National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

In 11 of the 27 NFDI consortia, TIB is actively shaping the development of discipline-specific and cross-disciplinary services and offerings for the efficient handling of research data in Germany. TIB is contributing its extensive expertise in research data, PIDs, terminologies, knowledge graphs and services such as the Open Research Knowledge Graph and the terminology service.

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), which is funded by the federal states, pursues the goal of a connected, cross-disciplinary information infrastructure to develop sustainable, interoperable research data management and increase the efficiency of the entire scientific system. A total of 26 subject-specific consortia and the Base4NFDI consortium are developing services and solutions in line with the needs of their communities in order to improve the collection, processing, storage, findability and reuse of research data and thus increase research efficiency and reproducibility. The aim is to create a permanent digital knowledge pool that facilitates new research questions, findings and innovations. As a mandated member within the European Open Science Cloud, the NFDI supports the goal of providing a ‘Web of FAIR Data and Services’ for researchers in Europe. 

The TIB participates in 10 NFDI subject consortia and in Base4NFDI, where it develops services for sustainable data and software management. TIB is actively involved in shaping the work of the NFDI e.V. and its bodies, such as the NFDI e.V. sections and their working groups.

TIB as co-applicant institution

The NFDI4Chem consortium is committed to the digitisation of all key steps in chemical research. Electronic laboratory notebooks enable the planning and documentation of experiments, transfer of research data from measuring devices and further processing and analysis. Seamless publication in data repositories of the NFDI4Chem federation makes the data findable and reusable. NFDI4Chem is simultaneously developing standards, ontologies and best practices for FAIR data in chemistry. 

In NFDI4Chem, TIB develops and operates the search service across the NFDI4Chem data repositories, the NFDI4Chem terminology service and the helpdesk. TIB develops and curates important chemistry ontologies with international partners such as the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the Royal Society of Chemistry. TIB also organises the annual international Ontologies4Chem workshop to harmonise ontology developments in chemistry.

Engineering is a very broad and diverse field of science. Establishing sustainable research data management is therefore a fundamental challenge. NFDI4ING is part of the German National Research Data Infrastructure and supports it by providing specific tools, standardisation and training, for example. 

TIB focuses on the provision of a subject-specific terminology service (TS), the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) and the implementation of subject-specific training programmes. The NFDI4ING TS currently contains 92 ontologies that are offered for use in automated, consistent and formally verifiable tools for research data management.

The NFDI4Culture consortium is dedicated to RDM for cultural heritage in Germany. It aims to sustainably secure digital data and resources from areas such as art history, architecture, music, theatre and film studies, making them accessible and usable for research. NFDI4Culture develops services that are specifically tailored to the challenges and diversity of cultural data and promotes access to and re-use of digital cultural assets. 

TIB activities include the creation of a modular, reusable toolset for user interaction with annotations in image, 3D and other cultural research data and the implementation of NFDI4Culture knowledge graphs in the form of a Wikibase instance.

NFDI4DataScience is dedicated to data science and artificial intelligence methods, with scientific information processing serving as the overarching vision for the entire consortium. It uses knowledge graphs to standardise metadata and enable trustworthy tools and services. The goal of NFDI4DataScience is to develop, build and maintain a national research data infrastructure for the data science and artificial intelligence community. 

TIB activities include the development and expansion of the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) for interdisciplinary use in NFDI4DS as well as community building and data skills training

NFDI4Energy focuses on data and software in energy system research, which is necessary for research into pioneering technologies relating to the energy transition and the digitalisation of energy systems, among other things. This data is to be made traceable and reusable in the best possible way, from the initial project idea to the discourse with society and transfer to industry or politics. 

The TIB is involved in the provision of infrastructure and cross-divisional services, including a Leibnitz Data Manager instance and the link to the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG).

Base4NFDI is an initiative of all NFDI consortia aimed at developing and establishing reliable basic services. Together with the subject-specific consortia, Base4NFDI develops interdisciplinary services that support the use of research data across all disciplines. By adapting existing services, parallel developments are avoided and the German science system is systematically networked.

TIB's focus in this joint project is on co-designing and supporting the initialisation phase of basic services together with Fraunhofer FOKUS and Bielefeld University.

TIB as a participating institution

NFDI4Earth aims to meet the digital needs of the Earth System Sciences (ESS) for more FAIRness and openness in ESS research. The consortium is developing various software components, services and concepts for sustainable RDM. These products will help researchers, data experts and software developers to discover, access and analyse relevant Earth system data and related publications or tools. TIB supports the development of common standards for FAIR Earth system science data by providing an ESS terminology service and developing blueprints for semantic data interoperability in subject-specific repositories as well as developing the NFDI4Earth Label and Knowledge Hub in which relevant content is also made discoverable from the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG).

The FAIRmat consortium is dedicated to the development of a sustainable RDM for the field of condensed matter physics and the chemical physics of solids. To this end, FAIRmat is driving forward the expansion and development of the NOMAD service. The NOMAD data infrastructure provides digital tools for recording, storing, visualising and analysing materials science data. NOMAD integrates data from synthesis, experiments, theory and simulations as well as applications in various physical research fields.

PUNCH4NFDI - the consortium of particle, astro, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics - combines the expertise in scientific computing and data management of the participating physics fields. The focus is on the increasing requirements of large data rates up to the exabyte range. The aim of the consortium is to establish a federated ‘Science Data Platform’ for future-oriented physics research in line with the FAIR principles, which will provide all participating physics departments with access to and use of data and computing resources via the necessary infrastructures and interfaces. In addition, services for the optimal scientific utilisation of data will be made available.

NFDI4MIRCOBIOTA is dedicated to FDM in microbiology, which generates large amounts of data primarily through the use of high-throughput methods (‘omics’) such as genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics or metagenomics. The aim is to provide access to data as well as analysis services, data and metadata standards and training. The consortium wants to support all microbiologists, e.g. from the fields of bacteriology, virology and parasitology, with appropriate services. The TIB co-operates with the participants, particularly in the area of data access within the scope of associated projects, such as the Diaspora project.

The NFDI4Objects consortium focuses on RDM in connection with archaeological objects. This includes the digitisation of research and work processes in the field of archaeology and related research areas. NFDI4Objects is developing technological options for long-term archiving as well as models to make research data and results internationally accessible in accordance with the FAIR principles.

TIB participation in NFDI basic service projects

In addition to participating in the Base4NFDI consortium, the TIB is involved in the basic service projects for Persistent Identifier (PID4NFDI), Terminology Service (TS4NFDI) and Knowledge Graph Infrastructure (KGI4NFDI). These interdisciplinary services support the retrieval and utilisation of research data across all disciplines.

The PID4NFDI project aims to connect the existing infrastructure and services for PIDs with the infrastructure solutions of the discipline- and method-specific consortia. Embedded in the broader context of the national structure-building RDM process, PID4NFDI addresses not only technical issues of interoperability and standardisation, but also the social complexities arising from the network- and currently project-based governance structure of the NFDI, e.g. with regard to persistence requirements.

KGI4NFDI aims to provide a centralised and reusable Knowledge Graph Infrastructure (KGI) to improve interoperability within the research domain and support the goals of the NFDI. It will provide essential components, including a Knowledge Graph (KG) registry and a service for accessing KGs across NFDI projects. In addition, the service will enable research communities to create decentralised KG instances using standardised approaches, technologies and expertise. Through surveys, documentation, advisory services and ontology harmonisation, the proposal aims to optimise the creation of KGs and promote standardised ontological practices. This initiative will complement international efforts, such as those of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), to promote knowledge graph initiatives.

The TS4NFDI project is developing the NFDI terminology service for the provision, curation and development of terminologies and ontologies. The project thus supports the harmonisation of ontology development in the NFDI and across all disciplines. The project facilitates the interoperability of data and services between different research disciplines and a harmonised representation of scientific information. TS4NFDI bundles existing solutions and makes them accessible via a standardised, interoperable and sustainable service wrapper, API gateway, mapping service and reusable GUI widgets. aims to create a centralized marketplace for improved access to research software and to meet the needs of various scientific disciplines for the sustainable use and development of research software. Existing (subject-specific) services such as the Research Software Directory,, the Research Software Ecosystem, Betty's Research Software Engine and are to be integrated and supplemented by an advanced search and recommendation system. This should improve the networking and contextualisation of research software as well as the linking with data and other research artefacts.
