that is, which is more absurd: the idea of this sort of parallel universe in our midst, where whites will, among other things, actually impoverish themselves to loan money to any white stranger who walks in the door and turn away the black guy with sterling credit (however rare he may be), or believing in it?
    It would be interesting to see if there's a great white/black disparity in how such a routine as this is interpreted. I've come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don't do, or at least don't do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is.

    Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @bomag, @carol

    Comedians are accustomed to dealing with hecklers, so why don’t they just tell the SJWs, who are nothing more than online hecklers, to f**k off and change the channel if you don’t like the act? Many people would applaud their courage.

  145. @Flip
    I am close to canceling my NY Times subscription. It really is like Pravda these days.

    Replies: @Maj. Kong, @Anonymous

    I am close to canceling my NY Times subscription. It really is like Pravda these days.

    Hahaha sublime trolling by you sir

  146. @astorian
    Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, "white" Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, "white" Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy "white" race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big "white" race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Discard, @fnn, @AnAnon, @Tracy

    “Three hundred years ago, “white” Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.” – that would be when the Poles began to regard them as evil, the Germans really wouldn’t follow suit until the turn of the 20th century. in any event, in each of those cases(excepting perhaps northern and southern Italy), no one was saying that so and so wasn’t white. And America, for its part barred those not considered white from immigrating from the start.

    White identity wasn’t invented here, it was a requirement for coming here.

  147. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,

    but only if you pay them back more than you borrowed.

  148. What binds us is that we share a system of social advantages that can be traced back to the advent of slavery in the colonies that became the United States.

    Her “we” doesn’t include white kids in white-minority schools because the media censors whatever contradicts the narrative.

  149. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    @Mr. Blank

    The USA no longer has the white majority necessary to support a fascist party, I think. (Half of the country is always left of center anyway.)

    What I do think you are going to see is the rise of explicitly or implicitly pro-white parties and/or wings of whatever the right-wing party winds up being. There'll be a black caucus, a Hispanic caucus, and a white caucus. Possibly an Asian caucus if they can get enough people together. I think you'd also see a sort of SWPL-ish 'masochistic white' group that might attract some Asians and Hindus over time.

    Since the country is so mixed geographically (you don't really have a place where a new black nation could arise, though I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest), you might see some version of Dutch 'pillarization'. Steve, have you checked this out? It might be an interesting view of the future, though I find it incredibly depressing to contemplate.


    I think it's a depressing decline, as we'll be forced to spend much of our energy making sure each post has an equal number of each group (and gender, including the weird new ones) before worrying about competence. They've realized STEM is an island of resistance to the iron rule of diversity and are chipping away at it now, which will further accelerate the decline of this country (look at South Africa).

    But then, I'm white (outside of the alt-right, anyway).

    Replies: @Anonymous

    I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest

    Not gonna work. Mexicans of yore never gave a damn about the region because it is a vast desert. White cooperative civilization made the desert bloom.

    The idea that Mexicans can inherit the American Southwest is self-cancelling nonsense. Mexicans will evacuate and chase after whites!

    Mexican street level culture is brutally honest about the gringos: Gringos are necessary for Mexicans to live a modern life.

    Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.

    •�Agree: 95Theses
    •�Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi

    "Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program."

    And Fred Reed as well, based on recent articles about how amazing is the nation south of the border.
    , @SFG

    I said they might try, I didn't say the resulting country would be a success.
  150. @Gordo
    Is it not Lewontin's fallacy?

    Replies: @Big Bill

    Lewontin’s Fallacy (using height to make the fallacy obvious):

    1. Men range in height from 54cm to 250cm (= 196cm range) and have an average height of 175cm.

    2. Women range in height from 58cm to 248 cm (= 190cm range) and have an average height of 162cm.

    3. The difference in male/female average height (13cm) is way, way less than the male height range (196cm) and the female height range (190cm).

    4. It is therefore scientifically incorrect to say “men are taller than women”.

    •�Agree: Ozymandias
  151. This old ad suggested by google seemed relevant.

  152. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people.

    That doesn’t even matter much really. The big difference is having a shared evolutionary path that lead to shared traits and it’s having those traits which creates good places to live.

    White privilege boils down to having ancestors who survived the ice.

  153. @Anonymous

    I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest

    Not gonna work. Mexicans of yore never gave a damn about the region because it is a vast desert. White cooperative civilization made the desert bloom.

    The idea that Mexicans can inherit the American Southwest is self-cancelling nonsense. Mexicans will evacuate and chase after whites!

    Mexican street level culture is brutally honest about the gringos: Gringos are necessary for Mexicans to live a modern life.

    Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.

    Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @SFG

    “Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.”

    And Fred Reed as well, based on recent articles about how amazing is the nation south of the border.

  154. @Anonymous

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?)

    We can call it the Honkey. As in, "D'Kwaun be owed the sum of 1,000,000 Honkeys."

    The symbol would be Hillary's H with an arrow thingie. It could even be used in a sentence as an equation. The Caucasian in question is written on the left, or donor side. The Negro in question is placed on the right, or recipient side. Very simple to understand since the arrow illustrates the flow of reparations.

    Replies: @Former Darfur

    Sounds like the old Hammarlund logo:

  155. @SPMoore8
    @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I think a novel/film about the reverse migration of Americans to Europe would be a lot of fun. I would predict that, after rubbing shoulders on this continent for 200 years, the back-migrated Europe would be well integrated. I also would predict that the abandoned Americas would not be so successful. We would just have to make sure we took all the fissile material with us.

    Replies: @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I like the novel / film idea.

    Some of those left wing pundits were right when they claimed that some well placed positive roles for gay characters in Hollywood sitcoms did more to advance gay rights than all the pontificating and bloviating by any pundits.

    Not to diminish that achievement, but somebody like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch needs to develop a distribution channel to do some quality entertainment and dramas with RealTalk themes. If HBO, Netflix, Amazon, and the rest of the networks are firmly in the territory of progressive multiculti narrative, it would seem there’s an enormous yawning gap in the market for stories that portray minorities more realistically… yes sometimes heroically but also sometimes monstrously. I’m probably not the only one who’s getting bored of all the villains always being blond scions of privilege. Because of political correctness, the quality of our stories suffers and ethnic minority performers are stuck playing cartoon hero roles that often lack the depth and range of moral complexity of being an interesting villain for example.

    Also all the narrative that always makes the corporations the root of all evil. Is it any wonder that people vote the way they do with that kind of propaganda poisoning their minds?

    I’d love to see an anti-Erin Brockovich. Make the lawyer a venal destroyer of technology, progress and joba that antagonizes the noble entrepreneurs.

    I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right.

    •�Replies: @advancedatheist
    @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right.
    Too bad Ayn Rand promotes so much of the left's feminist agenda. Ironically her novel also anticipates the modern Manosphere's world view about the natures of men and women. The male heroes who join John Galt's strike basically go MGTOW.

    Notice that in her novel, many of the bad guys have girlfriends, mistresses and pickups, while the morally good male characters have to go without sex for years at a time, sometimes their whole lives, until one of the superior women deigns to have a sexual relationship with one of the men as a reward for good behavior. Did Eddie Willers, a minor, morally decent character well into his 30's, ever get to sleep with a girl?

    Given that Atlas Shrugged shows sexual abstinence and scarcity as one of the costs of the novel's vision of the moral life, that might explain the novel's ongoing appeal to young male nerds: It reflects their sexual reality.
  156. @Anonymous

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.
    This line is also a pathetic humble brag - "My 5-year-old has a ridiculously long attention span, and I'm a great mother for spending so much time reading to him."

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @anon

    Right, moreover some of the things that kid is supposed to have said are just laugh out loud funny. The article should have been titled, “Mommy, I Don’t Want to be White Anymore!”

    It’s a typical way for women to introduce topics into their writings; men just generally drop the bomb and go forward. Women on the other hand have this annoying tendency to couch everything in something that came up with their children: “One day my son came home from kindergarten with a book about Emmett Till …..” “One day my 3 year old daughter asked me why men wear condoms when they have sex …..” “One day my two year old announced that she was bored with Chinese and wanted to solve the Riemann Hypothesis ……”

  157. @anon

    While I was in the bank signing the paperwork that would allow me to spend money I hadn’t yet earned, I thought of Eddie Murphy’s skit in which he goes undercover as a white person and discovers that white people at banks give away money to other white people free. It’s true, I thought to myself in awe when I saw the ease with which I was granted another loan,
    The smart set, ladies and gentlemen.

    It is nice to see that liberals don't just rely on modern comedians to form their views of the world, but still sometimes think back to the days when comedians were actually funny.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @NJ Transit Commuter, @WhatEvvs, @Bob, @Dennis Dale, @anon, @interesting

    i wonder if that author realizes that the loan must be paid back? Or is that only something white people do?


  158. @Anonymous

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.
    This line is also a pathetic humble brag - "My 5-year-old has a ridiculously long attention span, and I'm a great mother for spending so much time reading to him."

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @anon

    Huh? At five he would be in kindergarten, and many are half days to begin with. What was he possibly missing out on? Finger painting? Nap time after the milk and cookies?

    The whole thing sounds made up or else he’s been literally brainwashed to hate being white since he was about three or just out of diapers and the crib.

    Juneau, we hardly knew ye.

  159. “Her choice to give up whiteness was a privilege,’’ Michael Jeffries wrote of Dolezal in The Boston Globe. Noel said to me, ‘‘If giving up whiteness is a privilege, what do you call hanging on to it?’’ As Dolezal surrendered her position in the N.A.A.C.P. and lost her teaching job, I thought of the white police officers who killed unarmed black people and kept their jobs. That the penalty for disowning whiteness appears to be more severe than the penalty for killing a black person says something about what our culture holds dear”

    Actually it was Black Lives Matter/Black Social Justice Warriors who demanded that Rachel Dolezal suurender her position from the Spokane chapter of the NAACP, not White people. So take it up with them.

  160. “This mantra — “White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people” — is one of the most common urban legends of the 21st Century even though it’s obviously stupid. (It seems like I used to know where this myth originated, but I’ve forgotten.)”

    Pure Sub Saharan Africans are extremely genetically distant from Caucasians. I remember reading somewhere that even Black Melanesians/Polynesians are genetically closer to Caucasians than are Sub Saharans.

    •�Replies: @Harold

    even Black Melanesians/Polynesians are genetically closer to Caucasians than are Sub Saharans.
    Even? Whites are genetically closer to blacks than Pacific Islanders are.
  161. @Threecranes
    Some people want to go smoothly through life with as little resistance as possible. Avoiding all unnecessary interference and complications they go out of their way to avoid confrontation and wasteful conflict. In their concentrated effort to attain the Goal they create little wake. Call these the Laminar Flow People.

    Others want to proceed with as much fuss and bother as they can possibly stir up. They want their passage marked by turmoil and strive to leave a huge churned wake in their passage. "Hey everybody!", their lifestyle seems to say, "Look at me! Ain't I Grand!". For them, the goal is not the destination out there, the Telos, but the gettin' there in dramatic Style. Call them the Big Wake People. They don't give a hoot about efficiency and churn up a frothy white foam in their passage. Their wake rocks all the other boats and erodes the shoreline. When this is brought to their attention, their response is "Good!".

    The first group accomplishes much, which in turn brings tangible improvement to all and sundry. The second group is wasteful and extravagant, spends much time and energy on non-essential display and measures its success by the notoriety gained as in giving at a Potlatch; the greater the waste, the greater the magnanimity that adheres to the Leading Actor.

    To the Big Wake People, the Laminar Flow People come across as boring, single minded, cold and calculating. To the LFP, The BWP come across as shallow idiots who indulge their passion for living in the moment through irresponsible displays of childish non-concern for future consequences.

    The BWP can't or won't acknowledge that their capacity to indulge in wastefulness is contingent upon the cultural wealth accumulated by the LFP. To do so would be to undermine their very claim to Primacy. The behavior of each makes them irreconcilable. Their are no many shades of gray between these two groups, only black and white.

    Replies: @Lugash, @Blobby5, @Olorin


  162. @Anonymous

    I guess Mexicans might try to secede with the Southwest

    Not gonna work. Mexicans of yore never gave a damn about the region because it is a vast desert. White cooperative civilization made the desert bloom.

    The idea that Mexicans can inherit the American Southwest is self-cancelling nonsense. Mexicans will evacuate and chase after whites!

    Mexican street level culture is brutally honest about the gringos: Gringos are necessary for Mexicans to live a modern life.

    Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.

    Replies: @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @SFG

    I said they might try, I didn’t say the resulting country would be a success.

  163. The most deplorable one [AKA "Fourth doorman of the apocalypse"] says:

    OK, now I understand.

    All the other races are in our debt!

  164. @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta

    I like the novel / film idea.

    Some of those left wing pundits were right when they claimed that some well placed positive roles for gay characters in Hollywood sitcoms did more to advance gay rights than all the pontificating and bloviating by any pundits.

    Not to diminish that achievement, but somebody like Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch needs to develop a distribution channel to do some quality entertainment and dramas with RealTalk themes. If HBO, Netflix, Amazon, and the rest of the networks are firmly in the territory of progressive multiculti narrative, it would seem there's an enormous yawning gap in the market for stories that portray minorities more realistically... yes sometimes heroically but also sometimes monstrously. I'm probably not the only one who's getting bored of all the villains always being blond scions of privilege. Because of political correctness, the quality of our stories suffers and ethnic minority performers are stuck playing cartoon hero roles that often lack the depth and range of moral complexity of being an interesting villain for example.

    Also all the narrative that always makes the corporations the root of all evil. Is it any wonder that people vote the way they do with that kind of propaganda poisoning their minds?

    I'd love to see an anti-Erin Brockovich. Make the lawyer a venal destroyer of technology, progress and joba that antagonizes the noble entrepreneurs.

    I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right.

    Replies: @advancedatheist

    I guess the recent film version of Atlas Shrugged was pretty heavy handed and difficult to swallow making it a flop. They should keep trying. Eventually they might get the formula right.

    Too bad Ayn Rand promotes so much of the left’s feminist agenda. Ironically her novel also anticipates the modern Manosphere’s world view about the natures of men and women. The male heroes who join John Galt’s strike basically go MGTOW.

    Notice that in her novel, many of the bad guys have girlfriends, mistresses and pickups, while the morally good male characters have to go without sex for years at a time, sometimes their whole lives, until one of the superior women deigns to have a sexual relationship with one of the men as a reward for good behavior. Did Eddie Willers, a minor, morally decent character well into his 30’s, ever get to sleep with a girl?

    Given that Atlas Shrugged shows sexual abstinence and scarcity as one of the costs of the novel’s vision of the moral life, that might explain the novel’s ongoing appeal to young male nerds: It reflects their sexual reality.

  165. @Lugash

    Interesting take on things.

    Whiteness is not a kinship or a culture. White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people. American definitions of race allow for a white woman to give birth to black children, which should serve as a reminder that white people are not a family.
    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can't begin to understand their though process, but I can for a Trayvon, Lacquan or Gentle Giant.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Desiderius

    The freaks who write stuff like this are more alien to me than any black American. I can’t begin to understand their though process

    Best hope the rest of us figure it out soon. Brown just raised $100 mil in capital banking on that lack of understanding. Figure they get a 5% vig and 20% return and they’re estimating they can generate $2.4bil worth of extortion/reparations from the propaganda efforts of Brown alone.

  166. @Mr. Anon

    "She taught in public schools where her experiences profoundly influenced her writing. In 2003, she moved to Iowa City,..........."

    Apparently her experiences teaching in NYC public schools were profound enough that she felt the need to move to Iowa City. According to the 2010 census, Iowa City is 83% white and 6% black.

    Replies: @Ttjy

    According to the 2010 census, Iowa City is 83% white and 6% black.

    Iowa City is only 83% white? That really shows how the demographics are changing. In 1940 NYC, which was supposedly the great melting pot, what about 95% white.

  167. I must say that her writing style really is fantastic; I found it a very compelling read.

    She relates very mundane experiences in a very meaningful way (watching a YouTube video, telling her son a story, getting a bank loan).

    No comment on her politics but she really is a gifted narrator; well done Eula.

    •�Replies: @Elmer T. Jones
    @Zachary Latif

    I agree. Gifted writer. Was able to inject multiple references to herself in every sentence yet keep the narrative flowing. I found myself eagerly anticipating each new paragraph like a forbidden chocolate treat encrusted with bits of almond. Her anecdotes about Eddy Murphy, James Baldwin, and Genius T. Coates were spellbinding.
  168. @Zachary Latif
    I must say that her writing style really is fantastic; I found it a very compelling read.

    She relates very mundane experiences in a very meaningful way (watching a YouTube video, telling her son a story, getting a bank loan).

    No comment on her politics but she really is a gifted narrator; well done Eula.

    Replies: @Elmer T. Jones

    I agree. Gifted writer. Was able to inject multiple references to herself in every sentence yet keep the narrative flowing. I found myself eagerly anticipating each new paragraph like a forbidden chocolate treat encrusted with bits of almond. Her anecdotes about Eddy Murphy, James Baldwin, and Genius T. Coates were spellbinding.

  169. @ben tillman

    What is the condition of white life? We are moral debtors who act as material creditors.
    -- Eula Biss

    It's as if she's using Kevin MacDonald's work as an instruction manual:


    This suggests the fascinating possibility that the key for a group intending to turn Europeans against themselves is to trigger their strong tendency toward altruistic punishment by convincing them of the moral blameworthiness of their own people. Because Europeans are individualists at heart, they readily rise up in moral anger against their own people once they are seen as free riders and therefore morally blameworthy—a manifestation of their stronger tendency toward altruistic punishment deriving from their evolutionary past as hunter gatherers. In making judgments of altruistic punishment, relative genetic distance is irrelevant. Free-riders are seen as strangers in a market situation; i.e., they have no familial or tribal connection with the altruistic punisher.


    The best strategy to destroy Europeans, therefore, is to convince the Europeans of their own moral bankruptcy.
    -- Kevin MacDonald

    Replies: @Discard, @Harold

    I posted this here some years ago:

    “The Reds had found that the easiest way to subdue any group of people was to give its members a guilt complex and then to lead them on from self-denunciation to self-betrayal. All that was required to put this across was a sufficiently heartless exploitation of the essential goodness in people, so that they would seek self-sacrifice to compensate for their feelings of guilt. The self-sacrifice obviously made available to them in this inside-out environment is some form of treason.”— Brainwashing, From Pavlov to Powers, Edward Hunter, page 169.

    •�Replies: @Ozymandias

    That was an eye opener. I went looking for more info and found this on a site about cults and brainwashing:


    From 13, Induction of guilt, and the use of guilt to manipulate cult members:

    "For example, the brainwashers would criticize a white prisoner for having lived a live of luxury, never caring about the fate of the poor Negroes, being just an uncaring heartless monster who went along with the Capitalist agenda because he personally benefited from it, even if it was killing others. Then the confused white fellow had to confess all of that in public self-criticism sessions. Then, to make amends, he had to do something like snitch on a fellow prisoner, or memorize and espouse Communist dogma. And then it went on and on like that until a few prisoners had switched sides."

    This is an exact match for what this woman is doing; induction of guilt, and an offer of atonement by committing treason against the other whites. She's just adding the "whites aren't really a group" as a rationalization. If they don't really exist, you're not really hurting anyone by denouncing them.

    It is insanity to think that these people can be reasoned with.
  170. Cryptogenic [AKA "Gentile Ben"] says:
    @Thomas Fuller

    whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them

    The following video is relevant in the circumstances, especially considering her fluffy-headed nonsense (in the original article) about native Americans:


    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @Desiderius

    I don’t bother with D’Souza but that was one of the more entertaining leftist student humiliation videos I’ve seen. D’Souza is quite funny and draws blood several times.

    This simple argument attacks one of the major flaws in leftist theory that liberals tacitly agree to never bring up among themselves. What can they say? Steve et al. give it the form [social just program] for thee, not for me.

  171. attilathehen [AKA "Magda"] says:

    Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.
    This explains how the likes of Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King operate. They probably are convinced that they actually are black.

    Replies: @attilathehen, @Hibernian

    Eula Bliss has black cousins. One of her aunts (not sure if mother or father’s side) married a Jamaican and had black kids. Bliss grew up with black relatives. Also, this Jamaican converted Bliss’s mother to the African Yoruba religion (voodoo). This is why she thinks the way she does. Rachel Dolezal is racially white, but she is culturally black and assimilated into the black race. She married a black man and has black children. She cannot come back to the white race. Also, she grew up in a house where her white biological parents adopted black kids. I blame her parents for some of her problems. Shaun King is black. He has a white mother, black father. He is racially black. Eula Bliss is white, but again, because of the intermarriage in her family she is acting out of family loyalty. Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. She grew up in a liberal family that accepted miscegenation. Since most people don’t accept this, she is just engaging in “shaming” normal whites. With Bliss and Dolezal we are witnessing white racial degeneracy. This is the case with Nicholas Kristof (New York Times writer). He is white but married an Asian (Chinese). He writes many anti-white articles because he has Asian children. Again, because of their degeneracy, they blame racially conscious whites for the problems blacks and Asians have.

    •�Replies: @WhatEvvs

    Eula Biss sounds like a name out of a Flannery O'Connor short story. A particularly strange Flannery O'Connor short story.
    , @Hibernian

    “Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. ”

    Not true since 1962, or at least 1968, especially regarding Asians. Especially back in the 60s, 70s, and maybe 80s, vociferous disapproval followed by reluctant acceptance would probably be most common.
  172. Cryptogenic [AKA "Gentile Ben"] says:

    I'm pretty sure this lie originates with the documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion. They compare 1 or 2 genes of one student with 1 or 2 genes of another and say you more closely related to some Amerindian in the rainforest than you are to your cousin. This is because genetic analysis based on 1 or 2 genes is so vague as to be meaningless. It's like me asking 2 Americans who they support in the Republican primaries. One guy answers "Jeb Bush"; the other answers "Chris Christie", so I conclude it will either be Jeb Bush or Chris Christie who take the Republicans to the next elections. If I'd asked 100 people I would have got a more accurate picture.

    Replies: @Cryptogenic

    I’m a novice in statistics but even before studying it seriously I knew that larger sample size = more well-formed normal distribution.

    One of the most annoying aspects of arguing with SJW’s about genes and race is their insistence on barring “racist” sources from the discussion, which happens to be all of your sources. Who decides which are inadmissible? The person you are arguing with of course. So he gets Lewontin, Gould and any “theory” paper on hand plus moral privilege but you can’t trot out Jensen, Herrnstein, Murray, Flynn, Sailer et al. because discredited. You’ll hear that word a lot. For people ostensibly interested in first principles they are amazingly unable to critique anything. But I guess they don’t really have to.

  173. @Thomas Fuller

    whites like Eula Bliss are not going to be surrendering their own material wealth to them

    The following video is relevant in the circumstances, especially considering her fluffy-headed nonsense (in the original article) about native Americans:


    Replies: @Cryptogenic, @Desiderius

    Interesting how he tries to bully the kid out of a position that he was obviously bullied into (the bully is even right there herself on the video egging him on).

    Reason alone is not enough, though he provides that as well. Nor would have offering the kid a defense from the bullies, I suspect. He’s looking for the strongest horse.

  174. “Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.”

    What do you do with a debt that can never be repaid?

    Never repay it.

    So, to black America and their self-appointed white guardians like Eula Biss: You’re getting nothing. We’re done here.

    You raise another question: why should whites (who are not all family and are in no way connected, according to Biss) all be on the hook for a crime that Biss is admitting to? Biss and her fellow leftist travelers are claiming whites owe a debt, but, they only have the right to speak for themselves. If someone’s going to pay, then white America should make Biss & company do the paying; they’ve admitted their guilt. Somehow I think Biss & co. have the opposite process in mind.

    Same thing goes for people who say whites “stole America” from the Indians; sounds like they’re admitting to receiving stolen goods – they have no authority to speak for anyone but themselves.

  175. “Only white intellectuals believe Mexicans are capable of, say, a space program.”

    And Fred Reed as well

    I doubt even a white intellectual thinks Freed Reed capable of a space program.

  176. @Jefferson
    "This mantra — “White people are no more closely related to one another, genetically, than we are to black people” — is one of the most common urban legends of the 21st Century even though it’s obviously stupid. (It seems like I used to know where this myth originated, but I’ve forgotten.)"

    Pure Sub Saharan Africans are extremely genetically distant from Caucasians. I remember reading somewhere that even Black Melanesians/Polynesians are genetically closer to Caucasians than are Sub Saharans.

    Replies: @Harold

    even Black Melanesians/Polynesians are genetically closer to Caucasians than are Sub Saharans.

    Even? Whites are genetically closer to blacks than Pacific Islanders are.

  177. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:

    “Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy “white” race…”

    But Arab or Ottoman slavers or aborigines on Australian shores looking at shipwreck survivors might have considered them such. Or at least the same race or related races. They wouldn’t know about the big or happy part.

  178. anonymous •�Disclaimer says:


    “…Bruce G Charlton:

    …my suggested explanation for this association between intelligence and personality is that an increasing relative level of IQ brings with it a tendency differentially to over-use general intelligence in problem-solving, and to over-ride those instinctive and spontaneous forms of evolved behaviour which could be termed common sense.

    Preferential use of abstract analysis is often useful when dealing with the many evolutionary novelties to be found in modernizing societies; but is not usually useful for dealing with social and psychological problems for which humans have evolved ‘domain-specific’ adaptive behaviours. And since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas, and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively. I further suggest that this random silliness of the most intelligent people may be amplified to generate systematic wrongness when intellectuals are in addition ‘advertising’ their own high intelligence in the evolutionarily novel context of a modern IQ meritocracy.”

    •�Agree: SPMoore8
    •�Replies: @Joe Stalin

    Or, "He was educated beyond his intelligence" in Occam's Razor redux!

    It certainly explains all the GUN CONTROL emanating from the various People's Republics of the Northeast...
  179. It seems to me that my white privilege is nothing more than being given the genes for high IQ, low time preference and love for Western style civilization.

    My WASP wife and I passed these to our kids who are thriving as adults in STEM fields.

    We owe nothing to anyone, having paid more than our share of taxes while producing goods and services for our fellow citizens.

    As Left-collectivists double down on their predation of the productive, sooner or later we will say enough is enough.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous

    Isn't this what Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" is about?

    I actually never understand why so many people think that Ayn Rand is just about greed and selfishness, or something like that. Perhaps it's because I've only read two of her books and haven't read the rest of her work. Or maybe I just interpreted her books differently - or incorrectly.
  180. @SFG
    @The Anti-Gnostic

    I'm curious--how do you tie the 'race and sex do not exist' ideas to the Gnostic heresy, which was stamped out in the early days of Christianity? At most they're traceable to the 'tabula rasa' idea, which seems to have been primarily used by John Locke. Wikipedia cites Aristotle and various Arabic thinkers (and Aquinas), but they don't bring up the Gnostics at all. I'm genuinely curious here.

    Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic

    “Gnostic” in the sense Eric Voegelin uses it. It’s never really gone away.

  181. @WhatEvvs
    @Jack D

    I've been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.

    If someone were to offer me $10 million cash, and a one way ticket to Poland (land of my ancestors) I would take it. Poland is poor, I can't speak Polish, but I would take it.

    Re: Liberia, "Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way."

    Liberia is interesting. The "founding fathers" were virtually all quadroons and octoroons. I met a Liberian girl once. She was half native (her word) and half Americo-Liberian. We spoke quite openly about race. You can do that with non-American blacks. I asked her why Americo-Liberians were so dark-skinned, and she told me that over the generations natives interbred with the founders and became dark-skinned, but no one wants to admit that. Americo-Liberians jealously guard their heritage.

    Replies: @ben tillman, @WhatEvvs

    I’ve been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.

    That would cost $400 trillion, or about $1.5 million from every non-Black US citizen.

    •�Replies: @Former Darfur
    @ben tillman

    The theory is right, but the numbers are off by two orders of magnitude.

    I figure that about a hundred thousand dollars plus one way first class airfare plus about five thousand in incidental expenses is the right offer. We could up the ante to about $250K if needed, and at those levels it would make a lot of sense. Not all blacks would take it, but the vanguard of those with severe enough grievances against our society might. We would also wind up paying the target countries something to take them, but it could be rolled into the foreign aid we give them already. I figure ten percent at an absolute max will take it, so the highest possible cost would be about ten percent of one percent of that $400 trillion. If they all took it it would be four trillion, or $15K apiece, and at that price the bargain of the millennium.

    Reinstating the 1920's through 1960s sterilization practices for criminals and the insane would also be hugely beneficial, as would a program to pay people regardless of race with sub-80 IQs a substantial sum to be sterilized before they reproduce.
  182. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    Someone at iSteve posted a link to an interesting essay on “white privilege” awhile back. It is titled, “White Privilege as Normative Commons.” Here’s the meat of it:

    Many know the tragedy of the commons dilemma often quoted in Austrian economic theory. In this situation, the commons is destroyed. How is it destroyed and how is it maintained? For a commons to exist, the group must pay a cost: opportunity cost. In the grazing sheep example of the tragedy of the commons, the herders allow the field to be overgrazed and destroyed for all. Each herder who does not overgraze the field pays an opportunity cost. He has the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself, and deprive them to the next guy. When he only grazes responsibly, he forgoes the opportunity to grab all the resources for himself. Forgoing this opportunity is the opportunity cost. If everyone forgoes the opportunity cost, the commons is maintained, if they do not pay the opportunity cost, the commons is destroyed.

    In a normative commons, each person who forgoes the opportunity of breaking the norm, then pays the cost of maintaining the norms. So, when one lives in a White area, common areas such as shops (markets) will likely be open for browsing, because the norm of behavior is to not steal. Each time a White goes into a store and does not steal, he pays the opportunity cost, equal to the value of the items not stolen. By paying this cost, the norm of keeping shopping areas open to browsing is maintained. Areas with large numbers of Blacks experience increased incidence of crime. In these areas, the risk to shop owners or other providers to allow Blacks free access exceeds the benefits of open browsing (with a main benefit being increased economic velocity). Thus you see convenience stores with no common area, that only sell what can be passed through a bullet-proof teller window. The commons has been destroyed.

    Or perhaps someone will follow Blacks through a store to make sure they do not steal, while allowing Whites to browse freely, in this case the normative commons is extended to White co-ethnics, but not to Black co-ethnics. The Whites are the beneficiaries of this normative commons, because they (as a group) pay the opportunity cost of maintaining it.

    It is common knowledge that Black cab drivers will often drive past Blacks and pick up White passengers instead. This White privilege is accrued to the White ethnic group because the members of the group tend to forgo the opportunity to rob the Black cabbie. Black cabbies understand this and accord the privilege to the White ethnics who will maintain the normative commons. Blacks could earn this privilege by paying for it through maintaining the normative commons. Unfortunately for them, enough of them create the tragedy of the commons for their own co-ethnics by abusing their privilege and not forgoing the opportunity cost.

    Privilege is said to be unearned (though I doubt any form of privilege is really unearned). White privilege is not unearned. It is bought and paid for through the cost of maintaining the normative commons. To insist that the privileges accorded to Whites (who maintain the normative commons), be accorded to ethnic groups who do not pay the cost of maintaining the commons is futile: market forces will ensure that the privilege is only accorded to those who pay for it. Call it racist if you want. It is simply the market at work.

    Whites as a group defend this normative commons vigorously, using education, shaming and other tactics. Most middle-class Whites will have definite memories of how they were taught not to steal, and why stealing is wrong. Though certainly none of the lessons included the concept of a normative commons or informal institutional property.


    •�Agree: TangoMan
  183. WhatEvvs [AKA "Internet Addict"] says:
    @Jack D

    I've been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.

    If someone were to offer me $10 million cash, and a one way ticket to Poland (land of my ancestors) I would take it. Poland is poor, I can't speak Polish, but I would take it.

    Re: Liberia, "Liberia was supposed to be Israel for American blacks but the inability of blacks to construct a functioning society on their own got in the way."

    Liberia is interesting. The "founding fathers" were virtually all quadroons and octoroons. I met a Liberian girl once. She was half native (her word) and half Americo-Liberian. We spoke quite openly about race. You can do that with non-American blacks. I asked her why Americo-Liberians were so dark-skinned, and she told me that over the generations natives interbred with the founders and became dark-skinned, but no one wants to admit that. Americo-Liberians jealously guard their heritage.

    Replies: @ben tillman, @WhatEvvs

    I put the commas in the wrong place, my bad! OK, how about $2 BN in a trust supervised by Bernard Madoff? A prison work program.

  184. WhatEvvs [AKA "Internet Addict"] says:

    Eula Bliss has black cousins. One of her aunts (not sure if mother or father's side) married a Jamaican and had black kids. Bliss grew up with black relatives. Also, this Jamaican converted Bliss's mother to the African Yoruba religion (voodoo). This is why she thinks the way she does. Rachel Dolezal is racially white, but she is culturally black and assimilated into the black race. She married a black man and has black children. She cannot come back to the white race. Also, she grew up in a house where her white biological parents adopted black kids. I blame her parents for some of her problems. Shaun King is black. He has a white mother, black father. He is racially black. Eula Bliss is white, but again, because of the intermarriage in her family she is acting out of family loyalty. Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. She grew up in a liberal family that accepted miscegenation. Since most people don't accept this, she is just engaging in "shaming" normal whites. With Bliss and Dolezal we are witnessing white racial degeneracy. This is the case with Nicholas Kristof (New York Times writer). He is white but married an Asian (Chinese). He writes many anti-white articles because he has Asian children. Again, because of their degeneracy, they blame racially conscious whites for the problems blacks and Asians have.

    Replies: @WhatEvvs, @Hibernian

    Eula Biss sounds like a name out of a Flannery O’Connor short story. A particularly strange Flannery O’Connor short story.

  185. @Thin-Skinned Masta-Beta
    White Privilage, now also White Debt?

    Is anybody else suffering from racial consciousness fatigue? I am so, so tired of white privilege this, black lives matter that and all the other crap that gets rubbed in my nose like a naughty dog by the entertainment and news media. Everything is about race and discrimination. It's as if we can't consider any other story of the human drama because race is the most important thing of all.

    Frankly our obsession with race and prejudice is getting boring. We get it. Black people, other racial and sexual minorities and so on are people too and can very well make fine achievements and contributions as colleagues, neighbors and family members. Dear Media, by now you've beaten that one to death. So now that this notion is getting old and hackneyed it's not enough to lift up these folks to equality the media establishment finds it necessary for retribution and reparations for any past "white-privilege." This "civil rights leadership" has got the media establishment at its command and wants to put us under the yoke of s0me eternal moral guilt for slavery and racism which they call "America's Original Sins." These race-baiting "civil rights leaders" keep our attention to racial consciousness by scratching at the scabs of the old wounds; they have no interest in healing because the pain is the source of their power and status. It's really too bad. In my few decades on this earth and in this country, I've encountered plenty of fine black people who make fine neighbors, friends and colleagues. It's unfortunate that their self-appointed elites are so atrocious. Who elected that terrible hateful Ta-Nehisi Coates?

    Whatever the prospects for racial harmony are, there are too many profiting from the discord to let us live in peace. I propose that Ta-Nehisi Coates may have one good idea after all. It seems he fled the whole affair of American racism and oppression not by going to a black community in his old hometown of Baltimore, another American city like Detroit or Oakland, or even to place that might have been the origin of his ancestors in Africa. He chose to go to where the white devils came from - Europe, namely Paris, France. Whatever we say about Coates, even though he was raised on a diet of Black power and hate, at least he hasn't swallowed the Afrocentrism nonsense whole and he still appears see some value in the Europe's contributions to culture and civilization.

    So in order to get away from the whole affair and all this nonsense, I propose we do like what Brother Coates has done, leave it all behind by returning to our European homelands, from where our ancestors once came. Sure it ain't perfect there, but if Brother Coates finds it a relief from the oppressive American climate of racial tension, we'll probably find it quite agreeable too. Having lived over there myself for a number of years, it was quite refreshing not to always be hearing about Diversity, The Gap, Racial Profiling, etc. Not having to make all personnel decisions based on having optics that corresponded with superficial racial balance that "represented" the "community" was also a positive. I recall sitting with our advertising guys as they reviewed the stock photos for some image campaign. The differences between the images for the American market and the European market were quite striking. As you can imagine the images targeted to American tastes were like the old Benetton ads, hyper conscious of always having the token Black, Hispanic, Asian and female faces... Perhaps it seems trivial, but this seems to have become the highest value and greatest mission of our American society... not excellence... nor virtue... but rather having the right balance of optics at the peak of our society... whether in management board-rooms, in government assemblies, in our faculty lounges, at news-anchor desks or in front of the camera on the Hollywood sets. I don't know if it's sustainable, but like I said before, I'm suffering fatigue from this racial consciousness. I've had enough.

    So I propose a kind of Zionism for European-Americans. Let's go back to our roots. Return to our ancestral homelands. If the Europeans are suffering a demographic crisis, perhaps we could persuade them that we probably will be even more enthusiastic about integrating than the newcomers they've been recruiting from the "Morgenland" from Africa and the Middle East. The history, the values, the traditions and culture are already our heritage. There is only the matter of the local languages, that I'm sure even we stubborn Yanks could overcome.

    Join me brothers and sisters, perhaps if we put all this behind us we'll even find the fresh start makes it so we can even get along with folks like Brother Coates who've made the same journey.

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Romanian

    No, of course it’s not ok. Your ancestors carved the nation of the wilderness and you would give it up? What did that do for the Boers? With whom are you going to sign the treaty guaranteeing that you will be secure in your new former homeland? Such abandonment of vital space can only hasten your downfall, and attract the curses of your descendants. Nobody ever immigrated to reduce their population. Whites would be the first to try it.

  186. @Peter Frost
    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    Yes, it's based on Lewontin's 1972 paper. He found that human genes are more likely to vary within populations than between populations. For any one gene, a white American might have more in common with a black American than with another white American.

    If we look at other animals, we see this kind of genetic overlap not only between races but also between many sibling species, which are nonetheless distinct anatomically and behaviorally. The problem here is the assumption that genetic variation within a population is comparable to genetic variation between populations. In fact, the two are qualitatively different. When a gene varies between two populations the cause is probably a difference in natural selection, since the population boundary also separates different selection pressures. Conversely, when a gene varies within a population this variation is less likely to have adaptive significance. It hasn’t been flattened out by the steamroller of similar selection pressures.

    White Privilege is not just getting what your ancestors left for you. It’s getting privilege for looking like some of the people who built this country (whether or not those were your ancestors)

    It's even simpler than that. Economists have shown that immigrants become more productive when they move from their home countries to the United States. It's not because they're working harder. It's because they're working in an environment where they get to keep more of their earnings, where government officials are less corrupt, and where strangers can be trusted to a much greater extent.

    These are privileges in a very real sense -- they accrue to people in the U.S. even if they have done nothing at all to earn them and even if they make no effort to reciprocate, i.e., by being honest and by not showing favoritism.

    Replies: @ben tillman

    Yes, it’s based on Lewontin’s 1972 paper. He found that human genes are more likely to vary within populations than between populations.

    No, that’s not what he found. That can’t be what he found since it doesn’t really mean anything. It has no meaning until you explain what varying “within” and varying “between” mean and how the variance is measured so that the variance can be compared.

    It would seem that all variance within a population also constitutes variance between populations unless there’s some kind of non-intuitive special definition that no one ever bothers to mention when they talk about Lewontin’s fallacy. So let’s hear the definitions for a change.

    •�Agree: Harold
  187. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US

    Central PDX is still heavily saltine. It’s one reason the rents here are skyrocketting.

  188. @ben tillman

    I’ve been thinking that giving every black person in the US $10 million cash package along with the ticket to Liberia would be cost effective.
    That would cost $400 trillion, or about $1.5 million from every non-Black US citizen.

    Replies: @Former Darfur

    The theory is right, but the numbers are off by two orders of magnitude.

    I figure that about a hundred thousand dollars plus one way first class airfare plus about five thousand in incidental expenses is the right offer. We could up the ante to about $250K if needed, and at those levels it would make a lot of sense. Not all blacks would take it, but the vanguard of those with severe enough grievances against our society might. We would also wind up paying the target countries something to take them, but it could be rolled into the foreign aid we give them already. I figure ten percent at an absolute max will take it, so the highest possible cost would be about ten percent of one percent of that $400 trillion. If they all took it it would be four trillion, or $15K apiece, and at that price the bargain of the millennium.

    Reinstating the 1920’s through 1960s sterilization practices for criminals and the insane would also be hugely beneficial, as would a program to pay people regardless of race with sub-80 IQs a substantial sum to be sterilized before they reproduce.

  189. @TangoMan

    I never identified as “white” when I was growing up.

    This only works when you're part of a group which dominates the demography of your society. I suspect that whites in South Africa had an elevated sense of their whiteness compared to whites in America.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @gruff

    White South Africans are acutely conscious of themselves as either Afrikaner or British, or one of the other groups (Jews etc.) It’s more complex that just white, though that’s an aspect of it too.

  190. @TangoMan
    Back when GNXP was a group blog we'd often take debates out to other blogs. I recall this one instance where we were involved in a long back and forth with a very smart Jewish guy, and he kept trying to explain to us how he was more closely related to sub-Saharan Africans than to another Jewish guy. As a number of us tried to get through to him he just doubled down and kept trying to educate us. The fact that I can recall this incident a decade+ later speaks to how bizarre I found it.

    I suspect that the origins of this idiocy track back to Lewontin .

    As for racial privilege, even if it could be measured (what is the unit of measurement?) its existence is justifiable - what my ancestors worked to establish is owed to me and those like me, not to someone fresh off the boat who should stand as my equal. What I leave for my kids is for them and no stranger should feel any entitlement to "fair treatment and reward" when it comes time to distribute my estate.

    Apart from the philosophy there is the very real problem of determining where this racial privilege is playing out. All I seem to see from critics is a reference to unequal outcomes followed by a presumption that said outcomes arise from invisible privilege rays beaming between grantor and grantee.

    I suspect that we're going to be seeing a whole lot of pushback against white identity in the coming months and years as the West has reached the point where white identity is becoming mainstreamed and so the frantic efforts to delegitimize such identity will intensify.

    I'm beginning to suspect that the confluence of events (anti-immigrant parties in the Europe, the loss of Beaver Cleaver America, or for that matter the loss of Jeff Spicoli America, the inability to escape diversity anywhere in the US, the rise of Trump and his willingness to speak plainly) is giving rise to a preference cascade where people's private truths which used to have to hide behind public lies and the facade is coming down fairly quickly just as with what happened in the Soviet Union where public expression about the greatness of communism very quickly transitioned into people publicly repudiating communism and finding a lot of public support for their position. This editorial is like Pravda columnists issuing the boiler-plate propaganda to keep up the pretense of the public lie about the glory of communism in order to keep the weak sisters in line. Trump has brought taboo subjects into the open and shown people that it's not the end of the world to utter private truths.

    Replies: @Mr. Blank, @AndrewR, @Anonymous, @JackOH, @Harry Baldwin, @gruff, @Olorin

    I think you are missing a very important point:

    > Reckoning with what is owed — and what can never be repaid — for racial privilege.

    What they’re really mad at is nature–that racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist b***h with the unbending rules of life on earth over the past 4,000,000,000 years.

    Including that at any point in time, subpopulations of species will differ markedly according to their history of reproductive isolation and their selection by a wide variety of natural and social features within that isolation.

    The only real interesting thing in my mind is how come it’s whites who get scapegoated for nature’s rules. Was it because Darwin was a white guy? I’m thinking no, since I haven’t yet seen an anti-Darwin placard at BLM flash mobs.

    Is it because whites create societies everyone else is envious of, and wants, but cannot create for themselves, so want to move to? (See MG Miles’s take on this at Those Who Can See blog–“There’s something about Teutonics.”)

    Is it self-hatred on the part of those who realize this, but can produce nothing but covetousness, resentment, and rage?

    Are there maybe men behind curtains, pulling levers to blame whites while all too happy to occupy white cultures and tribally claim way more than their share of power and wealth? All the white claiming it’s “WASPs” who do this…and now “whites” in general…and Sabrina Rubin comes to mind….

    Tango, white privilege is a straw man. We can try to understand that grassy bulk, but it’s a misapplication of reason. What the race-card-players are calling “white privilege” is evolutionary outcomes they cannot create but want…and furthermore want someone to hand them.

    Someone coached and taught and enabled and rewarded them in demanding an ever-increasing share of what they cannot create, using guilt and violence as levers.

    Whites used to respond to this with a sense of unified resistance and refusal to kowtow. The rules were changed in 1965, based on a bunch of claptrap about the blanky slaty nature of humans, and egalitarianism, and bolshie poses about caring about the common man, and such. Remember what Bernie Sanders did in college before moving to a farm in Vermont?

    Subtropical genomes cannot comprehend: nature is NOT an economic entity. The concept of “debt” has no meaning in nature. Nature owes nobody anything.

  191. anon •�Disclaimer says:

    I read several hundred pages of ‘‘Little House on the Prairie’’ to my 5-year-old son one day when he was home sick from school.
    This line is also a pathetic humble brag - "My 5-year-old has a ridiculously long attention span, and I'm a great mother for spending so much time reading to him."

    Replies: @SPMoore8, @Yojimbo/Zatoichi, @anon

    Wouldn’t “several hundred pages of Little House on the Prairie” be the entire book anyway? I read that when I was in third or fourth grade. It couldn’t have been that long.

    My favorite fake story about the wisdom of children was in the Huffington Post, when some first-grade kid heard his parents discussing gay marriage. He allegedly shrugged and said “Love is love.”.

    Thanks, kid. I guess a kid who hasn’t even come close to hitting puberty would be the person to ask about that, huh?

  192. @Dennis Dale

    Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called "white privilege". Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop's offer to load his bag as a confrontation made "What-a black man can't have a bag in Texas?!" practically a catch-phrase for a time I recall in my multi-racial unit in the military, as likely to be cited by a black as a white dude (self-deprecation was another thing Murphy and Richard Pryor were capable of that seems lost now to black comics). Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially "aware"--in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

    But I just don't see how the bit works the other way--that is, which is more absurd: the idea of this sort of parallel universe in our midst, where whites will, among other things, actually impoverish themselves to loan money to any white stranger who walks in the door and turn away the black guy with sterling credit (however rare he may be), or believing in it?
    It would be interesting to see if there's a great white/black disparity in how such a routine as this is interpreted. I've come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don't do, or at least don't do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is.

    Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @bomag, @carol

    Good analysis. It just goes to show the power of “The Narrative”, the subtle shaming by your peers to keep you in line with the “proper” thoughts of the day.

  193. @Dennis Dale

    Is it just me or is that bit routinely misinterpreted? I remember seeing it long ago and taking it for satirizing the notion of what is now called "white privilege". Early Eddie Murphy would be considered a sell-out today, because he often mocked uptight blacks finding racism at every turn. His joke about landing in the airport in Texas and taking the sky-hop's offer to load his bag as a confrontation made "What-a black man can't have a bag in Texas?!" practically a catch-phrase for a time I recall in my multi-racial unit in the military, as likely to be cited by a black as a white dude (self-deprecation was another thing Murphy and Richard Pryor were capable of that seems lost now to black comics). Of course Murphy stopped being funny about the time he started coming off more racially "aware"--in Harlem Nights you could actually see the Funny leaving his body.

    But I just don't see how the bit works the other way--that is, which is more absurd: the idea of this sort of parallel universe in our midst, where whites will, among other things, actually impoverish themselves to loan money to any white stranger who walks in the door and turn away the black guy with sterling credit (however rare he may be), or believing in it?
    It would be interesting to see if there's a great white/black disparity in how such a routine as this is interpreted. I've come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don't do, or at least don't do well, and it takes objectivity to see exactly where the joke is.

    Replies: @Jim Don Bob, @bomag, @carol

    I’ve come to the conclusion after long observation that objectivity, like irony and self-deprecation is something black folks just don’t do

    I don’t follow the absolute latest, but a couple years ago there was a lot of hilarious self-deprecation going at Twitter, under various hashtags using *igga. They seemed quite aware of their shortcomings, although the “true *igga” was always the other guy.

    But they turn a different face to us, as usual.

  194. Anonymous •�Disclaimer says:
    It seems to me that my white privilege is nothing more than being given the genes for high IQ, low time preference and love for Western style civilization.

    My WASP wife and I passed these to our kids who are thriving as adults in STEM fields.

    We owe nothing to anyone, having paid more than our share of taxes while producing goods and services for our fellow citizens.

    As Left-collectivists double down on their predation of the productive, sooner or later we will say enough is enough.

    Replies: @Anonymous

    Isn’t this what Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged” is about?

    I actually never understand why so many people think that Ayn Rand is just about greed and selfishness, or something like that. Perhaps it’s because I’ve only read two of her books and haven’t read the rest of her work. Or maybe I just interpreted her books differently – or incorrectly.

  195. @Harold
    @ben tillman

    I posted this here some years ago:

    “The Reds had found that the easiest way to subdue any group of people was to give its members a guilt complex and then to lead them on from self-denunciation to self-betrayal. All that was required to put this across was a sufficiently heartless exploitation of the essential goodness in people, so that they would seek self-sacrifice to compensate for their feelings of guilt. The self-sacrifice obviously made available to them in this inside-out environment is some form of treason.”— Brainwashing, From Pavlov to Powers, Edward Hunter, page 169.

    Replies: @Ozymandias

    That was an eye opener. I went looking for more info and found this on a site about cults and brainwashing:


    From 13, Induction of guilt, and the use of guilt to manipulate cult members:

    “For example, the brainwashers would criticize a white prisoner for having lived a live of luxury, never caring about the fate of the poor Negroes, being just an uncaring heartless monster who went along with the Capitalist agenda because he personally benefited from it, even if it was killing others. Then the confused white fellow had to confess all of that in public self-criticism sessions. Then, to make amends, he had to do something like snitch on a fellow prisoner, or memorize and espouse Communist dogma. And then it went on and on like that until a few prisoners had switched sides.”

    This is an exact match for what this woman is doing; induction of guilt, and an offer of atonement by committing treason against the other whites. She’s just adding the “whites aren’t really a group” as a rationalization. If they don’t really exist, you’re not really hurting anyone by denouncing them.

    It is insanity to think that these people can be reasoned with.

    •�Agree: Harold
  196. @Chrisnonymous

    Whiteness is not who you are
    Some of the dumb parts about genetics aside, this is basically true. I never identified as "white" when I was growing up. Likewise, I doubt whether Rhodes would have been happy with Czech or Catholic dominance over Africa. Basically, her article says that if you're not black, you're just part of society and can go about your business without worry. That's more or less true and how life is supposed to be. Too bad blacks can't participate the same way. It's an ongoing problem for us, but not one that can be dealt with by pretending that some untrue things are true or vice versa. If you had a creditor that was stealing from you and demanding you pay your debts too, you wouldn't feel so compelled to pay those debts.

    Replies: @TangoMan, @bomag

    I doubt whether Rhodes would have been happy with Czech or Catholic dominance over Africa

    He’d probably vote for that over Chinese or Indian dominance.

  197. Steven Pinker ‏@sapinker Oct 17
    Data: Police don’t shoot blacks disproportionately. Problem: Not race, but too many police shootings. http://nyti.ms/1VX7R0E via @UpshotNYT

    During the first half of the eighteenth century, they [Osage Indians] were a major supplier of Indian slaves to the French.

  198. @Threecranes
    Some people want to go smoothly through life with as little resistance as possible. Avoiding all unnecessary interference and complications they go out of their way to avoid confrontation and wasteful conflict. In their concentrated effort to attain the Goal they create little wake. Call these the Laminar Flow People.

    Others want to proceed with as much fuss and bother as they can possibly stir up. They want their passage marked by turmoil and strive to leave a huge churned wake in their passage. "Hey everybody!", their lifestyle seems to say, "Look at me! Ain't I Grand!". For them, the goal is not the destination out there, the Telos, but the gettin' there in dramatic Style. Call them the Big Wake People. They don't give a hoot about efficiency and churn up a frothy white foam in their passage. Their wake rocks all the other boats and erodes the shoreline. When this is brought to their attention, their response is "Good!".

    The first group accomplishes much, which in turn brings tangible improvement to all and sundry. The second group is wasteful and extravagant, spends much time and energy on non-essential display and measures its success by the notoriety gained as in giving at a Potlatch; the greater the waste, the greater the magnanimity that adheres to the Leading Actor.

    To the Big Wake People, the Laminar Flow People come across as boring, single minded, cold and calculating. To the LFP, The BWP come across as shallow idiots who indulge their passion for living in the moment through irresponsible displays of childish non-concern for future consequences.

    The BWP can't or won't acknowledge that their capacity to indulge in wastefulness is contingent upon the cultural wealth accumulated by the LFP. To do so would be to undermine their very claim to Primacy. The behavior of each makes them irreconcilable. Their are no many shades of gray between these two groups, only black and white.

    Replies: @Lugash, @Blobby5, @Olorin

    Hearts with one purpose alone
    through summer and winter seem
    enchanted to a stone
    to trouble the living stream.

  199. @Desiderius
    "White Debt"

    So, this latest tranche...

    What's the projected yield, do you imagine? Who are the prospective buyers? What's the play?

    Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic, @Olorin

    Projected yield: all the accumulated wealth of every white person over age 50. You know, the ones who used to be called ‘savers’ but now are called ‘cash hoarders.’

    The buyers?

    Nu, like you need to ask!

    The play?

    Total cashectomies. Mostly through the ills that flesh is heir to.

    Consider it an inheritance tax, courtesy of the “health” “insurance” companies!

  200. @Mr. Blank

    I agree that the mainstream media is starting to sound a lot like Pravda, but I'm not sure how close we are to the final collapse.

    I worry, though, that the further the officially-approved narrative strays from reality, the harder the eventual collapse is going to be. The more the official narrative lapses into fantasy, the easier it will be to sell some future generation on an equally loony counter-fantasy.

    I have spent most of my life as a nutty right-winger, but I am beginning to fear that when I am an old man the pendulum will have snapped back so far that my Hitler-loving grandkids will see me as a crazy communist. That's how far the left is pushing things -- I am starting to worry that the inevitable correction will be so extreme that it will swing right past me and veer off into an equally nutty variety of right-wing lunacy.

    Replies: @tyrone, @yes, @Grumpy, @SFG, @The most deplorable one, @athEIst

    Came across a copy of Pravda recently. The articles were mostly religious—pro-religious.

  201. @anonymous
    "I’m curious–how do you tie the ‘race and sex do not exist’ ideas to the Gnostic heresy, which was stamped out in the early days of Christianity?"

    I am not who you are asking the questions of and I'm no expert in the area. But I think I understand where he is coming from. He's not tying it to the specific Cathars who were exterminated during the Albigensian crusade ("Kill them all, God will know his own"). Rather there seems to be a sort of fundamental Gnostic ideology that is constantly popping up in human affairs. Gnosticism goes way back and does not have an organized sponsoring group---it seems to be an idea that teenagers and others are constantly reinventing.

    It's hard to pin down, but the Gnostic ideal seems to be, more-or-less, that we are all fallen gods; reality is all in our minds; if reality is bad it is because the ideas in our minds are bad, if we could just change our ideas and "goodthink" we could bring about heaven; that maybe we can find a way for our minds to unleash our inherent "godness" and change reality to heaven; our minds have the ability to overcome reality. Early drug use back before drugs were understood might have contributed to the constant re-invention of the Gnostic ideal. (Early secret knowledge by various priesthoods of visible table-top chemical reactions that could "change the world" may have also contributed.) It's a good fit to "drugs, sex, rock-and-roll"... it's all in our minds, so party on, maybe the epiphany will push our minds over the edge to total power. It's a good line to try on some girls, don't let all that old squaresville stuff keep you from freeing yourself from your mental shackles!

    In its more organized/articulated/older forms it seems tied to ideas such as the devil created the world/universe, which is why evil exists. A true good god would never allow evil on earth. So the devil is ascendant and god is far away or has shattered into us (all the unique individuals). So we somehow have to figure out how to mentally unite and recreate the good god that will drive out the devil and thus eliminate evil.

    Or something like this. It's all rather hazy and undefined, which seems to be part of the point. There is a theory that it's a train of thought that never completely dies out and that certain periods (the 60s, for instance) are periods of Gnostic resurgence, although it is probably "self-invented" and the Gnostics of the day might not know about earlier Gnostics. It's not like there is some secret conspiracy or group. Rather, it's just a bad idea, maybe a somewhat juvenile idea, that is easy to invent and attractive to those looking for an excuse to "do what thou wilt".

    There have been more-or-less organized Gnostic religions in the distant past. Ancient Egyptian religion may have been significantly Gnostic (or might not). One of the ancient Greek threads of thought during the formation of Christianity was Gnostic. (It's possible that Greek were saving Egyptian ideas/books that were being stamped out by the Romans.) There were early Christian Gnostic sects. At one time organized Christian Gnosticism apparently vied realistically for control of what became Catholicism.



    The impact though history has probably not been entirely negative, though not in the manner intended:


    "...Much of the importance of Hermeticism arises from its connection with the development of science during the time from 1300 to 1600 AD. The prominence that it gave to the idea of influencing or controlling nature led many scientists to look to magic and its allied arts (e.g., alchemy, astrology) which, it was thought, could put Nature to the test by means of experiments. Consequently, it was the practical aspects of Hermetic writings that attracted the attention of scientists.

    Isaac Newton placed great faith in the concept of an unadulterated, pure, ancient doctrine, which he studied vigorously to aid his understanding of the physical world. Many of Newton's manuscripts—most of which are still unpublished—detail his thorough study of the Corpus Hermeticum, writings said to have been transmitted from ancient times, in which the secrets and techniques of influencing the stars and the forces of nature were revealed."

    That relatively secret religion of the Yazidis in Iraq might be tied into an old Gnostic-oriented religion. Or maybe not... There have been modern organizations with explicitly gnostic agendas (some basically secret societies):


    One of the founders of JPL was famously into all this (and Ron Hubbard and Scientology might not be that far away):



    Replies: @The Last Real Calvinist

    Thanks for this comment.

    I had similar thoughts earlier this year when Jennerpalooza was at its height: https://www.unz.com/isteve/yes-sirmaam/#comment-979841

    Have a look if you’re interested.

  202. @Discard
    @ben tillman

    Christian cultures recognize the sin within themselves, and have a way to deal with it: confession and repentance. Perhaps this is why Germans could acknowledge their war crimes, and the Japanese cannot. The Japanese have no way to lay down the burden once they acknowledge their wrongdoing, except committing suicide.

    The self-destruction of the West depends on our Christian acculturalization. Sin-guilt-confession-repentance-redemption. The pattern has been hijacked by internal enemies.

    Replies: @Romanian

    And who dealt with it better?

    The Germans are continuing to punish themselves for it. Self-flagellation it’s called, turning into ethno-massochism. They are willing to lose their country over it, in addition to being the butt boys of Israel and whoever else cashes in that transferable moral claim on German largesse. As if the German lives lost, the rapes, the expulsions and the Communism were not punishment enough.

    I’m all for recognizing wrongs but, If I were Japanese, and I saw what was happening to Germany, I’d double down and deny everything. That way lies madness.

    •�Replies: @Discard

    I don't doubt that the Turks would agree with you and the Japanese. No point in apologizing if you're not going to be forgiven, ever.
  203. @Romanian

    And who dealt with it better?

    The Germans are continuing to punish themselves for it. Self-flagellation it's called, turning into ethno-massochism. They are willing to lose their country over it, in addition to being the butt boys of Israel and whoever else cashes in that transferable moral claim on German largesse. As if the German lives lost, the rapes, the expulsions and the Communism were not punishment enough.

    I'm all for recognizing wrongs but, If I were Japanese, and I saw what was happening to Germany, I'd double down and deny everything. That way lies madness.

    Replies: @Discard

    I don’t doubt that the Turks would agree with you and the Japanese. No point in apologizing if you’re not going to be forgiven, ever.

  204. I do recall the Spike Lee movie School Daze. It is addresses group competition between light skinned “wannabes” and dark skinned “jigaboos” at a historically black college. It ends up destroying the belief that race-mixing can reduce conflict since when there are no whites to target, the darker blacks compete against the lighter skinned folk. Things like attractiveness based on skin tone and “good hair” are also touched on.

    People like Eula Biss don’t understand that there is preference for genetic self-similarity, something that even blacks get.

  205. Welcome to the Dark Cyberpunk Future. Here the media is not responsive to viewers but corporations of old dried up worthless detritus due to their endless greed pathological deviance and self absorbed clueless irrelevance to the man on the street.
    The working class struggles paycheck to paycheck, the young care not for the decaying society built on the swamp of false idols and fake ideals and the politics are as meaningless as the lives of those involved in it. Reality TV is an endless celebration of voyeurism and sick degeneracy.
    In this backdrop, the downward spiral of ratings and subscribers signals the end of the efficacy of information overload. The preferred drowning out of majority opinions by the fake consensus of media companies which are just many heads of a Hydra Monster of lies that pushes the garbage of a tiny and insignificant minority ahead of the “silent” majority is reaching its end.
    The media is now grasping at straws. As you can see any claims of higher intelligence or even marginal intelligence are completely untrue. We can all see it now as the new strategy of this worthless alien invader is to go Full Retard.
    They say you should never go Full Retard, and here I’m sure most of you see why. Its hard to call the false claim of debt by people who never actually did anything to them by people who never had anything bad happen to them as not just significant but unpayable, unlike the Trillions of Debt piled on these fake perpetrators by the sponsors of this bullshit economic theory based not on facts but simply histrionics and fake false morality as anything but yet another reason for rampant theft and criminality against the productive to feed the completely worthless, irregardless of what label you put on this blatant lie to cover the obvious attempt at looting to save a system that cannot continue, what cannot go on simply won’t.
    Whether it ends in War or simply a final separation between those tired of being blamed and exploited and those who at this point can no longer survive anymore due to their rancid and criminal natures, it has reached the end. Con games can only go so far, and Full Retard is just way too far for anything.
    Specious claims without justification and continuous blame for the innocent is how it ends. When you reach a point where those who are cheated and exploited and discriminated against are constantly told they are privileged, and those who are nothing more than parasites who contribute absolutely nothing and steal everything they have are called victims and oppressed, you see it ended at Full Retard.

  206. @anonymous

    "...Bruce G Charlton:

    ...my suggested explanation for this association between intelligence and personality is that an increasing relative level of IQ brings with it a tendency differentially to over-use general intelligence in problem-solving, and to over-ride those instinctive and spontaneous forms of evolved behaviour which could be termed common sense.

    Preferential use of abstract analysis is often useful when dealing with the many evolutionary novelties to be found in modernizing societies; but is not usually useful for dealing with social and psychological problems for which humans have evolved 'domain-specific' adaptive behaviours. And since evolved common sense usually produces the right answers in the social domain; this implies that, when it comes to solving social problems, the most intelligent people are more likely than those of average intelligence to have novel but silly ideas, and therefore to believe and behave maladaptively. I further suggest that this random silliness of the most intelligent people may be amplified to generate systematic wrongness when intellectuals are in addition 'advertising' their own high intelligence in the evolutionarily novel context of a modern IQ meritocracy."

    Replies: @Joe Stalin

    Or, “He was educated beyond his intelligence” in Occam’s Razor redux!

    It certainly explains all the GUN CONTROL emanating from the various People’s Republics of the Northeast…

  207. “White privilege” is entirely circumstantial, ephemeral, elusive, silent. But “white guilt,” white-bashing, and pro-non-white racism openly swagger about, dominating gov’t, media, academia, corporations.

    Which team do we suppose is more powerful?

    As for “white debt,” it’s a misnomer; if you subtract what the typical sub-Saharan African in sub-Saharan Africa has from what the typical sub-Saharan African in America has, you get a positive number. That’s what American blacks owe American whites – if we’re going to talk about racial debts.

  208. @Lloyd1927
    "Black" has no meaning except the traditional one of dishonorable and inferior. Most people of partial black descent identify as white or other identities and not black. Hispanics and Arabs are the most numerous examples of this. Only blacks, as a group, promote the "one drop" myth and forced hypodescent because they want to improve their racial stock by forcibly (and unofficially) incorporating the DNA of their hated but adored white "enemy" into their race.

    Replies: @dcite

    Actually the one-drop rule was made law after the Civil War, and it was not really a black decision. It was a legal one. The “mulatto” or mixed-class (about 10% of total black/black mix) had a status entirely separate from either black or white, and generally speaking, their aspirations were more along white lines, to the extent possible. There was a black fire department in the 1850s, in Mobile, that sent to Philadelphia for a special Marid Gras float to be made. One of the rules of this fire department was that no “blacks” could be hired. This was a department for mulattos only.
    The “rule” in pre-Civil War southern states (at least the Gulf area) was that if one was less than 1/8 black, you were legally white. How that played in daily life I don’t know, but that was the law.

    •�Replies: @Lloyd1927

    The history of the "one drop" myth doesn't change the fact that, in the present day, only American blacks (and black-identified mulattoes) as a group will actually fight to drag the offspring of their hated but adored white "enemy" into their "race" kicking and screaming.

    Replies: @Harold
  209. @dcite

    Actually the one-drop rule was made law after the Civil War, and it was not really a black decision. It was a legal one. The "mulatto" or mixed-class (about 10% of total black/black mix) had a status entirely separate from either black or white, and generally speaking, their aspirations were more along white lines, to the extent possible. There was a black fire department in the 1850s, in Mobile, that sent to Philadelphia for a special Marid Gras float to be made. One of the rules of this fire department was that no "blacks" could be hired. This was a department for mulattos only.
    The "rule" in pre-Civil War southern states (at least the Gulf area) was that if one was less than 1/8 black, you were legally white. How that played in daily life I don't know, but that was the law.

    Replies: @Lloyd1927

    The history of the “one drop” myth doesn’t change the fact that, in the present day, only American blacks (and black-identified mulattoes) as a group will actually fight to drag the offspring of their hated but adored white “enemy” into their “race” kicking and screaming.

    •�Replies: @Harold

    The fact that blacks, especially black women, joke about ‘delicious white tears’ suggests a lack of subconcious feelings of disgust towards white people.
  210. Tracy says: •�Website
    Eula Biss is full of manure, that goes without saying. But there IS a grain of truth hidden in that manure.

    Look, as far as I know, I'm of 100% Irish descent. Three hundred years ago, "white" Englishmen regarded my equally pale ancestors as scum.

    Three hundred years ago, "white" Germans regarded equally fair-skinned Jews as the spawn of the Devil.

    Three hundred years ago, Northern Italians regarded Sicilians and Southern Italians as riffraff.

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy "white" race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big "white" race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    Replies: @Anonymous, @Discard, @fnn, @AnAnon, @Tracy

    Back then, all of those groups would have scoffed at the idea that they were all part of one big, happy “white” race that was superior to all others. And yet, once they came to America, many of those people DID start thinking of themselves as part of one, big “white” race that was manifestly different from darker groups. What changed? Not biology, surely.

    What changed was European and European-derived people were put into the same group (“Whites”) by people who hate Christendom (and what’s left of it) and want to tear it down. We’re hated as a group, we should fight as a group.

  211. @backup

    Whiteness is not who you are. Which is why it is entirely possible to despise whiteness without disliking yourself.
    This explains how the likes of Rachel Dolezal and Shaun King operate. They probably are convinced that they actually are black.

    Replies: @attilathehen, @Hibernian

    “Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. ”

    You’re living in a pre-1962 world.

    •�Replies: @Hibernian

    Sorry, this is a reply to Magda, not backup.
  212. @Hibernian

    "Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. "

    You're living in a pre-1962 world.

    Replies: @Hibernian

    Sorry, this is a reply to Magda, not backup.

  213. @attilathehen

    Eula Bliss has black cousins. One of her aunts (not sure if mother or father's side) married a Jamaican and had black kids. Bliss grew up with black relatives. Also, this Jamaican converted Bliss's mother to the African Yoruba religion (voodoo). This is why she thinks the way she does. Rachel Dolezal is racially white, but she is culturally black and assimilated into the black race. She married a black man and has black children. She cannot come back to the white race. Also, she grew up in a house where her white biological parents adopted black kids. I blame her parents for some of her problems. Shaun King is black. He has a white mother, black father. He is racially black. Eula Bliss is white, but again, because of the intermarriage in her family she is acting out of family loyalty. Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. She grew up in a liberal family that accepted miscegenation. Since most people don't accept this, she is just engaging in "shaming" normal whites. With Bliss and Dolezal we are witnessing white racial degeneracy. This is the case with Nicholas Kristof (New York Times writer). He is white but married an Asian (Chinese). He writes many anti-white articles because he has Asian children. Again, because of their degeneracy, they blame racially conscious whites for the problems blacks and Asians have.

    Replies: @WhatEvvs, @Hibernian

    “Most whites will disown their family members for marrying blacks or Asians. ”

    Not true since 1962, or at least 1968, especially regarding Asians. Especially back in the 60s, 70s, and maybe 80s, vociferous disapproval followed by reluctant acceptance would probably be most common.

  214. @Lloyd1927

    The history of the "one drop" myth doesn't change the fact that, in the present day, only American blacks (and black-identified mulattoes) as a group will actually fight to drag the offspring of their hated but adored white "enemy" into their "race" kicking and screaming.

    Replies: @Harold

    The fact that blacks, especially black women, joke about ‘delicious white tears’ suggests a lack of subconcious feelings of disgust towards white people.

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