2024 in the rear-view
(January 20, 2025)
Energy Efficiency drives Predictive Coding in Neural Networks
(December 29, 2023)
Ending 2023
(December 28, 2023)
San Francisco Cognitive Science Reading Group, 2023
(December 27, 2023)
Starting the San Francisco Cognitive Science Reading Group
(February 11, 2023)
2022 Redux
(January 03, 2023)
92 Days Off
(October 16, 2022)
Be kind, Bee mind
(August 11, 2022)
Startup chime
(July 20, 2022)
Weakly trained ensembles of neural networks
(April 24, 2021)
(August 01, 2020)
Donkey no more
(August 01, 2020)
Resurrecting the weblog
(July 11, 2017)
Turing, Tortoises, and Lancaster Bombers
(October 02, 2012)
Playing with advertising
(September 25, 2012)
(September 18, 2012)
Needz launches
(September 11, 2012)
Superoptimisation at Brighton Java
(September 05, 2012)
Output from the Master's
(August 29, 2012)
What Tom Did Next
(August 24, 2012)
Green Goose
(August 20, 2012)
Smart Interconnected Devices Hackathon
(August 13, 2012)
(August 06, 2012)
Design Notes For The Web
(July 30, 2012)
Tracking sleep with two different sensors
(July 23, 2012)
Guardian iPad figures
(July 18, 2012)
Nexus 7 manufacturing costs
(July 12, 2012)
Carnival of the Mobilists
(July 09, 2012)
MSc Poster Presentations
(July 06, 2012)
Nexus 7 first impressions
(June 29, 2012)
Google and Nexus
(June 28, 2012)
Power consumption and mobile
(June 25, 2012)
An update on the dissertation
(June 19, 2012)
Quantified Self, Self-Hacking Day
(June 16, 2012)
Self-publishing through Amazon
(June 09, 2012)
OTA 2012: Hack Day
(June 02, 2012)
Superoptimiser pseudo-weeknotes
(May 30, 2012)
Preservation of digital art
(May 30, 2012)
Blackberry Playbook review
(May 23, 2012)
Android and fragmentation
(May 15, 2012)
(May 09, 2012)
Survey, shopping, and social media
(May 02, 2012)
More alarm clocks
(April 26, 2012)
(April 18, 2012)
Tools and shapes
(April 13, 2012)
Jakob Nielsen on Mobile vs Full Sites
(April 12, 2012)
Holiday in San Francisco
(April 09, 2012)
Apple are about more than design
(April 03, 2012)
If it's walking like a duck, it should quack
(March 25, 2012)
Energy use in smartphones
(March 20, 2012)
Looking back at the alarm clock
(March 15, 2012)
(March 09, 2012)
Gaps between apps
(March 07, 2012)
Google and Privacy
(March 03, 2012)
Getting over fear of complexity
(February 26, 2012)
Tight loops and feedback
(February 19, 2012)
Making Sense of Sensors, again
(February 13, 2012)
Designing for complex systems, with the Pope
(February 05, 2012)
Network operators and identity
(January 27, 2012)
Getting to grips with properties of sensors
(January 27, 2012)
Second term
(January 23, 2012)
Building on the platforms of others
(January 11, 2012)
Stroking, not poking
(January 03, 2012)
What Tom Did Next
(December 31, 2011)
Holiday Lynx
(December 28, 2011)
Prototyping touch interfaces
(December 22, 2011)
Mobile and retail
(December 16, 2011)
Alarm clock: progress today
(December 16, 2011)
Alarm clock: first sketches
(December 16, 2011)
Alarm clocks and mobiles: survey results
(December 15, 2011)
Alarm Clock: Thanks for clicking
(December 14, 2011)
Designing a better alarm clock, in public
(December 13, 2011)
Evaluation of X-Construction Lite
(December 08, 2011)
Tom Hume, On Fire
(December 02, 2011)
(December 01, 2011)
Quantified Self 2011
(November 29, 2011)
Quantified Self 2011
(November 23, 2011)
Rasta Far Eye: using sound to deliver ambient information to mobiles
(November 20, 2011)
Speaking at Online Information 2011
(November 18, 2011)
HCI Diary: surveying travellers and observations on video games
(November 18, 2011)
Links for thinks
(November 13, 2011)
More nuances in Native vs web
(November 09, 2011)
HCI Diary: Observation of public transport
(October 30, 2011)
HCI Diary
(October 26, 2011)
HCI Diary: iOS Notifications
(October 22, 2011)
Setting fire to SMS and pushing it out to sea
(October 19, 2011)
Extended Selves
(October 13, 2011)
Vexed acquires Future Platforms
(October 10, 2011)
app.ft.com, and the cost of cross-platform web apps
(October 05, 2011)
Making Sense of Sensors, Future of Mobile 2011
(October 03, 2011)
Open sourcing Kirin
(September 30, 2011)
Modding mobile apps
(September 20, 2011)
How fast do users upgrade Android apps?
(August 10, 2011)
Diary.com, HTML5: Give Me My Pony!
(July 22, 2011)
Guardian Anywhere: reviewing the reviews
(July 20, 2011)
TheTicketApp on WebOS
(July 14, 2011)
(July 13, 2011)
Glastonbury retro
(July 11, 2011)
The Browser Ghetto
(June 30, 2011)
Shipping AA Breakdown & Traffic
(June 30, 2011)
Links for June
(June 28, 2011)
Why the Web Won't Do
(June 27, 2011)
Songkick for 2
(June 18, 2011)
A Tale Of Two App Stores, revisited
(June 18, 2011)
Mobile 2.0 Europe, Day 1
(June 16, 2011)
Checking back on check-ins
(June 16, 2011)
UXCamp Europe
(June 14, 2011)
War Horse
(June 08, 2011)
Operator app stores: oh dear, oh dear, oh dear
(June 08, 2011)
(June 05, 2011)
Double Turkle!
(June 05, 2011)
Glastonbury 2011
(June 01, 2011)
Medium vs Technology Stack
(May 31, 2011)
Radio 1 Big Weekend
(May 10, 2011)
(May 07, 2011)
Topical android games
(April 20, 2011)
Stealth UI from Google and Microsoft
(April 19, 2011)
Common lies of social software
(April 19, 2011)
(March 24, 2011)
Observations from MWC
(February 18, 2011)
Nokia, Microsoft, and the death of HTML5 for faking native apps
(February 12, 2011)
LIFT 2011
(February 06, 2011)
Launching CNBC Davos Pulse
(January 19, 2011)
Lines and lines and lines and lines
(January 12, 2011)
(December 29, 2010)
Launching Touchnote WP7
(November 08, 2010)
(November 02, 2010)
A few launches
(November 01, 2010)
On Fat Parrots, Disposable Games, and Selling Android Apps
(October 03, 2010)
Roulette Cricket win at Vodafone Mobile Clicks
(October 01, 2010)
On The Road
(October 01, 2010)
Vodafone Mobile Clicks
(September 16, 2010)
On a more personal note...
(September 16, 2010)
Guardian Anywhere
(September 16, 2010)
OverTheAir 2010
(September 15, 2010)
Back to School: clear-out of links
(August 31, 2010)
Upcoming events
(August 25, 2010)
In Which Tom Looks Forwards And Backwards Through His Spit
(August 18, 2010)
Playgroup 2010
(August 16, 2010)
Rewired State Hack Day
(August 08, 2010)
(July 29, 2010)
We're hiring a Product Owner
(June 21, 2010)
Slowly, slowly...
(June 20, 2010)
More launches
(June 20, 2010)
Apple and Facetime
(June 19, 2010)
Upcoming events
(June 06, 2010)
Better Thinks Through Dumping Links
(June 06, 2010)
Compulsory iPad First Impressions Post
(May 31, 2010)
Secret Lewis, Secret Launch
(May 28, 2010)
Eduserv Symposium 2010
(May 17, 2010)
One More Reason Never To Believe Anything You Read Here
(May 09, 2010)
Teensy Link Dump (all a bit old)
(May 08, 2010)
LIFT10 in retrospect
(May 08, 2010)
LIFT10: Stories
(May 07, 2010)
LIFT10: Hacking Venture Capital, Fred Destin
(May 07, 2010)
LIFT 2010: What's up with online communities?
(May 07, 2010)
Tabs...filling... must.... make.... space...
(May 06, 2010)
LIFT2010: The Old New Media
(May 06, 2010)
LIFT 2010: Politics session
(May 06, 2010)
LIFT 2010: Generations
(May 06, 2010)
LIFT 2010: Privacy and Identity sessions
(May 05, 2010)
Vodafone and Apple
(April 23, 2010)
Roulette Cricket
(April 20, 2010)
(April 18, 2010)
Sprint Term Roadshow
(April 16, 2010)
Apple and Twitter, Web and Native,
(April 11, 2010)
Guardian Anywhere 2.0 launches
(April 04, 2010)
\"Nexus outsells iPhone Globally\" - I don't think so
(March 28, 2010)
Spring Clean
(March 20, 2010)
Breaking user-agent news
(March 15, 2010)
Napalm for Chrome tabs
(March 05, 2010)
Patents war kick-off
(March 03, 2010)
ScrumMaster/Office Manager wanted!
(March 01, 2010)
Post-pancake Linkdump
(February 19, 2010)
Mobile World Congress 2010
(February 19, 2010)
Mo' Mobile Mountains
(February 19, 2010)
Pre-MWC clearout of stories
(February 13, 2010)
Pipes, pads and clouds
(February 02, 2010)
(January 19, 2010)
(January 19, 2010)
(January 19, 2010)
Some bets on mobile
(January 17, 2010)
Flash on Mobile: Why, Lord, Why?
(January 17, 2010)
Nexus, first impressions
(January 16, 2010)
Nexus Flops, film at 11
(January 13, 2010)
Android wireframe templates
(January 12, 2010)
News Years Resolutions, 2010
(January 07, 2010)
Mobile trends for the next decade
(January 07, 2010)
HTC and App Stores
(January 07, 2010)
Guardian iPhone
(December 18, 2009)
Fragmentation, Android and iPhone
(December 17, 2009)
(December 08, 2009)
The Worlds Largest Multi Touch Wall 34 Million Pixels Generated By 15 High Definition Projectors Supported By Sound Prod
(December 04, 2009)
Its Gone Quickly Micro Updates For The Last Couple Of Days I Actually Made It Over To Hombu Dojo And Trained With Kurib
(November 22, 2009)
Tokyo, Presentation Day
(November 19, 2009)
Tokyo, Day 1
(November 17, 2009)
(November 17, 2009)
Heroes of the Mobile Screen
(November 17, 2009)
Write Club 1
(November 07, 2009)
Hume Asian Tour 2009
(November 06, 2009)
(November 02, 2009)
Capitalising on Popular Culture
(October 22, 2009)
The Future of Collaboration, Brighton
(October 18, 2009)
CogApp Up A Mountain
(October 16, 2009)
Algorithmic art, Roman Verostko
(October 14, 2009)
(October 13, 2009)
Harvest Of The Tabs
(October 08, 2009)
Fresh from the presses of the W3C
(October 08, 2009)
Project Bluebell
(September 28, 2009)
OverTheAir 2009
(September 28, 2009)
Mobile Mountains, Over The Air 2009
(September 27, 2009)
Guardian Anywhere
(September 14, 2009)
dConstruct 2009
(September 13, 2009)
PICNIC and Mobile
(September 03, 2009)
Internet vs Telcos
(September 03, 2009)
App store titbits
(September 03, 2009)
Agile 2009: Many paths to the top of the (mobile) mountain
(August 29, 2009)
Agile 2009: Looking back
(August 29, 2009)
Agile 2009: Agile UX Design Emergent Practices
(August 29, 2009)
Agile 2009: Agile by the numbers - what people are doing
(August 29, 2009)
Agile 2009: The Agile CTO, Diana Larsen and James Shore
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Take no prisoners, how a VC group does Scrum
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Performance without Appraisal, Esther Derby
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Herding Cats - Managing Large Test Suites
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Ground Theory PhD SmackDown
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Become a better agile practitioner - learn from other sources
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Ambassadors & Carrier Pigeons
(August 28, 2009)
Agile 2009: Agile at Yahoo from the Trenches
(August 28, 2009)
Agile2009: Johanna Kollman
(August 26, 2009)
Agile 2009: Using Google Docs for Agile Project Management
(August 26, 2009)
Agile 2009: Mary Poppendieck on Deliberate Practice
(August 26, 2009)
Agile 2009: 5 Users Every Friday
(August 26, 2009)
Agile2009: Keynote with Alistair Cockburn
(August 25, 2009)
(August 24, 2009)
Agile2009: Why (So many) Testers (Still) Hate Agile
(August 24, 2009)
Agile2009: Distributed Agile @ Microsoft
(August 24, 2009)
Out and about in the Autumn
(August 11, 2009)
Expanding TabSpace
(July 31, 2009)
A dry run down the mobile mountain
(July 14, 2009)
Sprint 41: review and retrospective
(July 02, 2009)
Designers, Developers and QA: FP needs you!
(June 29, 2009)
Mobile 2.0
(June 28, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Beyond Free, Panel
(June 20, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Tom Raftery on Mobile Sustainability
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Regine Debatty on Mobile & Culture & Arts
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Priya Prakash, Nokia: Beyond Free
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Panel Discussion on openness
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0 Europe: Ted Morgan, Skyhook
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0 Europe: Context Panel
(June 19, 2009)
Mobile 2.0: Carlos Domingo, Director, Internet and Multimedia Lab, Telefonica
(June 19, 2009)
Weekend links
(June 14, 2009)
(June 11, 2009)
Sprint 39 retrospective
(June 07, 2009)
(June 07, 2009)
Mobile Web Summit 2.0 Slides
(June 07, 2009)
MobileDesign, 4th June 2009
(June 04, 2009)
Mobile Web 2.0 Summit talks
(June 04, 2009)
Clambering up the mobile mountain
(June 01, 2009)
Deeply impressed by the HTC Magic
(May 30, 2009)
BOGFest 2009
(May 30, 2009)
(May 22, 2009)
MEX: The Delicate Path of Balancing Commercial Imperative and User Experience, Priya Prakash
(May 19, 2009)
MEX: Sian Townsend, Google
(May 19, 2009)
MEX: Mobile Mandate, Robert, Frog Design
(May 19, 2009)
MEX, Customer Research Methodology Must Be Enhanced To Close The Reality Gap: Rachel Hinman, Adaptive Path
(May 19, 2009)
MEX: Breakout groups on materials
(May 19, 2009)
MEX: Appstores and their consequences, Hampus Jakobsson, TAT
(May 19, 2009)
MEX: Achieving great tactile experience is a subtle art, Christophe Ramstein, CTO Immersion
(May 19, 2009)
(May 17, 2009)
UX Brighton: Ethnography
(May 12, 2009)
Gold cards
(May 07, 2009)
Crowdsource our business planr 2.0!
(May 07, 2009)
Son of Links
(May 06, 2009)
Holiday links
(May 06, 2009)
Upcoming events
(April 26, 2009)
Sprint 36 retrospective
(April 23, 2009)
(April 23, 2009)
Geek'n'Rolla, RIBA
(April 21, 2009)
Little links
(April 20, 2009)
When A Beautiful Thing Turns Bad
(April 16, 2009)
PM links
(April 13, 2009)
Mobile links
(April 13, 2009)
Dev links
(April 13, 2009)
(April 13, 2009)
Upcoming events
(April 09, 2009)
(April 05, 2009)
Tracking UK Liberal Indecency
(April 02, 2009)
Shock Therapy: Self-organisation in Scrum, Jeff Sutherland
(April 02, 2009)
First two-team retrospective
(March 25, 2009)
Getting into Skype
(March 15, 2009)
Fill your tabs, little ones...
(March 15, 2009)
Being Canaries
(March 15, 2009)
Binary Fission
(March 14, 2009)
10 years old today
(February 19, 2009)
Keeping me in a flow state this week...
(February 18, 2009)
Working with Microsoft
(February 17, 2009)
Mr and Mrs Hunt
(February 15, 2009)
Certified Scrum Practitioner
(February 15, 2009)
(February 13, 2009)
Swedish Beers at MWC
(February 10, 2009)
Banned from WMLProgramming
(February 08, 2009)
Polarising mobile sales
(February 04, 2009)
Edge conditions and mobile
(February 01, 2009)
Delightful maps and location-based gravy
(February 01, 2009)
(January 31, 2009)
Getting Certified
(January 20, 2009)
Mobile Persuasion, City University
(January 19, 2009)
Design-related titbits
(January 18, 2009)
Palm Pre
(January 17, 2009)
In case you cared...
(January 01, 2009)
What happened to 2008?
(December 31, 2008)
Three amazing links
(December 30, 2008)
Other lovely stuff
(December 28, 2008)
Mobile links
(December 28, 2008)
Dev links
(December 28, 2008)
Design links
(December 28, 2008)
There is more than one mobile context
(December 27, 2008)
Other jottings from XP Day
(December 15, 2008)
Net Neutrality
(December 15, 2008)
John Strand on the iPhone
(December 15, 2008)
Tasty bits
(December 14, 2008)
Mobile and green
(December 14, 2008)
Agile and Corporate Strategy
(December 13, 2008)
XP Day: Nat Pryce, TDD and asynchronous systems
(December 11, 2008)
XP Day: Coaching self-organising teams, Joseph Pelrine
(December 11, 2008)
Matt Wynne & Rob Bowley, Evolving from Scrum to LEAN
(December 11, 2008)
Mobile Monday
(December 08, 2008)
Thoughts on the demise of Trutap
(December 07, 2008)
What me, fragmented?
(November 29, 2008)
W3C processes
(November 29, 2008)
Retrospective from another angle
(November 28, 2008)
Post-Trutap retrospective
(November 28, 2008)
Software LinkSplurge
(November 24, 2008)
Hopping across the pond
(November 23, 2008)
Jakob Nielson on Agile
(November 21, 2008)
Google Voice Search
(November 21, 2008)
Looking back at trutap
(November 20, 2008)
Future of Mobile 2008
(November 18, 2008)
Future of Mobile: What makes smartphones smart?
(November 17, 2008)
Future of Mobile: Tomi Ahonen
(November 17, 2008)
Future of Mobile: Rich Miner, Google
(November 17, 2008)
Future of Mobile: Panel Discussion
(November 17, 2008)
Future of Mobile: Doug Richard
(November 17, 2008)
In a break from our regular programme...
(November 11, 2008)
Mobile Monday
(November 10, 2008)
Enterprising Engineers
(November 07, 2008)
When we all die
(November 02, 2008)
(November 02, 2008)
Content Transformation
(November 02, 2008)
Trutap and IM
(October 29, 2008)
Applications and stores
(October 28, 2008)
Prepare The Cage For Jeff Patton
(October 21, 2008)
By the way...
(October 16, 2008)
A Year of Scrum
(October 16, 2008)
MomoLondon NFC
(October 14, 2008)
Trutap launches Hornet
(October 08, 2008)
FP titbits
(September 30, 2008)
Flash on the iPhone?
(September 30, 2008)
Mobile linkfest
(September 22, 2008)
Bill Buxton came to Brighton
(September 21, 2008)
Upcoming events
(September 20, 2008)
Ted Dziuba
(September 08, 2008)
Brighton Barcamp
(September 08, 2008)
Working with the W3C
(September 06, 2008)
dConstruct 2008: The Jones/Biddulph Connection: Designing for the Coral Reef
(September 06, 2008)
dConstruct 2008: Steven Johnson: The Urban Web
(September 05, 2008)
dConstruct 2008: Tantek Celik: Social Network Portability
(September 05, 2008)
dConstruct 2008: Joshua Porter, Leveraging Cognitive Bias in Social Design
(September 05, 2008)
dConstruct 2008: Aleks Krotowksi: Playing the Web
(September 05, 2008)
Upcoming talks: Future of Mobile, Brighton Barcamp
(August 31, 2008)
(August 31, 2008)
Apple shaking up mobile
(August 31, 2008)
Twitter, constraints and SMS
(August 17, 2008)
Quote of the day
(August 14, 2008)
Alan Cooper at Agile2008
(August 14, 2008)
iPhone as proving ground
(July 27, 2008)
Silence ahoy
(July 26, 2008)
Location, location, location
(July 17, 2008)
iPhone App Store vs Operator Portals
(July 17, 2008)
Going mobile
(July 17, 2008)
Mobile Web 2.0: Panel discussion on Platform Capability and Enablement
(June 13, 2008)
Going Mobile
(June 13, 2008)
Mobile Web 2.0: Two Tribes or One World?
(June 12, 2008)
Go see this
(June 12, 2008)
Cell IDs, location and Google
(June 11, 2008)
Calling Mobile Designers...
(June 11, 2008)
Busy bees
(June 11, 2008)
What I Did With My Summer Holidays
(June 10, 2008)
Scrum: Sprint 13 review
(May 27, 2008)
Scrum doesn't do anything
(May 27, 2008)
Multiple SIMs
(May 10, 2008)
Thank Gawd For
(April 14, 2008)
(April 06, 2008)
(April 06, 2008)
(April 06, 2008)
OverTheAir: Progressive Enhancements, Daniel Bodart
(April 04, 2008)
OverTheAir: Andrei Popescu, Google Gears
(April 04, 2008)
Mobile Internet 2.0, Berlin: Day 1
(April 01, 2008)
Scrum at FP: Sprint 9
(March 28, 2008)
Happy Easter!
(March 24, 2008)
Trees and Probes
(March 22, 2008)
Over the moon at Over the air
(March 22, 2008)
Mobile transcoding guidelines
(March 22, 2008)
Guidelines for responsible reformatting
(March 22, 2008)
iPhone stats
(March 19, 2008)
This Happened
(March 05, 2008)
Brighton Holistics
(March 02, 2008)
Walking with skeletons
(February 24, 2008)
Chatham House Software development in Brighton?
(February 24, 2008)
FP looking for engineers, film at 11
(February 21, 2008)
FP grows again
(February 16, 2008)
MoMo presentations
(February 11, 2008)
When all you have is a hammer...
(February 10, 2008)
(February 10, 2008)
Todays themes
(February 08, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Web and enterprises
(February 08, 2008)
LIFT 2008: New Frontiers
(February 08, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Gaming
(February 08, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Foresight
(February 08, 2008)
FP and mobile social networks
(February 08, 2008)
Thoughts from today
(February 07, 2008)
LIFT 2008: User Experience
(February 07, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Sustainable development
(February 07, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Stories
(February 07, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Online Environments
(February 07, 2008)
LIFT 2008: A glimpse of Asia
(February 07, 2008)
Physical/digital car crash
(February 06, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Upgrade your company - Industrial opportunities for the internet of things
(February 06, 2008)
LIFT 2008: Ubiquitous Computing: visions, failures and new interaction rituals
(February 06, 2008)
Scrum: Sprint 5
(January 31, 2008)
A Visit to Blyk Towers
(January 31, 2008)
Poets vs MCs
(January 25, 2008)
Scrum so far: Sprint 5
(January 20, 2008)
2008 Is Certain
(January 20, 2008)
Twitter and partial unreliability
(January 18, 2008)
links for 2008-01-14
(January 14, 2008)
In An Attempt T
(January 14, 2008)
A Thoroughly Pl
(January 14, 2008)
links for 2008-01-12
(January 12, 2008)
links for 2008-01-11
(January 11, 2008)
links for 2008-01-10
(January 10, 2008)
links for 2008-01-09
(January 09, 2008)
links for 2008-01-08
(January 08, 2008)
links for 2008-01-07
(January 07, 2008)
links for 2008-01-06
(January 06, 2008)
links for 2008-01-05
(January 05, 2008)
links for 2008-01-04
(January 04, 2008)
links for 2008-01-02
(January 02, 2008)
Handset Customisation
(January 02, 2008)
links for 2008-01-01
(January 01, 2008)
That was what was
(December 31, 2007)
links for 2007-12-31
(December 31, 2007)
Help me, Lazyweb...
(December 31, 2007)
Second Impressions of Android
(December 30, 2007)
links for 2007-12-30
(December 30, 2007)
links for 2007-12-25
(December 25, 2007)
links for 2007-12-23
(December 23, 2007)
links for 2007-12-21
(December 21, 2007)
links for 2007-12-20
(December 20, 2007)
links for 2007-12-18
(December 18, 2007)
links for 2007-12-17
(December 17, 2007)
links for 2007-12-15
(December 15, 2007)
links for 2007-12-12
(December 12, 2007)
Personas are pegs
(December 10, 2007)
links for 2007-12-08
(December 08, 2007)
links for 2007-12-07
(December 07, 2007)
links for 2007-12-06
(December 06, 2007)
links for 2007-12-05
(December 05, 2007)
links for 2007-12-03
(December 03, 2007)
links for 2007-12-01
(December 01, 2007)
links for 2007-11-30
(November 30, 2007)
links for 2007-11-29
(November 29, 2007)
links for 2007-11-28
(November 28, 2007)
Beyond The Screen
(November 28, 2007)
links for 2007-11-27
(November 27, 2007)
Brighton Digital Festival
(November 27, 2007)
links for 2007-11-26
(November 26, 2007)
links for 2007-11-24
(November 24, 2007)
links for 2007-11-23
(November 23, 2007)
links for 2007-11-20
(November 20, 2007)
links for 2007-11-19
(November 19, 2007)
links for 2007-11-18
(November 18, 2007)
links for 2007-11-17
(November 17, 2007)
links for 2007-11-16
(November 16, 2007)
links for 2007-11-15
(November 15, 2007)
links for 2007-11-14
(November 14, 2007)
Fragmenting Androids Ate My Homework
(November 14, 2007)
Agile Skillswap
(November 14, 2007)
links for 2007-11-13
(November 13, 2007)
links for 2007-11-12
(November 12, 2007)
links for 2007-11-11
(November 11, 2007)
links for 2007-11-10
(November 10, 2007)
links for 2007-11-09
(November 09, 2007)
FogBugz 6.0 World Tour
(November 09, 2007)
links for 2007-11-08
(November 08, 2007)
links for 2007-11-07
(November 07, 2007)
links for 2007-11-06
(November 06, 2007)
Fragmentation, Google and Apple
(November 06, 2007)
links for 2007-11-02
(November 02, 2007)
links for 2007-11-01
(November 01, 2007)
links for 2007-10-30
(October 30, 2007)
Agile usability and romance
(October 30, 2007)
links for 2007-10-29
(October 29, 2007)
Kocca Korean Mobile Content Forum: Think Big - what works on mobile
(October 29, 2007)
links for 2007-10-27
(October 27, 2007)
links for 2007-10-26
(October 26, 2007)
Slava's Snow Show
(October 25, 2007)
links for 2007-10-25
(October 25, 2007)
links for 2007-10-24
(October 24, 2007)
Ghosty at the World Telemedia awards?
(October 24, 2007)
links for 2007-10-23
(October 23, 2007)
links for 2007-10-22
(October 22, 2007)
links for 2007-10-21
(October 21, 2007)
iPhone, I-mode, content providers and revenue share
(October 21, 2007)
3 USB modem
(October 21, 2007)
links for 2007-10-20
(October 20, 2007)
links for 2007-10-19
(October 19, 2007)
links for 2007-10-18
(October 18, 2007)
links for 2007-10-17
(October 17, 2007)
links for 2007-10-16
(October 16, 2007)
links for 2007-10-15
(October 15, 2007)
links for 2007-10-13
(October 13, 2007)
links for 2007-10-11
(October 11, 2007)
Scratched out thoughts
(October 10, 2007)
links for 2007-10-10
(October 10, 2007)
(October 09, 2007)
Nokia Games Summit 2007, Lisbon
(October 09, 2007)
Nokia Games Summi: Forum Nokia, Benjamin Wang
(October 09, 2007)
Nokia Games Summit 2007: Nokia Device Strategy, Vesa Jokitulppo
(October 09, 2007)
Nokia Games Summit 2007: SNAP Mobile, Markus Huttunen
(October 09, 2007)
Nokia Games Summit 2007: N-Gage: Evolving Mobile Games, Gregg Sauter
(October 09, 2007)
Lurching from one medium to the next
(October 09, 2007)
links for 2007-10-09
(October 09, 2007)
links for 2007-10-07
(October 07, 2007)
links for 2007-10-06
(October 06, 2007)
Jeremy's Shitstorm
(October 06, 2007)
links for 2007-10-05
(October 05, 2007)
links for 2007-10-04
(October 04, 2007)
links for 2007-10-03
(October 03, 2007)
links for 2007-10-01
(October 01, 2007)
links for 2007-09-30
(September 30, 2007)
links for 2007-09-29
(September 29, 2007)
Iterations, mobile, and Java
(September 29, 2007)
iPhone so far
(September 29, 2007)
Bryan Rieger joins FP
(September 29, 2007)
Threading: the bleeding edge of communication
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Urban Playgrounds, Federico Casalegno, MIT
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Urban Playgrounds, Matt Adams of Blast Theory
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Urban Playgrounds, Christian Nold
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: The revolution in personal fabrication, Neil Gershenfeld
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: The Near Future of Pervasive Media Experiences, Q&A
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: The City Is Here For You To Use, Adam Greenfield
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: New interaction partners, Nicolas Nova
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Julian Bleecker
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Identity 2.0, Dick Hardt
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Fabien Girardin
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Dennis Crowley
(September 28, 2007)
links for 2007-09-28
(September 28, 2007)
Amazon Mechanical Turk and international access?
(September 28, 2007)
PICNIC07: Things I have learned in my life so far, Stefan Sagmeister
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: The Art of Paul Pope
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Some thoughts on creating worlds, Michael Johnson
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Observations of Visionary Works, Danny Yount
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Minimally Invasive Education through Social Play, Dr. Sugata Mitra
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Future Technology Trends, Pablos
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Future Technology Trends, Arnold Smeulders
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Future Technology Trends, Alexander Straub
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Future Technology Trends, Nikolaj Nyholm
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Everything is miscellaneous, David Weinberger
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Designing Killer Experiences, Peter Frankfurt
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Andrew Keen, author of Cult of the Amateur
(September 27, 2007)
links for 2007-09-27
(September 27, 2007)
PICNIC07: Panel, \"Up Close and Personal: Share your Life\"
(September 26, 2007)
PICNIC07: Jonathan Harris of We Feel Fine
(September 26, 2007)
PICNIC07: Blaise Aguera Y Arcas, Microsoft Live labs
(September 26, 2007)
Content transformation, mobile design and best practices
(September 26, 2007)
links for 2007-09-25
(September 25, 2007)
Trutap Beta
(September 24, 2007)
Blyk launch
(September 24, 2007)
links for 2007-09-22
(September 22, 2007)
links for 2007-09-21
(September 21, 2007)
links for 2007-09-20
(September 20, 2007)
Tomi Ahonen, Mobile 2.0 conference
(September 19, 2007)
Mobile 2.0: What happened to Mobile Web 1.0, Dan Applequist
(September 19, 2007)
links for 2007-09-19
(September 19, 2007)
(September 18, 2007)
links for 2007-09-18
(September 18, 2007)
links for 2007-09-17
(September 17, 2007)
O2, iphone
(September 16, 2007)
links for 2007-09-16
(September 16, 2007)
Burning Man
(September 16, 2007)
Russell on Google
(September 15, 2007)
links for 2007-09-14
(September 14, 2007)
links for 2007-09-13
(September 13, 2007)
links for 2007-09-11
(September 11, 2007)
links for 2007-09-10
(September 10, 2007)
Lightweight applications and upgrades
(September 10, 2007)
links for 2007-09-09
(September 09, 2007)
links for 2007-08-24
(August 24, 2007)
links for 2007-08-23
(August 23, 2007)
links for 2007-08-22
(August 22, 2007)
links for 2007-08-21
(August 21, 2007)
links for 2007-08-20
(August 20, 2007)
links for 2007-08-17
(August 17, 2007)
5 pound apps
(August 15, 2007)
links for 2007-08-14
(August 14, 2007)
links for 2007-08-13
(August 13, 2007)
links for 2007-08-11
(August 11, 2007)
links for 2007-08-09
(August 09, 2007)
links for 2007-08-08
(August 08, 2007)
links for 2007-08-07
(August 07, 2007)
links for 2007-08-06
(August 06, 2007)
links for 2007-08-05
(August 05, 2007)
links for 2007-08-04
(August 04, 2007)
Talks and Travel
(August 03, 2007)
links for 2007-08-03
(August 03, 2007)
Technical Writer?
(August 02, 2007)
links for 2007-08-02
(August 02, 2007)
On the subject of the US...
(August 01, 2007)
links for 2007-08-01
(August 01, 2007)
Holly Day
(August 01, 2007)
Cocoon: 1 week on
(July 30, 2007)
links for 2007-07-29
(July 29, 2007)
links for 2007-07-28
(July 28, 2007)
links for 2007-07-27
(July 27, 2007)
links for 2007-07-26
(July 26, 2007)
Mobile designers
(July 25, 2007)
links for 2007-07-25
(July 25, 2007)
links for 2007-07-24
(July 24, 2007)
I-mode shutting down in the UK
(July 23, 2007)
(July 23, 2007)
links for 2007-07-21
(July 21, 2007)
links for 2007-07-20
(July 20, 2007)
links for 2007-07-19
(July 19, 2007)
links for 2007-07-18
(July 18, 2007)
links for 2007-07-17
(July 17, 2007)
links for 2007-07-16
(July 16, 2007)
links for 2007-07-14
(July 14, 2007)
links for 2007-07-13
(July 13, 2007)
links for 2007-07-12
(July 12, 2007)
links for 2007-07-11
(July 11, 2007)
links for 2007-07-10
(July 10, 2007)
links for 2007-07-09
(July 09, 2007)
links for 2007-07-08
(July 08, 2007)
links for 2007-07-07
(July 07, 2007)
links for 2007-07-06
(July 06, 2007)
links for 2007-07-04
(July 04, 2007)
links for 2007-07-03
(July 03, 2007)
links for 2007-07-02
(July 02, 2007)
links for 2007-07-01
(July 01, 2007)
links for 2007-06-30
(June 30, 2007)
links for 2007-06-29
(June 29, 2007)
links for 2007-06-27
(June 27, 2007)
Nabaztag are cute :)
(June 26, 2007)
links for 2007-06-26
(June 26, 2007)
Future Platforms are recruiting
(June 26, 2007)
links for 2007-06-20
(June 20, 2007)
Let's have a conversation
(June 20, 2007)
links for 2007-06-19
(June 19, 2007)
\"You know nothing of the crunch\"
(June 18, 2007)
links for 2007-06-16
(June 16, 2007)
links for 2007-06-14
(June 14, 2007)
Myerson, Moggridge, Raby and Dunn at the RSA
(June 13, 2007)
links for 2007-06-13
(June 13, 2007)
links for 2007-06-12
(June 12, 2007)
Mobile Monday
(June 11, 2007)
links for 2007-06-11
(June 11, 2007)
links for 2007-06-10
(June 10, 2007)
links for 2007-06-08
(June 08, 2007)
Why Agile Teams Fail
(June 07, 2007)
links for 2007-06-07
(June 07, 2007)
links for 2007-06-06
(June 06, 2007)
links for 2007-06-05
(June 05, 2007)
Launching US Ghosty
(June 04, 2007)
links for 2007-06-02
(June 02, 2007)
Here we go...
(June 01, 2007)
links for 2007-05-30
(May 30, 2007)
links for 2007-05-29
(May 29, 2007)
links for 2007-05-28
(May 28, 2007)
links for 2007-05-27
(May 27, 2007)
links for 2007-05-26
(May 26, 2007)
links for 2007-05-25
(May 25, 2007)
links for 2007-05-24
(May 24, 2007)
links for 2007-05-23
(May 23, 2007)
links for 2007-05-22
(May 22, 2007)
links for 2007-05-21
(May 21, 2007)
More GPS buzz and battery indicators
(May 20, 2007)
links for 2007-05-19
(May 19, 2007)
links for 2007-05-17
(May 17, 2007)
.mobi case study
(May 16, 2007)
links for 2007-05-16
(May 16, 2007)
links for 2007-05-14
(May 14, 2007)
links for 2007-05-11
(May 11, 2007)
links for 2007-05-10
(May 10, 2007)
links for 2007-05-09
(May 09, 2007)
links for 2007-05-08
(May 08, 2007)
links for 2007-05-06
(May 06, 2007)
links for 2007-05-05
(May 05, 2007)
links for 2007-05-04
(May 04, 2007)
MEX day 2
(May 03, 2007)
links for 2007-05-03
(May 03, 2007)
MEX day 1
(May 02, 2007)
links for 2007-05-02
(May 02, 2007)
links for 2007-05-01
(May 01, 2007)
Shinto and ubicomp
(April 30, 2007)
links for 2007-04-30
(April 30, 2007)
Hack Day
(April 30, 2007)
links for 2007-04-29
(April 29, 2007)
links for 2007-04-28
(April 28, 2007)
Blogging, writing, FP
(April 28, 2007)
links for 2007-04-27
(April 27, 2007)
Congratulations to Miss Barrett
(April 27, 2007)
links for 2007-04-26
(April 26, 2007)
links for 2007-04-24
(April 24, 2007)
links for 2007-04-23
(April 23, 2007)
links for 2007-04-22
(April 22, 2007)
links for 2007-04-21
(April 21, 2007)
links for 2007-04-20
(April 20, 2007)
links for 2007-04-19
(April 19, 2007)
Motorola Q: Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory
(April 17, 2007)
links for 2007-04-17
(April 17, 2007)
Mobile Monday: Location, Location, Location
(April 16, 2007)
links for 2007-04-16
(April 16, 2007)
links for 2007-04-14
(April 14, 2007)
links for 2007-04-13
(April 13, 2007)
links for 2007-04-12
(April 12, 2007)
\"And they have a plan\"
(April 12, 2007)
links for 2007-04-11
(April 11, 2007)
links for 2007-04-10
(April 10, 2007)
links for 2007-04-07
(April 07, 2007)
links for 2007-04-06
(April 06, 2007)
links for 2007-04-04
(April 04, 2007)
links for 2007-04-03
(April 03, 2007)
links for 2007-04-02
(April 02, 2007)
links for 2007-03-30
(March 30, 2007)
links for 2007-03-29
(March 29, 2007)
links for 2007-03-28
(March 28, 2007)
links for 2007-03-27
(March 27, 2007)
Swedish Beers
(March 26, 2007)
links for 2007-03-26
(March 26, 2007)
links for 2007-03-24
(March 24, 2007)
Coding Dojo at Sussex University
(March 22, 2007)
links for 2007-03-21
(March 21, 2007)
links for 2007-03-20
(March 20, 2007)
links for 2007-03-19
(March 19, 2007)
links for 2007-03-16
(March 16, 2007)
links for 2007-03-15
(March 15, 2007)
links for 2007-03-14
(March 14, 2007)
links for 2007-03-13
(March 13, 2007)
LBS and GPS: I was wrong, wrong, wrong.
(March 13, 2007)
Contract J2ME developers
(March 12, 2007)
links for 2007-03-11
(March 11, 2007)
links for 2007-03-09
(March 09, 2007)
links for 2007-03-08
(March 08, 2007)
links for 2007-03-06
(March 06, 2007)
(March 05, 2007)
links for 2007-03-04
(March 04, 2007)
links for 2007-03-03
(March 03, 2007)
links for 2007-02-28
(February 28, 2007)
links for 2007-02-27
(February 27, 2007)
links for 2007-02-26
(February 26, 2007)
Busy bees
(February 24, 2007)
links for 2007-02-23
(February 23, 2007)
links for 2007-02-22
(February 22, 2007)
links for 2007-02-20
(February 20, 2007)
links for 2007-02-19
(February 19, 2007)
links for 2007-02-18
(February 18, 2007)
Betavine launches
(February 18, 2007)
Little Springs Design on \"yes/no, ok/cancel\"
(February 17, 2007)
Going to SXSW?
(February 17, 2007)
links for 2007-02-15
(February 15, 2007)
links for 2007-02-14
(February 14, 2007)
links for 2007-02-13
(February 13, 2007)
links for 2007-02-12
(February 12, 2007)
3GSM competition
(February 12, 2007)
links for 2007-02-11
(February 11, 2007)
I'd like to talk about my genitals for a minute
(February 11, 2007)
links for 2007-02-10
(February 10, 2007)
LIFT07: Decompression
(February 10, 2007)
(February 09, 2007)
links for 2007-02-09
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07 Wrap-up: Daniel Kaplan, Fédération Internet Nouvelle Génération
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: The New Economics of Creation, Panel
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: Panel: The user/citizen centered society
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: Internet addiction
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: Embracing the real world's messiness, Fabien Girardin
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: CERN's 27km Big Bang machine, Brian Cox
(February 09, 2007)
LIFT07: Blowing the web apart, Ivan Pope
(February 09, 2007)
Hume's Assertion
(February 09, 2007)
links for 2007-02-08
(February 08, 2007)
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: What kind of Humanity do we want, Paola Gillani
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: What happens when 1st life meets 2nd life, Julian Bleecker
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Towards a society of cyborgs, Daniela Cerqui
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: The Luminous Bath: our new volumetric medium, Ben Cerveny
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Social = Me First, Stowe Boyd
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Open-ended play in Habbo
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Literacy, Communication and Design, Jan Chipchase
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Keynote, Florence Devouard, Chair of the Board, Wikipedia
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Jumping Jack Flash, Jan-Christoph Zoels of Experientia
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Going virtual in proportion to being actual, Sister Judith Zoebelein
(February 08, 2007)
LIFT07: Everyware, further down the rabbit hole, Adam Greenfield
(February 08, 2007)
links for 2007-02-07
(February 07, 2007)
LIFT07: Collaboration and Innovation in Workspace that Works
(February 07, 2007)
Improved searching
(February 07, 2007)
Guardian Changing Media Summit
(February 07, 2007)
Arriving in Geneva
(February 07, 2007)
links for 2007-02-06
(February 06, 2007)
Twittering gently
(February 05, 2007)
links for 2007-02-05
(February 05, 2007)
links for 2007-02-04
(February 04, 2007)
links for 2007-02-03
(February 03, 2007)
links for 2007-02-01
(February 01, 2007)
links for 2007-01-31
(January 31, 2007)
links for 2007-01-30
(January 30, 2007)
We're recruiting!
(January 29, 2007)
To bluespam or not to bluespam, that is the question
(January 29, 2007)
Mobile Marketing Magazine: Change - or Die
(January 29, 2007)
links for 2007-01-29
(January 29, 2007)
links for 2007-01-28
(January 28, 2007)
(January 28, 2007)
links for 2007-01-27
(January 27, 2007)
links for 2007-01-26
(January 26, 2007)
links for 2007-01-24
(January 24, 2007)
links for 2007-01-23
(January 23, 2007)
links for 2007-01-22
(January 22, 2007)
links for 2007-01-21
(January 21, 2007)
links for 2007-01-20
(January 20, 2007)
links for 2007-01-19
(January 19, 2007)
Upcoming coding dojos
(January 18, 2007)
links for 2007-01-18
(January 18, 2007)
links for 2007-01-17
(January 17, 2007)
links for 2007-01-16
(January 16, 2007)
(January 15, 2007)
links for 2007-01-13
(January 13, 2007)
links for 2007-01-12
(January 12, 2007)
links for 2007-01-11
(January 11, 2007)
Agile Fun Night
(January 11, 2007)
links for 2007-01-10
(January 10, 2007)
iPhone thoughts
(January 10, 2007)
links for 2007-01-09
(January 09, 2007)
links for 2007-01-08
(January 08, 2007)
Melon Press!
(January 07, 2007)
Adam Bloom
(January 07, 2007)
links for 2007-01-06
(January 06, 2007)
links for 2007-01-05
(January 05, 2007)
(January 03, 2007)
links for 2007-01-02
(January 02, 2007)
links for 2007-01-01
(January 01, 2007)
First Google phone actually Samsung phone
(December 31, 2006)
(December 31, 2006)
Mark gets shodan
(December 30, 2006)
links for 2006-12-30
(December 30, 2006)
(December 29, 2006)
Oh yeah...
(December 29, 2006)
Meat, animals, rights
(December 29, 2006)
Google and Orange
(December 29, 2006)
Extreme Programming Refactored
(December 29, 2006)
Blogging and PR
(December 29, 2006)
(December 23, 2006)
MMS taking off?
(December 23, 2006)
Brighton Geek Girl Dinner
(December 21, 2006)
Creating casual games
(December 20, 2006)
YARQ (Yet Another Rumi Quote)
(December 13, 2006)
The Magic Smoke in Electronics
(December 13, 2006)
The Interface is the Program, and it ain't Agile
(December 12, 2006)
Pacifism is fruit of family tree
(December 12, 2006)
Nabaztag 2 to launch tonight
(December 12, 2006)
Analysis Paralysis
(December 12, 2006)
Carphone warehouse moving away from WAP?
(December 06, 2006)
The Value of Mashups
(December 04, 2006)
Second Life escapists told to wake up
(December 04, 2006)
Apple iPhone to have two batteries, no network ties?
(December 04, 2006)
Virtual Worlds, Web 3.0 and Portable Profiles
(November 30, 2006)
(November 30, 2006)
(November 30, 2006)
Cell phone as artistic platform
(November 30, 2006)
Vodafone's Social Connections
(November 28, 2006)
Changing Mobile Gaming Habits
(November 28, 2006)
Black Friday
(November 27, 2006)
MobileYouth: Music and Fun
(November 24, 2006)
MobileYouth: Marketing to youth: how do we engage consumers?
(November 24, 2006)
MobileYouth: Introduction
(November 24, 2006)
It's Never Been Built Before
(November 24, 2006)
Zen TV Experiment
(November 23, 2006)
Why optimizing without profiling is inefficient
(November 23, 2006)
The life of products
(November 23, 2006)
Software Estimation
(November 23, 2006)
Mobile Fiddling
(November 23, 2006)
(November 21, 2006)
Feature negotiation
(November 21, 2006)
15 ways to turn off Windows
(November 21, 2006)
Urban Espionage
(November 20, 2006)
Social mapping
(November 20, 2006)
Aiki Wedding cake
(November 20, 2006)
(November 16, 2006)
PR companies engaging with bloggers
(November 16, 2006)
(November 16, 2006)
Beautiful things
(November 16, 2006)
3 to exit the UK, with some good news
(November 16, 2006)
Symbian Talking Heads event
(November 15, 2006)
Symbian Talking Heads
(November 15, 2006)
Physics promises wireless power
(November 15, 2006)
(November 15, 2006)
O2 look busy
(November 15, 2006)
Big Brother in Second Life
(November 14, 2006)
Interaction links
(November 13, 2006)
Software development links
(November 12, 2006)
Mobile links
(November 12, 2006)
Mobile, Web 2.0, Hype, Reality, and Openness
(November 11, 2006)
(November 11, 2006)
DropSend Monthly Profit
(November 11, 2006)
Brighton Flashers
(November 11, 2006)
6 Signs of Good Software Project Managers
(November 10, 2006)
You will be aggregated
(November 09, 2006)
(November 07, 2006)
MoMo London
(November 07, 2006)
Big labels are f*cked, and DRM is dead
(November 04, 2006)
(October 31, 2006)
Nokia 330 GPS sat nav thing
(October 30, 2006)
(October 30, 2006)
(October 29, 2006)
BenQ's iF concept
(October 29, 2006)
A petition to bring back buttons on phones?
(October 29, 2006)
TomTom to track phones for real-time traffic info
(October 27, 2006)
Matching design sketches to the desired level of design feedback
(October 27, 2006)
Amnesty releases API access to censored files
(October 27, 2006)
Zettabyte Storage zBox
(October 26, 2006)
Why value is slipping away from the operators
(October 26, 2006)
Why MMS is struggling worldwide
(October 26, 2006)
US vs European mobile usage
(October 26, 2006)
(October 26, 2006)
The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups
(October 26, 2006)
Mind Candy raises funding
(October 26, 2006)
Lovely generalisation
(October 26, 2006)
FP get a mention in Telecom Asia
(October 26, 2006)
Thoughts from My So-called Second Life
(October 25, 2006)
SavaJe falls quiet
(October 25, 2006)
7 reasons why Threadless rules
(October 25, 2006)
SMS and IM on mobile
(October 24, 2006)
My So-called Second Life: Esther MacCallum-Stewart
(October 24, 2006)
My So-called Second Life: Roo Reynolds, Metaverse Evangelist
(October 24, 2006)
My So-called Second Life: Michael Smith, MindCandy
(October 24, 2006)
TV causes autism - study
(October 23, 2006)
Sarcastic Bluetooth Marketing
(October 23, 2006)
Please Stop Giving Crappy Presentations
(October 23, 2006)
Getting there...
(October 23, 2006)
Yudansha gradings
(October 22, 2006)
Interview with Mind Candy
(October 20, 2006)
Mobile Monday London November
(October 18, 2006)
Drinks by SMS
(October 18, 2006)
Coding Dojo
(October 18, 2006)
Minor Mobile Usability Tweaks
(October 17, 2006)
Brighton Nightwalk
(October 17, 2006)
Blog aims to record everyday life
(October 17, 2006)
Coding Dojo
(October 16, 2006)
UI as a soft form of lock-in
(October 15, 2006)
Mobile banking service disappoints
(October 15, 2006)
Are you a Sussex Flash developer?
(October 13, 2006)
SMS sprinklers reduce water wastage
(October 12, 2006)
Flirtomatic’s first birthday
(October 12, 2006)
Mobile2.0 needs flat rate billing
(October 10, 2006)
It's a Religion
(October 10, 2006)
Summarising video
(October 09, 2006)
Not in the Spec
(October 09, 2006)
\"Survivor\" mobile trading cards
(October 07, 2006)
Software dev links
(October 07, 2006)
Snipperoo: 10 seeeeeriously cool workplaces
(October 07, 2006)
Mobile links
(October 07, 2006)
Many think texting is safer, more fun than face-to-face
(October 07, 2006)
Java vs Native mobile games
(October 07, 2006)
How to Be Silicon Valley
(October 07, 2006)
Jelbert Geotagger
(October 06, 2006)
Ground control to Major Tim...
(October 06, 2006)
Casual games have come of age
(October 06, 2006)
Worlds colliding
(October 05, 2006)
Female and casual gamers to push revenues over $10bn by 2009
(October 05, 2006)
Calculating the ROI of blogging
(October 05, 2006)
Top Digital Cameras used on Flickr
(October 04, 2006)
Nokia, Orange in Software Pact
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival: Mobile Playtime
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival: Tim Wright
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival: Gavin Stewart
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival: Pat Kane rides again
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival: Dan Hon, Mindcandy
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival Fringe: Jamie Cason of the BBC
(October 04, 2006)
London Games Festival Fringe: Pat Kane
(October 04, 2006)
Scaling is for later
(October 03, 2006)
Nokia touts low-cost, low-power wireless tech
(October 03, 2006)
Nabaztag CC plugin
(October 03, 2006)
Fossil Bluetooth watch
(October 03, 2006)
Brighton Photo Fringe
(October 03, 2006)
MoMo London: Ray From Bango
(October 02, 2006)
MoMo London: Jan Standal, Director Project Management, Opera
(October 02, 2006)
MoMo London: Barbara Ballard of Little Springs Design
(October 02, 2006)
I-mode news
(October 02, 2006)
Minesweeper into Flowers
(October 01, 2006)
JUnit Testing Using Java ME JUnit Frameworks
(October 01, 2006)
(October 01, 2006)
Zi makes progress with Qix
(September 30, 2006)
Mobile Web Kerfuffle
(September 30, 2006)
(September 30, 2006)
Between Blinks & Buttons
(September 28, 2006)
(September 27, 2006)
Virtual pet craze moves to mobile
(September 27, 2006)
(September 27, 2006)
It's Playtime!
(September 25, 2006)
If you go down to the woods today...
(September 25, 2006)
History of the Button
(September 25, 2006)
(September 22, 2006)
ubiComp 07
(September 22, 2006)
Nabaztag Open Sourced!
(September 22, 2006)
(September 20, 2006)
Monkeys will pay for Paris Hilton smut
(September 20, 2006)
Fulfillment by Amazon
(September 20, 2006)
Practicing Programming
(September 19, 2006)
(September 19, 2006)
(September 19, 2006)
(September 17, 2006)
Taliban rise again
(September 16, 2006)
Status meetings and postmortems
(September 16, 2006)
One web, mobile web, idealism and pragmatism
(September 16, 2006)
Newscorp COO
(September 15, 2006)
WURFL Survey results
(September 14, 2006)
Mobile AJAX
(September 14, 2006)
.mobi and Ajax : They don't mix ...
(September 14, 2006)
Games about games
(September 14, 2006)
(September 14, 2006)
Project risk reduction patterns
(September 13, 2006)
The start-up inflection point
(September 11, 2006)
Opinionated hospital design
(September 11, 2006)
Mobile ad spend to skyrocket
(September 11, 2006)
WAP Games
(September 10, 2006)
Oops, We Did It Again
(September 10, 2006)
Mobile Marketing Uncovered
(September 10, 2006)
Developing software by the 15% rule
(September 10, 2006)
Developers build stuff, Testers break stuff
(September 10, 2006)
(September 10, 2006)
The Importance of Agile
(September 07, 2006)
Why Mobile Phones are Annoying
(September 06, 2006)
Programming quotes
(September 06, 2006)
The Compton Skyline Project
(September 05, 2006)
Bad news for mobile music
(September 05, 2006)
All Aboard The Gravy Train
(September 05, 2006)
A word from our sponsors
(September 05, 2006)
WURFL Survey
(August 30, 2006)
Success/Failure Criteria
(August 30, 2006)
Hacknot - All Aboard The Gravy Train
(August 30, 2006)
Five Worlds of software
(August 27, 2006)
Acid Brass
(August 27, 2006)
Off-hours mobile usage
(August 25, 2006)
Making the Most of a Working Day
(August 25, 2006)
(August 25, 2006)
(August 25, 2006)
EFF: Frequently Awkward Questions for the Entertainment Industry
(August 25, 2006)
When the Best Tool Isn’t, and Why a Growing Team Doesn’t Care
(August 24, 2006)
WAP Push and customer wastage
(August 24, 2006)
User Generated Short Codes
(August 24, 2006)
Playful interfaces
(August 24, 2006)
MySQL Query Logging
(August 24, 2006)
.mobi emulator
(August 24, 2006)
Martial Artists' Moves Revealed in \"Fight Science\" Lab
(August 24, 2006)
Life Cycle of a Silver Bullet
(August 24, 2006)
How teens use MySpace
(August 24, 2006)
Hey all you silly cell phone strap lovers, who ya gonna call?
(August 24, 2006)
(August 24, 2006)
Faith Based Programming
(August 24, 2006)
Aikido Journal Home
(August 24, 2006)
12.3m in the UK used the mobile internet in June
(August 24, 2006)
Nokia Launch Phone Firmware Update Client
(August 23, 2006)
Hypertag Sets Up London Bluetooth Marketing Network at MobHappy
(August 23, 2006)
7 Reasons the 21st Century is Making You Miserable
(August 23, 2006)
War story on why C&C management sucks
(August 22, 2006)
Mark goes Brazilian
(August 22, 2006)
How To Run A Beta Test... Or Not?
(August 22, 2006)
Fluid Lives
(August 22, 2006)
Flirtomatic.com - Flirt like mad, baby
(August 22, 2006)
Fitts Law and softkey optimization
(August 22, 2006)
DS cookbook
(August 22, 2006)
Bicycle Ballet
(August 22, 2006)
AOL user searches
(August 22, 2006)
7 Virtues for Software Developers
(August 22, 2006)
What I Did For My Summer Holidays
(August 21, 2006)
(August 21, 2006)
The mobile industry must change its retail model
(August 21, 2006)
Personality Traits of the Best Software Developers
(August 21, 2006)
Nutracheck on I-mode
(August 21, 2006)
Maintaining Nature’s Balance
(August 21, 2006)
Life Cycle of a Silver Bullet
(August 21, 2006)
Summer school gradings
(August 07, 2006)
We're all going on a summer holiday...
(August 04, 2006)
The Shout-O-Phone
(August 04, 2006)
Robotic flowers react to SMS
(August 04, 2006)
It’s A Mobile Life at MobHappy
(August 04, 2006)
Empathic painting
(August 04, 2006)
Designing for Mobile
(August 04, 2006)
Brighton rocks in lottery survey
(August 04, 2006)
A proper update about the Creative Zen Neeon 2
(August 04, 2006)
WiFi phones: look, will you just forget about hotspots?
(August 03, 2006)
Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sleep (But Were Too Afraid To Ask)
(August 02, 2006)
Real Uses For Tagging
(August 01, 2006)
My Weekend
(July 31, 2006)
Mint Digital – Blog
(July 31, 2006)
EBGS writeup
(July 29, 2006)
Never Say Never
(July 28, 2006)
How to do Root Cause Analysis
(July 28, 2006)
Writing words vs. writing software
(July 25, 2006)
We're not sure if the Nokia N73 is new or not
(July 25, 2006)
The Aikido of natural physics
(July 25, 2006)
Pile O Links
(July 25, 2006)
Optimizing Software Development
(July 25, 2006)
mBooster magic
(July 25, 2006)
Upcoming music
(July 24, 2006)
The Rise of the Women Gamer
(July 24, 2006)
(July 24, 2006)
More than 90% of UK mobile users cannot get through the day without using their phone
(July 24, 2006)
Leading a Support Career…
(July 24, 2006)
KDDI ties in partners for new phone OS
(July 24, 2006)
Favourite Social Software
(July 24, 2006)
Catalyst Dan
(July 24, 2006)
Ryan's 4 day week
(July 20, 2006)
O2, I-Mode, .mobi titbits
(July 20, 2006)
My mobile is...a...um...
(July 20, 2006)
Fake IDs save lives in Iraq
(July 20, 2006)
Content is *still* not King
(July 20, 2006)
Code Reviews vs. Pair Programming?
(July 20, 2006)
Water Powered Mobile Phones
(July 19, 2006)
Real-World Experiences With Hibernate
(July 19, 2006)
A Portable (and Squeezable) Way to Recharge
(July 19, 2006)
Social Call
(July 18, 2006)
(July 18, 2006)
Audiophones for Books
(July 18, 2006)
The \"Fuck Off\" Flag
(July 17, 2006)
Playful interaction and goal-oriented gaming explored through media arts practice
(July 17, 2006)
Web Everywhere
(July 14, 2006)
Wasp T12 SpeechTool launches
(July 14, 2006)
The Decline of Brands
(July 14, 2006)
Postmortem: Digital Chocolate's Tower Bloxx
(July 14, 2006)
How to reduce use of your mobile application
(July 14, 2006)
Hammer & tickle
(July 14, 2006)
Habbo Hotel Gets Cash, Goes Mobile
(July 14, 2006)
Frequently Awkward Questions for the Entertainment Industry
(July 14, 2006)
DoCoMo keeps customers switched-on
(July 14, 2006)
BumpTop Prototype
(July 14, 2006)
Puzzling popular on mobile
(July 13, 2006)
Half of mobile data virgins say never again
(July 13, 2006)
What a Waste
(July 11, 2006)
Warrenellis.com » No Good Today
(July 11, 2006)
The Lean Nature of Google's Development Practices
(July 11, 2006)
Estimating Projects - Knowing Your Limits
(July 11, 2006)
Distraction Culture
(July 11, 2006)
The Curmudgeon Coder
(July 10, 2006)
(July 10, 2006)
(July 10, 2006)
Mobile video tips
(July 10, 2006)
(July 10, 2006)
Google Web Toolkit
(July 10, 2006)
Bonobos on the phone
(July 10, 2006)
Admob works
(July 10, 2006)
Sky Plus goes mobile
(July 07, 2006)
Robots are having more sex and fun than we are
(July 07, 2006)
Mobile platform statistics
(July 07, 2006)
Live Interfaces
(July 07, 2006)
If Tech Companies Made Sudoku
(July 07, 2006)
EasyMobile.nl flops
(July 07, 2006)
(July 07, 2006)
Meat Swan?
(July 06, 2006)
Refactoring the Monster
(July 05, 2006)
Nail Meetings Down Tight
(July 05, 2006)
Ericsson still likes the WAP word
(July 05, 2006)
Women lead rush to mobile gaming
(July 04, 2006)
WiMAX in the UK. Here's why it won't fly
(July 04, 2006)
The Mysterious Cone of Uncertainty
(July 04, 2006)
Symbian sales rise
(July 04, 2006)
Roskilde Report
(July 04, 2006)
MySpace and design
(July 04, 2006)
Meat Fresh?
(July 04, 2006)
Hibernate hitting patent problems?
(July 04, 2006)
Dessert-only restaurants?
(July 04, 2006)
(July 04, 2006)
Text enforcer hands out heavy fine
(June 27, 2006)
Fred Brooks quoth
(June 27, 2006)
Designing J2ME MIDP Navigation
(June 27, 2006)
Database Migration With Spring
(June 26, 2006)
Beluga Whales learn to blow Soap Bubbles
(June 26, 2006)
Casual Mobile Snacks for Everyone
(June 23, 2006)
The bandwidth of sex
(June 22, 2006)
Martin Sorrell on companies and speed
(June 22, 2006)
(June 21, 2006)
How does on-portal time translate to revenue?
(June 21, 2006)
cityofsound: Design. Architecture. Football.
(June 21, 2006)
(June 20, 2006)
My Weekend
(June 19, 2006)
How do I hire geniuses without sharing my idea?
(June 19, 2006)
17 Articles and Some Notes on Sleep and Napping
(June 19, 2006)
Why are mobile application sales dropping?
(June 16, 2006)
Ninjas needed!
(June 16, 2006)
How Long Would It Take if Everything Went Wrong?
(June 16, 2006)
Finding bugs with FindBugs
(June 16, 2006)
The Noble Art of Maintenance Programming
(June 15, 2006)
The Genius Sperm Ban
(June 15, 2006)
Mike Rowehl at BayCHI
(June 15, 2006)
An Elite Is Inevitable?
(June 15, 2006)
Walsh alert!
(June 14, 2006)
Non-scents from Nokia
(June 14, 2006)
(June 14, 2006)
Great BBC News feature
(June 14, 2006)
(June 13, 2006)
Words Matter
(June 13, 2006)
Wii have no regrets says Nintendo Boss
(June 13, 2006)
Nokia makes the mobile 'a full member of the internet'
(June 13, 2006)
Multiple mobile phone ownership continues
(June 13, 2006)
McDonald's Interactive Sticks it to McDo... or do they?
(June 13, 2006)
General Zod - 2008 Presidential Candidate
(June 13, 2006)
Games as design inspiration
(June 13, 2006)
Do gyms breed terrorists?
(June 13, 2006)
(June 12, 2006)
WAP 1.0 vs WAP 2.0
(June 09, 2006)
UK grows i-mode fastest outside Japan
(June 07, 2006)
(June 07, 2006)
KPN WAPs i-mode
(June 06, 2006)
It's time to stop killing meat and start growing it
(June 06, 2006)
Glu Mobile launches Chu Chu Rocket!
(June 06, 2006)
Eight barriers to effective listening
(June 06, 2006)
(June 06, 2006)
Shave That Monkey!
(June 05, 2006)
\"Honest and blunt\" now means \"would report Jews to the Nazis\" - Valleywag
(June 05, 2006)
Captain Copyright
(June 05, 2006)
Aikido Montreux and Patrick Cassidy
(June 05, 2006)
Yay - Jay and the
(June 01, 2006)
They Told You So
(June 01, 2006)
None of Us Are as Smart as All of Us
(June 01, 2006)
Introspective Teenage Post Of The Year
(June 01, 2006)
Australian mobile usage
(June 01, 2006)
Alien in Duck?
(June 01, 2006)
Agile Charts
(June 01, 2006)
Tell me about couples and surfing!
(May 31, 2006)
Are you the BozBoz?
(May 31, 2006)
Weeks and weekends
(May 30, 2006)
Technology leaves teens speechless
(May 30, 2006)
Just Give Me a Simple Phone
(May 30, 2006)
Lurking badgers, gay storks and German bears
(May 27, 2006)
Punctuated equilibrium for tapping?
(May 26, 2006)
Google's Eric Schmidt on mobile
(May 26, 2006)
Sony Ericsson Z550 exists within a futuristic utopia
(May 23, 2006)
Ping Pong with Robert
(May 23, 2006)
Making mobile payments work
(May 23, 2006)
World Cup Mobile Content at MobHappy
(May 22, 2006)
Why people with nothing to hide should champion privacy
(May 22, 2006)
Why features don't matter any more
(May 22, 2006)
The monkeys who can speak in sentences
(May 22, 2006)
Red wizard needs sleep, badly...
(May 22, 2006)
Discovery vs. Consumption
(May 22, 2006)
Another World
(May 22, 2006)
Reasons to be cheerful
(May 19, 2006)
This Place is Not a Place of Honor
(May 18, 2006)
The phone of the future: wired to run your life
(May 16, 2006)
The ideas interview William Davies
(May 16, 2006)
SMS and IM, part 2
(May 16, 2006)
Q&A: John Carmack's New Cell Game
(May 16, 2006)
(May 16, 2006)
Non photography day
(May 16, 2006)
No critical cocktail will force operators over to IP
(May 16, 2006)
Mobile Web: the dark horse of mobile data services?
(May 16, 2006)
Hiding The Mobile Internet at MobHappy
(May 16, 2006)
Insomniacs Olympics
(May 12, 2006)
I-Cue wins Red Herring award
(May 12, 2006)
Rant against 3D
(May 11, 2006)
Randi Mooney
(May 11, 2006)
T-Mobile bans VOIP from its flat-rate data services
(May 10, 2006)
Scientists track weather with mobile masts
(May 10, 2006)
Remix David Byrne and Brian Eno's latest
(May 10, 2006)
ICUE in the Telegraph
(May 10, 2006)
I was young and I needed the money
(May 10, 2006)
(May 10, 2006)
By Guy Kawasaki: The Top Ten Lies of Engineers
(May 10, 2006)
(May 08, 2006)
Nothing new under the sun
(May 08, 2006)
mTLD clarifies .mobi doubts
(May 08, 2006)
Half of 18 to 34's are embracing mobile advertising
(May 08, 2006)
Google Health is coming
(May 08, 2006)
Crap crim caged for four years
(May 07, 2006)
Roskilde lineup!
(May 04, 2006)
Chris Eccleston linked to remake of The Prisoner
(May 04, 2006)
The Sultans Elephant
(May 03, 2006)
More thoughts on presence, SMS, and operators
(May 03, 2006)
(May 02, 2006)
The myth of \"keeping up\"
(May 02, 2006)
(May 02, 2006)
Nokia's fashionable and sexy friends
(May 02, 2006)
Extending party games to mobile
(May 02, 2006)
Avant Rural
(May 02, 2006)
(May 02, 2006)
A long day
(May 02, 2006)
How to Have a 36 Hour Day
(May 01, 2006)
Damn Interesting
(May 01, 2006)
SMS and IM
(April 27, 2006)
Struck By Lightning
(April 26, 2006)
Piracy worse than child pornography
(April 26, 2006)
(April 23, 2006)
Pimp My Snack
(April 20, 2006)
Nokia examining AJAX
(April 20, 2006)
Multitasking and Conflict
(April 20, 2006)
Germans to get pay-by-phone public transport
(April 20, 2006)
DoCoMo In The “Lifestyle Infrastructure” Business
(April 20, 2006)
Broadcast vs. mobile
(April 20, 2006)
Angry/negative people can be bad for your brain
(April 20, 2006)
Where did the weekend go?
(April 18, 2006)
Moth Moth Moth!
(April 17, 2006)
Valleywag: Waggable: Mouths of babes
(April 14, 2006)
(April 13, 2006)
Mobile operators miss a World Cup opportunity
(April 12, 2006)
Miaow to kitten-based authentication
(April 12, 2006)
Eastenders WAPpery
(April 11, 2006)
(April 06, 2006)
Swedish Beers
(April 05, 2006)
MyNuMo: user-generated ringtones and more...
(April 05, 2006)
Can I Crash?
(April 05, 2006)
Talent Circle Super Shorts International Film Festival 2006
(April 04, 2006)
Sony Ericsson announces eighth Walkman phone
(April 04, 2006)
Leccy Piccy!
(April 04, 2006)
How to Have a 36 Hour Day
(April 04, 2006)
'Dragon' unveils flat-fee text service
(April 04, 2006)
Anytime is the Right Time to Start a Company - Blue Flavor
(April 04, 2006)
(March 28, 2006)
Wholesale GPRS arrives
(March 27, 2006)
Japanese comics go mobile
(March 27, 2006)
Maximizing your ROI at Pizza Hut
(March 22, 2006)
I have seen the future - and it's goth
(March 21, 2006)
(March 21, 2006)
Startup to Wed Mobile Games, Live TV Shows
(March 20, 2006)
(March 20, 2006)
Martial Arts Wisdom for Alzheimer's Caregivers
(March 18, 2006)
Drinking games, Spanish style
(March 18, 2006)
(March 17, 2006)
(March 16, 2006)
(March 16, 2006)
10m Vodafone Live! punters signed up
(March 16, 2006)
Bluetooth billboard advertising campaign
(March 14, 2006)
Windows XP boots on a Macbook Pro
(March 09, 2006)
Now their gluing the SIM cards in!
(February 28, 2006)
(February 28, 2006)
Monkey Love
(February 23, 2006)
Next gen mobile interface thoughts
(February 20, 2006)
And then the next thing you know...
(February 17, 2006)
3GSM Day One
(February 15, 2006)
Good mobile browsers are not enough
(February 13, 2006)
Playing to win in the handset market
(February 12, 2006)
Pissing in the wind
(February 12, 2006)
How to be a Programmer
(February 12, 2006)
Future directions for mobile
(February 12, 2006)
Capturing Human Rights Abuse
(February 12, 2006)
J2ME: games companies come save us!
(February 11, 2006)
(February 09, 2006)
Casuality Europe: Hype vs The Real Deal
(February 08, 2006)
Casuality Europe: Impressions so far
(February 08, 2006)
Casual games on mobile: Why operators and publishers are excited to see more casual mobile content
(February 08, 2006)
Casuality Europe: Alternative business models for Europe
(February 07, 2006)
Casuality Europe, Tuesday
(February 07, 2006)
Alternate business models for mobile
(February 07, 2006)
\"10 ways to make a bad casual game\": Jason Kapalka, Popcap Games
(February 07, 2006)
The Adventures of Dr. McNinja
(February 04, 2006)
Interaction design and Pixar
(February 03, 2006)
Vodafone to launch fixed price download system
(February 02, 2006)
Upcoming events
(February 02, 2006)
Guardian Unlimited launches Sudoku puzzle league
(February 02, 2006)
How to reform the VC industry
(January 29, 2006)
Brain training!
(January 26, 2006)
Bluetooth set to take over wireless from Wi-Fi...
(January 26, 2006)
A Swarm of Angels
(January 26, 2006)
Toy story
(January 25, 2006)
3G demand grows, says Voda
(January 24, 2006)
(January 23, 2006)
Gozo Shioda
(January 23, 2006)
DRM is a complete lie
(January 23, 2006)
RIAA and MPAA call a halt on digital progress
(January 22, 2006)
(January 22, 2006)
The Eight Fallacies of Distributed Computing
(January 21, 2006)
NRC - Mobile Web Server
(January 21, 2006)
Mobile Opportunities
(January 21, 2006)
ShoZu does what MMS promised
(January 19, 2006)
It's all about the Casual Game
(January 19, 2006)
DS art
(January 18, 2006)
Apple Signals iPhone at MobHappy
(January 18, 2006)
Mario Live!
(January 14, 2006)
A Cellphone Powered by Urine
(January 13, 2006)
Yahoo! Go
(January 11, 2006)
A VC: Jealousy
(January 11, 2006)
Orange unveils new 'Calling Tunes' service
(January 10, 2006)
Google acquires Reqwireless
(January 10, 2006)
(January 09, 2006)
MoMo London: Matt Millar, Adobe
(January 09, 2006)
MoMo London: Christian Lindholm
(January 09, 2006)
MoMo London: Antoine Quint, The Mobile SVG ecosystem
(January 09, 2006)
Old school!
(January 08, 2006)
FCC knocks telcos' secret plan to divide and bill the web
(January 07, 2006)
Participation TV as part of the mobile marketing mix
(January 05, 2006)
Lovely Widgets
(January 04, 2006)
Adverts 'increase youth drinking'
(January 04, 2006)
Disagree With Ajit Week
(January 03, 2006)
Music sales slide despite RIAA's crushing blows against piracy
(January 02, 2006)
Motorola UI
(January 02, 2006)
(January 02, 2006)
Linky Spaghetti
(January 02, 2006)
Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab
(January 02, 2006)
AJAX and mobile
(January 02, 2006)
(January 01, 2006)
dConstruct 2005
(December 23, 2005)
Why good dancers are attractive
(December 22, 2005)
Mundane Is Interesting
(December 18, 2005)
Wi-fi not killing a telco, yesterday
(December 15, 2005)
Usability testing of mobile applications
(December 15, 2005)
UK Extensions Course
(December 15, 2005)
(December 15, 2005)
(December 15, 2005)
Puzzler sold to DC
(December 15, 2005)
Do gamers really want photorealistic graphics?
(December 15, 2005)
Designing for illiterate people
(December 15, 2005)
Cameras as input devices
(December 15, 2005)
A Design Knowledge Management System... for Programmers?
(December 15, 2005)
770 Party
(December 15, 2005)
Where Have All The Single-Function Devices Gone?
(December 10, 2005)
Musings of a mobile marketer: What is mobile marketing?
(December 09, 2005)
ICUE launches
(December 09, 2005)
Handset UIs don't travel
(December 09, 2005)
(December 09, 2005)
Productivity gains
(December 08, 2005)
Web 2.0 vs limited spectrum?
(December 07, 2005)
MomoLondon, December 2005
(December 06, 2005)
Worst Technology for Girls
(December 04, 2005)
T-Mobile boss slams mobile Internet cynics
(December 04, 2005)
The Project
(December 04, 2005)
The GooglePlan?
(December 04, 2005)
Selling New Mobile Phone Features
(December 04, 2005)
Handsets from China
(December 04, 2005)
Dolphin games: no mere child’s play?
(December 04, 2005)
Designing for Flash on mobile devices
(December 04, 2005)
'Casual' video games are serious business
(December 04, 2005)
Brighton cameraphone compo
(December 04, 2005)
FP 5th Birthday
(December 03, 2005)
(November 29, 2005)
UK Extensions
(November 28, 2005)
Puzzler News
(November 27, 2005)
Music biz to 'hijack' Europe's data retention laws
(November 25, 2005)
160Characters: I-mode
(November 24, 2005)
Mini-mobile apps
(November 22, 2005)
The Mobile is the PC of the Developing World
(November 21, 2005)
The Jack Principles
(November 21, 2005)
Surveys and consumer electronics
(November 21, 2005)
Shopping by Mobile Java App
(November 21, 2005)
Random Chuck Norris Fact
(November 21, 2005)
(November 21, 2005)
Mobile Data Users Give Up When Going Gets Tough
(November 21, 2005)
(November 21, 2005)
Future Platforms are hiring!
(November 21, 2005)
Eden Project team plans eco-rainforest in Lancashire
(November 21, 2005)
DoCoMo launch another payment method
(November 21, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 3, Dating and Mobile, Eythor Arnalds, Enpocket
(November 18, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 3: Virtual Babies: Eccky, by Yme Bosma, Media Republic
(November 18, 2005)
World Telemedia: Building a mass market casual gaming service
(November 18, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: High Resolution 3D and the future of mobile content, Phil Atkin, nVidia
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Making it work across devices, Hila Dahan of Adamind
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Enda Carey, iFone
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Devices, Mike Grenville
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Nick Davis, Mobestar
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Andrew Fisher, Shazam
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 2: Music to Mobile Devices
(November 17, 2005)
The top ten phones in America
(November 17, 2005)
The games industry heads for Hollywood
(November 17, 2005)
World Telemedia, Day 1
(November 16, 2005)
World Telemedia Day 1: The Future Mobile Market, John W Strand
(November 16, 2005)
Web 2.0 and mobile
(November 16, 2005)
Thoughts on Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
(November 16, 2005)
The Future of Convergence Is Not Mobile
(November 16, 2005)
MWI day - impressions
(November 16, 2005)
3G TV big hit with Vodafoners
(November 16, 2005)
Thailand enforces PAYG registration
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Vision and ambition for the mobile web, Philipp Hoschka
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: The Long Tail, Franklin Davis of Nokia
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: The Integrated Operator's Perspective on Mobile Web, Keith Waters of France Telecom
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Putting the vision into practice, Jo Rabin, .mobi
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: panel discussion
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Panel
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Mobile Web Potential and Challenges, Rhys Lewis of Volantis
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Making the web Truly Mobile, Jonas Wilhelmsson of Drutt
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Introduction from Tim Berners-Lee
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Getting the BBC onto mobile, Chris Yanda of BBC
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software
(November 15, 2005)
MWI day: Accessing the web on the move, Paul Walsh, CEO Segala M. Test
(November 15, 2005)
Mobile Web Initiative day
(November 15, 2005)
Sony Ericsson's noddy phones
(November 14, 2005)
Sony and DRM
(November 14, 2005)
O2 ups revs and punters
(November 14, 2005)
N70 Java behaviour
(November 14, 2005)
Analysis of Wario Ware
(November 14, 2005)
(November 13, 2005)
Pissing Text
(November 13, 2005)
Monkey Mobile?
(November 13, 2005)
(November 13, 2005)
Former Apple man slams music industry
(November 11, 2005)
(November 11, 2005)
NTT DoCoMo buys music retail chain
(November 09, 2005)
Designing mobile audio
(November 09, 2005)
3G Princess defends pricey content palace
(November 09, 2005)
Spooks mobile game
(November 08, 2005)
(November 08, 2005)
Notes from MoMo London
(November 07, 2005)
i-mode stalls in Europe
(November 06, 2005)
Marketing Through Mini Applications
(November 03, 2005)
It's a problem when it's a problem
(November 03, 2005)
Interview with Kazuo Chiba
(November 03, 2005)
Browsing on mobiles
(November 03, 2005)
World Usability Day
(November 01, 2005)
BSkyB in Vodafone mobile TV deal
(November 01, 2005)
The top 5 red flags of software development
(October 31, 2005)
Telefonica buys UK's O2 for £18bn
(October 31, 2005)
Mobile games
(October 31, 2005)
Halloween usability
(October 31, 2005)
(October 31, 2005)
First Screen Shots of Riya
(October 31, 2005)
The Register on I-mode
(October 27, 2005)
Cool Hunting: Flirtomatic
(October 26, 2005)
Flash Lite 2.0
(October 25, 2005)
Work work work
(October 24, 2005)
Bad Long Tails
(October 24, 2005)
Ends and Means: Why are we training?
(October 23, 2005)
The Secret To Mobile TV? Bigger Bullet Holes.
(October 22, 2005)
O2 lead for mobile data
(October 22, 2005)
Whoopah! Freeware support from Symbian
(October 21, 2005)
Macromedia and mobile
(October 21, 2005)
A Firm Grip On Handset Design
(October 21, 2005)
The Fix Online
(October 20, 2005)
More on casual gaming
(October 20, 2005)
See Me TV
(October 19, 2005)
Orange Code Camp, day 2
(October 19, 2005)
Motorola roks iPod's boat
(October 19, 2005)
3 plans to sell advertising on mobiles
(October 19, 2005)
Code Camp Report, Day 1
(October 18, 2005)
ID scheme to check 13 biometrics
(October 17, 2005)
Vodafone to begin fixed-rate service for sweethearts
(October 16, 2005)
Java Issues Database
(October 16, 2005)
Yahoo launch its own billing solution
(October 15, 2005)
The end of WYSIWYG?
(October 15, 2005)
(October 15, 2005)
Mobile puzzles
(October 14, 2005)
There's nothing new
(October 13, 2005)
Set Your Priorities
(October 13, 2005)
I-Mode in the UK
(October 13, 2005)
League Against Tedium
(October 13, 2005)
Why convergence leads to value dilution
(October 11, 2005)
User-generated content
(October 11, 2005)
Model-View-Controller in Web 2.0
(October 11, 2005)
(October 11, 2005)
Is Series 60 working as a licensed platform?
(October 11, 2005)
Upcoming events
(October 10, 2005)
Shigeru Miyamoto on new models for games
(October 10, 2005)
Project Miljul
(October 10, 2005)
Are these prototypes really interesting?
(October 10, 2005)
Young blog their way to a publishing revolution
(October 09, 2005)
Wild gorillas seen to use tools
(October 09, 2005)
Tide Turning Against Copy Protection?
(October 09, 2005)
(October 09, 2005)
Pro-Am Panel video and podcast
(October 09, 2005)
Natural language searches didn't happen
(October 09, 2005)
Microsoft Windows Officially Broken
(October 09, 2005)
(October 09, 2005)
How to learn from your mistakes
(October 09, 2005)
(October 09, 2005)
BBC News to launch new reader comment system
(October 09, 2005)
Artists erect giant pink bunny on mountain
(October 09, 2005)
All Your Base Belong to Amp'd
(October 09, 2005)
Monday Muddle
(March 14, 2005)
Who Does The Subservient Chicken Serve?
(March 12, 2005)
The Long Tail of Software
(March 12, 2005)
Phone or Wallet?
(March 12, 2005)
Mr I-mode
(March 12, 2005)
(March 12, 2005)
Customer creativity
(March 12, 2005)
\"a driven man who has become so overwhelmed with the horror of the plague, which cost him his entire family, and angered at the seemingly indifferent attitude of the Galactic Union towards the suffering of the Borderers that he has determined that the pla
(March 09, 2005)
Mobile TV
(March 06, 2005)
Steve Jobs Interview
(March 05, 2005)
Stealth haptics for Powerbooks
(March 05, 2005)
Roundup of links
(March 05, 2005)
BPI persecutes its customers and their families
(March 05, 2005)
Not now, Kato...
(March 03, 2005)
Moth reviews
(March 03, 2005)
Mobile and radio: not just mobile radio
(March 03, 2005)
(March 03, 2005)
Dynamic barcodes
(March 03, 2005)
Augmented Animals
(March 03, 2005)
Technology narrowing life experiences
(February 26, 2005)
Qix = QuickSilver for Mobile?
(February 26, 2005)
In the future, music won't be made. It will be grown.
(February 26, 2005)
DRM for handset vendors
(February 26, 2005)
Businesses and cameras
(February 26, 2005)
Black & White 2
(February 26, 2005)
The Guardian on Religion
(February 24, 2005)
(February 24, 2005)
NetImperative Awards
(February 23, 2005)
(February 23, 2005)
Coming out in the wash...
(February 23, 2005)
(February 22, 2005)
iPods vs Phones
(February 21, 2005)
(February 19, 2005)
That Mitchell and Webb Sound
(February 19, 2005)
Synaesthesia week!
(February 19, 2005)
Savaje News
(February 19, 2005)
Mobile bits and pieces
(February 19, 2005)
Mobile and local government
(February 19, 2005)
Flickr Colr Pickr
(February 19, 2005)
Dilettante Buddhism
(February 19, 2005)
Death of the stylus?
(February 19, 2005)
Common sense and DRM
(February 19, 2005)
(February 17, 2005)
(February 17, 2005)
Brighton & Hove Issues
(February 17, 2005)
Unique identifiers and ID
(February 16, 2005)
UIQ interface
(February 16, 2005)
Gaming Napster
(February 16, 2005)
Doom: The Boardgame
(February 16, 2005)
Selling 3G to users
(February 13, 2005)
(February 13, 2005)
MS Intern weblog
(February 13, 2005)
Monkey porn
(February 13, 2005)
Lovely things
(February 13, 2005)
Functional specs and user interfaces
(February 13, 2005)
Romancing the user experience
(February 12, 2005)
Riot On!
(February 12, 2005)
Here we go...
(February 12, 2005)
Flash on S60 - about time!
(February 12, 2005)
1 meeelion heets...
(February 12, 2005)
(February 11, 2005)
(February 10, 2005)
(February 10, 2005)
\"No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised, as someone with a microscope studies...\"
(February 10, 2005)
Mind-Numbing New Interface Technologies
(February 10, 2005)
Convenient, quick, and cheap
(February 10, 2005)
Robot City
(February 09, 2005)
My First Article
(February 09, 2005)
\"There was nothing we could do\"
(February 05, 2005)
Smartphones vs PDAs
(February 05, 2005)
Mobile advertising
(February 05, 2005)
Lies, damned lies, and marketing
(February 05, 2005)
\"Confront the most brutal facts of your current reality\"
(February 05, 2005)
(February 05, 2005)
(February 05, 2005)
Behaviour in gamers and non-gamers
(February 05, 2005)
A prison in every home
(February 05, 2005)
WAP campaign for Levis
(February 03, 2005)
Mobile games players are not serious
(February 03, 2005)
More gestures
(February 02, 2005)
Interview with Will Wright
(February 02, 2005)
DDR education?
(February 01, 2005)
Now in widescreen
(January 31, 2005)
Mobile operators and business services
(January 31, 2005)
Mobile + Entertainment != Mobile Entertainment
(January 31, 2005)
Mission to Brighton
(January 31, 2005)
Is iPod the Razor or the Blade?
(January 31, 2005)
Design Synthesis on MMORPGs
(January 31, 2005)
Creating passionate users
(January 31, 2005)
Why video games shouldn't be like the movies
(January 30, 2005)
The answering machine desk
(January 30, 2005)
My Favourite Computer Games of 2004
(January 30, 2005)
Losing a technical argument?
(January 30, 2005)
Hacking mobile tariffs
(January 30, 2005)
Games of degradation
(January 30, 2005)
Peas on Earth
(January 29, 2005)
Outsourcing phone sex
(January 29, 2005)
MMRPG sweatshops?
(January 29, 2005)
Mobile TV predictions
(January 28, 2005)
Screen cleaning
(January 27, 2005)
(January 27, 2005)
What are friends for?
(January 26, 2005)
\"Predatory adults could us an RSS reader\"
(January 26, 2005)
Playful objects
(January 26, 2005)
OSS: end of life?
(January 26, 2005)
Mobile Advertising Should Benefit The User, Not The Advertiser
(January 26, 2005)
(January 26, 2005)
iPods and walkman
(January 26, 2005)
Innovative Game Design Symposium
(January 26, 2005)
(January 26, 2005)
\"Track changes\" in weblogs?
(January 25, 2005)
Doctorow on Mobile DRM
(January 25, 2005)
The Bear.
(January 24, 2005)
Unpleasant milestones
(January 23, 2005)
Tagging Welsh Children
(January 23, 2005)
Software patents and fishing
(January 23, 2005)
Orange Music Player
(January 23, 2005)
(January 23, 2005)
Visual Radio
(January 22, 2005)
(January 22, 2005)
On Intelligence
(January 22, 2005)
Mac Mini
(January 22, 2005)
Hyperlinking by photos and machine intelligence
(January 22, 2005)
Hack the bid!
(January 22, 2005)
A list of famous unsolved
(January 22, 2005)
Happy people are less well-connected to reality
(January 21, 2005)
CNN meets Onion
(January 21, 2005)
2005 predictions
(January 21, 2005)
Turing Lecture with Fred Brooks
(January 20, 2005)
Sims Reality show?
(January 20, 2005)
(January 20, 2005)
Phone purse
(January 20, 2005)
Open Mobile Platforms?
(January 20, 2005)
Nokia 6260
(January 20, 2005)
BCS/IEE Turing Lecture
(January 20, 2005)
Google and comment spam
(January 19, 2005)
Games for learning
(January 18, 2005)
Design for Evil
(January 18, 2005)
Writing interactive fiction with Inform:
(January 17, 2005)
Bop it
(January 17, 2005)
Weblogs as lab books
(January 16, 2005)
The Foot
(January 16, 2005)
High Altitude Glider Project
(January 16, 2005)
Haptics and gestural phone interfaces
(January 16, 2005)
Handset design, poor assumptions, and brand shovelling
(January 16, 2005)
Cameraphone adoption and usage
(January 16, 2005)
\"There is no bedtime\"
(January 15, 2005)
Telephones and Finland
(January 15, 2005)
Security, syncing and the flipside of simplicity
(January 15, 2005)
Recycling and mobile
(January 15, 2005)
Orthotics and inclusive design
(January 15, 2005)
Mobile art projects
(January 15, 2005)
Game-related links
(January 15, 2005)
Difficult questions about videogames
(January 15, 2005)
(January 14, 2005)
Java portals, yet again
(January 14, 2005)
Jam-style iPod action, via Mr
(January 14, 2005)
How to turn your cat
(January 14, 2005)
The Sun on Mobile
(January 13, 2005)
Names as expression
(January 13, 2005)
Mobile health scares
(January 13, 2005)
Co-operative games
(January 13, 2005)
Apple and tipping points
(January 13, 2005)
MobileGirl on what it really
(January 11, 2005)
Metal whiskers
(January 11, 2005)
Include 2005: \"The object of
(January 11, 2005)
The Power Of Stupidity
(January 10, 2005)
Interface links
(January 10, 2005)
Eyetoy, girl gamers
(January 10, 2005)
Emulators bring old computers to
(January 10, 2005)
Capoeira in Brighton
(January 10, 2005)
We sit with the universe
(January 09, 2005)
The Register on BitTorrent: \"Either
(January 09, 2005)
Phone biz agrees on $1
(January 09, 2005)
(January 09, 2005)
James tells it like it
(January 09, 2005)
Garfield is dead.
(January 09, 2005)
Business 2.0 on The Rise
(January 09, 2005)
Casual gaming
(January 07, 2005)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
(January 05, 2005)
What do you believe is true, even though you cannot prove it?
(January 04, 2005)
Voice traffic scales with population
(January 04, 2005)
The Sims as a learning environment
(January 04, 2005)
Play, noh theatre and kata
(January 04, 2005)
Omori Sogen
(January 04, 2005)
Love what you do
(January 04, 2005)
Emotion design and I-mode
(January 04, 2005)
Blogging, cameraphones and the mass market
(January 04, 2005)
Another boring post about WAP
(January 04, 2005)
Tsunami, Flickr and WAP
(January 03, 2005)
Heathrow X-ray scanner
(January 03, 2005)
The Free Lunch Is Over:
(January 02, 2005)
(January 02, 2005)
\"Tommy Cooper meets hip-hop in
(December 31, 2004)
The mistakes of version 1.0:
(December 31, 2004)
My MMOG 2005 wishlist: a
(December 31, 2004)
Mobility is more than J2ME:
(December 31, 2004)
M2M and DoCoMo
(December 31, 2004)
Doing one thing well...
(December 31, 2004)
Cory Doctorow on DRM fallacies:
(December 31, 2004)
ConQwest: \"ConQwest is a Big
(December 31, 2004)
Acoustic Space: Trans Cultural Mapping
(December 31, 2004)
A list of location-based games.
(December 31, 2004)
A history of the iPod
(December 31, 2004)
Python for S60
(December 30, 2004)
Post-xmas linkfest
(December 30, 2004)
Play-related roundup
(December 30, 2004)
Mobiles for authentication
(December 30, 2004)
Lovely quote via Louise Ferguson:
(December 30, 2004)
Looks like the Virgin Mary
(December 30, 2004)
ID cards
(December 30, 2004)
Folksonomies and yet more Flickr
(December 30, 2004)
Block wi-fi transmissions - with
(December 30, 2004)
All that and a hideous
(December 30, 2004)
Vodafone, Content Controls, etc.
(December 23, 2004)
Togs 10 most persistent design
(December 23, 2004)
Problem with 3G
(December 23, 2004)
Mobile and Push
(December 23, 2004)
It's not about early adopters any more...
(December 23, 2004)
Ideo on Toys: \"Hit toy
(December 23, 2004)
(December 23, 2004)
Delightful interface: \"Buddy Bugs is
(December 23, 2004)
Cosmic Baker Attacks Phone Mast!
(December 23, 2004)
Blogging is catching on for
(December 23, 2004)
The Graphing Calculator Story
(December 22, 2004)
Man's hour: \"Snow said he
(December 22, 2004)
iPods as social networking tools
(December 22, 2004)
(December 22, 2004)
Virtual trade is a tough
(December 21, 2004)
The Register on ID cards
(December 21, 2004)
(December 21, 2004)
Jude kicks off
(December 21, 2004)
Game interfaces and anonymity
(December 21, 2004)
Bloody hell, this is fantastic:
(December 21, 2004)
Art on mobile
(December 21, 2004)
The music industry on the
(December 20, 2004)
Software patents
(December 20, 2004)
SMS replies to MMS
(December 20, 2004)
No time for 'real' play:
(December 19, 2004)
More on chip and pin
(December 19, 2004)
MobileGirl: \"It's about allowing someone
(December 19, 2004)
IANAL, but I didn't realise
(December 19, 2004)
Young and mobile - should
(December 18, 2004)
StrapYa - an online store
(December 18, 2004)
Software development as a co-operative
(December 18, 2004)
Shoppers are wary of chip
(December 18, 2004)
Pernille reckons that mobile data
(December 18, 2004)
Not only has game specialist
(December 18, 2004)
Motorola handset fails to boot.
(December 18, 2004)
Evolution, creationism, monkeys and god:
(December 18, 2004)
(December 18, 2004)
Tim Berners-Lee on the stupidity
(December 17, 2004)
Photos from our (second) Christmas
(December 17, 2004)
Oooh get you! A little
(December 17, 2004)
Nice piece from Joel on
(December 17, 2004)
Mappr: geo-locating Flickr images.
(December 17, 2004)
Macromedia have a new mobile
(December 17, 2004)
Inflicting pain on griefers: \"a
(December 17, 2004)
Review of Mario Party: \"Nintendo
(December 16, 2004)
P2P in 15 lines of Python
(December 16, 2004)
Hollywood goes for BitTorrent: \"These
(December 16, 2004)
Comic book heroes make it
(December 16, 2004)
A worrying tendency emerges, as
(December 16, 2004)
Tool use confimed in monkeys
(December 15, 2004)
Greg Costikyan on the future of mobile games
(December 15, 2004)
Getting the budget out of
(December 15, 2004)
A catalog of mobile users.
(December 15, 2004)
Yahoo on non-traditional mobile games:
(December 14, 2004)
Via James: Writing Christmas cards
(December 14, 2004)
More on Savaje; given that
(December 14, 2004)
More on Bluetooth security: \"Laurie
(December 14, 2004)
Whilst I was out to
(December 13, 2004)
Small screens, big lessons: a
(December 13, 2004)
Is this BT ambient interface
(December 13, 2004)
Gah! \"3G will be attractive
(December 13, 2004)
We spent yesterday afternoon round
(December 12, 2004)
The evolution of Mario
(December 12, 2004)
The demise of PalmOS is
(December 12, 2004)
Nice little piece about a
(December 12, 2004)
More from Peter Goldsbury on
(December 12, 2004)
How and why people use
(December 12, 2004)
Finding difficult puzzles: \"The best
(December 12, 2004)
It was the Good Technology
(December 11, 2004)
Wow. I am on one
(December 10, 2004)
Not sure if it's MarsEdit
(December 10, 2004)
James has been investigating Unicode
(December 10, 2004)
The Young 'Uns are unplugging;
(December 09, 2004)
Supporting mobile music for all
(December 09, 2004)
Mmm, freedom: \"They'll be finger
(December 09, 2004)
Millions to miss out on
(December 09, 2004)
Everyone in the whole world
(December 09, 2004)
Dom on the joy of
(December 09, 2004)
Dave writes about community wireless networks
(December 09, 2004)
btw, apologies for the PostSpurt.
(December 09, 2004)
Amabuddy: Scan 2.0?
(December 09, 2004)
With such limited screen space,
(December 08, 2004)
Utter randomness - on this
(December 08, 2004)
Rui Carmo on Palm moving
(December 08, 2004)
Orange have announced their 3G
(December 08, 2004)
Le Monde are offering weblog
(December 08, 2004)
I don't understand the importance
(December 08, 2004)
Viewtiful Joe 2 is out.
(December 07, 2004)
The first ad network devoted
(December 07, 2004)
SMXL contrast the down-turn in
(December 07, 2004)
Smart Mobs dissects the Virgin
(December 07, 2004)
Romain David talks about televisual
(December 07, 2004)
(December 07, 2004)
Ninjas killed my family
(December 07, 2004)
New ways of estimating orang-utan
(December 07, 2004)
MobileGirl hits the nail on
(December 07, 2004)
Mobile operators start to get segmentation
(December 07, 2004)
Malcolm Gladwell on the faith
(December 07, 2004)
Jakob Nielsen lists the most
(December 07, 2004)
Whizzy little automatic face generator.
(December 06, 2004)
The Inquirer asks if the
(December 06, 2004)
Hundred Acre Wood is a
(December 06, 2004)
From James: the skeletal systems
(December 06, 2004)
Christian Lindholm reviews the photo
(December 06, 2004)
Can you see the giraffe?
(December 06, 2004)
Alan Moore interviews Brian Eno.
(December 06, 2004)
\"Women in Waders\"
(December 05, 2004)
(December 05, 2004)
Interview with the designer of
(December 05, 2004)
\"A little book of twitching\"
(December 05, 2004)
50 optical illusions
(December 05, 2004)
The problem of writing about LambdaMOO
(December 04, 2004)
Separated at birth?
(December 04, 2004)
Mr. Melon on Artpad
(December 04, 2004)
Weighted lists
(December 03, 2004)
The Kingdom of Loathing
(December 03, 2004)
Peter Goldsbury on \"The Kata of Play\"
(December 03, 2004)
Origami slippers
(December 03, 2004)
Interview with Richard Dawkins
(December 03, 2004)
Goodbye CAPTCHAs, hello Distributed Porn-Powered Processing
(December 03, 2004)
(December 03, 2004)
Xmas meal photos - normal service will be resumed presently
(December 02, 2004)
Which? slam 3G
(December 02, 2004)
We're coming over all Flirtomatic...
(December 02, 2004)
Using search log analysis to predict the future
(December 02, 2004)
Ubiquitous computing: nearer than you think
(December 02, 2004)
(December 02, 2004)
Radio and mobile - we did a big project earlier this year around this, wonder if I can get permission to talk about it?
(December 02, 2004)
Photos from the British Museum exhibition of Japanese swords
(December 02, 2004)
mmO2 adopts i-mode brand in the UK
(December 02, 2004)
Cellspotting - but will they make the data available?
(December 02, 2004)
\"Blog\" is word of the year
(December 02, 2004)
What do you want to do with your life?
(December 01, 2004)
Warming to handset feature creep?
(December 01, 2004)
The Return of the King
(December 01, 2004)
Softer wins
(December 01, 2004)
(December 01, 2004)
Death By Autocontent
(December 01, 2004)
The Joy of Sexual Physics
(November 30, 2004)
Some things are meant to be secret
(November 30, 2004)
Project Life-line
(November 30, 2004)
O2 strikes deal with DoCoMo - and Tomi Ahonen explains what they're actually getting (scro
(November 30, 2004)
MX Telecom launch video-on-demand
(November 30, 2004)
Mobile and haptics
(November 30, 2004)
Lycos spamming spammers?
(November 30, 2004)
John Gabriels Internet Fuckwad Theory
(November 30, 2004)
Gah. I thought this might sync my 7610 and Mac nicely. Twas not to be...
(November 30, 2004)
Cute blog interface - if you like that sort of thing
(November 30, 2004)
Context and predictive mobile usage
(November 30, 2004)
BT Callwise
(November 30, 2004)
(November 29, 2004)
Aikido seminar next May - looks good...
(November 29, 2004)
\"The same thing we do every week, Pinky...\"
(November 28, 2004)
What should I do with my life?
(November 27, 2004)
Weblog of Ukrainian revolution
(November 27, 2004)
User-centric turkey carving
(November 27, 2004)
The Tipping Point
(November 27, 2004)
Review of a recent beautifully engineered Motorola handset
(November 27, 2004)
(November 27, 2004)
Mobile gaming takes off in India
(November 27, 2004)
Kyocera cellphone for the elderly - interesting assumption that the elderly don't use address books... nice battery life tho.
(November 27, 2004)
Interesting looking game style: Feel the Magic XX/XY... \"tap, rub, scream at, and blow directly into the Nintendo DS\"
(November 27, 2004)
(November 27, 2004)
(November 27, 2004)
\"Any project lacking that certain “little something” can have the void filled with the addition of a Rubber Duck\"
(November 27, 2004)
UK court jails man for videoing courtroom with cameraphone
(November 26, 2004)
Privacy protection planned by HP
(November 26, 2004)
Ninja vs Pirate!
(November 26, 2004)
You Will Be Assimilated
(November 25, 2004)
Winner or sinner
(November 25, 2004)
Violence in nursery rhymes
(November 25, 2004)
Swearing in adventure games
(November 25, 2004)
(November 25, 2004)
O2 sign with DoCoMo to license i-Mode - can any explain to me what they're getting?
(November 25, 2004)
Mike joins NetImperative
(November 25, 2004)
(November 25, 2004)
Joh namechecks the Gashlycrumb Tinies - a fantastically horrible work :)
(November 25, 2004)
Hacked traffic signs swear at mayor
(November 25, 2004)
Craftmanship, Bruce Lee, and software engineering
(November 25, 2004)
Count the stars - lovely little throwaway non-competitive game
(November 25, 2004)
Coder or killer?
(November 25, 2004)
Analog executive dashboard
(November 25, 2004)
Adopt a sniper
(November 25, 2004)
33 million Americans have performed some kind of online rating
(November 25, 2004)
Wi-fi music in car jams?
(November 24, 2004)
UI patterns and techniques
(November 24, 2004)
The Smaller Picture
(November 24, 2004)
Thank God the VCR is dead
(November 24, 2004)
Samsung and design
(November 24, 2004)
Retrospec: reworkings of classic games
(November 24, 2004)
Phones as hackable platforms
(November 24, 2004)
\"Our Hero, whose name is Brian, BLESSED be thy name.\"
(November 24, 2004)
I had no idea that multilinguists switched language in mid-text, but Devi@FP assures me it's true...
(November 24, 2004)
EasyMobile to run in conjunction with T-Mobile
(November 24, 2004)
Dynamic Gameplay Adjustment
(November 24, 2004)
Awful new Dr Who logo
(November 24, 2004)
A record label that isn't evil
(November 24, 2004)
MPAA get surreal
(November 23, 2004)
BBC Radio online listening figures
(November 23, 2004)
Powerpoint as art (again)
(November 22, 2004)
More on the BPI fileshare suits
(November 22, 2004)
Macromedia head of mobile departs
(November 22, 2004)
Interview with Simon Buckingham of Mobile Lifestreams
(November 22, 2004)
HCI 2005
(November 22, 2004)
DoCoMo in O2 discussions, and producing \"handset middleware\"
(November 22, 2004)
Design Engaged presentations
(November 22, 2004)
BT to launch 3G - err what did they do on the Isle of Man back in 2001 then?
(November 22, 2004)
Virgin Mobile announces 3G service
(November 21, 2004)
Secret Santa 2004
(November 21, 2004)
Metadata for nothing...
(November 21, 2004)
Xerox turn cameraphones into photocopiers?
(November 20, 2004)
What Walmart knows about customer habits
(November 20, 2004)
\"Straight male seeks Bush supporter for fair, physical fight\"
(November 20, 2004)
RussBu on voice messaging and PTT
(November 20, 2004)
(November 20, 2004)
Original Ape Discovered - proto-ape?
(November 20, 2004)
Nintendo DS manual
(November 20, 2004)
Interview with the guy who did AI for Halo 2
(November 20, 2004)
(November 20, 2004)
Does tracking your child really make them safer?
(November 20, 2004)
DoCoMo go circuit-switched for 3G video?
(November 20, 2004)
Cute Flash game from GT - now you too can inhabit a world of PeteSs...
(November 20, 2004)
Consistency of brand and experiecne
(November 20, 2004)
Cathy Marshall on personal digital libraries
(November 20, 2004)
The Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook
(November 17, 2004)
The iBand - which reminded me of Mr Jones' presentation
(November 17, 2004)
Nokia to merge Series 60 and Series 90
(November 17, 2004)
Motorola expects strong 3G handset sales
(November 17, 2004)
Mobile games are 5% of gaming market
(November 17, 2004)
Device complexity makes users feel dumb
(November 17, 2004)
Designing the Fedex logo
(November 17, 2004)
Design as communication
(November 17, 2004)
(November 17, 2004)
City of Tomorrow
(November 17, 2004)
\"we follow the law of armed conflict\"
(November 16, 2004)
Vodafone Portugal releases album on mobile before CD
(November 16, 2004)
Voda 3G filth
(November 16, 2004)
(November 16, 2004)
\"There’s no free beer (unfortunately) in the mobile world\"
(November 16, 2004)
The Internet is still only in its adolescence
(November 16, 2004)
RSS and mobile
(November 16, 2004)
Privacy International phone-cam silliness
(November 16, 2004)
(November 16, 2004)
Cat in Zero-G
(November 16, 2004)
Blogs are evil
(November 16, 2004)
Another call for papers
(November 16, 2004)
Games for iPod
(November 15, 2004)
More details about the Telstra i-mode launch
(November 14, 2004)
Consumers snub portable video
(November 14, 2004)
The magic colouring wall
(November 13, 2004)
Capcom release chainsaw-shaped controller
(November 13, 2004)
Cameraphones impacting on traditional media
(November 13, 2004)
Bionic dolphin: \"Its inventor calls it a carnival ride gone wrong.\"
(November 13, 2004)
Videophones act as dating tools - watch this space :)
(November 12, 2004)
The story of Audion
(November 12, 2004)
The hidden history of mobile media
(November 12, 2004)
Telstra launches i-mode
(November 12, 2004)
Telcos move towards wi-fi roaming
(November 12, 2004)
Self-indulgent weblogger post
(November 12, 2004)
QuickSilver for mobile
(November 12, 2004)
Design for mobile is hot again
(November 12, 2004)
Analysis of Vodafone 3G consumer offering, and more about Vodafone Live on the Sony Ericsson v800
(November 12, 2004)
Wario Ware DS
(November 11, 2004)
Operators and handset vendors get together on customisation
(November 11, 2004)
New book from Malcolm Gladwell - several years late, I'm just reading Tipping Point now...
(November 11, 2004)
Mobile game piracy might be good, long-term?
(November 11, 2004)
iPod socks
(November 11, 2004)
Handmark moving from PDAs to mobiles
(November 11, 2004)
Great-looking and appropriate use of mobile video for 24
(November 11, 2004)
Bitesize video
(November 11, 2004)
Be seeing you!
(November 11, 2004)
A nice-sounding approach to overlaying virtual notice boards on reality
(November 11, 2004)
4 dan Aikido, 6 kyu cake-jutsu
(November 11, 2004)
Vodafone Live 3g portal
(November 10, 2004)
Support Zombie Hunting
(November 10, 2004)
Opened it, read it, it said they were suckers...
(November 10, 2004)
Maximise the Cheese!
(November 10, 2004)
Balls to comment spam
(November 10, 2004)
What difference will a PocketPC Treo make to PalmOne?
(November 09, 2004)
The Blue Packet: how telcos design and launch services
(November 09, 2004)
SMS crosswords
(November 09, 2004)
Single chip wi-fi in phones
(November 09, 2004)
Rampant fluff about mobile marketing: why does \"video\" equate to \"personalised\"?
(November 09, 2004)
Post office to sell downloads? (well, vouchers)
(November 09, 2004)
Nokia moves closer to telcos
(November 09, 2004)
\"I don't want anybody taking care of me in a nursing home some day to think I came from a monkey\"
(November 09, 2004)
\"I don't want anybody taking care of me in a nursing home some day to think I came from a monkey\"
(November 09, 2004)
GPLed sprites library
(November 09, 2004)
Flaming and the design of social software
(November 09, 2004)
Amateur newspapers?
(November 09, 2004)
Ad agencies and mobile
(November 09, 2004)
3G and Vodafone: \"If it doesn't work out, the company is toast.\"; hmm, and how kindly would shareholders judge a telecomms company which didn't buy spectrum it needed?
(November 09, 2004)
Tom Coates uses visualisation to determine how weblog tools have affected his posts - fantastic!
(November 07, 2004)
(November 07, 2004)
The de-Appling of Palm?
(November 05, 2004)
Terrifying interview on climate change
(November 05, 2004)
Sorry, everybody
(November 05, 2004)
Orange announces 3G plans
(November 05, 2004)
\"one day you might get on board a plane to be told that your pilot is a rat's brain in a petri dish\"
(November 05, 2004)
Novels delivered to your phone
(November 05, 2004)
Making 3G user-friendly
(November 05, 2004)
Flash lite doesn't allow you save state locally???
(November 05, 2004)
\"Every Friday I pick a paper from the ACM Digital Library that is found by the search term \"UI connected mobile devices\", and write a brief discussion of it. Why? Because it makes me actually read them.\"
(November 05, 2004)
DVD player for Series 60
(November 05, 2004)
Cute Flash game from the Preloaded gang
(November 05, 2004)
A survey of J2ME today
(November 05, 2004)
\"Would it be possible to produce a news paper (on or offline) made up entirely of freelance, amateur content?\"
(November 04, 2004)
The Conquest of Complexity
(November 04, 2004)
Programmers hold funerals for old code
(November 04, 2004)
PayPal get more interested in mobile
(November 04, 2004)
Nokia sues Sagem and Vitelcom
(November 04, 2004)
Nokia 7610
(November 04, 2004)
Howard Rheingold on m-learning: yes yes yes!
(November 04, 2004)
Ergonomic and cultural differences between audio and video on mobiles
(November 04, 2004)
Usability and hardware
(November 03, 2004)
The Charlie Brooker column wot got pulled
(November 03, 2004)
Review of the gig broadcast by 3 last night
(November 03, 2004)
Optimus Prime wins election
(November 03, 2004)
Mass market Series 60 handsets announced
(November 03, 2004)
LifeBlog 1.5 announced
(November 03, 2004)
\"Disney goes mobile\" - is there a month when Disney isn't \"going mobile\"?
(November 03, 2004)
Bill Bailey Portishead parody
(November 03, 2004)
\"What is an IT media telecoms company?\"
(November 02, 2004)
Videophone dating
(November 02, 2004)
UK Mobile throwing championship
(November 02, 2004)
Tyranny of the majority
(November 02, 2004)
The Pro-Am revolution
(November 02, 2004)
Robbie Williams, mobile music distribution and DRM
(November 02, 2004)
Review of the Viz event that happened as part of the comedy festival down here... and I missed
(November 02, 2004)
More on Preminet
(November 02, 2004)
Mobile bus tickets?
(November 02, 2004)
Mega backwards tron alert!
(November 02, 2004)
(November 02, 2004)
(November 02, 2004)
Download chart throws up some surprises
(November 02, 2004)
Cthulhoid slippers
(November 02, 2004)
3G gigs?
(November 02, 2004)
Write-up of the recent Jonathan Ive talk at the Design Museum
(November 01, 2004)
Sony Ericsson to support Flash Lite
(November 01, 2004)
Is P2P dying or hiding?
(November 01, 2004)
How people use their cell-phones
(November 01, 2004)
Giant squid are taking over the world
(November 01, 2004)
Copyright vs Creativity lecture
(November 01, 2004)
Anonymised SMS service in Austrialia
(November 01, 2004)
Analysis of CTIA 2004
(November 01, 2004)
(October 30, 2004)
Was Darwin Wrong?
(October 29, 2004)
Vodafone to hire chat room monitors (in Aus)
(October 29, 2004)
The end justifies the means
(October 29, 2004)
Stored procedures are evil
(October 29, 2004)
PDA sales continue to fall
(October 29, 2004)
(October 29, 2004)
Hello Kitty weblog
(October 29, 2004)
Good list of mobile usage stats
(October 29, 2004)
Flickr and PHP - interesting presentation on the underlying architecture and thinking behind Flickr
(October 29, 2004)
Ethical guidelines for ubiquitous user experiences
(October 29, 2004)
DoCoMo talking about I-mode launch
(October 29, 2004)
Anonymised text messaging
(October 29, 2004)
Youth attitudes to operators
(October 28, 2004)
You Are Not Your Users
(October 28, 2004)
Survival guide to homelessness
(October 28, 2004)
Porn will boost wireless data revenue - duh.
(October 28, 2004)
London tube data in RDF
(October 28, 2004)
Like a headless chicken
(October 28, 2004)
Java Verified program grows
(October 28, 2004)
iPod socks
(October 28, 2004)
Interface laundry
(October 28, 2004)
Christmas time, mistletoe and wine...
(October 28, 2004)
BT blocking VoIP?
(October 28, 2004)
Brand blackmail?
(October 28, 2004)
Porn and operators
(October 27, 2004)
Porn and operators
(October 27, 2004)
Porn and operators
(October 27, 2004)
Porn and operators
(October 27, 2004)
Walled gardens and billing relationships
(October 26, 2004)
The future of videophones?
(October 26, 2004)
Porn and mobile - pity the poor sods who run usability workshops on this stuff
(October 26, 2004)
Office supplies and Staples
(October 26, 2004)
Map memories to music
(October 26, 2004)
Lego robot plays Super Mario Bros
(October 26, 2004)
Is Tom Peters talking about zanshin?
(October 26, 2004)
Vulnerability found in some J2ME implementations (more here)
(October 25, 2004)
Nicki & Martin Get Hitched
(October 25, 2004)
(October 25, 2004)
Mobile games (again)
(October 25, 2004)
(October 25, 2004)
Ewan on Nokia Preminet
(October 25, 2004)
Enter the closet
(October 25, 2004)
Structured procrastination
(October 24, 2004)
Lovely visualisation tool for bands and music
(October 24, 2004)
Worthy cause: community radio bid
(October 22, 2004)
Sim Bush & Kerry
(October 22, 2004)
Off for the weekend...
(October 22, 2004)
Mobile replacing fixed-line comms
(October 22, 2004)
Java is not my cup of tea?
(October 22, 2004)
iPod advertising on 3
(October 22, 2004)
Interview with Jeff Hawkins
(October 22, 2004)
How many books does Amazon sell?
(October 22, 2004)
Big Brother builds 'Truman Show' village
(October 22, 2004)
WWE layeth the smacketh down
(October 21, 2004)
Wi-Fi on Brighton/London line
(October 21, 2004)
Usability testing crosswords
(October 21, 2004)
(October 21, 2004)
Mobile phone design for teenagers
(October 21, 2004)
Macromedia news: lots of \"partnerships\" and \"announcements ahead\", but are the figures right?
(October 21, 2004)
Latest Handango sales report
(October 21, 2004)
Jef Raskin interviewed in the Guardian
(October 21, 2004)
Interesting piece about PortalPlayer, the guys behind the iPod
(October 21, 2004)
\"In a fight between you and William Gibson, who would win?\"
(October 21, 2004)
If architects had to work like web designers
(October 21, 2004)
Gates: PC will replace TV - like fuck it will
(October 21, 2004)
Game development: harder than you think
(October 21, 2004)
Forum Nokia/RCR Wireless roundtable - conversations between mobile gaming companies
(October 21, 2004)
Flash comes to European i-Mode
(October 21, 2004)
Brighton nightclub offer Q-Jump service - fights ahoy!
(October 21, 2004)
AOP Conference
(October 21, 2004)
10 ways to kill design
(October 21, 2004)
\"word-of-mouth networks are becoming more efficient at a time when people trust large corporations less and less\"
(October 20, 2004)
Tog has Fitts
(October 20, 2004)
TNEF's enough - great for decoding winmail.dat attachments on a Mac
(October 20, 2004)
Skype hits 1 million simultaneous users
(October 20, 2004)
Pick The Prez
(October 20, 2004)
Microsoft researchers and gestural pen interfaces
(October 20, 2004)
Issue tracking software
(October 20, 2004)
DoCoMo goes corporate
(October 20, 2004)
Copyright takedown experiment
(October 20, 2004)
Café Scientifique
(October 20, 2004)
Browsers easily crashed
(October 20, 2004)
\"We must dimensionalise this paradigm\"
(October 19, 2004)
TV-B-Gone (via Jay)
(October 19, 2004)
Subscription SMS services
(October 19, 2004)
Stop this madman!
(October 19, 2004)
Soaps on a phone
(October 19, 2004)
SMS chandelier (via Jay
(October 19, 2004)
Robert Hamilton @ The Prince Albert
(October 19, 2004)
Nokia manuals online
(October 19, 2004)
My Desk
(October 19, 2004)
Mobile TV: never say never
(October 19, 2004)
Mobile consumers read 1m+ comics
(October 19, 2004)
Loyalty to channels and programmes
(October 19, 2004)
IA Trends Survey results & analysis
(October 19, 2004)
I Love Bees
(October 19, 2004)
Google helps save hostages life
(October 19, 2004)
FP recruiting
(October 19, 2004)
For Macromedia, the future belongs to non-PCs
(October 19, 2004)
Flat-screen TV emits international distress signal (via Mike)
(October 19, 2004)
Finland can't live without Nokia
(October 19, 2004)
Ed discovers the dark truth of Hove
(October 19, 2004)
Cyber bullying worse than the real thing
(October 19, 2004)
Activision and Nielsen testing in-game ads
(October 19, 2004)
The Games We Played
(October 18, 2004)
Passport dead?
(October 18, 2004)
Game and Watch
(October 18, 2004)
Ed's been busy in the lab...
(October 18, 2004)
Cory Doctorow on eBooks
(October 18, 2004)
(October 18, 2004)
\"The next time you make an international phone call remember that you are being squeezed down a phone wire and shot up into the sky and then back down again, all in the blink of an e
(October 17, 2004)
Russ interviews Tomi Ahonen
(October 17, 2004)
Motorola \"Street Stories\"
(October 17, 2004)
Could a revised 2110 save Nokia?
(October 17, 2004)
Agile Project Management with Scrum
(October 17, 2004)
3G Marketing
(October 17, 2004)
The economics of shipping water
(October 16, 2004)
The Daily WTF: Curious Perversions In Information Technology (also via James)
(October 16, 2004)
Neat little video
(October 16, 2004)
How to write unmaintainable code (via James)
(October 16, 2004)
(October 16, 2004)
A Cunning Stunt
(October 16, 2004)
Long-lost Jules Verne story \"the camera-phone\" found
(October 15, 2004)
Local information services
(October 15, 2004)
Japanese handsets get CD-quality sound
(October 15, 2004)
e-voting is to come to London
(October 15, 2004)
Dial your voicemail
(October 15, 2004)
Contraceptive pill reminders by SMS
(October 15, 2004)
Accessible train times
(October 15, 2004)
Absolutely fucking disgusting
(October 15, 2004)
UK lottery goes mobile
(October 14, 2004)
Qualcomm acquires Trigenix
(October 14, 2004)
Open source iTunes client
(October 14, 2004)
Open source currency?
(October 14, 2004)
Mozilla Amazon Browser
(October 14, 2004)
More on the seizure of IndyMedia servers
(October 14, 2004)
More from Tomi Ahonen, on
(October 14, 2004)
Mobile phone ear tumours risk?
(October 14, 2004)
\"mobile developers should always test on older mobiles, it can be easy to forget about the man in seat 12B when you're in an office surrounded with the latest gear.\"
(October 14, 2004)
Mobile and TV
(October 14, 2004)
Interesting article about use cases - though I'm sure I've seen some of the examples Adam hasn't come across...
(October 14, 2004)
(October 14, 2004)
Don't make me think - yet
(October 14, 2004)
Affective technologies: emotions and mobile phones
(October 14, 2004)
\"Weliky, in an ironic twist, set 12 ferrets watching the reality-stretching film The Matrix.\"
(October 12, 2004)
Videogames with an agenda
(October 12, 2004)
Orange moots 3G delay
(October 12, 2004)
News re the BBC content archive
(October 12, 2004)
French cinemas jam mobiles
(October 12, 2004)
Ericssons On magazine
(October 12, 2004)
Situational software
(October 11, 2004)
(October 11, 2004)
Mobile research methods
(October 11, 2004)
Mobile doesn't have to be commercial
(October 11, 2004)
Mobile comedy service launches
(October 11, 2004)
M-Government 2005: Call for papers on Best Practice
(October 11, 2004)
I-mode and O2
(October 11, 2004)
Ewans Symbian Expo writeup
(October 11, 2004)
Crazy walking machine
(October 11, 2004)
(October 10, 2004)
New Apes!
(October 10, 2004)
How do we search for life?
(October 10, 2004)
Symbian Expo writeup
(October 08, 2004)
Russ thought Web 2.0 was OK
(October 08, 2004)
Personas in online games
(October 08, 2004)
Office move
(October 08, 2004)
Levis finally do something mobile - only 4 years too late, but like the Murphys...
(October 08, 2004)
Bluetooth at Symbian Expo
(October 08, 2004)
UK record labels sue file swappers
(October 07, 2004)
The Cheeky Girls vs Hamas??
(October 07, 2004)
Text blocking aid fights bullies
(October 07, 2004)
Operators: give us cash or die
(October 07, 2004)
Long Tails and Niche Markets
(October 07, 2004)
(October 07, 2004)
Beautifully-written story of MMORPG life
(October 07, 2004)
Zombies seeking BRAINS
(October 06, 2004)
Using patterns in web design
(October 06, 2004)
Sociology of the mobile phone
(October 06, 2004)
Sketching and prototyping
(October 06, 2004)
Orange Push PTT
(October 06, 2004)
Operators vs Handset vendors
(October 06, 2004)
Mr Buckley on self-liquidating promotions
(October 06, 2004)
Mobile: the new gold rush?
(October 06, 2004)
MMS, Flickr, and how interfaces affect writing
(October 06, 2004)
Intel link up with Symbian
(October 06, 2004)
If pets could blog
(October 06, 2004)
Getting your cell ID from Symbian apps - who needs LBS anyhow ;)
(October 06, 2004)
Generation C
(October 06, 2004)
Devi Flickrs
(October 06, 2004)
Buongiorno on Death Row
(October 06, 2004)
Brighton & Hove Muslim Forum - nice example of a community weblog
(October 06, 2004)
Awful advertising
(October 06, 2004)
Symbian Expo, Macromedia
(October 05, 2004)
Symbian Expo Keynote Presentations
(October 05, 2004)
Where's Chris?
(October 04, 2004)
Records Of Dot.Com Roadkill To Be Saved For Posterity
(October 04, 2004)
Ideal government
(October 04, 2004)
Esther Dyson invests in Flickr
(October 04, 2004)
Bliss magazine launches mobile blogging service
(October 04, 2004)
Lamp wot sleeps
(October 03, 2004)
\"WIMP does not translate to mobile devices\"
(October 02, 2004)
TheyWorkForYou.com opens up development wiki
(October 02, 2004)
terrst terrst terrst
(October 02, 2004)
Plane meets wall
(October 02, 2004)
Pillow Fight Club
(October 02, 2004)
Boosting your phone signal (via Ed)
(October 02, 2004)
BBC focuses on mobile content
(October 02, 2004)
The Information Architecture of Wine
(October 01, 2004)
SonyEricsson provide Nokia UI compatibility
(October 01, 2004)
Silk - another platform to deliver content to handsets
(October 01, 2004)
On-phone manuals
(October 01, 2004)
A little Tufte recap
(October 01, 2004)
Pong: the text adventure
(September 29, 2004)
Phone users use phones shock!
(September 29, 2004)
Geek hierarchies
(September 29, 2004)
Content companies jumping on mobile?
(September 29, 2004)
AAC adopted for 3G audio
(September 29, 2004)
A squirrel playing the drums
(September 29, 2004)
VoxPolitics event at CommunityBase
(September 28, 2004)
\"Right Said Fred...\"
(September 28, 2004)
Punch-up at tomb of Jesus
(September 28, 2004)
New PalmOS release, Palm stress ease-of-use
(September 28, 2004)
Man clones God
(September 28, 2004)
Escher in Lego
(September 28, 2004)
Concept phones you'll never see
(September 28, 2004)
Accessibility tips for Flash
(September 28, 2004)
Worlds largest mushroom
(September 27, 2004)
VoxPolitics event in Brighton tonight - anyone going?
(September 27, 2004)
The Art Of The Start
(September 27, 2004)
Speech for user interfaces
(September 27, 2004)
O2 announce 3G business product, and criticise consumer 3G launches
(September 27, 2004)
Mobile phones and legislative abuse
(September 27, 2004)
Lovely mobile art project
(September 27, 2004)
Last.fm: personalised radio station
(September 27, 2004)
Joi Ito on Last.fm
(September 27, 2004)
Joel Spolsky changes his mind about web applications
(September 27, 2004)
Iffy research re MS vs Symbian
(September 27, 2004)
Geeks aren't innovating
(September 27, 2004)
Esther pops up - LIKE A CLAM
(September 27, 2004)
\"You just can't win if you're trying to offer 3G these days\"
(September 26, 2004)
Why specs matter
(September 26, 2004)
\"Japanese game makers... are pinning hopes on mobile platforms\"
(September 26, 2004)
In Taunton...
(September 26, 2004)
Graph of MMOG growth
(September 26, 2004)
Chrysalis unveil Music2Mobile brand
(September 24, 2004)
Audio books and mobile
(September 24, 2004)
SevenDeadly: shirts and mugs
(September 23, 2004)
Pac-man art
(September 23, 2004)
\"I only have two rules...\"
(September 23, 2004)
How the music biz can live forever, get even richer, and be loved
(September 23, 2004)
Fantastic surfing clip
(September 23, 2004)
Esther's global media domination begins
(September 23, 2004)
What Steve Wozniak learned from failure
(September 22, 2004)
Volantis launch managed service
(September 22, 2004)
Vodafone to push 3G this xmas
(September 22, 2004)
Mobiles for content creation
(September 22, 2004)
Mexican Catholics Smite Mobiles
(September 22, 2004)
Lovely piece about Ceefax
(September 22, 2004)
(September 22, 2004)
Disney to launch mobile content download service in Spain
(September 22, 2004)
Buy beer using SMS
(September 22, 2004)
And it did!
(September 22, 2004)
...And I'll Cry If I Want To...
(September 22, 2004)
Woot - an interesting variant on e-commerce
(September 21, 2004)
The Recycling
(September 21, 2004)
The infamous Monty Hall problem
(September 21, 2004)
PalmOne reports profit
(September 21, 2004)
Moment of Buzz (via Jay)
(September 21, 2004)
Mobile payment provider says mobile payment service will be good for mobile payment provider
(September 21, 2004)
MMS and usability
(September 21, 2004)
Learning to Koba with cowardice
(September 21, 2004)
iPodderX - neat client for iPodder
(September 21, 2004)
Free content makes money
(September 21, 2004)
Deaf children create a language from gestures
(September 21, 2004)
Video calling for the deaf
(September 20, 2004)
Unsolicited text messages are annoying, film at 11...
(September 20, 2004)
\"The prime minister should apologise for the first Iraq war before beginning a second\"
(September 20, 2004)
More paintings from Boz
(September 20, 2004)
MMS users need to be educated
(September 20, 2004)
Interesting discussion about how spontaneous the post-Madrid train-bomb flash-mobs really were...
(September 20, 2004)
God vs Bush
(September 20, 2004)
Contemporary art on mobiles
(September 20, 2004)
Club Nokia exits ringtone market
(September 20, 2004)
Burning Man
(September 20, 2004)
Alice Chatbot wins Loebner prize again
(September 20, 2004)
(September 19, 2004)
RSS feeds and newsletters
(September 19, 2004)
Mobile P2P to iTunes and back again
(September 19, 2004)
Mobile Flash
(September 19, 2004)
Interesting-looking N-Gage title
(September 19, 2004)
(September 18, 2004)
Mystery hero hands out kindess in Brighton
(September 17, 2004)
Jerry Roe of Shazam on mobile content
(September 17, 2004)
Where's Flash for phones?
(September 16, 2004)
Where was Microsoft at Code Camp?
(September 16, 2004)
I love the look of this...
(September 16, 2004)
VC presentation tips
(September 15, 2004)
To Evil!
(September 15, 2004)
The God FAQ
(September 15, 2004)
Ringtones in the UK
(September 15, 2004)
(September 15, 2004)
Outfoxed interviews released under CC license
(September 15, 2004)
Making personas more powerful
(September 15, 2004)
Interesting weblog about powerpoint and presentations
(September 15, 2004)
FunkyZoom : techniques for browsing photos on mobiles (via Anti-mega)
(September 15, 2004)
Experimenting with form factors
(September 15, 2004)
DScape, FP and iPods
(September 15, 2004)
Code Camp Day 3
(September 15, 2004)
Why did Sendo bury the hatchet with MS?
(September 14, 2004)
What can you say with only 3 pixels - WOW.
(September 14, 2004)
(September 14, 2004)
The Fix
(September 14, 2004)
Speech recognition on a chip within 3 years - err, if they can do it
(September 14, 2004)
New lens technology for cameraphones?
(September 14, 2004)
Incrementalists vs completionists
(September 14, 2004)
Freeway blogger
(September 14, 2004)
Code Camp Day 2
(September 14, 2004)
And in the Orange corner...
(September 14, 2004)
Code Camp Day 1
(September 13, 2004)
O2 trials TV on mobiles
(September 12, 2004)
Wired article on IM chat 'bots
(September 11, 2004)
Teens get help via text
(September 11, 2004)
Social Interface Design
(September 11, 2004)
P2P vendor sues RIAA over copyright
(September 11, 2004)
Nokia and Six Apart collaborate on moblogging
(September 11, 2004)
Java for content distribution
(September 11, 2004)
George Bush sings \"Sunday Bloody Sunday\"
(September 11, 2004)
Cameraphone risks
(September 11, 2004)
Last Push Over The Top
(September 09, 2004)
Scarfell Pike
(September 08, 2004)
S'now-done (sorry)
(September 05, 2004)
We Have Arrived
(September 04, 2004)
Riot-E film
(September 03, 2004)
\"Hello? I'm up a mountain! No - it's rubbish!\"
(September 03, 2004)
Absolutely beautiful Wi-fi detector (via Jane & Richard)
(September 03, 2004)
Viewtiful Joe gets animated
(September 02, 2004)
\"The RIAA made the networks evolve technically, from a relatively incocous MP3 network to the file sharing network from hell\"
(September 02, 2004)
The Big Blip returns - it was good last year
(September 02, 2004)
Phone sales continue to grow
(September 02, 2004)
Orange launches push-to-talk
(September 02, 2004)
Lars Becker leaves Flytxt
(September 02, 2004)
Ericsson abandons Bluetooth - why???
(September 02, 2004)
Boz Hits The Press!
(September 02, 2004)
Bluetooth and robots
(September 02, 2004)
Samsung phones to double as wallets
(September 01, 2004)
Intrusive Google Ads
(September 01, 2004)
Interesting piece about site-mapping
(September 01, 2004)
Filthy Filthy Fruit
(September 01, 2004)
Terror fears over subway phone service
(August 31, 2004)
IT Myth 6: IT doesn't scale
(August 31, 2004)
ChangeThis (via Russ)
(August 31, 2004)
Amazon start selling mobile games
(August 31, 2004)
(August 30, 2004)
Vodafone increasingly targets girls
(August 30, 2004)
Video games and politics
(August 30, 2004)
Mobile usage grows in under-7s
(August 30, 2004)
MMS scratchcards
(August 30, 2004)
Jet-powered wheelchair!
(August 30, 2004)
Hero tops US box office - too right, it's fantastic!
(August 30, 2004)
European M-Government Conference 2005, just down the road from us...
(August 30, 2004)
Document redactions are often a joke
(August 30, 2004)
Beautiful artwork generated by MMS
(August 30, 2004)
Apple software design guidelines
(August 30, 2004)
Adam Curry's iPodder
(August 30, 2004)
The Scrum Development Process
(August 29, 2004)
The case against extreme programming
(August 29, 2004)
(August 29, 2004)
Is increasing complexity inevitable?
(August 29, 2004)
Great post from Russell Buckley on mobile couponing
(August 29, 2004)
Extreme Programming: a gentle introduction
(August 29, 2004)
Borland Software Craftsmanship: A New Look at Process, Quality and Productivity
(August 29, 2004)
Agile Sussex: encouraging Agile methods in software development in Sussex
(August 29, 2004)
Vodafone and Nokia
(August 28, 2004)
Off to the theatre
(August 28, 2004)
Macromedia purchases Flash->J2ME conversion company
(August 28, 2004)
Vodafone Japan concept gallery
(August 27, 2004)
\"This is not a specific complaint. This is not even a gob of spit. This is a fist to your throat, a cancer-tipped bullet fired deep into your soul.\"
(August 27, 2004)
Sell side advertising
(August 27, 2004)
Mobile vouchers and shopping by Bluetooth?
(August 27, 2004)
Holiday photos
(August 27, 2004)
3, internet access, and what customers want
(August 27, 2004)
(August 26, 2004)
(August 26, 2004)
Nokia and Vodafone to collaborate on Java standards
(August 26, 2004)
Mobile pull-based advertising
(August 26, 2004)
Mobile phones and body language
(August 26, 2004)
Mobile domain names, again
(August 26, 2004)
Iraq continues to enjoy freedom
(August 26, 2004)
(August 26, 2004)
Clay Kitten Shooting
(August 26, 2004)
Navmo launch
(August 25, 2004)
More child tracking nonsense
(August 25, 2004)
Jo Neary shortlisted for Perrier
(August 25, 2004)
Apple seeks wi-fi engineer
(August 25, 2004)
Interview with Charles Revillon of GameLoft
(August 24, 2004)
3 reach 1 million customers
(August 24, 2004)
What I Did For My Summer Holidays
(August 23, 2004)
We are sorry that our president is an idiot
(August 23, 2004)
Videophone etiquette
(August 23, 2004)
The difference between DAB and DVB-H in mobile
(August 23, 2004)
Representing content and data in wireframes
(August 23, 2004)
Paper prototyping UI elements - I want to see a full UI using this :)
(August 23, 2004)
Notes on Japanese mobile culture and urban life
(August 23, 2004)
Location and presence in mobile data services
(August 23, 2004)
J2ME is interfaces
(August 23, 2004)
Fashion exists, even amongst VCs
(August 23, 2004)
Exhibitionists and voyeurs: human communication patterns and their impact on locative media
(August 23, 2004)
Do mobile users want TV?
(August 23, 2004)
Digital TV: set-top boxes vs wi-fi
(August 23, 2004)
Comparing inbound MMS traffic to ad response rates
(August 23, 2004)
Bluetooth flying robots?
(August 23, 2004)
Advance Wars 2
(August 23, 2004)
The purpose of the HCI student is to flip out and design user interfaces.
(August 22, 2004)
Johnny and Denise generate 8000+ incoming MMS
(August 22, 2004)
\"It was important not to be too hasty in turning this issue into a debate about free speech\"
(August 22, 2004)
Child safety, LBS, DRM and alchemy
(August 22, 2004)
(August 22, 2004)
Wario Ware takes Edge award
(August 14, 2004)
Tomi Ahonen on mobile marketing
(August 14, 2004)
Off again...
(August 14, 2004)
What's wrong with Bittorrent
(August 13, 2004)
Mobile promotion in Brighton
(August 13, 2004)
Geographic tube maps
(August 13, 2004)
First restaurant for cats
(August 13, 2004)
Apple Tablet Mac?
(August 13, 2004)
Put your blog on the map
(August 12, 2004)
Vodafone 3G consumer trials
(August 11, 2004)
Visual communication using mobile phones
(August 11, 2004)
UK TV & radio schedule data
(August 11, 2004)
The cost of the RIAA/MPAA
(August 11, 2004)
Pinhole camera photos of Brighton
(August 11, 2004)
\"one of the fattest bass breaks in hiphop was played by a member of the oft-derided cockernee novelty act Chas & Dave\"
(August 11, 2004)
Mosquito: smartphone virus
(August 11, 2004)
More on Mosquito trojan
(August 11, 2004)
\"Ever since I saw Gentle Ben when I was a kid, I wanted to kill a bear\"
(August 11, 2004)
Ebay UK goes mobile
(August 11, 2004)
Clinton pondered use of ninjas (via James)
(August 11, 2004)
The Information Architecture of Email
(August 10, 2004)
Macromedia and T-Mobile launch Flash news service
(August 10, 2004)
How to be creative (via James)
(August 10, 2004)
Half-life 2 physics engine contains grand unified theory
(August 10, 2004)
DoCoMo launch mobile walleting
(August 10, 2004)
Comments return...
(August 10, 2004)
Comics for children: speech from 2004 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards
(August 10, 2004)
Business vs residential users
(August 10, 2004)
Yamada Sensei workshop in Edinburgh
(August 09, 2004)
The Perils of Scripting
(August 09, 2004)
The accidental video game porn archive
(August 09, 2004)
More on Bluetooth Biplanes
(August 09, 2004)
Bluetooth gaming in the Guardian
(August 09, 2004)
Any Journalists Calling This A Flash Mob, Get A Visit From Big Harry.
(August 09, 2004)
Wonderful aerial photos
(August 08, 2004)
UK Home Office bans smiling
(August 08, 2004)
Nintendo DS surgery game
(August 08, 2004)
How Fog Creek survives with no marketing budget
(August 08, 2004)
Sankyu very much
(August 04, 2004)
W3C reject mobile TLD
(July 30, 2004)
Shit is too hard to use
(July 30, 2004)
(July 30, 2004)
BMG on 3
(July 30, 2004)
Why mobile services fail
(July 29, 2004)
(July 29, 2004)
Mobile play-by-mail
(July 29, 2004)
If this is true, it's an approach to LBS that I've not seen before...
(July 29, 2004)
Dinner with BillG
(July 29, 2004)
White paper from Orange on mobile gaming
(July 28, 2004)
Very interesting piece on Cognima
(July 28, 2004)
ShatPulp! (via Est)
(July 28, 2004)
(July 28, 2004)
Nintendo DS redesigned
(July 28, 2004)
Moblogging at the BBC
(July 28, 2004)
Mobile isn't PC
(July 28, 2004)
Happy Birthday GT...
(July 28, 2004)
Early internet stuff
(July 28, 2004)
DRM on phones
(July 28, 2004)
Designing games for the wage slave
(July 28, 2004)
Complete guide to isometric art
(July 28, 2004)
(July 28, 2004)
Traces of Fire - tracking lighters around Ireland
(July 26, 2004)
(July 26, 2004)
Motherboard designed using Feng Shui
(July 26, 2004)
Mobile comics
(July 26, 2004)
Ludicrous Nintendo console
(July 26, 2004)
Freak waves spotted from space (via Cori)
(July 26, 2004)
Catalogue of mobile social software
(July 26, 2004)
Cameraphone hysteria: history repeats itself
(July 26, 2004)
Tog on holistic design and the Palm Tungsten
(July 25, 2004)
The Tomcat!
(July 25, 2004)
(July 24, 2004)
The Ad industry
(July 23, 2004)
Techies blast induce act
(July 23, 2004)
Mobile phone game ratings
(July 23, 2004)
iPod toilet guide
(July 23, 2004)
DoCoMo dropping i-Mode in Japan?
(July 23, 2004)
Wireless infiltrates TV channels
(July 22, 2004)
Organise your life the Downing St way
(July 22, 2004)
Nice little PS-funded online fanzine
(July 22, 2004)
Free game research PDFs
(July 22, 2004)
File sharing has no impact on sales of CDs
(July 22, 2004)
City dwellers \"cuddle\" mobiles
(July 22, 2004)
Alan Moore interviewed
(July 22, 2004)
Rumours of new Vodafone data plans
(July 21, 2004)
ROI is not a silver bullet
(July 21, 2004)
Jesus Inside!
(July 21, 2004)
Interview with Colly Myers
(July 21, 2004)
Graph of Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) subscriptions
(July 21, 2004)
Dance, Voldo, Dance!
(July 21, 2004)
Birth of the iPod
(July 21, 2004)
(July 21, 2004)
6 lessons from the Apple Store
(July 21, 2004)
Whoever brought me here will have to take me home
(July 20, 2004)
SMSBug - cheaper SMS messaging
(July 20, 2004)
Mobile application downloads
(July 20, 2004)
Game companies reissue classics
(July 20, 2004)
Analysis of the Japanese games market
(July 20, 2004)
The A.I. web game
(July 19, 2004)
Nokias Near Field Communication
(July 19, 2004)
Manners Maketh Machine
(July 19, 2004)
Damned if you do, damned if you don't
(July 19, 2004)
Cultural determinants of search behaviour on web sites
(July 19, 2004)
Bastard Tetris
(July 19, 2004)
The Register on DRM for phones
(July 15, 2004)
Ted Turner: \"War isn't fun any more\"
(July 15, 2004)
Weblogs written by cartoon characters
(July 14, 2004)
\"The Greatest Shoal On Earth\"
(July 14, 2004)
Mobiles offer a renaissance for newspapers
(July 14, 2004)
Mark V Shaney comments on the Butler report
(July 14, 2004)
Convert midlets to Windows executables
(July 14, 2004)
Chess from a game designers perspective
(July 14, 2004)
Challenge vs Usability in gaming
(July 14, 2004)
Alan documents the inevitable
(July 14, 2004)
Chess from a game designers perspective
(July 13, 2004)
Wireless iPods
(July 11, 2004)
Vodafone defend their content filters
(July 11, 2004)
Broadcast vs Unicast (again)
(July 11, 2004)
Accessible Odeon developer to be sued?
(July 11, 2004)
Inside Jack
(July 09, 2004)
The Rock vs Pam Ayres (via Est)
(July 08, 2004)
Vodafone content controls launch (Steve comments, as
(July 06, 2004)
Vodafone and content controls
(July 06, 2004)
(July 06, 2004)
Together We're Heavy
(July 06, 2004)
They're tasty tasty very very tasty...
(July 06, 2004)
(July 06, 2004)
Soccer boosts Vodafone traffic
(July 06, 2004)
Replacing individuality with group membership?
(July 06, 2004)
Mobile-powered bike rental scheme
(July 06, 2004)
Daleks invade New York
(July 06, 2004)
Bring beer, come naked
(July 06, 2004)
\"BBC reins in new technology\"
(July 06, 2004)
AvantGo for UIQ launches
(July 06, 2004)
Leonardo's car is built
(July 05, 2004)
BBC moblogging from Glastonbury
(July 05, 2004)
Airenjuku London site
(July 05, 2004)
Problems with Vodafone Live content controls
(July 03, 2004)
Home run!
(July 03, 2004)
EMI digital music investor day presentations
(July 03, 2004)
Vodafone \"inside out\" competition
(July 01, 2004)
Success of new phones tied to ease-of-use
(July 01, 2004)
Spam and apologies
(July 01, 2004)
Orange launches music service
(July 01, 2004)
Orange launches 3G in July
(July 01, 2004)
Green wizard is about to die...
(July 01, 2004)
Fireplayer: mobile remixing at Glastonbury
(July 01, 2004)
Bluewalk: Bluetooth communication
(July 01, 2004)
(July 01, 2004)
User experience design
(June 24, 2004)
(June 24, 2004)
Busy backson
(June 24, 2004)
Why corporations are psychopaths
(June 22, 2004)
\"Trying to piece together all the facts\"
(June 22, 2004)
Incredibly subtle mobile phone mast
(June 22, 2004)
HHGTTG returns!
(June 22, 2004)
(June 22, 2004)
Audio of Cory Doctorows DRM talk
(June 22, 2004)
A snifter of more ads in video games?
(June 22, 2004)
What I Did At The Weekend
(June 21, 2004)
(June 21, 2004)
Sendo X launches
(June 21, 2004)
MogiMogi - looks beautiful!
(June 21, 2004)
Discreetness and mobile
(June 21, 2004)
Arctic hero reunited with cat
(June 21, 2004)
Nokia invests in Mozilla
(June 20, 2004)
Two-way authentication
(June 18, 2004)
Web testing with HTTP::Recorder
(June 17, 2004)
Register runs spam poetry competition
(June 17, 2004)
Nokia handsets and UIs
(June 17, 2004)
More on SparkLines from Tufte
(June 17, 2004)
Mobile gaming is the sushi of the gaming world - lovely...
(June 17, 2004)
Jakob Nielsens 30-year predictions for computing
(June 17, 2004)
Developing large-scale web applications
(June 17, 2004)
Designing tablet PC interfaces
(June 17, 2004)
Bush's POW Porn
(June 17, 2004)
Bluetooth, local messaging
(June 17, 2004)
Terry Wants To Know
(June 16, 2004)
Shoreham Dragon Boat Race
(June 16, 2004)
RedBus suffers power outage - this bit us yesterday :(
(June 16, 2004)
Top pop future rap hip hop funk city
(June 15, 2004)
Symbian/Bluetooth virus
(June 15, 2004)
Fantastic \"invisibility cloak\" on video
(June 15, 2004)
Bluejacking, porn, the law and usefulness
(June 15, 2004)
Sussex schoolchildren get weblogging
(June 14, 2004)
Sheep like happy people
(June 14, 2004)
Org charts and the social networks that really exist...
(June 14, 2004)
Orange tents at Glastonbury
(June 14, 2004)
Nonlinear Super Mario Bros.
(June 14, 2004)
Nokia products for Summer 2004
(June 14, 2004)
Nokia eats humble pie
(June 14, 2004)
Nokia CEO explains recent announcements
(June 14, 2004)
(June 14, 2004)
Chess-related deaths
(June 14, 2004)
And zen the next thing you know...
(June 14, 2004)
US air traffic animation
(June 11, 2004)
(June 11, 2004)
Napsterising mobile music
(June 11, 2004)
MP3 blogs
(June 11, 2004)
Mobile Comics
(June 11, 2004)
24 hour dotcom
(June 11, 2004)
The Infinite Cat Project
(June 10, 2004)
Privatise the air
(June 10, 2004)
Nothing So Strange - the truth about the Gates assassination
(June 10, 2004)
Mobile web proxies
(June 10, 2004)
\"I am Victor. The cleaner.\"
(June 10, 2004)
Gaming and bored housewives...
(June 10, 2004)
ArtBots: the Robot Talent Show
(June 10, 2004)
Website logs in a SimCity stylee
(June 09, 2004)
Personal freedom, smoking, nutter politicians
(June 09, 2004)
Nokia sings the mid-market blues
(June 09, 2004)
(June 09, 2004)
How to survive creative burnout
(June 09, 2004)
Flash and mobile navigation
(June 09, 2004)
Find amusing places near you
(June 09, 2004)
Ewan on magic
(June 09, 2004)
Dancing with Cats
(June 09, 2004)
Where's the mobility?
(June 08, 2004)
Valley Of The Forbidden Corner
(June 08, 2004)
US \"not bound by torture laws\"
(June 08, 2004)
They Work For You - watch your local MP! (explanation)
(June 08, 2004)
The Funniest Man In The World
(June 08, 2004)
(June 08, 2004)
Remote Control Anarchy
(June 08, 2004)
Peace of Art
(June 08, 2004)
Mobiles drive us mental
(June 08, 2004)
\"Increasing alarm\" over ID cards
(June 08, 2004)
Handsets, free wireless, and telcos
(June 08, 2004)
Escape and Evasion: POW breakouts in World War 2
(June 08, 2004)
By the power of LazyWeb... Asynchronous Instant Messaging
(June 08, 2004)
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community
(June 08, 2004)
(June 08, 2004)
Airport express - ooooo!
(June 08, 2004)
Vodafone PML browser?
(June 04, 2004)
Localised radio networks with automatic service discovery, anyone?
(June 04, 2004)
Giant sturgeon goes missing
(June 04, 2004)
Ducks have regional accents
(June 04, 2004)
Berlitz launch translation guides for mobile
(June 04, 2004)
Anti-copyright warnings in films
(June 04, 2004)
Wireless file sharing
(June 03, 2004)
Support the BBC creative archive
(June 03, 2004)
PeterMe on audience segmentation
(June 03, 2004)
Last Night A Pixie Saved My Life
(June 03, 2004)
Interview with one of the guys behind The Sims
(June 03, 2004)
I wonder how often it is that text messages \"go astray\"?
(June 03, 2004)
El Reg on Nokia wave messaging
(June 03, 2004)
Critique of Nokia 6230 Java support
(June 03, 2004)
Chunky Owl Project laptop
(June 03, 2004)
(June 03, 2004)
Brian Eno on The Long Now
(June 03, 2004)
Are mobile content providers a worthwhile investment?
(June 03, 2004)
Nokia over-focusing on smartphones?
(June 02, 2004)
Nokia launch \"moblogging\" cameraphone
(June 02, 2004)
Gender differences and 3G
(June 02, 2004)
3 Wants Users To Pay For Video Game Reviews
(June 02, 2004)
Open handsets threaten operato
(June 01, 2004)
\"caught with his browser down\" boom boom
(June 01, 2004)
Backwards Tron Alert
(June 01, 2004)
3 won't flee
(June 01, 2004)
The Secret of All My Power...
(May 28, 2004)
O'Reilly Open Books
(May 28, 2004)
More on the BBC distributing its content
(May 28, 2004)
I-Mode in the UK
(May 28, 2004)
Enjoy your holiday, without your laptop
(May 28, 2004)
TV is coming to mobiles
(May 27, 2004)
Reverse engineering Nokia handsets
(May 27, 2004)
Origins of Hume
(May 27, 2004)
Monthly mobile spend rises
(May 27, 2004)
Mobile novels are here
(May 27, 2004)
(May 27, 2004)
(May 27, 2004)
Damp Assassins!
(May 27, 2004)
Bloggers are a force for change in Big Media
(May 27, 2004)
Write-up of National Identity Card event
(May 26, 2004)
Nintendo: games are too complex
(May 26, 2004)
MMS demise exaggerated
(May 26, 2004)
It's Towel Day...
(May 26, 2004)
Aikido and the dissolution of touching taboos
(May 26, 2004)
We shape our tools...
(May 25, 2004)
Tomorrow is Towel Day
(May 25, 2004)
Talking of design...
(May 25, 2004)
Mr Coates spits out some pointers on improving design
(May 25, 2004)
(May 25, 2004)
I bought a Drifter
(May 25, 2004)
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
(May 25, 2004)
UFOs over Hollingbury?
(May 21, 2004)
Tracking mobile phones
(May 20, 2004)
Open source pizza ordering tool
(May 20, 2004)
Hitting the WALL
(May 20, 2004)
Buddha vs email
(May 20, 2004)
Content could save MMS (ahem)
(May 19, 2004)
1 million UK citizens heading for prison?
(May 19, 2004)
Wearable movie trailers
(May 18, 2004)
Vice Cards
(May 18, 2004)
Open Wi-Fi as an anonymiser
(May 18, 2004)
Mobile Chess
(May 18, 2004)
H2G2 film weblog
(May 18, 2004)
BT and Vodafone combine fixed-line and mobile telephony
(May 18, 2004)
BBC launch childrens WAP services
(May 18, 2004)
(May 13, 2004)
MMS killer app: cheating in exams
(May 13, 2004)
Big results from PDA advertising
(May 13, 2004)
Nintendo DS: more communicator than console
(May 12, 2004)
MMS usage
(May 12, 2004)
War by Other Means
(May 11, 2004)
Sharp V602SH handset - includes \"dog bark translator\"!
(May 11, 2004)
Direct-to-mobile films
(May 11, 2004)
BT and GWR launch mobile radio joint venture
(May 11, 2004)
(May 11, 2004)
Vodafone Live providing BA flight info
(May 07, 2004)
TBL argues against mobile TLDs
(May 07, 2004)
SMS Bible Browser, from Orange Labs
(May 07, 2004)
Java: the next mobile cash cow?: \"sales of handsets running Java tripled in 2003\"
(May 07, 2004)
Hysterical 3G porn story from the BBC, based on flawed research
(May 07, 2004)
Coke build mobile into promo 12-pack
(May 07, 2004)
Pac Manhattan
(May 05, 2004)
(May 04, 2004)
Orange trials 3G in France
(May 01, 2004)
(April 30, 2004)
Pet TV
(April 29, 2004)
Nokia positions visual radio against DAB
(April 29, 2004)
Mobiles used to express faith in Asia
(April 28, 2004)
Mobile usage amongst children increases
(April 28, 2004)
How technology changes social conventions when making voice calls
(April 28, 2004)
2D barcode encoding/decoding software
(April 28, 2004)
Next of Kin: My Conversations with Chimpanzees
(April 27, 2004)
(April 26, 2004)
The Mighty Fudebakudo Martial Arts Quiz
(April 22, 2004)
Mobile operators deny forming cartel
(April 22, 2004)
More on 3 and the 7600
(April 21, 2004)
Smartphone, PDA sales rocket in Europe
(April 20, 2004)
Operators drive deals to control handsets
(April 20, 2004)
Britney spears moving to Brighton?
(April 20, 2004)
Jim and Ewan interview Mr. N-Gage
(April 19, 2004)
Jabberwocky: Bluetooth stumbling
(April 19, 2004)
3 cracks and starts shipping Nokia 7600
(April 19, 2004)
Ultimate Cream Egg
(April 18, 2004)
\"I don't know what you come to do, but I come to get my praise on.\"
(April 18, 2004)
First-hand report from Fallujah
(April 18, 2004)
Nice idea, long overdue and so obvious even we've done it
(April 16, 2004)
MMO2 closes Manx Telecom 3G network
(April 16, 2004)
Inquirer authors just don't get it
(April 16, 2004)
Tube Gossip
(April 15, 2004)
Chris Morris returns
(April 15, 2004)
The Onion taken seriously, Film At 11
(April 14, 2004)
Text interception is apparently \"impossible\"
(April 14, 2004)
Things A Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About
(April 13, 2004)
Moyles-proof code
(April 13, 2004)
Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
(April 13, 2004)
Bush arsehole mosaic
(April 13, 2004)
I am Gonorrhea. Love me.
(April 12, 2004)
Chimp behaviour study
(April 12, 2004)
Thou shalt not consume thine own bodyweight in fudge
(April 08, 2004)
Card sorting: a definitive guide
(April 08, 2004)
GUI programming is hard
(April 07, 2004)
(April 07, 2004)
ID cards
(April 06, 2004)
TV and other media used as background noise
(April 05, 2004)
(April 05, 2004)
Nice Register piece about ID cards and identity
(April 05, 2004)
Mike Butcher: My Part In His Downfall
(April 05, 2004)
(April 05, 2004)
The War on Culture - not \"crusades, so much as National Mood Music\"
(April 02, 2004)
New EP released by my Little Auntie Vic
(April 02, 2004)
How location affects use of mobiles
(April 02, 2004)
Canadians get it (via Ewan)
(April 02, 2004)
Wifi hacks for Series 60 handsets
(April 01, 2004)
The 1000 Fighting Styles Of Rumsfeld
(April 01, 2004)
Seminar - on your knees!
(April 01, 2004)
The illuminati are clearly behind this
(March 29, 2004)
The Crossword Obsession: The History and Lore of the World's Most Popular Pastime
(March 29, 2004)
Symbian vs Microsoft: Symbian falters
(March 29, 2004)
Operators and advertising
(March 29, 2004)
Julie gets LiveJournalling
(March 29, 2004)
Japanese Lessons
(March 29, 2004)
Come and have a go on your mobile
(March 28, 2004)
Joel on databases and language design
(March 25, 2004)
iPod used in double homicide
(March 25, 2004)
DoCoMo moves towards flat-rate data pricing
(March 24, 2004)
(March 23, 2004)
You knows it - the finest hip hop from Newport
(March 23, 2004)
NYT launches mobile crossword
(March 23, 2004)
Gorillas give clues to early social behaviour
(March 23, 2004)
Convergence lessons from Cebit
(March 23, 2004)
Urban tapestries - updated (I think)
(March 22, 2004)
\"Toothing\" - bluetooth-enabled on-train clusterfucks
(March 22, 2004)
AIGA journal online
(March 22, 2004)
(March 18, 2004)
Swearing in the Linux kernel
(March 16, 2004)
LazyWeb request
(March 16, 2004)
Jo Neary
(March 16, 2004)
Up down up down shoot shoot shoot
(March 15, 2004)
Novels on mobile phones: Pernille knows her onions...
(March 15, 2004)
Nokia announces weblogging tool
(March 15, 2004)
Critique of Vodafones content filtering policies
(March 15, 2004)
Mobile-specific domain names
(March 14, 2004)
Architecture and information architecture
(March 14, 2004)
Usability testing vs design
(March 12, 2004)
\"The blending of mementoes into a giant digital soup\"
(March 11, 2004)
BBC trials interactivity using Java applications
(March 11, 2004)
Usability as a driver of mobile data service usage
(March 10, 2004)
Nokia gets blogs
(March 10, 2004)
N-Gage critique
(March 10, 2004)
Text messaging and its effect on language
(March 09, 2004)
Seaman ship - Japanese navy advert
(March 09, 2004)
Safe for work porn
(March 09, 2004)
Hitohiro Sensei seminar
(March 09, 2004)
WAP may be crap but it's going down a storm
(March 08, 2004)
(March 08, 2004)
Mobile user interfaces are the new battlefield
(March 08, 2004)
Universal digitises entire European music catalogue
(March 04, 2004)
Something for the weekend
(March 04, 2004)
I Hate Gnomes
(March 04, 2004)
Customers not interested in uberfunctional devices
(March 04, 2004)
Carriers should be context providers
(March 04, 2004)
Symbian and MS both lost the smartphone wars
(March 01, 2004)
Handset vendors explore backgrounds for cellular video conferencing
(March 01, 2004)
Downing Street says...
(March 01, 2004)
DoCoMo to end ties with 3
(March 01, 2004)
cLOUDDEAD: fantastic music!
(February 29, 2004)
The ancients stole our best ideas
(February 28, 2004)
Neat one, pearl one, get sorted
(February 28, 2004)
(February 28, 2004)
Streaming video and mobile
(February 27, 2004)
Animals on the underground
(February 27, 2004)
Nasty cheating cameraphones
(February 26, 2004)
Content providers slam mobile industry
(February 26, 2004)
Activities and customization in mobile UIs
(February 26, 2004)
3G chickens and eggs
(February 26, 2004)
Vodafone to push business use of texting
(February 25, 2004)
Put the lid down
(February 25, 2004)
How people use their ipods
(February 25, 2004)
Handsets holding up 3G
(February 25, 2004)
Good collection of logos
(February 25, 2004)
Designing for people
(February 25, 2004)
(February 25, 2004)
Aikido webloggers
(February 25, 2004)
UI wars tore Symbian apart
(February 24, 2004)
T-Zones has 5.5m users
(February 24, 2004)
The importance of interaction design and usability
(February 24, 2004)
Orange, Vodafone and Nokia speaking at 3GSM
(February 24, 2004)
Differences between Japanese and European operators
(February 24, 2004)
Nokia to launch wi-fi enabled phone
(February 23, 2004)
(February 23, 2004)
I-mode reaches 1 million European users
(February 22, 2004)
Where I've been
(February 21, 2004)
Producers vs consumers
(February 20, 2004)
New Series-60 site from Nokia
(February 20, 2004)
(February 20, 2004)
Aikido, web design and cultural differences
(February 20, 2004)
Learning to cope with cowardice
(February 19, 2004)
The quirks of mobile usage
(February 18, 2004)
Home automation with MacOS X
(February 18, 2004)
Analysis of the Win2K source
(February 18, 2004)
Benford's Law
(February 17, 2004)
BBC uses P2P to distribute content
(February 17, 2004)
Tamagotchi Mark 2
(February 16, 2004)
Psion to use Linux
(February 16, 2004)
Operators like handsets which make them money
(February 16, 2004)
(February 16, 2004)
Interesting-looking BBC experience design event
(February 16, 2004)
The Ambient Orb
(February 12, 2004)
O2 Active: now with a Symbian app front-end
(February 12, 2004)
Mobile gambling is taking off...
(February 12, 2004)
(February 12, 2004)
Brighton New Media Wiki
(February 12, 2004)
Wallflower digital picture frames
(February 11, 2004)
UI for alien cowboys: fantastic!
(February 11, 2004)
T-Online shared portal with Vodafone users
(February 11, 2004)
Routing around DRM
(February 11, 2004)
Reefer Madness, and other tales from the American underground
(February 11, 2004)
Fluid Time tools
(February 11, 2004)
ETech keynote from Nokia CTO
(February 11, 2004)
David Potter interview
(February 11, 2004)
Planning your future: career growth
(February 10, 2004)
Photos from the weekend
(February 10, 2004)
Let's monetise FEAR!
(February 10, 2004)
He is more dependable than the rock of Gibraltar and one of the best System Administrators that any of us have ever worked with.
(February 06, 2004)
BBC uses cameraphones
(February 06, 2004)
Nokia and Samsung supply handsets for MMO2 3G
(February 05, 2004)
Fantastic app to find any friends within 30 feet of you
(February 05, 2004)
Bluetooth printer from HP
(February 05, 2004)
(February 05, 2004)
Why spend money on mobile gaming?
(February 04, 2004)
Orange urge their customers to Try something new
(February 04, 2004)
Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked Society
(February 04, 2004)
It's all true.
(February 04, 2004)
Interfaces, design, and evangelism
(February 04, 2004)
Integrated media
(February 04, 2004)
Handset user interfaces: does one size fit all?
(February 04, 2004)
(February 04, 2004)
Aikido scripting language???
(February 04, 2004)
Untidy desk compo
(February 03, 2004)
Unlocking Nokia handsets
(February 03, 2004)
Mobile phones targeted at (large) niche audiences
(February 03, 2004)
The secret to mobile success: keep it simple
(February 02, 2004)
SMS domain names: gah!
(February 02, 2004)
More Brighton Graffiti
(February 02, 2004)
The Mirror has a weblog
(February 01, 2004)
Location-based services and the tracking of children
(February 01, 2004)
All the music you can eat for $6 pcm
(February 01, 2004)
Getting started with your own software company
(January 29, 2004)
Write-up of the Hansard weblogging event
(January 28, 2004)
Mobile domain names
(January 28, 2004)
Cameraphones aren't about quality (ahem)
(January 28, 2004)
Brighton: Jedi As Fuck
(January 28, 2004)
Trading virtual currencies for real
(January 27, 2004)
Multiplayer gaming in Korea
(January 27, 2004)
Moveon.org ad winner
(January 27, 2004)
Hansard debates blogging tonight Arse - only just found out about this.
(January 27, 2004)
Eno and Gabriel vs the record labels
(January 27, 2004)
Disney & Easy looking at MVNOs
(January 27, 2004)
115m people worldwide use mobile data services
(January 27, 2004)
Plink - a FOAFy search engine
(January 26, 2004)
Parrots oratory stuns scientists
(January 26, 2004)
Opt-in and consent are different
(January 26, 2004)
Nokia announce Visual Radio
(January 26, 2004)
Fuck the Nazis, says Churchills parrot
(January 26, 2004)
Folklore: macintosh stories
(January 26, 2004)
Orkut, FOAF, and targeted advertising
(January 25, 2004)
LondonGeek: a wiki about 90s London web-life
(January 25, 2004)
Graffiti in Brighton
(January 25, 2004)
Cameraphones: it's not about the megapixels
(January 25, 2004)
Pushing to handsets
(January 24, 2004)
Nokia - The Inside Story
(January 24, 2004)
Website mixmaster
(January 23, 2004)
Regulation of mobile services
(January 22, 2004)
Mobiles go a bit Pete Tong
(January 22, 2004)
Hiding mobile phone masts
(January 22, 2004)
Brighton & Hove city car club
(January 22, 2004)
Brighton & Hove city car club
(January 22, 2004)
(January 21, 2004)
The Standard returns as a weblog
(January 20, 2004)
Lies and the lying liars who tell them
(January 20, 2004)
MC Pitman official site
(January 19, 2004)
Debunking Eligible Receiver
(January 19, 2004)
(January 19, 2004)
Ten Mistakes Writers Don't See (But Can Easily Fix When They Do)
(January 18, 2004)
Perl for Series 60?
(January 18, 2004)
Design your own stamps?
(January 18, 2004)
Automata, aikido, and cow kicking justification
(January 18, 2004)
MMS for content other than pictures?
(January 16, 2004)
How to Dunk a Doughnut: The Science of Everyday Life
(January 16, 2004)
Difficulties of scale - imagining huge numbers
(January 16, 2004)
Warp launch DRM-free music store
(January 15, 2004)
Trailer for Shaun of the Dead
(January 15, 2004)
Last mile: wireless lamp-posts
(January 15, 2004)
Half of Japanese businesspeople want multifunction phones
(January 15, 2004)
Fontifier - create your own fonts
(January 15, 2004)
Mural á l'Orange
(January 13, 2004)
Seven user experience resolutions for 2004
(January 12, 2004)
Salisbury with Matthew Hill
(January 12, 2004)
Orange readie to release walkie talkie
(January 12, 2004)
Location-aware event planners
(January 12, 2004)
Behavior & Practice of New Mobile Phone Users
(January 12, 2004)
London gets parking payment by mobile
(January 09, 2004)
Downsize this!
(January 09, 2004)
Shoehorning broadcast into point-to-point
(January 08, 2004)
O2 escape pods
(January 08, 2004)
Mobile Internet has best ever month
(January 08, 2004)
Salam Pax on new Iraqi mobile networks
(January 07, 2004)
Review of the Nokia Observation Camera
(January 07, 2004)
InfoTrends forsees death of film
(January 07, 2004)
Worldwide, more people use mobile phones than the Internet
(January 06, 2004)
Punters want cheap, simple PDAs
(January 06, 2004)
Mobile-specific TLDs miss the point
(January 06, 2004)
Macromedia hires ex-MS, ex-Symbian geezer
(January 06, 2004)
Why operators love SMS
(January 05, 2004)
Nokia says 3G isn't for video calls - yet
(January 05, 2004)
Muffler Men, Rock Stars, and Niche Content
(January 05, 2004)
Does Mobile Telephony Disconnect People from City Life?
(January 05, 2004)
Anonymous confessions weblog
(January 05, 2004)
Abuse Your Illusions
(January 05, 2004)
Who on Earth is Tom Baker?
(January 04, 2004)
Cameraphone Prohibition
(January 04, 2004)
Beyond Fear
(January 03, 2004)
Tube maps for process diagrams
(January 02, 2004)
Social software sites as security risks
(January 02, 2004)
High-performance web hosting
(January 02, 2004)
Deconstructing Nintendo games
(January 02, 2004)
The Terrible Threat of Predictive Text
(December 29, 2003)
Conflicts of Interest in the SMS Value Chain
(December 29, 2003)
Being Dead Is Mint!
(December 23, 2003)
Airenjuku 2003
(December 23, 2003)
Christmas Party
(December 19, 2003)
Frank Nuovo of Nokia at the Design Museum
(December 15, 2003)
Bluejacking research
(December 15, 2003)
Little things mean a lot
(December 11, 2003)
Coping with SMS spam
(December 10, 2003)
Cameraphones quality and intended audiences
(December 08, 2003)
Bluejacking: why it doesn't matter
(December 07, 2003)
Bluejacking as a learning opportunity
(December 07, 2003)
Once again back is the incredible...
(December 06, 2003)